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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I'll go ahead and try to give some responses, apologies if I repeat myself. The 3DS will work with any title from the DS or 3DS (So SD and the 3DS games), but nothing else. When it comes to FE, I think it's a bit more subjective what someone considers a great and what can be considered a lemon (for example, I don't think any of the games is on the level of FF2, an equivalent from another series). BS (aka FE7) gets mentioned a lot because it's a pretty accessible title and because it's got a tutorial that can annoy quite a few people as it's unskippable the first time playing it (so get it out of the way is the idea). There's no one timeline as is though, so long as you know what's linked to one another you don't have to worry too much. You can skip animations in the GBA games onwards, but you can't skip a turn like in more recent titles, so I do get the sentiment. I haven't heard about the 2DS having issues with graphics besides the lack of 3D (which isn't needed imo). I'd keep an eye out on sales, there might be a good price drop in the next month or two. The older titles are only available on the WiiU eShop, while the 3DS titles are on the 3DS eShop. You can't buy SD on the 3DS eShop, but it will run on the 3DS if you find a cartridge of it. Taking a look on the UK region's site, it looks like you can pay for download codes on a browser, but I've never done it. This one I can't answer. I doubt there's an undocking option, and finding copies on the cheap certainly could be possible (SD wasn't exactly a popular title), but I don't really have an experience with that. Sadly no. The DLC can be bought in bundles, but I waited for a sale myself. Fates had a special edition with all the paths, but that was bought up fast and I doubt you'll find a low price for it online. You also have to buy the DLC in game, which was weird and annoying. I hope I don't see it again.
  2. Mine: Is in two games Stands out from the others in some way Holds unique weapons throughout his time.
  3. Considering that the last poll I remember off the top of my head suggested 22% approval from other countries, with only Russia improving their opinion of him by any large margin, I think he's got some people okay with him. Still not saying much.
  4. I had sent some home early on. Never again, I have been hoarding most of them since. Eventually might pass inheritance if I get enough of them and can spare the feathers.
  5. If you're looking for legit methods, sadly the WiiU VC (for the international GBA games + SD) or the 3DS are pretty much the only games in town unless you want to be trawling online for carts. Emulation is far easier though, and so long as you can find good roms (which can't be legally discussed here), you're halfway there. For emulation on computers, I'm going to recommend VBA for GBA titles, Desmume for DS and for NES/SNES either Higan or ZSNES. I don't emulate on my phone, so I'm not too familiar with the options there. As for where to start, there are plenty of options, and everyone has their response ready (barring me). I'm going to suggest BS for if you're going to emulate and Awakening if you're going to get a 3DS.
  6. Alright, I didn't think I'd like the banner. Dangit. Nowi is reliant on her stat spread, but if she's anything like Summer Corrin I'll likely try to get her because those skills are either neat or Grimoire (AKA FF+ 2). Henry seems like a fun option for armours and has Armour March, so I'll likely try for him (I mean, AoE Panic and Live for Bounty's nice as well). Jakob mainly has standing out by being a bow armour who's able to tank going for him. Sakura is mainly relevant because she just Fucks. Mages. Up. She's essentially Felicia+ on the skill end, we'll see if the stats match (Also, missed opportunity for Warding Breath). So, who's going to guess what the next bond skill is?
  7. I'll add some alternates for ones that are already there, especially to work with 3* units too (No + weapons listed in here):
  8. *Throws empty wallet at spell *Starts aggressively extolling the benefits of a political view that the poster below disagrees with
  9. I have a couple of them (And one that isn't a buy, but still a regret): Getting a used copy of FIFA 06: the game forces you into a match versus a bunch of great players at the start and I kept being beaten, frustrating the whole thing. And of course it was scratched, which made playing it more difficult again. It put me off FIFA entirely. I also regret spending €25 on one of the Spyro DS games. It's not fun, the bosses aren't intuitive and the most interesting thing was mirror minigame, not the main game itself. There was also asking for Enter the Dragonfly for Christmas. That was a mistake that still gets to me after nearly 15 years. I don't think I need to elaborate on that. I might think of more, can't recall others right now.
  10. Got the missions first try with a core of M!Robin/Nohrzura/Hector and whoever was used for the mission. Infernal was beat on the second try with the same core (+Daggerbreaker on M!Robin) and Lissa. Hector is really OP for this map, pretty sure only one unit wasn't killed by him, though Nohrzura had to take a big hit and managed to survive the green mage with 6 HP at -Res. So watch out if you have that nature, and if you do hope the ninja with Savage Blow doesn't attack first. Edit: @Infinite Dreams He doesn't even need Bonfire imo, cleared with him using Pavise. Though of course Vantage is the obvious B choice as well.
  11. Project Naga translated the ending, and that's been around of over a year. It works just fine barring a bug or two.
  12. I was wondering if someone else would mention it. I still have a large collection sitting at home and the only reason they're sitting there is because I can't really take any out right now. I have had a lot of fun with these over the mary years. Of course, it's got some great design work behind it for the setting and the sets and for what it was, that G1 lore was actually pretty great at it's best. It even made CCBS work well imo, so it being gone again was sad.
