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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. ....After the first TT, the rewards feel like an apology. Also, switched in Eliwood and Brave!Lyn, and the team is doing far better. Julia Cleric is working out, especially with Eliwood using Ardent Sacrifice (even at 4* he carries his weight), though Brave Lyn is still ridiculous and Ninian is a great sponge who can refresh. Not as easy as the last one (Sonya and Gray decimated it), but still.
  2. For each? Aideen: Either Noish (Critical is pretty limited, Charge alone doesn't help much as an offensive skill and he doesn't help Lester or Lana much otherwise), Arden (Vantage on a Bowknight who wants to be better for player phase? Really? Even if he passes bows on promotion. Also Lana does not benefit from the growths here (even if defence helps her bulk)) or Holyn (Because the only real benefit is to their HP. And if you want a pair for their HP, Holyn with Brigged makes more sense) Ayra: Azel (Shoots most non magic/speed growths in the foot, has to be promoted to get swords to pass down), Alec (He might provide swords, but that's about it, he's outdone by most of the other pairings in any other way) or Claude (At least he has magic sword potential, but he can't even get them to pass down, his inability to provide skills). Really, part of it is the lack of skills to pass, Azel and Claude have got the magic at least. Lachesis: Holyn (HP and Skill, with nothing else but swords to pass. 10/10 for most limited father), Levin (Can't pass weapons, provides mainly speed and Continue's not too reliant unless you've got the higher cap), Claude (B staves does not justify the rest to me, Delmud in particular needs pursuit to not be Delshit. He can't even take the swords from the bosses as they're dead before he joins) Sylvia: Noish (Neither skill is what they want, his growths in general are meh and Corple likely won't get a staff passed), Jamka (No relevant skills, and the dodging growths don't matter too much when Corple's magic is shot. Not even the vestige of a magic growth!), Beowolf (He and Midir both don't provide much of what they want. At least Midir gives better speed for dodging) Fury: Holyn (Once again, he can't give what he should be giving), Arden (Have a worse Lex with no Elite and worse growths overall. Also, the pairing's such a pain to get that there's no point, even for Vantage), Beowolf (At least Noish gave magic. At least Jamka gave early continue) or Midir (It's a shame Midir's growths suck so much, but he also shares a similar fate to Beowolf here.) Tiltyu: Noish (Skills that don't work too well here, the growths are also mediocre), Holyn (No skills in exchange for bulk? Yay.) or Jamka (Like Noish, but he gives continue and less magic). Really, most pairings are worse than the substitutes, so it's a question of which is the most bad. Brigged: Despite Azel and Arden being pretty poor, the only one I'd consider bad is Claude (because nothing Claude gives matters besides the magic and Res growths, which usually don't matter much). Fair is fair, any pairing is better than none at all here, even Claude. If I was to make a worst pairing list, it'd be: Aidden/Holyn Ayra/Alec Lachesis/Levin Sylvia/Jamka Fury/Beowolf or Midir, pick your poison Tiltyu/Noish Brigged/Claude
  3. The ghost of Archanea: floating around distributing stones to royalty. I was referring to it not mattering he's a soul if Imhullu was working in SD as well. Sorry, can you explain this? I don't get it. I know about the patch, just don't know about the paralysed effect it has. Maybe that's something that the dragons just do to others. Would explain a certain dragon (have you played Fates?) Also, yeah I think Gotoh may have forgotten how Gharnef acted. While Gharnef was his own student. Is Gotoh stupider than Pretzel Stu? Also, YES TO THE HAT. Might as well see how it is.
  4. For Physical blues, there's Peri (whose bane's not great and who'd prefer getting mounted boosts), Camus (again, better with a horse team), Sharena (who could probably work, though she doesn't have a support skill besides Rally Att), Hinoka (-Att and flier reliant) and the rest are 4* (Donnel, Oboro, Wendy, Catria, Clair) or Clive. Any of those options work you think? I'd rework the whole team around Eliwood, but he's 4* and the difference is staggering (I need to get round to promoting the guy)
  5. Might do that, Elise was used in the last TT and I am noticing the problems. Tried Azura. Things did not go as planned, especially when I got 4 ranged units at once. Stupid me. Probably shouldn't bother with Fury on either dancer, any suggestions? (Fair is fair, Ninian is fine with Fury 1, but Azura is not working out, even with Sol)
  6. Tried Ninian, Sanaki, Julia and Elise, it worked the first time, but I tripped hard the second time and after screwing up with the second team had to send Hector in. Any suggestions to replace Sanaki or Julia, nice as it would be to grind SP?
  7. DEEP So much so that I don't find it easy to get up after waking up.
  8. Well, I'd do it tomorrow (It's late now, sorry). But my cover has actually been affected by the 3DS box, and it's indented in the gaps of the box sadly. The manual is also only 4 pages, and thankfully I could scan that without issues tomorrow. But I'd rather do it with both at once.
  9. Had to do it twice as well, but Hard was cleared with Summer Elise (with Attack +1 seal), Takumi, Clive and Mist. All 5*, but level 29-30. Elise needed the seal to 1-round the blade mage as she's -Att (hence the fail), but it was easy otherwise. As for infernal, I'll see what I can do before resorting to yorutsuu's strategy, All I need to level up beforehand is Clive.
