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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Finally managed to beat Narcian Infernal with M!Robin (5* +Att/-Res), Gray (5* +Def/-Att), Clarine (4* +Spd/-Res) and Olivia (4* +Res/-Spd) Olivia sadly needed more speed for this map, so I had to give her the speed seal and Speed +2 to ensure she survived a hit she had to soak later on (So, Neutral 4* Olivia works fine). Aside from that, M!Robin has Bowbreaker 2, Reposition and Resistance seal, Olivia has nothing else relevant, Gray has Hone Attack 3, Vantage 3 (irrelevant to the map), Bonfire and Breath of Life seal and Clarine has Rehabilitate, Renewal 2, Fortify Res 2 and carries Spur Def 1 seal. M!Robin also needs +Att and Hone Attack 3 from an ally to 2-shot the sword infantry without Triangle Adept. Everything else is default skillwise (Or might as well be) So I started by having M!Robin attack the sword infantry, Olivia danced him out and he repositions her so that the enemies can move with them out of range. Next turn I proceed to beat the sword infantry and move M!Robin and Olivia back with the same strategy, while Gray moves onto the tree before the mountains to face Narcian. Narcian attacks Gray and causes damage to the rest of the party, while the rest of the enemy moves to the column. On the next turn, M!Robin moves in front of the enemy column to the northwest of Gray, Gray defeats Narcian after Olivia dances for him and Clarine heals M!Robin. The enemy is now ordered from the top as Green Mage, Archer, Blue mage and Bow Knight after attacking M!Robin and Clarine. The next turn, I retreat back to get M!Robin and Clarine out as both have taken damage, M!Robin pulling back, repositioning Clarine and gets danced by Olivia who he repositions out of range. Sadly Gray and M!Robin are both in range of the Bowknight, so I heal M!Robin with Clarine and Gray has to take damage that round. Then M!Robin beats the bow knight, Gray moves in to attack the Blue Mage and Olivia dances him so that Gray can finish. Because M!Robin was also damaged, I make the choice to have Gray healed before he moves and now Gray and Olivia are in the way. The archer attacks Olivia once (Hence why I gave her the seal), and then I can mop up the two enemies left on player phase. No other relevant seals (barring Gray with Breath of Life I think, but that would have been irrelevant: Clarine survived with greater than 3 HP after she was attacked)
  2. Another banner! Another free summon! (I already have each of these units (well, Brave Lyn instead of Lyn aside), so no need to keep pulling here) 2 Red, 1 each Green, Blue, Colouress 3* Est (Worst flier again! Least her IV doesn't suck so much that I couldn't use her for quests. (+Spd/-Res)) (Seriously, -Spd Est is horrible to use)
  3. Yeah, it's mainly his accuracy and the Ocean Seal's worth holding him back. Keep in mind, I still think Dart is fun to use: Just that he's also got some cost to him for ranked runs that might make it not worthwhile.
  4. So, those mountains of salt right? OK, I haven't been following it too much, as I sided with Hector until the final, where I bandwagoned on Ike. I had one with Eirika, Ninian and Xander against Robin, Celica and Alfonse on the map based off of MotE chapter 8. I managed to lose as Celica 1-rounded Ninian to my surprise and the other two couldn't do a thing to Robin. Anyone consider any of these matches interesting?
  5. Hector and Lyn lost today. I think I need a pull. 2 Blue, 3 Colourless 4* Jagen (Fortify Cav fodder is nice, +Res/-Spd nature sucks), 3* Wendy (Would you stop that? I need other fodder please) 3 Green, 1 each Red and Blue 4* Draug (+Def/-Spd, Might be worthwhile, and if not he has Ward Armour), 4* Mae (+Res/-Def, a reverse of what I had before), 4* Nino (Please be good. +Att/-HP, certainly will use! Thanks RNG, though +Spd would be better), 3* Arthur (Waste of 2000 feathers? You Decide! Next time on Fire Emblem Heroes: Crisis on Infinite Zeniths), 4* Sheena (WOOO Finally! I mean, how long has it been to get her? +Def/-Spd, well all I have to get now is get a better Effie and give the one I have to her!) A better Nino, sone neat fodder and a new unit. Not a Brave hero, but still.