  13. The first thing I could remember relating to it, from back when this kept coming up, is SoC having to put down the idea (sadly I thought at the time). I'll leave a link to a thread where a lot of discussion came up here. Also, that developer response indicating it might be used like that now anyway here. (As part of this interview) Point is, it's not what was intended, but it's likely going to be the case for a future remake, which I am OK with.
  14. I'm curious as to what you think about the DS games and how they fit as remakes then.
  15. Well, that actually wasn't the intention of the title itself. There's a chance that it will be used for future remakes if a developer's response to this topic was any indication. If I were to see a Judgral remake, I'm of two minds. Either play them close to the originals and likely make them separate, or change the whole structure of the game: It would require pretty much making Genealogy and Thracia into 3 campaigns on the one game. In this case, Genealogy would end up massively different so that the three titles can play similarly. As for BB and BS, I'd like the two together, but more like Mystery in set up, with a possible way to affect BB based on the endings of BS (which would be more of a nice addition rather than affecting all the units like in Genealogy).
  16. Most are pretty optimal barring Alec/Fury, Sylvia/Azel (For if you decided that Corple should attack with magic :P)) or Brigged/Beowolf (It's still not a bad one either, Charge is good for Faval). Levin/Tiltyu (Because Chapter 6 Holsety and future mount Holsety is considered amazing), Aideen/Jamke (Well, somewhat for Lester at least), Lachesis/Finn and Ayra/Lex considered very good pairings, so these likely should be changed. As for the complaints I agree somewhat. It makes this game stand out, but I'd rather see the skill system brought in line with the other games in a remake.
  17. This might be the secret way to unlock Julius. Though that might also require Manfroy in the game, I don't know.
  18. Yeah, though to be fair 32 speed isn't awful, but neutral speed Sigurd could double her with a speed seal. Not even needing cav buffs. Sigurd is nuts in this TT, I feel blessed.
  19. I know that. Got lucky pulling Hinoka early..... Barring her being +Res/-Att. So, I'm going to see if I get Minerva then. 3 Red, 2 Blue (DAMMIT) 4* Nowi (I think with that I finally have pulled all the current 4* units. +Att/-Def, could be better), 3* Subaki (Almost said not worth it. I might just pass her to Nowi, but there's stiff competition) I'll leave it be until Sunday, the banners end on my birthday (and that's just a coincidence, but it would have been a nice thing to pull then.)
  20. So, doing TT today, and I'm at the last map. It's a pretty easy combo for the most part barring me not leaving Sigurd next to Titania to keep her safe, as it prevents him from taking enemies out fast enough. So I realise that I've left Ursula in range of Julia, which I assume is certain death. So I run her in to the rest of the party, right next to her support partner, Titania. Julia attacks. She manages to survive with 1 HP. After that nice bit of luck, I realise that Titania literally saved her there. Finished the map handily and right after Titania and Ursula get to S Rank. Moral of the story: Make sure to keep your buffing units close.
  21. I didn't actually address that earlier, sorry. Well, while Ylisse is supposedly looking to keep peace at that point, you'd have to assume the wall was made before then. Might be a couple of reasons (consider them as dumb as you wish): The wall could be actually pretty weak by the time Chrom sparred there. We don't actually know what wall was broken, or the state of it when Chrom is supposed to have broken it after all. It could have not been repaired either for a long time or after the last war. Considering it's Chrom, I could see him going at full force with his swing too. Though it's unlikely, the Falchion might be a factor as well if he was swinging it in training. I don't think it's out of character for him to use it in training. Though that's just some ideas that I doubt would change much. I was going to mention low gravity for the acrobatics earlier (I any case, possible link to when the concept for the game was being set on Mars?) Those feats might explain Awakening's high caps. :P
  22. Great improvement on the original (aka pretty much the entirety of SoV), giving the situation the backing to convey the hope of whichever army you're in bringing people together. Solid 8/10, though I might feel like bumping it a bit. Genealogy - Chapter 3 (Eldigan the Lionheart)
  23. Well, I couldn't tell you about a comparison between Tellius and Awakening. But for Awakening, isn't there an issue that the main thing they have is the crazy acrobatics, and no massive strength feats behind them? So I could see Olympic gymnast Chrom, but I don't know about being super OP based off that alone. (And where is my spin dash in pretty much anything outside that cutscene? The Spin Lord must spin!) Judgral would certainly be up there, considering that Holsety alone could likely wipe the floor with a majority of the cast anyway. As for the lore, we have the champions of the Scouring, and I also think there's the possibility of the warriors who succeeded the Rainbow Sage's trial besides Xander could count if we consider Xander among the greats (So Sumeragi, Garon and Gunter). The thing about FE is that usually the weapon is the source of power, so I doubt usually that there too much about a unit being super powerful in their own right. I'd bring up Canas, but well we all know how that ended.
  24. And I thought my Sigurd was fast. Oh well, he has 64 attack with Hone Cav. 64 attack is insane in all the best ways, he even 2-hits Matthew (aka my bane for these things)
  25. If this weren't FFTF, I would have been all mad and NOPE NOT OK Even still, you put it a bit too articulate for me not to feel unnerved (ha?). Funnily in hindsight, this isn't the first time I've seen someone try something like this. Course it wasn't here and they got banned. As to the question in the OP, still nope.
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