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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I want to get a better Elincia, so let's go! 1 Green, Colourless, 3 Blue 3* F!Corrin (Well, it's Draconic Aura Fodder.) 3 Blue, 2 Green (The game knows guys.) 4* Cordelia (NEW UNIT TIME! She's +HP/-Def, so I might just hope I get better Not as good fodder as I expected) 2 Red, Blue, 1 Green (I would have quit if there were no reds here) 4* Stahl (THE CURSE STRIKES AGAIN! He keeps showing up at 4*, wasting my time. +HP/-Def, no point again), 4* Henry (Now this is more useable fodder! He's +Def/-HP, don't care) 2 Green, Blue, 1 Red 4* Raigh (Again with the irrelevant units! +Res/-HP, you're getting sent off) 3.25% chance is against me, but still. 3 Red, 1 Blue, Colourless 4* Henry (OH YOU! +Spd/-HP, it's fodder for you), 4* Hana (Well, she's +Att/-Spd, so she's fodder), 3* Draug (Ward Armour fodder is nice with BK coming to replace my Draug) 2 Colourless, 1 Red, Blue, Green 4* Laslow (+Def/-HP, could have been great, but he's decidedly meh) 3 Blue, 1 Red, Colourless 4* Raigh (I think he's my most common dupe now. Stop. It. Especially with +Res/-Att) 3 Blue, 2 Green 3* Sully (Been a while since I pulled her. She's Neutral, and better than the one lying around I think) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Palla (Hey look, more fodder! +Att/-Res, she's a great nature too. I think my raised one is +Spd, I could go with either one), 4* Ogma (Not pulled him in ages. +Att/-Spd, the opposite of the one I have. Another tough one) 3 Blue, 2 Red 5* Chrom (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- He's +Res/-Def. This might be the most frustrating pull since Peri in May. At least he has Aether to Sacrifice right?), 3* A!Tiki (If she'd been Elincia, this would have been worth it. As is, dammit), 4* M!Robin (More Bonfire fodder!), 4* Sully (Well, she's +Att, so could be worse), 5* Nehpenee (The rumoured goddess halberdier is here! +Spd/-Def, THAT SPEED THOUGH) I will get the screenshot as proof of 2 5-stars up later. WOW. Not what I was looking for, but some happy accidents for me and a stunning finish.
  2. I do think it's a bit tricky to say that the concept of choosing the parent ruins the concept, much as nurture matter for the way a child turns out more than nature (usually). From the perspective of where these children came from, Fates and Geneology are not particularly affected by who the parents are, as the children were for the most part raised away from them (either because they were carted off to a deeprealm or their parents were dead/posessed/fighting for years without letting you know/a statue). It's also pretty clear that the child is most influenced by their predefined parent when writing them up, so it seems to imply that the other parent might have been the less involved of the two overall. Awakening's the one that's the hardest to square, as they would have had at least one of their parents raising them for a significant portion of their life. And for some, they would have had both too. Though they also would have lost said parents in a stage of their life where they're still growing up and for some that's how they turned out the way they did (see: Noire). Does that mean that the concept is ruined? I don't think so, but the niggling thought still remains.
  3. There's a unit late game who can do just that. He's broken. Ludicrously so. Rewarp is great on a staffbot who can fight, or for one to catch up after warping other units. Other than that, it's not particularly necessary for beating this game. Probably best to keep 2 or 3 at least, and if you want to sell the rest (in the game where it's least necessary to buy things) it's not the worst thing to sell. Fun to use, but it's not an item you need to beat this game.
  4. Well, another free summon. Bit of a shame it's Eliwood as a red 5*, I already promoted one. 2 Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Really? No blue?) 4* Merric (Well, it could be worse. Certainly could be better. Although, he is +Att/-Res. Better than +Spd/-Def? I think I'm right on that. Shame I'll have to sacrifice the one I was raising)
  5. Messed with the yoroutsuu strat for a bit, managed it by replacing Barst (who still needs levels) with M!Robin (who has RTomebreaker to beat the mage). It might have been because of me using Camilla initially and Selena's higher speed and lower defence (not so bad as to make it impossible for her to hold the line, but she's 4*, it's fine), but the AI acted differently enough that I had to redo it a few times. Thankfully, with M!Robin and a good few arrows the start worked. Robin's still my high deliverer after all!
  6. I'd say that the Parthia is certainly useable. The main advantage for the Killer Bow is Hunter's volley, and while Trance shot's not as powerful, it's got accuracy and range, which has some good uses, especially on top of Partia's bases. Couldn't tell with the Mercurius, though it's considered as a poor weapon overall. Seems I made the right choice to create a Parthia.
  7. I have them in my sig. Alright, to be more precise I'd like it if Virion, Raigh, Wendy, Oboro and Azama all stopped for a while. I have pulled plenty enough of those units, their inheritance sucks and I don't really need them with different IVs. Est has also shown up 5 times at 3* since 1.6. Please stop it Est. As for 4* specifically, 4* Stahl. He's only ever shown up as 3* once, and 6 times as 4*, preventing me from getting more interesting units, even say Lonk as 4* so I don't have to grind him 19 levels just to sacrifice for Vantage. Kagero's also surprised me, showing up 6 times now, when I could do better with Klein (who I've pulled at -Att once), Rebecca (gotten once as well), Jeorge (never pulled) or Priscilla (never shown up. I've never gotten her or Sakura). Donnel could also do with not showing up so much at 4*, I need a better Effie, Lukas, Mathilda or Reinhardt for example.
