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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Aeris was how it got translated initially. For some time, everything official has translated it to Aerith, the correct translation. Still prefer Aeris. Aerith sounds like a lisp as a result of how I got introduced, but I preferred Aeris regardless.
  2. So it appears Gaiden is the cheese in the FE sandwich according to our opinions. It says quite a bit that SoV is the second best in the series according to opinion. We might need to recheck this in a few months to see if it's similar again.
  3. I'd rank FF7 in the upper half for the series imo. It's archaic, but it's also pretty open ended so that you can mess with the game, it's storyline is good (least I think so), the world's one of the better ones in the series and the characters work for what they do. It's not a top three FF title for me, but still.
  4. *Cries in misery. THAT CHAPTER is the one that held me back the longest in Thracia. That first turn was so frustrating because of one of Thracia's mechanics: You can't move allies. That is the only reason Chapter 19 held me back for months. A mechanic I don't usually think about shot my entire playthrough of this game in the foot. I'm surprised I even managed to beat that first turn eventually. Oh I agree on the points in Slumber's post overall: This game has mechanical kinks (LIKE THE ONE I MENTIONED ABOVE) that need fixing, but besides that Thracia is the game that allows you to build and use an absurdly useful toolbox of most any unit and whatever items you get. Staves are the best weapon type in this game for a reason. That and Leaf is the best lord imo.
  5. ......I am a dumbass, not seeing it was your favourite. Yeah, the difference is deployment size, but SoV isn't going to get much bigger than that anyway barring the final boss. But of course, then Chris kind of takes a slot as they please. As usual for exp, the higher level you are, the more difficult it gets regardless as usual. But the thing about SoV is from level ten, it drops harder again, to the point that it gets a bit tedious but it is doable. Somehow. I grinded Delthea 15 levels before promotion, and it took longer to get the last few levels than it did the levels up to level 10 but she levelled up fast against the gargoyles, at least at first). Again, I said I don't remember it taking three hours, could be remembering incorrectly.
  6. I doubt you'd need that much for a single unit, considering all the dungeons have Mila statues to allow you to promote them quite soon once they're eligable. Calling the same example, Delthea would take a bit, but I don't remember it taking three hours to grind her, and I grinded her beyond her level for promotion. Course, I usually grind more than one unit at once, which would slow me down. If this cast is a bit too big, I think you might want to avoid New Mystery for now, it has over 70 units.
  7. Honestly? None until December. I've been spending orbs for weeks. I still didn't get Cat Sakura, the only one of the original Brave Heroes I don't have is still in a banner and I have none of the Brave Memes. But I've been spending for weeks now, I need some time to not do so. Of course it'll be spent on the Legendary Heroes banner, but that's because I have none of the red units and only Brave Lyn out of the colourless (And we all know more Brave!Lyn is good)
  8. Oof, I would like to summon more of the brave units, but I do need to save up orbs. :( 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (And I can't try for Bravecina. :( ) 4* Frederick (Not the unit I'd have wanted. Especially with -Atk.) So that's a shame. I doubt I'll be back until November ends.
  9. Well, the good news is I don't need any of the new units because B!Ike is the 40% bonus unit. Gives me the chance to grind orbs for the legendary banner. The sad news is that it wasn't B!Lyn. See, I gave the summoner support to her. I can already see how glorious she'll be on the second party though. B!Ike's also -Atk, but I used him during Moment of Fate, it'll be fine.
  10. A spiky-haired blonde woman wielding an impractical sword waltzing in to threaten Don Corneo. Azura responds to this by..... Edit: beaten to the punch starts using the rallys he inherited on the recently arrived Kanas, who assisted in fighting off Don Flamenco. Don Corneo responded with.....
  11. Frankly, it's SoV and even in hard mode everyone can be deployed and useable. I'm not going to get into limitations with minimal grinding because I haven't done so yet. Prioritising units based on their performance would be how I'd approach it if you're using fewer units. For example, Delthea is great once you get levels into her but she's got a weak enough base that you might not want to bother if you're trying to stick to that minimum grind.
  12. >Promoted Alfonse in June. I have been ready for some time. It's about time Alfonse got some respect off the bench- >Pretty much benched the Askran trio since August Eh, they've got plenty of SP in case I need to pass certain skills onto them. Also, based on what we've seen and the amount of banners that are likely in the future, is anyone doubting there'll be a skill banner to replace the current Death Blow banner?
  13. Banned for bringing a Nihilego into the world. We're already possessed.
  14. She was my second too, but she was a focus unit. I pulled her in a summoning session on the wrong banner though (I was trying to get one of the siblings on the first sibling banner). Also, followed the yorotsuruu strat for infernal, and as for Lunatic used armour emblem (Hector stronk), though my units included Sheena, Effie and BK (Effie was a poor choice though, and nearly caused a loss as she couldn't defeat Hinoka at 4* without a Goad Armour from Hector.
  15. So with the timeline release and all: Good to hear the Children of Fate banner is likely Fates after all. It encourages me that I can skip a banner for once from a character perspective. Now I just hope it won't have a big affect on the meta. (Remind me if I am horribly wrong on this). I am confused. Is Michalis running for that long? Just wondering as it took some oddly specific way to beat Lunatic and I'll have to find it again. At least Alfonse gets some love for once. I've got him ready for this at least. (Even if it was leaked) I'll also make the bet that Enduring Love is actually the kids from Children of Fate versus their parents. I just know that'll be an annoyance. (Also, I bet they'll announce a Christmas banner anyway.)
