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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Finally sorted out Lunatic with Eliwood, B!Lyn, B!Ike and Azura (Which likely would have been quicker without B!Ike, but he gives Azura a support boost) I'm just going to look up an Infernal option. Though at least I have another red mage now.
  2. Well, this is tougher than I thought it'd be. Hard surprised me while I was using a party of fliers (That includes Elincia) 5 levels above the enemies. Lunatic is beating me solidly so far while I'm using Azura, B!Ike, B!Lyn and Eliwood (All of who are support pairs and B!Lyn's my summoner support.) I am already afraid of Infernal.
  3. That is true, I was surprised to find that out with Peri. I don't exclusively run it: I've also got a lot more set up for flier emblem. Right now the 5* ones I do have are Xander, Eliwood, Brave!Roy (newly pulled and -Att), Camus, Brave!Lyn and Elise. So I could certainly promote one of those greens (And Titania has Hone Cav, while Frederick has Fortify Cav) and Ursula and Cecilia have the -blade spell inherited. Also, are any of Roy, Lloyd, Zephiel, Tharja, Athena, Hana, M!Corrin, Arvis, Mathilda, Valter, Wendy, Nino, Merric, F!Robin, Legion, Sheena, Cherche, Fae or Klein also worth considering?
  4. It's about time I promoted some units. I'll just put them in a spoiler, and say that I'm definitely considering among my non-green mages in particular. It's late, might add the 5* units later. Also, should I sacrifice my 5* -Spd Peri for Threaten Def and to who?
  5. It's interesting seeing how upfront some people are about their willingness to gerrymander. There's a good reason that politicians aren't allowed to do it here. (I'll stick the political history in a spoiler, mainly because it's not US related. Also, while the size of the countries might differ, I could see an adequate comparison to a state with a few million people) I wonder if there will be a force that would force change over in the US like the Tullymander. Part of the reason it was so easy to notice was because the voting system was different, so I have my doubts that such change would be forced on a state or federal level. Of course, how rigid the lines have to be is also a pain because of population fluctuation between different parts of, well, wherever the boundary's being drawn.
  6. After beating SA4, finally have enough orbs again. 2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless 5* Brave Roy (Not the boy I was looking for, especially after all the effort I put in his dad, but still. He's also +HP/-Att, so that's no good), 3* Fir (Literally useless), 4* Cecilia (She finally appears at 4*. Woo. +Def/-Att, who even wants Escape Route?), 4* Hawkeye (Well, he's still better fodder than the other two. +Spd/-Def. Why?), 4* Jakob (To cap off a disappointing round overall, just add disappointeament +HP/-Res, likely sacrifice) Aside from getting a suboptimal brave unit, a waste.
  7. Back to 14, eh? Could change a lot of attitudes and whatnot, though the first two years would suck a lot because I wasn't exactly having all that good a time with certain people. Might not have ended up here though. :P
  8. It's about time for a Genealogy banner. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 3* Felicia (Really, BoL is alright I guess), 4* Klein (I was wondering if I'd get him again. +Att/-Spd, That's pretty good.), 4* Tharja (Hmm, another one. +HP/-Att, who wants Raoudrblade first?), 4* Frederick (Are your IVs good? You're Neutral, so eh I could give someone some skills instead), 4* Odin (Least I can choose what to sacrifice off him) 3.25% left behind. I'll need more orbs because both banners finish on my birthday. That's pretty dumb.
  9. First off, we have Arden. Second, Arden gets the Pursuit Ring skill. Which can't be inherited. I'm crying right now. Aside from that terrible news, the plot indicates that next chapter might be more based in Askr as an invasion happens. Who wants to guess what'll happen?
  10. Beaten 2 and 3! Forgotten how I did 2 in detail because it was a while ago, but it was not fun. 3 was fine barring the first map and forgetting to change M!Robin's skill. Will edit with SA4 later.
  11. F: Constantly lets you know that you are improper, regards everyone but her possible love interest and her brother as such and delivers it all so condescendingly. Also might know much of the land's seedy underbelly and can hold some serious grudges. Is the most ready for rain in the Shepherds. M: Is likely the reason his brother died. Is usually unmotivated unless you pay him off, but he makes an exemption for stopping paedophiles. His nickname is both an obvious double entendre and a description of his attitude and future. Has the deepest chortle in the Shepherds. (Took me a bit to decide. Could do a few of the others I didn't choose to do in the end.)
  12. Well, that was a thing. Image host being the worst I assume. But this is Rickard's Chronicle, that might be too good for it. And it does its usual business. At least the other two had more ways to deal with things than pray.
  13. ...Somewhat. Tyrfing has Miracle in Genealogy as a skill. Now, if he had Rising Flame or something like that I'd laugh.
  14. Apologies, I already edited when I read an earlier comment over again. Stupid me.
  15. This was expected, though I wanted Cuan and Ethlyn as well. Shame. Tiltyu is reliant on her bases to be good for certain. We'll see. She's a source for Blarblade though, and likely will be 4-5*. Deirdre ignores direct buffs and of course wrecks dragons. She's pretty good for tanking enemy mages and can slow them down too if her Res is good enough. Sigurd straight up laughs at magic and Close Def means that Bows and Daggers might be the best bet against him. Watch his Spd suck now. Alright, he might just be the beastly tank to remove Xander from relevance (for me at least) We'll see about Ayra anyway. I can say Sigurd and Deirdre would be great, especially as I could use more things to beat Rein and Sword cavs.
  16. If we count stuff like gacha or booster packs as gambling, then I'd say lootboxes are too.
  17. Considering HG/SS has both remade tracks and a good crack at the chiptune originals, I probably should pick it because Jhoto. But I'm not going to. Black 2/White 2 wins out. It does have a lot of the good track from B/W and has more good stuff itself.
  18. Got enough to try again. Does the drought end? 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless (THIS BANNER) 3* Nino (REALLY? MORE GRONNBLADE FODDER?) 2 each Green, Blue, 1 Red (I mean, for once more than one green shows up) 5* Nohrzura (ABOUT BLOODY TIME! I mean, I can't tell who she is, but she's a focus unit I think. +Att/-Res, not too bad a nature all things considered), 3* Arthur (Well, it's swap and Lancebreaker fodder), 4* Wendy (OF course. Is +Res/-Spd a good nature?), 3* Sully (Well, there's a Swordbreaker fodder), 4* Draug (+Res/-Def. Definite fodder) This banner sucks, might as well try to build up for the future.
  19. Beat hard with a level 27 Elinica pretty much sweeping it, with Ninian dancing and level 29 M!Corrin and F!Corrin soaking damage. Beat Lunatic with M!Robin, Masked Marth, Brave Ike and Nephenee. I'll get back to you on Infernal.
  20. You could unlock it by getting the key from someone who unlocked it for Black 2. Course, you'd still have to restart, hence why I hadn't at present started challenge mode.
  21. Well, I got enough to try again. But first.... 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (My luck, right? This would be great on the dancing banner!) 3* Shanna (Desperation fodder, I've been needing more of it. +HP/-Res, certainly fodder then) Back to the dancers 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless (Why is it this way round?) 3* Nino (Why do I bother?), 3* Felicia (BoL I guess) Off to get more orbs. I mean, this banner is a terrible one for me. I mean, if the game will be like this up to my birthday....
  22. Let's go again. 2 each Blue, Red, 1 Green (My luck with Greens has been awful for this whole banner, I swear) 3* Cecilia (NOPE) 8.5% right now. 3 Blue, 1 each Green, Red 3* Cecilia (WHAT. THE. FUCK. This one's +Spd/-Def, better than I had though) That's 4 Cecilias this banner. Chriost ar rothar. Also 9% now. Cecilia's my Bartre right now.
  23. Ah yes, that boss from Valm. I knew I remembered her by her design at least. Most of the others I'd have said have been mentioned already, but there's Gomes from Thracia 776. Guy's a monster of a boss, and while he wants to get the Purple Mountain gang back again to raid everyone, it's understandable because you know that Dagda's not been too great as leader for some time and it's hurt them the whole time.
  24. I have had the worst allies for this gauntlet while on Team Ninian. Initially I had a decent Azura (But WHY do I need a second dancer) or a Level. 1. Dancing Inigo. THAT BUGGER got on my nerves and screwed me over so much I actually removed the person from my friend list. That's how bad I've been doing. So I might need some allies. I have a 4* Palla with +Spd and base skills right now, so if that helps that'd be good to know.
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