  10. Remember how Dead Space 3 courted controversy by adding ingame microtransactions to a series that had been praised for its immersion before that point? And how that series got forgotten after that title? Sometimes it can backfire, and people decide to put 0 instead of the ~60 they might have otherwise. That being said, the people who will complain about them are usually a vocal minority of sorts, and wouldn't reflect the whole market anyway, especially with the increase in the FTP mobile market. I'm not someone who would pay for them, but a while ago I would be a bit angrier about them than I would be now. I blame FEH for that to some extent, even if I spent nothing as of this point.
  11. The artist is the guy who did DLC Celica'a art from Awakening now. Make all the legendary weapons have Devil Effect. And that Devil Effect is higher now (not 100%, but high enough that it will be frustrating. You'll still need the weapon too.) Bring Geneology's skill system and weapon balance, Thracia's warp tiles and weapon exp growth, BB's support growth, BS and SS's effectiveness multipliers, SD and NMotE's enemy class diversity, Awakening's Dual Strike/Guard, Fate's weapon growth caps and SoV's odd choice of universal unit caps (barring modifiers). Bad (Subjectively) features from all the series! (First things I could think of for each)
  12. Wait is this true? What's the source? I'd love to hear that, if only so that I don't feel like I have to pull as much as possible now. I already had to get to 4% to pull a hero (a -Att Ike, but still Brave Ike).
  13. Got Lunatic with Julia, Eirika, Azura and Elise on the second try (because Lunge got Azura killed) (Julia has Reposition and G Tomebreaker 1 to make it easier, Eirika has Fury 2, Rally Def, Bonfire and Brash Assault 1, Elise has Fear (irrelevant), Rehabilitate and Swift Wind balm, Azura has Lancebreaker 2, Fury 3 and Sol) Already better than not getting Cecilia + Lilina at all! Hard'll be easy and Infernal..... Joy.
  14. Honestly, yes. While I've picked up some Pokemon ones, the others I've gotten as presents (like a Sackboy). My neice has played with them more in the past while (Gave her the small Mew, she took the Charizard), and I just haven't been at places where I'd get more. So yes, but not to have a huge collection.
  15. Free summon, as I still have few orbs after my last attempt to get a brave unit. 2 each Blue, Red, 1 Green 3* Florina (Well, it's more fodder for me then)
  16. I have the DS remake (the only version that came to Europe), it's great. The new stuff varies from unnecessary to cool but setting up for CC, which never happened. Thing is, quite a few games that people are arguing remakes for I'd rather see continuations for (TWEWY) or more straight rereleases (Terranigma). Personally, after the Insane Trilogy happened, I think I'd jump at the chance to see the Spyro trilogy getting the same treatment, even because I'd immediately get it as my brother's present as he has the PS4 right now.
  17. Well, I was wrong about someone not dying (And you missed the stealth pun :P). Least it was Marth. Also yes, go and do the bonus maps. Never played them myself, tried the Nyna one and it put me off the whole exercise. Also, yeah, I kinda get Gharnef a bit better here. Still not remembering anything notable he did in SD (as a manipulator), and his background is still eh, but always did like the assassin arc, arbitrary as it was. Shame it's sort of tied to Pretzel Stu. And wasn't Gharnef only killable by Starlight in SD anyway? Then what does it matter with him being incorporeal?
  18. Yes, yes they did. At least there's no chance you'll be losing allies next chapter too. Right? I mean, I haven't the foggiest idea, but still.
  19. I'm rolling with Brave Lyn, despite thinking I should go with M!Robin, as he has been my highest deliverer since launch. Brave Lyn OP plox nerf. As for supports, I've already put up some canonical and some non-canonical ones together (including Zephiel/Hector (which probably should have me shot) or Camus/Xander (Which I think makes sense) or Ninian/Fae (Because they're dragons and it's a shame the two can never meet in game) or Gunter/Jagen (Decrepit old men who can't into meta? WHY NOT?) or Sprincina/Masked Marth (Because one of the happier Lucinas with one of the sadder ones makes sense imo))
  20. I was in top 10K for overall and all three rounds. Neat. Also, it's over now. At least we won't have to bother looking at the app twice an hour anymore.
  21. That will be good for him indeed. He can take Desperation and Iceberg together, which can work well for him. Well, might as well pull again. 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue 4* Donnel (Probably could be a better pull, though +HP/-Spd could be good), 3* Hana (Decidedly meh. Though +Att/-Res is actually good), 3* Wrys (Old Man! He's +Res, I might just train him to use) Pulled out there. 2 each Colourless, Green, 1 Blue 3* Jagen (Fortify fodder it is!), 4* Merric (A new unit! Neat, a magic anti-flier. He's even +Spd/-Def), 3* Cecilia (I checked, she's +Spd. Any good, or is +Att what I want?), 3* Azama (Asshat is here again. Why does he keep happening?), 4* Jakob (+Res/-HP, might as well figure out who wants Renewal) 4%. Come on then. 2 Blue, 1 each Colourless, Red, Green 5* Brave Ike (YAY! He came! I was hoping to get an infantry green, and here he is! Also, Urvan's his partner. Must make mortgage negotiations easy. And the phone crashed afterwards. Must not want me to get more. He's +Def/-Att, somewhat sadly), 4* Raigh (Well, I'll find some unit to take his stuff, especially because +Res/-Att), 4* Reinhardt (FREINDSHIP IS EVERYTHING! Finally, I might see what the buzz is about! Sadly, he's +Def/-Att, so no good to me), 4* Oboro (+Res/-HP, she's dropped), 4* Felicia (More than once I hoped for a brave unit this time. I think I shouldn't bother. +Res/-Spd, no point) Out of orbs. Least I got Brave Ike. Hopefully I can get at least Bravecina before it's over. Might never come again
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