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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Sure, Roy can 1-round without crits. Hell, Roy can still do a lot of damage from base. But your Marth just took Medeus out in one hit (not round, hit). Idoun is obviously in that ballpark, but everyone knows that. Not so for Medeus. These days, it's easier and easier to do. And besides, that kind of stuff is easier to say these days. I'd also make a joke trying to insinuate you're saying something else, but I'm a bit too lazy for that. Because someone decided that ~75 characters was a good enough roster. And Chris got supports with all on them. ....And either lead to them getting back together, or cause Isadora to move on. and either have her heart broken again or become a nun. Frankly this is why I prefer putting them together in supports. Oh no, this one's kinda sad. Trying to find the son he would never see, perhaps? I honestly can't even laugh at that one, even with what happened at the end. Would have preferred that kind of ending instead for the player unit that what we usually get since Awakening. While many characters get the disappeared into the wind ending, it makes more sense for the avatar to do so. Especially because at least here we get some context as to how others acted! (and wouldn't he be counted as 1B 1W?) As for what's coming later, I've seen Tearring played, it's not news to me (should probably play it eventually)
  2. Ah, it's just Tellius, no need to get hype... Wait. Sword Flier. With crazy good sword. And teleportation to a flying ally. Also, Oscar might have 4* Lancebreaker 3 and Wrath seems neat. Though 3 characters seems small. And Brave Ike and BK in the same map? These contracts really can pull anything off!
  3. I found 2 different 142s counted on the end of that page, but we missed 134 as well? Pretty unobservant of me. 184 it is then
  4. Pfhahahahaha that edit's funny: now apparently Sirius can grow far taller than he usually is. Sirius is Eren Jaeger? That line is just so dumb with Ymir dead and all. Also Nooooo Ymir! The man who gave Pretzel his workout hat's gone! Medeus: One-shot by the sappiest lord in the series (at least imo). Very few bosses can claim that "honour", and even fewer with the lower caps. We finally reached the end! Time to see how much shorter the epilogue is!
  5. On the same link, CoroCoro details have been leaked about Rockruff Dusk form; the specific conditions it needs to evolve (between 5 and 6 pm, Rockruff needs Own Tempo as its ability at level 25) and it gets an exclusive Z-Move using Stone Edge that removes terrain.
  6. Found a mistake on the bottom of page 10 where someone didn't count up or edit it to reflect the fact. Shall I count both 178 and 179?
  7. You know what's sad? I checked my activity log. Awakening has over 700 hours. That may be over 4 years, but still HOLY CRAP. What's worse is that one save has over 300 hours put in because of apothesis grinding. Most of which was before I had DLC. I still haven't gotten round to finishing it. Yes I enjoyed playing it.
  8. So, forgot to count SoV for the campaigns played through.

    So, there's DDatBoL, MotE Book 2, PoR and RD left. 14/18 done.

  9. >Has easily blown >100 FtP orbs more than once. Ha, please.
  10. Well, at least someone has got a good case for Est. I'll be honest and say I see Est as having one of the worst default sets. It also doesn't help I had to raise an atrocious one for flier quests at one point, which has not helped my opinion of her. I'm raising a +Spd Est now, any ideas? Cherche is really worth it though, even without the Brave Axe and at 4*. She can fill in for a flier squad, and even with her default hammer kills nearly every Effie. You even have the perfect boon/bane (mine's -HP) As for Zephiel, I'm curious about BK too, but Zephiel has got quite a bit going for him, even as fodder. He has LaD, which is sadly at 5*. He is fun to use as well (and support with Hector). As for myself, I'd say my most recent project has been making Eligood. Currently he's still 4* (TT delayed promotion), +Spd/-Def and running: Silver Sword, Ardent Sacrifice, Iceberg, Darting Blow 2 (passed with Ardent Sacrifice), Desperation 3, Ward Cav. Ardent Sacrifice and Desperation have been a massive help for the TT, and Darting Blow contributes to his high kills for it. I'd likely still finish off Fury for him, and obviously promote him to get the Durandal, but he's doing well right now. Might think about switching IVs at some point, what'd be better?
  11. Only heard of it from South Park. Closest I can think of might be Boojum (And I have my doubts), and I'd get a burrito there usually.
  12. And of course Pretzel's there just to be laughed at once again (And terrify with the what if of him taking over, the one thing to take you away from SM64). Truth be told, I've never had a amazing Chris, and that's even on lower difficulties! At least the once dead sorcerers had their fun this time round. Though I wonder your plans with Gharnef this time. Also, I'd place a bet, but it's probably for the best I don't.
