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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Mustafa from Chapter 10 in Awakening is a welcome exception from that game. Probably one of my preferred minor officers in an FE title. Quite a few of Thracia's are also more considerate than most of the series, such as Cowan (or if you're Kempf are victim to lolcalisation (even if he doesn't count)), Voltz was a good early example of a merc captain and Eremiya is also great. Denning is remembered for memes, though there are others such as Ghe and the aforementioned Kempf.
  2. Sorry, 8% total. I'd have said if that was only for a focus unit. I've gotten to 10% total before getting a unit before (or close to and never getting a 5* for it) None of which I have for this banner yet. If this becomes like the second SoV for me I'm not sure how I'd handle it.
  3. I'll take a shot at a dancer. 4 Blue, 1 Colourless (I'm not taking the risk of 4 Wendys) 4* Jeorge (I finally pulled him! +Def/-Spd though, he's also poor fodder) Pulled out, tried again 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Gordin (Must have heard about Jeorge. +Att/-HP, I have better), 4* Est (COME. ON. +Att/-HP, I'm not sure about merging another one on the +Spd/-HP I currently have. Who'd be better to keep as is?), 3* Sully (Meh, another Swordbreaker 2), 3* Cecilia (Still not been pulled at 4*, not going to raise a second one) 8% now. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless (This banner I swear. I think I've seen 5 green orbs total) 4* Wrys (Take me with you blablabla. +Res/-Spd, think I have similar. Guess Sakura's getting Rehab), 4* Clair (Been a while to pull her. +Res/-HP, who wants Hit and Run?), 3* Cecilia (What is with her doing this? She's getting sacrificed anyway) One more shot for now, need to get on with picking up loose orbs 3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue (Where were they all this time?) 4* Cherche (+Spd/-Res. If she were +Att I'd be crying as I'd finally have her best Boon/Bane. For now, sacrifice I guess), 3* Nino (Another bladetome? Her mature's not +Spd, so away she goes), 4* Boey (Another one! +Spd/-Att, is Earth Boost worth passing on?), 3* M!Robin (Bonfire's a nice proc to pass), 3* Eliwood (Ward Cav's nice) Well that was a waste overall.
  4. I feel I'm being cynical when unlike you I don't get round to beating these maps. Alright, bravo that's a great line. Today, I got to see Frost die. That sucked. But after that you finished this map where Minerva seemingly pretending "NOPE, s'not him" is convincing enough that Hardin rides another day, with another 3 resets and Rickard's chronicle next. JOY.
  5. Hence why I assume he wasn't in this one. Still would have been better and more appropriate.
  6. So, Three Heroes was a weird choice of three. Why Fir with the other two? (Fair is fair, this is partly because Fir's kind of meh and I already had a neutral and underlevelled Fir while I've raised the other two up before now anyway) I mean, Stahl would have fit more right?
  7. Oh hey, I got quoted in another topic. Though this was a joke, it's true that Manfroy seems to have all the power to get away with stuff until near the end where he gets Tyrfing'd. Thing is that he seems able to both manipulate Grandbell and then proceed to easily grab what he needs by teleporting in and out on a whim. While it is made important for this story, it is admittedly plot convenient for the villains to be able to teleport freely. I might come back to this topic later, just wanted to get on that point in particular.
  8. As someone who didn't really bother playing to get all the rewards, I'm a bit over 55k before the last day after probably my worst set of plays of it today. I have just been terrible with it lately though, losing at least one unit early on and then leading to losing the first party before the last map, usually leading me to nearly losing a second party beforehand because I couldn't use an optimal team for the last map. I then managed to get a D rank in survival and E in Speed. On a playthrough were I had the bonus. I am feeling dumb right now.
  9. Also I have to edit my worst. I forgot about Gheb. I have to confess I've laughed at jokes related to thots before. Gheb...... Gheb was never funny.
  10. First second, we get a legendary running through a portal. A whole new world with massive beanstalks and new villains(?), an attack literally called Mind Blown (The jokes will flow with this) and a new UB. All in all, more standing out from a title I didn't expect to. I might be a lot more hyped than a month ago.
  11. ...you leave the room frustrated and a controller broke something. If you give a bison a wash...
  12. So, I have pretty much any dragon except for Nowi. I have no clue who to join besides excluding the Corrins. Who should I pick?
  13. Free pulls day! Maybe a chance at M!Tiki? Shame my preferred pulls are in Block A. Block B: 5 Blue (It knew Nowi was my only one left to get here!) 4* Est (OH COME ON! Not even decent fodder! +Spd/-HP, I have one that's -Res. Who's better?) Block A: 4 Red, 1 Blue (Chance at another Ninian or go for broke to try for M!Tiki?) 5* M!Tiki (YEEHAW! Sign me up for the 5* free pull club! New unit and everything, but she's +Def/-Att though, oh well.)
  14. I always feel like I have a weird answer: Thracia's recruitment theme, because it honestly sounds like they took the best parts of Together we Ride and Comrades and the people behind the soundtrack were having a good day, which is nice to see when Thracia's soundtrack is not as good as Geneology imo.
