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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. We had a few I think. Only found one of them more recently, lost track of it.
  2. New banner, new summon! 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 3* Wendy (I don't know what I expected.png)
  3. I've not bothered with stamina potions much at all for this TT and I'm near 40k now, without playing today. This mode's kind of lost its buzz, Mini TT is far more interesting.
  4. Last I checked, 92 people were injured by police trying to stop the referendum from happening. This is a mess that the Spanish government could have prevented by letting it be calmer and of course the referendum is a mess and the result should be in doubt before the government responded. Irregardless of what side you're on, this referendum can't be held as legitimate.
  5. It's the first title I played on hardware (thanks to flashcards: I only saw it once before that point and it would not have interested me then, not knowing about FE much at all then). Despite the fact it's the third title I finished, I've never felt much of a connection to it. The art style's not interesting to me across the board. The cast is obviously limited as a tightly faithful remake. I know that it's probably the most interesting in terms of localisation for the better in it's main story, but most of the others only matter as units and I avoided reclassing entirely. I didn't feel too challenged from what I remember, though I was playing Normal to be fair. I definitely feel like I need to replay from the start, but emulation is not being kind on the laptop.
  6. Same happened to me in a previous TT with Selena. It is amazing(ly dumb) sometimes. I've just got a question as to who I should use with Soren on a backup team. Titania is working with Horse Emblem, and while I've been linking Soren with Eirika, M!Robin and Sprincina (as the latter two can take out BK in the same round with buffs from Eirkia), I'm wondering if he should work with three others and leave Eirkia, Springcina and M!Robin on the squad of last resort.
  7. Isn't that nice, he can't be too angry about that remark. :P COME ON, THAT'S TWO IN A ROW! You'd expect them to take their positions more seriously, but whatever. You know what, I think so too. Also, this is going to be a lot of fun, I see. This chapter already has multiple resets, and the chronicle total is now as many times as Marth died! I know my comment is pretty cynical, but I'll try to be better from here on. Will there be more chronicle resets than Pretzel deaths? I say likely!
  8. Standing there alone, Hoping bonds with some great other, May yet someday grow.
  9. Managed to get 5* BK yesterday, well on track to get Panic Ploy and from there just run the three a day and see how many points I get. No need to stress out.... More than I do when I get a unit killed 2 maps early.
  10. I'll take the freebie now, and decide later on in the month to pull, mainly because I'd like to build up orbs for if someone like Finn is coming. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Boey (MYBOEY! And he's talking exactly as he would about this. +Def/-Spd, he's not going to be hitting too often sadly. With so many chances now, might as well), 4* Abel (Swordbreaker fodder? +Spd/-Def, I think so when I have +Att already!), 3* Clarine (typical. Of course it's a 3* colourless), 3* Gaius (Again, typical. But he's +Spd, so better than I had), 4* Seth (Stahl 2.0's here! +Spd/-Def, it'll be fine. I hope.) Couple of new units and swordbreaker fodder's fine for me.
  11. Oscar gets Lancebreaker 3 at 4* yay! Also, the other two are 5* only. We need to update the summoning pool soon, redistribute things a bit.
  12. Do you have the brave lance already on someone? Because thst's the only brave lance in the game for you.
  13. If someone enters his range, and is then rescued, Cyas also leaves, though if that happens the bridge still goes. Issue being the lack of rescue staves. If you have the Sleep staff, Rein can be put to sleep (especially if you don't have Olwen anymore) and the silence staff can be used to limit the enemy staves and possibly the boss with the liberal use of pure waters. If you want to warpskip it, you'll need to have at least two staff users (likely more for killing the boss) to do it, and the boss has to be hit from range at first. I did it by warping and rescuing Olwen (after talking to her brother), and having fliers carry allies across the gap, though that leaves the units across the gap vulnerable.
  14. Is this supposed to be a temporary banner or not? Just would like to confirm, as obviously the banner has got more dancers then we had before now and all. (Turns out it even finishes on my birthday, so that might be a factor) I'm also thinking it'll be a late October for the Hallow'een banner. Considering it'll be around my birthday, if it is a great one I might finally crack.
  15. It'd be odd seeing jelly on the toast. Bit less weird to see jam though. And if it fell on the jam, I'd curse and dump it. None of that demons malarky.
  16. So, no Nils. :( Though at least the units here are decent enough to pursue, especially Nohrzura and at least 1 of the others to be honest, not too picky as I have plenty of blue mages, Olivia might be a great dagger and Inigo could have be given Shigure's B to make him better.
  17. Got a +Def/-HP Elincia, merged the -Spd one into her. Hopefully I'll pull a better nature if I get her again, but her offence is fine right now.
  18. Copied Yoroutsuu to clear infernal, though I had a bit of stat difference (and a 5-star Camus) to complicate things (and not following the video before entering the map. Had to restart quite a bit because of that). Worked out anyway, including Olivia saving me because of Escape Route and allowing Camus to trap Clarisse at the top. Got the Sharena mission first try with Sharena, M!Robin, Sonya and Azura. Clarisse took a few tries (few being MANY, several stamina potions worth, partly because at least once she attacked Robin after the ninja and he 1-rounded her because of Bowbreaker, breaking the usual logic of the thief going first. That's right, the issue was making sure Clarisse couldn't be killed too soon, and then having to deal with 4 at once through that bloody gap because of that mercy. This map I swear), but did it with Clarisse, M!Robin, Raigh and Azura (Who needed the Spur Def 2 seal for REASONS) (Thanks for the tip on what units to use Rafiel!).
  19. I've certainly seen Alfonse in a new light since I promoted him back in June. While the Askran trio have pretty much gone to the bench (not out for the count, just try to use others more), I used the trio for the second TT and they were well able to get to the final map on their own. Alfonse himself needs some odd twerks to work well though. He'll definitely want a B skill that suits him: While I use Swordbreaker, he can use Brash Assault to take advantage of Folkvanger (or Brave Sword) and do some serious damage. He might also want to use a skill like Bonfire or Draconic Aura instead of Sol, especially if you aim to take advantage of a low HP strat. He's still a great green counter and his 32 defence helps for countering Hector. If you're low on good red swords/not needing a promotion for a different weapon type, Alfonse is a unit who benefits from promotion to 5* greatly. Of the units you have listed, I'd say either Cherche or Cecilia if you need a green more or Valter out of your blue units.
  20. *Rolls in a tank to deal with hussars *Aims the tank cannon at the next poster
  21. I still want to try for Elincia. I know, desperate. 2 Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (Will this happen again?) 3* Est (TO THE TRASH!) 2 Red, Colourless, 1 Green 3* Henry (Fodder's up!), 4* Raigh (Trash? REALLY? 14 total now, can you just go away?) 4 Red, 1 Colourless (Maybe...?) 4* Sophia (A unit to pass Dragon Fang I guess), 5* Elincia (Ho my, I didn't see this coming so soon! +Def/-HP sadly, but better than -Spd), 4* Cain (+Res/-Def, so WoM fodder for me!), 3* Hana (+Att/-Res, I think I've got her covered there. So L&D can be nice), 3* Felicia (BoL fodder is nice) So I get her faster than expected. And yet no +Spd or +Att. Oh well, not going to push further for now.
  22. Me, I'm currently lost on who Eirika would be interested in (hence not answering the poll). Ephraim on the other hand I heartily like with L'Arachel.
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