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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I've hit around 75k. I think I'm done, I don't really know how much you need to play to get the last 30k and I usually wouldn't bother, but knowing an approximate for having a 20% and 40% unit would be nice.
  2. Once again, the Chronicles remind us that everything is awful and repetitive. Don't think I need to say more than that, barring thinking you went too brutal in the end there. Also that Ruben is not allowed any mercy unless they'd always show that mercy.
  3. Mainly because TRADITION! It's pretty funny seeing America as one of 3 countries who keep imperial units as they were once under said empire. Or how people in the UK cover up kilometre units on signs. Or here where you can tell someone's age by their use of any measure besides pints (because that's unlikely to go away any time soon). As to how far I am from a forest, I'd say a couple dozen kilometres.
  4. Hence my saying not really rather than none like I once thought. Say'ri/Tiki: Because I just really like the idea of these two together, being honest. I'm not sure how well I could articulate it. Kliff/Someone with Holsety: The moment I got to Kliff's ending, I came to this conclusion and I like the idea enough that I've stuck with it since. This one has no argument for it, so I think it counts.
  5. Hey look, my SoV crack pairing. Course, Conrad's ending suggests he didn't marry. Bit of a shame. Just, the lack of supports was understandale to be fair. Other pairings (many not romantic) include: Camus/Xander: The original and the most recent in the archetype. Heroes has solidified it for me (like others like Nino/Eirika, Titania/Ursula, Jagen/Gunter and Alfonse/Bench). Ryoma/Scarlet: Proof that Avatarsexuals were a bad idea. Linoan/Deen: It's only crack because the ending ships her off to a nunnery. Julia/someone: Let's be honest, I'm just sad that there's not really an option. Long as it's not a brother.
  7. Okay, so I got a few questions: 1. Merge FrankenJakob or pass Monstrous Bow/Bracing Blow? 2. What sites do good work on beating the Chain Challenges?
  8. I'm on 4.25%. Let's go. 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green 3* Frederick (I am the disappointed.), 5* Alm (That, that, that's Alm! Dammit! Nice to get someone new and all, but still not on a broom/10. +Res/-HP, might was well build for now unless I get better and Windsweep becomes something to pass), 5* FrankenJakob (WHAT THE HELL BUTLER? +Atk/-Def. Better than the +Spd to be fair. What do I do with the other guy?), 3* Saizo (Poor fodder, will figure out later), 3* Lissa (And here I was about to say colourless hell everyone. But then I remembered I got Jakob twice now. Dangit) The only focus unit I get = The one I want the least. What the hell, right?
  9. Oh boy, this objective is a pain. Have all your cavalry charge for it, Sigurd and Quan should be there pretty quickly and the rest should be close behind. They should get there quickly enough to help the three knights out and Sigurd can at some point recruit Lachesis. From there, try to keep Lachesis back a bit for now, in case they charge too far ahead and kill themselves (Or Beowolf later on), but it's very doable to get to the second castle in 11 turns, which you'll need to save the villages in Chapter 2. They'll also want to hold back during the final castle because the moving boss has a horseslayer. One way to do this is Return Lachesis to the base castle at some point, the knights will charge after her and they'll avoid enemies for a while then. This chapter always takes so long for me, but these guys aren't why.
  10. Got the quests with Alfonse, Sharena, Anna and Sonya. Sharena needed Luna to allow Alfonse to kill Celica in the same turn, but Sonya bested the other three easily. Finally have a chance to redo Infernal at least, and I beat it with the mkv strat, only faster because I had 4 star versions of the units.
  11. .....Again? Why not? 4 Colourless, 1 Red 3* Olivia (Well, that's a shame.) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Frederick (There's another Jagen who'd be much better), 4* Hinata (Oh look, more Fury fodder's nice), 4* Gordin (This banner I swear....) Also, the voting gauntlet is a weird one, right? Oh well, might as well try for certain units once for now. Short haired women: 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 3* Palla (Well, it is Goad Fliers and Moonbow at least), 4* Titania (Units I did not need to summon: I can't count at this point) Long haired guys: 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue 3* Stahl (The rarity this guy should be locked to: he's shown up 7 times at 4*. What is wrong with him?) So this summoning season is disappointing so far. Only FrankenJakob since my birthday. The banner's cursed I swear!
  12. How I'd rank the stories I've played: Edit: Apologies. Apparently Ctrl + Enter posts the post. WHY? Need to do the whole thing again
  13. Hallow'een has passed. It's time for a Samhain summon! 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Arthur (Well, Lacebreaker fodder *shrug), 3* Barst (Good fodder today), 3* Lon'qu (Vantage is never a bad call), 3* Serra (This is seeming more like my earlier summons), 4* Cordelia (+Spd/-Def. You know what, this is fine. I'll raise her.) 4%.
  14. They're referring to Chrom's dad here. It's hinted at that he was kind of an ass and wanted to tear through Plegia. That war led to his death and Emmeryn had to make peace afterwards.
