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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. *Hops to a reality where Aversa's Night couldn't exist *Pulls out a pistol
  2. I'll confess I had kinda gotten lazy as I was going on with the post mostly to get it done in some form. I'll just respond to a few points. I'll try to add to the stuff I left unfinished next time I post, sorry.
  3. So, where did anyone imply that Est cheated on Abel? I'm curious, as that would be news to me. I always though that her being frightened was the reason. Sure, definitely not mature, but still. Didn't make me sympathetic, but that's more my perception on the whole situation. A whole bunch of unhappy people. As for Celica, I've always felt that there's too much hatred for Celica in that act. Sure, everyone's going "WHY ARE YOU TRUSTING BLUE CHEDDAH?", but this is a blue cheddah who's supposed to know the way to Mila. Though the fact she had to face other enemies (like Dolth) is pretty dumb with that in mind. She's doing it for a lot more people than herself, knowing that Zofia was still reliant to the gods. Any new units I might have a thought on? Boah - I feel bad for the poor guy. He gets a lot of crap but he's left in a bunch of bad situations and dies for his mistakes. He's also a promoted mage in SD, so you don't have to surrender in harder difficulties with Wendell's death. Narcian - Overrated villain of the day! The best moment he even has is Clarine smoking his ass with words. The only way I can like the guy is a joke, but I can't take him seriously, and it knocks on Zephiel sadly. Give me Valter any day.
  4. Well, it turns out that Ruben doesn't get away with it after all. And has to start with the map that put me off the whole thing! Though I have to question how Etzel thinks that this will be helpful. Jeez Nyna, flirting with the guy who she accuses as a monster and destroyer. While Camus does so too. Frankly I think they both have poor standards now. Turns out that knock to the head helped Camus more than expected! So once again Boah proves himself useful. I've come round to him as a unit in MotE, but this playthrough is helping me like him more.
  5. There are quite a few options: Syrup (usually maple to be fair), Chocolate (usually Nutella), Lemon, Sugar, what have you. Not butter because usually butter is used to fry it if the pan is good enough for it to not stick (usually not sadly). If you like savoury it's fine, but I wouldn't usually.
  6. Mangs too, mostly to post spotlight videos. SoC also has a Youtube account of repute. I can see the comparison, it's honestly a pretty decent conclusion. Though I doubt that was an intentional design choice. Especially if the best part of the dream path (aka Revelation) is that you got to use boxes for a barrier.
  7. Monkey 924 choked on a banana holder it thought was a banana. 923 are left.
  8. European here. It'd likely get 16 at most, especially if it doesn't go for blood (which is not likely anyway). The only titles rated 18 on PEGI's website (might not be an exhaustive list) are one of the RE titles, the Snake Eater remake and the Attack on Titan game. I doubt FE would go in a direction that require it to be rated similarly. As for if it should, I know I'd be alright with their addition. I think it's more the issue of how they're introduced and if they can fit the setting.
  9. In no particular order: Canas, Finn, Maribelle, L'Arachel, Leaf (Or Kliff if I were going 1 per continent)
  10. Trump seems to use this constantly as a criticism of whatever he wants to disparage. Is the viewcount that big a deal for him or is it more bluster from a man whose reputation is built on that? Probably the latter knowing Trump but still. As for the current dickwaving contest with North Korea, who is more likely to escalate it to conflict?
  11. Nephenee with +Spd has 44 Speed (counting the skill). Even with -Def she can still tank the BK pretty well and can tank him and Boey (OK sure, that's a joke) Nephenee is a freaking god. I mean, I have had expectations raised up because of TT before (see: Sonya, Eliwood), but I think she might carry more of this over afterwards. Also using Sanaki, Brave Ika and Mist.
  12. Sheep Spirit could be useful early on as a free Vulnerary. Dragon Spirit also has effectiveness, for what that's worth. Yeah scrolls are pretty sucky. Then again, I've always though magic was underwhelming in Fates, barring armours. That's as much the units at fault though. As for my thoughts on worst class, I'm really not sure on that one.
  13. Well, there are quite a few who not much is known about in the series as a whole, and I think I have it rounded down to some options for units (No villains listed here). I'm also going to edit this further to add names and probably explain more about why I say these people later. Geneology/Thracia (I know, you said you'd rather not. I'll put it here regardless, you can ignore it. It'll also have spoilers) Binding Blade/Blazing Sword Sacred Stones Shadow Dragon/New Mystery (Quite a few would fit under both to be honest) Awakening Echoes
  14. So, Larvitar is confirmed, Mina actually matters now and the surfing minigame is actually neat and it finally returns after almost 2 decades. OK, I might be more convinced about UM than I was before.