  6. Yeah I have spares, hence why I only listed these units. Thanks for the advice too. Wish I had an Amelia to use, but I have what I have and the only armour who didn't have a stat booster by default was Zephiel (who has Hone Armour passed on already). If I had a Bladetome option besides Ursula, who might use that Odin if she was to take the blade tome and Moonbow. Which melee units work best with Fortify Cavs (I have Cain, Frederick and Abel as options for sure, most of the others have boosters already)? And could Brave Lyn use it in place of Att Smoke? Eliwood is +Spd, hence why I though it was an option. He'd obviously have cav boosts nearby (He's pretty limited to cav teams as is), and he does have Fury inherited. Who besides Eliwood or Nino (Who I'm waiting for a better Boon/bane combo on) are good choices? Cherche currently has a different setup (not Brave Axe + yet, and 20,000 is too much for me to spend for fodder at present), Camilla could work but more likely that she already can 1-round most Reinhardts barring fully-boosted ones (who I still don't face), Florina has Breath of Life, Shanna has Iceberg (much as Moonbow could be good) and Subaki's attack sucks anyway.
  7. It's been a while, and I've pulled a lot of units who are good for fodder. I'm just wondering who wants it. I have some ideas but I'm not sure if there are btter ideas out there. All but one are 4* 4 F!Corrins (So much Draconic Aura, though Hone attack might be nice to pass), 3 Subakis (Lots of Quick Riposte for some tanky units?), 3 Wendys (Trouble is most of my armours have or don't need Hone armour), 2 Laslows (Who wants Axebreaker?), 1 Florina at 3* and 1 at 4* (Darting Blow could be and Ardent Sacrifice would be good in conjunction with Desperation), Hinata (Most of my dancers are covered for Fury, so who in particular wants it?), 1 A!Tiki (Bonfire. Likely for Hector.), 1 M!Robin (Another Bonfire, though Xander could be good for it) 1 Jagen (I think I'll pass Fortify Cav to Clarine, but someone else might benefit from it), 1 Shanna (Desperation: I have a few ideas, but Eliwood is the most obvious one I have trained), 1 Odin (Is it more worthwhile to pass Moonbow or R!Tomebreaker?), 1 Arthur (Lancebreaker is good, even at 2), 1 Frederick (Luna and Wings of Mercy seem like good things to pass on), 1 Kagero (Daggerbreaker seems difficult to give to units: Not sure who wants it) I'm also preparing a Palla (Goad Fliers/Moonbow), and I'm thinking I could give just Moonbow. But I still have plenty of fliers I'm training up who could take it. So who of Subaki, Shanna, Florina, Camilla or Cherche would best use it and Moonbow? Or should I just give Moonbow at this point and not worry about stat-boosting?
  8. Can't spell more wrong without moron though. And Pretzel seems to prove that without question. Also, I think I'll use Vun Woman next time I'm playing DSFE. Never got to it before.
  9. I may have found a funny example. In Birthright/Revelations, you can get the skirmish maps, which will include the map for Sevenfold Sancuary, certainly a map I always disliked, but pretty unmemorable until now. If an enemy in the upper part of the map has a staff like Silence or Hexing rod, and then moves to use it and steps on the stair tile on the bottom, the top of the map is inaccessible, making the map unfinishable (you can't even hit it at 3 range as the distance between the stair tiles is 4 tiles away (Where are my SoV archers now?)). This can be circumvented because the units will only move off after certain turns (though I can't say I know the logic), so the sooner the better. So Skirmishes can become unintentionally unwinnable apparently, though not without player involvement (or lack thereof) again.
  10. Threaten Def banner, so free summon time! 1 Red, 2 each Blue or Colourless 3* Palla (MORE GOAD FLIERS) Alright, that'll do for now.