  15. I'd argue worst physical (And possibly plain worst) for Ayra, as pretty much everyone else can do something different for them. I do think he can work for some pairings: Lachesis does want his skills and Delmud can inherit any sword he has. For Sylvia he can distract her from other dads who'd want to be elsewhere, and he does give his skills at least. I don't even consider him that bad with Erinys (though I'd still consider no pairing over him: mainly because all the magic pairs are like that). I think him mediocre, only really relevant on a few pairings (but he's not alone with that). It doesn't help Finn is him but better and admittedly lacking in some inheritance, but it's workable.
  16. Closest I can think of is today: trying to help my niece after she decided she wanted to play Fates after all this time borrowing the 3DS. It pretty much ended up being me playing it as she didn't know how and she always passes to me if she finds something too difficult (a common occurance) and she quit during the dialogue before chapter 3. FE's generally a pretty solitary experience for me, barring at a con.
  17. *Tuns out it's SS Luna and it misses. * Unleashes the BEAST
  18. Wait there is a turn limit? I of course wouldn't know it (didn't take 50 turns to kill Desaix's double after all, but still. Does it act like as if you retreated?
  19. That would be correct. Nihil prevents bows from doubling their attack and then applying the damage. So it also blocks critical. It's the only real benefit of that pairing. The thing about it is that growths are what her kids are looking for, as they have do have the essential skills down. The father also affects Sety severely enough that if you want him using staves effectively there's only 2 or 3 dads who can do that. It's not like low magic dads can't be useful- Noish giving charge and critical can be nuts for Sety despite the hit to magic. I just don't consider the low magic dads as good as the high magic ones usually. It also doesn't help that I would consider it pretty niche for Fee to have. Ayra/Lex has two chances to get a sword at least. If you want someone to pass Lester a good bow, tough luck.
  20. .....I'm pretty tempted to be honest. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green 4* Seth (Fortress Def fodder's neat I guess. He's +Att/-Res, Which I think is better than +Spd/-Att, but the older one has skills inherited (Luna and Fortify Cav). What do?), 4* Gunter (HONE CAV FODDER! +Spd/-Res, Guess I'll fodder the other one I think) 2 Blue, Colourless, 1 Green 4* Barst (Again, nice fodder. Nature's not too relevant), 4* Saizo (+Atk/-Res. I should check my other Saizo's IVs), 3* Gaius (What a waste) 3.75%. Still want my Henry or Nowi in particular. Also, @Tybrosion, pretty sure my birthday luck got taken by you. The only one I got was Jakob.
  21. Decided I'd try again. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Hinata (Nice fodder! Fury 3 is always nice to get), 3* Laslow (Axebreaker 3's no bad thing to pass), 4* Barst (Nice! He's a good fodder), 5* FrankenJakob (The one I wanted the least. Shoot. +Spd/-Def, that nature sucks too), 4* Abel (That pull was worth it. Swordbreaker's always nice fodder) Jakob's such a killjoy. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless (I know, right?) 3* Virion (I knew the trash would come back. Ugh), 4* Draug (I'd think Arden might like Ward Armour.), 4* Ogma (Does his nature suck? +Att/-Res. It does not. YAY!), 4* Frederick (He's +Res/-HP, so I'm going to pass Luna to someone.), 4* Catria (It's pretty weak fodder honestly. Luna's still nice though) Well, I finally got a good Ogma at least. 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green (Can I get lucky?) 4* Rebecca (+Def/-Spd. Arvis is going to love your skills), 4* Jakob (I don't need your kind round here. Sucky units, I mean. +HP/-Def, really?), 4* Rebecca (2 in the same set. Not the worst to repeatedly pull at least. +HP/-Def), 3* Palla (Always good fodder for any flier), 4* Beruka (I was wondering when her craptacular self would show up. Neutral, Still will raise.) 80 orbs today. I got Jakob. Dangit, what a sucky birthday gift. :P. 3.5% for now.
  22. I mean it's obvious who should cameo. Holmes and Runan need to show up, and with that it opens up an opportunity for more dragons into the game. TRS still has no units!
  23. Birthday pull? Birthday pull. 3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green 4* Fae (Oh nice, I haven't pulled her in a long while! +HP/-Att, Renewal fodder's nice.), 4* Priscilla (Well, at least she has Rehabilitate. +Res/-HP), 4* Clair (Well, +Res/-Spd. Definitely a fodder unit.), 4* Lissa (Hey, another Rehab unit. +Spd/-Att, is it worth replacing my -Spd Lissa?), 3* Setsuna (Hey, useful fodder. Shame she's 3*) Better luck than usual.
  24. Yep, of course it does. See this kind of thing is why people like Tatiana, especially with SoV. It must be the jackets. Also, why didn't you give Camus the ridersbane if he'll be the one taking on the cavalry anyway? Weight's not an issue and unless you're certain that'd be suicide, it's another weapon that'll make the map easier for everyone else as the first wave would die faster. (I don't have stats in front of me to say it'd be suicide to be fair) Also, the best excuse for telling Etzel to not bother with Rickard's chronicle is that you remove a princess from Gharnef's grasp for Mystery. However as I like Lena, I'd rather drop that excuse immediately.
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