  8. .....That is the first time I've seen this track referred to as that of all names. Well, Id Purpose is still as it's always been to me: up there as a personal favourite for Awakening, with what is probably the best use of the Id theme, capping the end of the long journey of the Shepherds. I'm more surprised it's never been in the thread before. 9/10 (probably an 8.5 if I was being honest, but I'm feeling generous) One who carves a new history (New Mystery)
  9. A hypothetical Gen 1 Genealogy TT? 40%: Sigurd, Deirdre, Cuan, Ethlin 20%: Eldigan, Lachesis, Bonus unit, Askran hero (whichever one would be next in rotation) Final boss is Reptor (Alvis is likely soon). I'm a bit lost who to make the bonus unit, but I'll put in Beowolf for now, might pick someone like one of the Noidon triplets, Jamka or Dew. And now for a crossover TT with Archanea, Valentia and Ylisse! 40%: Marth, M!Robin, Celica, Alm 20%: F!Robin, Chrom, Masked Marth, Askran unit Make Gharnef or Jedah the boss. I think this'd be a way to get more Masked Marths, but it has the issue of too many reds.
  10. I was expecting a Revengeance joke. I'm left a bit disappointed. Let's get some exploding magnesium out here!
  11. Raise the sails and pull the anchor lads, we're off to scrounge up some fine booty! Give the landlubbers a gutting if they try to stop you!
  12. Giving a -Att Gordin a 4* promotion and a bunch of crystals to get him used in the Infernal Valter map. Where the strat needed him to be +Att. I am still not over that. Gaggles makes me gag. Moral of the story: Gaggles is the worst, go for Norne instead. Also a moral of the story: Dayni is a dumbass, don't take him seriously.
  13. 548 reasons the mods won't bother to stop us. 1. The suspense will kill us.
  14. *Sweeps them up and uses them to build a cudgel *Drops the cudgel and charges at the next poster
  15. My Elincia's nature sucks, so I don't know if I want to be using her as she's my only 40% unit. I do at least have Titania, Mist and Soren, but 20% bonus will still be too small. Especially considering the only 5* of them is Mist. Also, BK is kinda nuts, will be glad to add him to my armours (rip Draug, finally replaced)
  16. I'm pretty envious of the free pulls here, they look neat. Also, @Nil Aura tome stacks with BoL as a skill and seal, so Linde can heal any adjacent ally by 15 each turn. Great for being a Cleric in TT. 1 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Colourless (This sucks, no chance for Ike!) 3* Nino (Well, no 5* free pull club for me. Her nature's not worth it either)
  17. M!Robin. He's still used to at least some extent, probably been used less lately though. Still really useful without Triangle Adept, Defiant Speed has saved him enough times to justify it.
  18. Skill banner means free pull! 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Kagero (well, it could be worse. Certainly could be better, what with +Spd/-Att)
  19. Finished a bunch of missions, so I think I'll try again for a sword flier. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green 4* Tharja (Hey look, never pulled her before now! She's +Spd/-Res, great nature too. Shame she's already hit the creepy button on her introduction) 1 Blue, 2 each Colourless and Red 3* Olivia (might check for a nature better than -Spd. It's messed me up before), 3* Sophia (She has Dragon Fang to pass I guess?) 5 Blue (What a crapshoot!) 3* Odin (At least it was worthwhile fodder) 3 Red, 2 Blue 3* Laslow (Axebreaker too!), 3* Raigh (Surprisingly, he might have had use for HP, if he got HP +4 at 3*. No such luck), 5* Elincia (JACKPOT! She's sadly +Def/-Spd, so I might try again), 4* Oboro (So, I often question who she's good for as fodder), 3* M!Robin (That was half a waste though, because he has Bonfire) If the rumours about the TT are correct, I'll try to get a better nature then. Until then, I have a question. Is it more worthwhile to merge to a better rarity Elincia or fodder and does anyone else think that Death Blow's worth passing over Flier Formation?
  20. What with his high crit in Echoes, I kinda had to kill him with Alm because he had Scendscale, and I needed other units to surround him (Forsyth died at least 3 times to a crit from him). Feeling bad about it is fine.
  21. Managed to cheese the quests in Lunatic mode first try. Sharena and F!Robin had to do 3 hits to finish her but they were fine. Now I'm concerned about Infernal, but I'll likely be fine in the long run.
  22. So, CYL is gone. Didn't get Bravecina sadly, but moving on. I tried to get Elinica, and after 5 different rounds of summoning with only one red orb each, I got the following (don't want to put those down too) 3* Eliwood (So my free unit is someone I just promoted? What a waste) 3* Eliwood (ON A SEPERATE POOL ARE YOU KIDDING ME?) 3* Lon'qu (This is more like it as fodder!) 4* M!Corrin (He's +Def/-Att, so fodder he is!) 4* Athena (New unit! And she's +Att/-Res, likely perfect IVs too! Yay!) 3.25% it is. For another time.
  23. You had more 5* units than I had when I started, I had to wait for a month to get a second. Focus on what you have for now, but of the ones you have when you do need to start having more units as options, I'd say check their boons and banes to see whether they can work well (especially Rein, Nino and Setsuna. Narcian and Est can also work as the bones of a flying only team for quests)
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