  16. The performances really elevate this writing. I had my worries when I first heard the announcement, but those worries have since been thoroughly dashed and the work put in has to be applauded still. However, some of the better line reads can be pretty well hidden too. One particular example is if you have Python attack with Forsyth in range. Forsyth can then remark "Wow, he's actually trying!". This kind of stuff is great for establishing how the act and how they react to each other, especially if they're familiar. It's also usually good for a laugh, like above.
  17. I have a couple of unit questions: 1: How would priority for Renewal foddering be ranked (e.g. Give to a Receprocal Aid bot and so on)? Trying to decide what to do with Fae. 2: Is +HP a fine nature for Rein? Because I'd want to promote the Rein I'd be using, I do want to figure out what's a fitting nature for him. 3. Which nature is better for Sheena: +Def/-HP or +Def/-Spd?
  18. Computer crashed, lost my list of summons. Let me try to recall it. First, the BHB banner. I have all three, which is nice for once. Could do with a better Hinoka. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* Mae (+Res/-Atk. Desperation's nice) Back to ToD: 1 Red, everything else forgotten 4* Seth (+Atk/-Spd. Definitely disappointing.) 2 Green, 1 Red, Colourless, Blue 5* Witch Nowi (ABOUT TIME! I haven't had a mage flier until now, and Nowi could be great. She's Neutral, so she's not horribly affected or anything.), 4* Lachesis (Guess I should have seen it coming. Spur Res 2 can be useful though) THIS BANNER. I WASH MY HANDS OF IT. I would like the cat, but I AM DONE. Meanwhile, at the meme ranch.... 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 3* Jagen (Fortify Cav, yadda yadda. Is +Atk/-Def good though), 4* Reainhardt (Is the Thunder's Fist good this time? +HP/-Def. Is it alright, or should I keep waiting?), 4* Fae (Yay, Renewal fodder! +Res/-Atk, definite fodder. But to who?), 4* Sheena (+Def/-HP, have to compare to my other Sheena.), 5* Lyn (WELL I DIDN'T SEE THIS COMING. Fine, I guess we'll see how she is. +HP/-Def, really could be worse.) OK, I have a bunch of questions now to answer. Like, is Lyn any good. Because she ain't Mia.
  19. So I try again. 4 Blue, 1 Green (I mean, really?) 4* Tailtu (Oh look, a new unit! +HP/-Att sadly) 2 Red, Green, 1 Blue 4* Lilina (+Res/-Def. Pretty good nature actually.), 4* A!Tiki (Well, it's a unit with good fodder. +Def/-HP if that's any use) My luck with getting magic fliers is just non-existent.
  20. Paralogues lead to more orbs, leading to more summons! First, the Farfetch'd Heroes! 4* Oscar (+Res/-Def. Ugh, better than -Spd), 4* Nino (Could it be.... +SPD NINO! Woot! She's also -Res, but don't care, merging.) Will likely try again soon. Then more ToD because of course. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Seth (+Def/-Atk. Fortress Def fodder) 3 Blue, 2 Green (HNNNNNNN-) 5* VampHenry (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- +Res/-Def. Better than -Att but still, right? He's up there for most frustrating though!) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Henry (Not remotely what I wanted. Well, you are fodder), 3* Eliwood (DAMMIT! Well, it's ward Cav fodder) Well, that was awkward. I have pulled both guys on ToD TWICE NOW. No witch for me it seems. OR MAGE BREAKING CAT.
  21. Morning everyone, guess it's that time again. TLDR: WHAT HAPPENED TO DORCAS?
  22. While sleeping last night, I know I had a dream about what the update might bring. It included there being 10 stones on the screen at once when summoning. I am OK with this not being true, that was odd.
  23. Bit spoilery thoughts ahead. If you want synthy sounds, big fights, fun performances and a simple, to-the-point plot which isn't worrying too much about itself, this is the movie in the MCU you want. It's not amazingly deep, but it's certainly far better than The Dark World and better than the first movie. I didn't catch the Grand Master being Goldblum, and I couldn't help but smirk at comparing Galadriel to Hela (Of course, this being if she'd been corrupted and started taking over) and thinking the comparison fitting in some way. The arena sequence is a lot of fun and the referencing to that one scene in Avengers might have been overdone, but it still was fun. I do think it leaves some of its plot points short because of the amount it works with and honestly Skurge needed to be introduced earlier on, so that we could get an idea of who he was before this movie and for him to matter as a result. Apparently he might come back based on comments here, but I don't pretend to know. I think the opening sequence was very well paced, barring the Strange cameo which might have been my least favourite part of the whole film, limiting the time on Midgard was a really good idea and it was also cool to see Elba's role here. I think it might have been better in the beginning than in the end, but it's still a fun flick.
  24. Managed to beat CC 13 in two teams: Sigurd, Titania, Ursula, Clarine and SummElise, Springcina, Marthcina and Bike Has quite a bit of SI, but the first team managed to beat the first three maps and they were well replaced from there. Also, wondering what videos there are for the paralogues that use units that are pretty accessible: having more trouble from these.
  25. I've heard about this movie. Enough that I am just thinking Nope about the whole thing. More 20th anniversary nostalgia-bombing is one thing, but then the climax just seems awfully familiar in a bad way, with this being the wtf cherry right on top of it. That and something about a dream sequence where Ash lives in a pokemonless world. The cynic in me can't stand it. I mean I wasn't interested in the movies, but it's still somewhat bizarre this is a thing.
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