  15. Internet + Autism = easy to make the mistake. Apologies.
  16. I think I have an update or two to do. Might as well list the lot. M!Robin (This guy is the high deliverer for a reason. Second set of pulls, +Att/-Res, first linchpin of my strats, still used to this day. Is no longer in front for HM though, Springcina stole his thunder a bit, but they're not far apart.) Hinoka (-Att/-Res. The only reason I really use her at all is her Hone Fliers. I'd sacrifice her without regret if I got a better one) Eirika (+Def/-Spd. Rallyqueen's second peak will come, once I use both her and Nino (*cackles manically)) Sprincina (+Res/-HP. Frail is an appropriate word. Offensive monster's also appropriate. Swift Sparrow is always a good A slot option, even if I don't have any real fodder for it.) Azura (Neutral. This character convinced me about dancers. Still don't use dancers all the time, but still.) Hector (Neutral. Hector is my best armour. BK might put a question on that, but no question otherwise) Azura (+Def/-Att. Probably could merge with the other one, though which way is up for questions.) Peri (This one was an annoyance because 1: she's +Att/-Spd and 2: Because she was my only 5* from the second SoV banner, preventing me from getting any of the banner units. At a time when the orbs were pretty dry and desperation was growing after hitting 9.5% for a 5* by the end of the banner. It almost got me to spend. That's why Peri is a low point for me. And why I didn't pull in June) Alfonse (I promoted Alfonse. Dumb? Sure. But he is so much better for it, and Swordbreaker also helped. I need to get him Swordbreaker 3) Sharena (Promoting her is understandable. Bit of a shame the Askran trio have fallen in relevance overall. She's missing Desperation) Anna (Anna is another Askran unit I didn't regret promoting. She's got a stupidly good speed and also has escape route on her weapon. She's missing an A skill.) Xander (I still use Xander for a cav team. He's still good, though that's because he has a lot of inheritance.) Camus (A cavalier I couldn't imagine replacing. Camus is that good.) Michalis (Rounding off the villainous three, Michalis is my one Axe flier who isn't only a great attack. He's also got Ignis, Goad Fliers and QR to make things interesting.) Gray (+Def/-Att. Still amazing, has most of the skills he'd want already and he has the most SP because Sword Valour + TT is ridiculous.) Elise (It took 5 months to get a 5* colourless. Her nature's not great at +Def/-Res. Still, she was useful in the third TT as a healer) Tobin (Still not level 40, I mean why bother too much?) Chrom (+HP/-Res. He is intended for a Reciprocal Aid build. He's got a way to go, and Masked Marth will likely exceed him.) Sonya (I love Res Ply on her. Sonya is great, and she's a powerhouse with +Att/-Def. She's not as crazy as during TT, but still.) Mist (Mist is a bit of a shame. I was hoping for Genny, but at least I have Spur Def/Res skill now. +Def/-Att, it's fine, she's a healer.) Takumi (Takumi is of course a traitor and also prevented Genny. I can't say he's amazing, He's +HP/-Res.) Julia (Neutral, Julia is a fun cleric to use. Dragons still die horribly, and she was an asset during the mini TT.) Ninian (Dragon Dancer is not great at +Def/-Spd, but she's a dancer. I'll round out a dragon team one day. She got a good amount of SP with the mini TT) Clive (I actually trained him up. Clive actually is.... still a pretty limited unit. His default skillset's not that noteworthy, and he's not doing much with those stats.) Sanaki (She's +Spd/-Res. Not optimal, but she's a powerhouse, and one who might double more.) Summer Elise (Her nature sucks sadly, but still. She's powerful and it's been fun leaving her with Takumi. He can even stand in front to cover for her!) BraveLyn (Free pull of CYL. Brave Lyn is OP, so much so I'm trying to avoid using her.) BraveIke (+Def/-Att. Don't mind too much, he's still brutal, and mages still don't cause as much damage as I expected. Sanaki 1-shots his head though) Masked Marth (Missed her in June. So it took 3 months. My cleric build is in progress, she needs Renewal and Breath of Life still.) Eliwood (I couldn't not do it after TT, he had some serious investment and Desperation on a fast horse is fun. I totally see why Brave Roy has that build. (He's +Spd/-Def)) Elincia (+Def/-Spd. I really want to get a better one. Hence my last two pulls) Chrom (Sacrificed for Azura to have Aether) Nephenee (+Spd/-Def. With +Spd, she is so ready for TT) I've been doing a lot better in variety since July, May and June were pretty rough as a result of being screwed out of pity rates twice, and only twice outside of Hero Fest didn't it take a while to get any 5* units back then. Springcina was on 5% for focus units, and Eirika was also a while.
  17. You do realise that the very title says it's a troll tier list right? The other tier thread's legit. Seth has his own tier in it.
  18. I forgot two more questions, both relating to IVs. 1: I've got two pretty neat Pallas now: While I pulled a +Att/-Res, I raised up a +Spd/-HP one already. I'm leaning towards +Att with all the goad fliers I've been passing around, but it looks like a calculator is pushing +Spd as better. 2: Ogma sadly isn't so lucky. I have trained a +Spd/-Att Ogma already, but I got a +Att/-Spd one now, and am questioning what's worthwhile. That or throw both away, pick a god and pray I get luckier next time. I mean, Ogma's supposed to be consistently good.
  19. Well, I have a few more fodder questions. 1: I have a spare Chrom with Aether this time: Thing is; is it more worthwhile to merge on to my better 5* Chrom, or pass the skill, and to who? 2: Is Elincia with +Def/-Spd worth it at all? I am thinking about sacrificing her if I get a better one, though the skill to pass is also up in the air.
  20. Based on that image, while I am thinking it might be a pull-up dress, that's also unlikely, and not exactly practical. Zippers also seem unlikely based on the setting. Though we can see the plate is separate from the dress itself in the concept art. The concept art now has me lost on the shoes. Are there two heels used in it?
  21. Jeez, I though my early luck was bad. I think I had 4 5* units before the first Hero Fest from easily over 100 summons, and 2 of those had some actual IV issue. I'm actually curious as to your unit options, as that might help with figuring out what's best for promoting.
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