  11. Sorry, should have put that in. Forgot about that guy. Thing is that Jaffar distracts many of the enemies that otherwise would come for Zephiel sooner. You pretty much need to be at the room in 5 turns. No warp or Rescue staves. BBD is up there in hardest maps in in the series on HHM for a reason.
  12. Gaiden is apparently impossible to beat if you have too few units on Celica's party in the last chapter, but I can't tell how that works aside from Celica taking all the damage. It also didn't get carried over to SoV so I assume the devs didn't want to take the risk on it making a playthrough impossible. You could also skip the Falchion, but there's a way around that as well that makes the final boss still beatable. Mystery Book 2 and Binding Blade have their endings cut short based on not having certain items, but not a specific unwinnable situation from what I can tell. Geneology could end up being impossible if you somehow lost all the units you could use against the final boss like Julia or , as doing one damage all the time to Julius and risking a crit if you somehow got him low enough is certainly fun right? Fair is fair, Seliph can still do damage but if he has too little strength or all your healers are dead it could be unbeatable. Thracia of course has the situation X-Naut mentioned. In Blazing Sword, Battle Before Dawn has become impossible for some people because the RNG gets Jaffar killed too soon, making it impossible to save Zephiel. Though this likely coincides with the player not having strong enough units either, which could be RNG related as well. This is likely the most RNG-based one mentioned here, but even still it's on the hardest difficulty and still pretty reliant on the player's options. More generally, you could have an unwinnable situation if you run out of weapon uses, but that's unlikely and in some games impossible to pull off. Point is, you can lose the game if you don't have certain things depending on the game itself. But those fail states require a lot of mistakes before that point, so it's on the player.
  13. Brave Hero time! Obviously, taking my free Lyn and going. She's Neutral by the way. As for the summoning banner: 3 Colourless, 1 each Red/Blue 3* Gordin (Gaggles makes me gag. I decided to check is nature and now he's +Att. Why was the previous one -Att for Valter, making the strat undoable? Either way, I am now angry at Gaggles), 3* Virion (Again, not the archer I want from it), 4* Kagero (Well, could be worse. +Res/-Spd, who even wants Daggerbreaker now that Robin has it?), 4* Lukas (Hey look, he finally showed up! +Def/-Att though, sad to say.), 3* A!Tiki (I got another Bonfire at least) That was a wasted summon overall. Colourless hell indeed.
  14. Dammit Pretzel, if you weren't so bad Etzel could have had someone to soak some of those hits for him! (Can we retroactively blame Pretzel for all the deaths? It might help a bit. Especially with him actually stealing Marth's plans now). Will Tomas actually be used and will he stay a sniper? Also yes, Etzel is the best choice for Aum out of that lot now.
  15. Last day for a summer unit. Might as well try right now. 1 Blue, 2 each Red, Green 5* Summer Elise (FOR ELISE! I was wanting to pull her as a green tome before I got Sonya or Julia, but it's still good. +Def/-HP, probably could have been better), 3* Florina (*Foghorn. Least Ardent Sacrifice could be good for a desperation build.) Think I'm done. No Summer Corrin for me, but I got a summer unit at least.
  16. Least favourite: Dark Dragon and the Sword of light -It introduces the series as a whole and manages to not be buggy in the NES era -It established most of the character archetypes that we still discuss today -It actually tries to tell a grand story which wasn't all that common in the NES era -There's a uh ton of possibilities in terms of who to use -...Oh who am I kidding it's the only one I couldn't bring myself to play more than 5 maps of OK, in all seriousness, Least favourite: MotE -Managing to bring two stories onto one cart is a bit nuts for the SNES era and I'd take that again in an era where it would work -Dismounting is at least an interesting mechanic in concept, and Thracia didn't do much better with it -Overture is the best menu music -The way the map zooms in and out between parts of the map between chapters is a nice small thing with the noises as well -Most units are viable in this game, especially Book 2 Favourite: You know what, I'm still not certain on it. So why not from each era?
  17. Whoops. