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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. to show Fernand how Berkut had changed. Fernand ran off crying in disbelief.....
  2. Also, the links all point to Alfonse's quotes. :P Regardless: Alfonse: Above all...the mission!, Sharena: Found your weak spot!, Anna: This one's on the house!
  3. Clive is improved from Gaiden, but that's not saying much: he's a poor unit overall, but if you're using everyone, better for him to do something than nothing. Funnily, he was one of the units I used a pitchfork on in my Hard/Classic postgame (just to do a loop around for levels, I'm not using the infinite loop because that seems unfair and broken). He's gotten much better since: though his speed isn't amazing, his tanking is far more effective. He wasn't as dramatic a change as Lukas, but then again Lukas got stats so good Alm actually has less total right now (Lukas is a Dread Fighter, but I'm not using the loop).
  4. Wolf and Sedger were playable in Book 1, so they were affected. Castor and Warren too if you bother to promote either of them. As for my opinion, I always felt like it was only there to tell your cavalry to back off and it's telling it's never been in a title with a more prominent weapon triangle. One thing I do think would need to be done is not force swordlocking on the dismounted units, it's never something I liked about dismounting. Maybe have some fun shifting the weapon rank if, say, they have multiple to act as an adjustment to not being on the mount and it making things more difficult for the unit. An alternative could be to cut movement for horses, especially on stairs, though that doesn't mean much for fliers, does it? Obviously keep the stat drop and it's a good concept and all. It's not worked out to be good for either title it's in imo.
  5. Makes an attempt at conquering the gateways between the world of Warriors and all of the other worlds. Askr and Embla hear of this, and react by......
  6. I know there were other reasons (Not wanting someone from Fates to win, actually finding her surprise victories worth joining her, I could go on). But she is easily the easiest to get, what with being 3-4* and all, unlike everyone else, where most are still 5* only.
  7. I'm a bit sad from a narrative standpoint. Takumi avenging both his siblings was right there and would have been neat and all. But I'm not all that mad. Guess sometimes people can surprise you. The feathers really made the difference this time :P.
  8. Pfft. Those two chronicles were so frustrating that it's come to..... this. That was also surprisingly graphic and thorough of you. Not much to say is there? So now the whole thing's up in the air and anyone can now die (but can Marth die?). Just.... lovely. Now it's a question of how do you resolve this mess. Calling it now, Pretzel saves the day!
  9. Whitney can be tough, but I can't say she was exceptionally so for me. I can see it, especially without Machoke (which is an indication you overlevelled. :P). I can see how, as someone who doesn't like grinding up above the level of the gym, this could get rough. Whitney, like Bugsy, is using a pokemon with a high BST, especially for that point of the game, but Bugsy has a bunch of weaknesses to balance it out. If you don't have one ready for Whitney, you've got a chance of a bad time. PEMV is a good summary of this. I honestly had a trickier time with Bugsy the last time I played a Jhoto title (and thinking back to when I did Nuzlockes, I swear I lost 2 to Bugsy versus none for Whitney)
  10. I think it's alright I guess. As someone who doesn't play Civ, it reminds me of tracks from other titles, like how the opening shares similarities to one from CKII. The choir in the background really help this song as it goes on especially in the middle. I'm not feeling this one overall though, sad to say. Still well made, which is unsurprising. 7/10 Kind of counts I guess: Borderlands - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked.
  11. Again. 2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue 3* Cherche (Well, she's not the nature I was hoping for.), 5* Vamp Henry (YAY! THE ARMOUR I WANTED! -Atk +Res sadly, but still he's an armoured mage), 4* Selena (good fodder out of ten.), 4* Palla (Also good fodder.), 4* Mae (+Spd/-Def. Great nature for her. Yay.) About time I get a focus unit who's not Jakob. Still no Nowi yet, but I'll try later.
  12. Bowtrayal is real! I ended up in the top 1k despite not using all my flags, which is nice. Dropped from around 300 to the bottom half of 900 though, Usually I wouldn't do this well, so that's nice. Loose ALL THE FLAGS whenever it is appropriate, of course.
  13. -Checks rank I'm 288 on Team Takumi. That's nuts. We'll see how this ends then. Team Pina Colada or Team Birthmark, place your bets!
  14. Let's see my luck. 3 Blue, 2 Red (Hmph.) 4* Cain (+Def/-HP. WoM is nice to pass to Nohrzura, but he is better than my first one), 4* Stahl (AGAIN WITH THE 4* STAHL. IT'S A CURSE I TELL YOU. I KEEP GETTING +DEF/-SPD OF HIM TOO.) More 4* Stahl. This is not okay.
  15. I have a spare Desperation. I have a few units who might be interested: Elincia, Springcina, Hana, Summer Elise all make some sense (All of these units have neutral speed). But who should I pick and is there a better alternative to suggest? Also, is there a resource to calculate arena score? Curious to see what thresholds I can reach.
  16. -Getting M!Tiki as my free pull during the dragon gauntlet. -Pulling Sonya on the first session of the third TT banner. Usually I'm not that lucky (See: The banner where I keep getting FrankenJakob)
  17. Last time I played this, it had me beat and I didn't even beat hard because I tried to use units around the level of the map. So this time I bonked Hard with Flier Emblem. Lunatic was also beaten surprisingly easily the second time (Didn't realise the bow user had Swordbreaker) with Alfonse, Sharena, Brave Lyn and Nohrzura. Brave Lyn DEMOLISED everyone besides Cecilia and Lilina, who were killed by Alfonse and Sharena respectively. Note that Alfonse can't 1-hit KO Cecilia unless he's below half HP at 5* (Folkvanger). Infernal was also easily beaten (First try! WOO!), with Brave Lyn, Nohrzura, Sanaki and Springcina. The trick was killing the pegasus with Brave Lyn, Nohrzura dances Brave Lyn and then is swapped so that Brave Lyn 1-rounds Lilina and nearly kills Cecilia as well. The Swap also prevents the cavalry unit from getting in to attack Brave Lyn and ensure Nohrzura is attacked by the cavalry. Sanaki mainly was a hone attack bot barring finishing Cecilia and Sprincina beats the wolf mage.
  18. A surprising amount of my supports are 2 guys/girls where I doubt they'd be that way (with one exception) and many others have pairings already with others than who I put them with (Like Gray/Sonya or Alm/Julia) or can have kids already (Like Donnel/Olivia having Inigo). Let's sort out my exceptions who I think could work and have some fun.
  19. A list of mine (Ignoring the ones already up there): Spring!Lucina: Springcina Bride!Lyn: Bridlyn (Bridle geddit? :P Probably irrelevant) Bride!Caeda: Braeda Summer!Elise: Sumelise Performer!Azura: Nohrzura ToD!Jakob: FrankenJakob ToD!Sakura: Catkura
  20. Back to Trick or Defeat. I still have yet to get someone besides FrankenJakob (*Shakes fist) 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Nino (Drag Back I guess), 4* Camilla (This is a pull that hasn't happened in a while. Oh well, she's not even my third highest axe flier at this rate +Att/-Res, if that's the best nature for her than why didn't I get Cherche?), 4* Virion (Another unit from the land of disappointment), 4* Jeorge (Well, he's neutral, better than my -Spd Jeorge.), 4* M!Robin (More fodder at least) Hope I can get someone else. 3.25%
  21. Ooof, the Death Blow banner is tempting. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless. 3* Shanna (+HP/-Spd. Definite fodder), 3* Henry (Well, it is some good fodder), 4* Lucius (Hmph. +Res/-Att. he's sucky) Well, that happened. Might pull again some other time, it's got good units.
  22. It was still a billion sized gap. I was asleep before the end being in Europe and all so it might not have been something I expected. When this gauntlet started I did think it'd be a more even gauntlet. I didn't expect to see Ryoma crash out in the first round, but it's not the first time. It's also a generator of salt. I managed to be in the top 5k despite my not knowing when multipliers were.
  23. Wait, HOW is there only one Hoshidan left? Sure, it's still Takumi, but that's a shock. Was it a late turnaround, or were they more even fights than I expected? (I mean, I can see why they might be more even, but still the surprise got me.) Team Traitor marches on!
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