  13. Well, the main reason is that I brought them up is that I've not seen anyone arguing for Kliff as a mage, and I haven't see much in favour of Gonzales in a while either. Yeah, I'm probably not as much of a minority as I thought, but still.
  14. I could have been referring to a certain other character, but that would lead me down a rabbit hole of frustration describing that one. I'd rather avoid doing so in this thread, sorry. That was a trip of an ending. After all that, right when it might have it didn't work out. And all because Starlight didn't show up in the convoy during the chapter. No wonder that snap happened.
  15. A banner with Brave Bows and Dire Thunder - Make it more reasons for colourless hell again and give more chances for Olwen. Probably another with the physical brave weapons too. If they decided to give a +Def/+Res Blow (unlikely as that it) and give Swift Strike to someone else, a banner with each of the 2-stat blows would be nice (split it in two to make it easier) A banner with Rallying 2 stats would be nice too, similar to the 2-stat blow skills. A renewal or breath of life banner would be nice. So would a banner with all the staff user exclusive B skills. And for a hypothetical banner, I'd likely be most tempted to pay for orbs to try to summon Finn and Canas. If they were in the same banner, I'd likely break. Even if both were bad.
  16. So, while playing TT, I got Zephiel and Hector's A rank. The armour shuffling as Zephiel jumped was had me giggling. You know, as he tells Hector his plans to remove humanity around the campfire.
  17. Eliwood has Desperation 3 and Darting Blow 2 now. He has become so much better with it, despite lacking Durandal. I also have to figure out what Skill Brave Lyn should get as her Assist, Julia for her A slot and Special for Ninian, though that won't be until I have more fodder ready. Otherwise, doing well, near 25k already. Thanks Eliwood and Ninian!
  18. I do get the idea. But if you're trying to avoid/not using DLC at all, it's the only way to do so. Also, I did forget Midori. As someone who didn't bother with the kids ever, that's not surprising. You are right in the sense of it being a bit unnecessary. Still, Mozu has never been bad for me. Then again, most of the units in Fates can work.
  19. Finally updated my list of summons. Turns out that Brave Ike was my 100th unique summon (counting Free Lyn, as she was still pulled), I'm on 360 total now and of course Donnel is still my most common at 12, though Virion is close at 11 and Wendy, Lissa and Raigh are on 10 (I also think Azama's on 10, but I screwed up on one of my pulls and forgot to record what colourless it was. I think it was Azama). Also, Already got Distant Defence 1, so I could walk away now. Probably not, but still. Need to get more orbs after all.
  20. Hicks can. I actually bothered to grind Hicks to 20/20 with all his stats 20. Build was one of the first. I feel guilty about that, but still. Couldn't even use him in the end because E swords. I have plenty of units who I use despite their being poor/bad for ranked/LTC/whatever comes next. The last one took quite a few lines and there are quite a few listed, so I'll leave it in a spoiler.
  21. Fatigue is shown as a number on each character. It'll be on the lower screen for each character (the one with skills, stars they have and so on). It'll affect your party from a chapter further on, where you won't be able to use units who were deployed early on with high enough fatigue (greater than their max HP). Try to keep some of the units lower Shiva will show up later on, and can be recruited by one of the units who joins in the same chapter. Missed a chance at an early killing edge, but oh well. There's a patch coming up, but other than that grin and bear it is the best advice I can give. Well, while there are guides out there (and I'd argue WoD is the best for it. The Thracia section even has an engilsh version!), I'll try to just give some suggestion to try and help playing blind. Obviously, training a large variety of units is a good idea, but I'd recommend using as many of the staff users as you can. This is a game where they have a great affect on making the game easier and the higher a staff's rank, the more fatigue it uses, especially the personal staves. Units with personal weapons (the weapons with the * rank) tend to be worth using, and for some of them there are ways of getting more of each weapon. You'll want a lot of swords, as when going indoors horses have to dismount and can only use swords (Something that I think needs fixing in a remake for sure). As for items to steal, try to get Restore staves in particular. Later chapters can have multiple units using status staves, and having some method of curing Berserk, Poison or Sleep is a good idea. I made that mistake and had to dedicate a repair use to the Restore staff. It is more useful for other things.
  22. I was a bit behind on Fates too, didn't even get Birthright until half a year after it came out here. Point being that a certain character seems to have a particular ability to get others (barring those utterly against them) to trust them, even as they have done nothing good for them. (I'd get into my thoughts (and headcanons) on said character, but again, you haven't played Fates. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but still.) Well, we wish he could be a damage sponge. No such luck sadly. ...Sorry, I think it does. Also, KEEP the hat. It seems like it ironically fits Pretzel, the guy obsessed with training who still can't do any good for the army.
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