  15. Would you be willing to act as a caterer for my wedding?
  16. I've got some orbs again, might as well take a bite out of theatre. Especially with all that new barracks space. 4 Red, 1 Blue (*Miffed) 4* Oscar (Neat, new unit! +HP/-Spd, I'll wait to get a better one because this is worthwhile fodder in the long run) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* Lukas (+Spd/-Res, Certainly a better bane than last time, Might be worth raising), 4* Wrys (+Def/-Res, I wonder if I have a healer without Rehabilitate at this point) 2 each Colourless, Blue, 1 Red (What are the odds of no green here?) 4* Sully (This is a new occurrence. Don't become Stahl and just keep showing up at 4*. +Def/-Att, Fodder it is.), 4* Peri (I was afraid she'd be 5* again and pull the same crap as in the second SoV banner. Thankfully no. +Spd/-Def. Actually better than my 5* one. Worth sacrificing my 5* one now or wait until I get round to promoting this one (Unlikely as that is)), 3* Gaius (Waste of 4 orbs), 4* Sakura (Scratch another off the list! +Def/-HP, bit eh overall) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green (2 Green orbs out of 25 for this banner. What is this game right) 4* Arthur (Some more immediate Lancebreaker fodder at least. +Spd/-Def), 4* Effie (She's back! +HP/-Def, I might raise her, not sure yet. Better than I had before, though I wonder), 4* Mathilda (Best SoV cav again? +Spd/-Def, Definitely worth the raising!) Bunch of better pulls, but no new dancer. 7.5% for a 5* at all.
  17. Who replaced the coffee in the machine with chewing tobacco?
  18. So, something I've been trying to figure out is a team of fliers who are similar to the Whitewings only not. Right now, I've actually got most fliers (the biggest gaps being the magic fliers and Minerva), so I'm trying to figure out which ones are the most fitting characters for my Not Quitewings. Not Minerva: Michalis (Definitely makes the most sense, is 5*, has got a lot of options and has Goad Fliers learned too), Cherche (Has a lot of potential if I were to promote her, her wyvern's named after Minerva for crying out loud) Not Palla: Not Catria: Caeda (Irony is the only reason I'd suggest her here), Clair (Considering she's Valentia's Catria, it makes sense), Cordelia (While she'd fit character wise, I'll need a better one before raising her.), Not Est: Caeda (Hear me out: she quite easily gets the guy over someone else and her stats match pretty well), Shanna (Another younger sister, and she's not too bad a choice either), Not sure who: Elincia (I know nothing about her as I haven't played Tellius, but she'll be a great unit and I've already made her a +1), Camilla (the least prepared of my axes arguably, but if people thinks she could fit in I'll just mention her), Narcian (Unlikely too, but I think I'll mention all of them in case), Beruka (Don't think I even have a 4*, low priority), Subaki (Mr Insufferable does have some things going for him, like his good spread (though +Att would be better) and great red coverage), Valter (I don't know if he'd fit an archetype, but I think he's worth mentioning since he's up there for a 5* promotion), Hinoka (-Att, but she has Hone Fliers, so that's fine and I've been fixing her up a bit, especially with all the Goad Fliers I've been passing around), Florina (Underlevelled, low tier and . She's +Att though, might be worth bringing up.)
  19. Favourite: I tend to like most of them, I think I'll mention the memes relating to the summoning circles for now (And I expect more of them if an Geneology banner is next) Least favourite: Just, the Thot in general. Nothing interesting comes of it and it's just about how they're Thots and all that.
  20. Do you think this room needs a renovation?
  21. You're asking about signatures. Take a look under account settings and it should have Edit Signature as an option. Follow the rules on it and you're fine.
  22. I'm picking the Sinnoh hat because it's a choice with Volt Tackle and has the best looking hat of that lot. I'd probably have picked the first hat otherwise, considering I've only bothered with the anime to some point in Jhoto and I do prefer that hat. Also, can anyone explain the Nintendo zones for GAME events? Just in case I decide to go to the North and happen to go for event purposes?
  23. I kind of wish there's 2 types of FE4, stupid as that sounds. While I know that it is flawed, severely imbalanced and many of the features are difficult to deal with, it also allows it to stand alone, and it helps emphasise the scale of the conflict, something I do love about this game. Though I think I'll be more willing to accept the changed version for a remake. So, some thoughts: -Everyone keeping their own money and inventory which can be then passed on is a big deal for this game, so this is a bit of a hard sell to change personally. I certainly agree on being able to buy unequipable weapons and passing items between couples, but I'm not so certain on other changes. -The kids keeping their usual classes is something I'm actually not so certain on: What if they could either have a different class or they might gain certain attributes or weapons based on their parents? For example, pairing Lex with Ayra could allow their kids to use axes? It could allow some interesting features and make certain pairings more interesting than trash (Stuff like Holyn/Aideen might actually make sense to use now) -Skills need a major overhaul: Obviously Pursuit needs to go, but beyond that I do think skills need some balancing and tweaking. Some hacks have done some good stuff already, I don't think I need to elaborate too much when stuff like Binary or the shin patch) -I do think they'd need to do a rewrite on how the story is presented. Stuff like how offscreen events occur need to be improved on, though some things are likely fine as is (even if it leads to some odd things like Mahnya's death being seen from far away). Also, we might need to talk about how Manfroy is the flashstep champion and fix that possible mess. -If they do decide to split the maps up, I do think making a massive bundle with Thracia might just be doable: I'm not going to pretend it wouldn't be a huge undertaking, but I think it would allow them to bring the two closer together -Keep the beautiful 80's hair maybe?
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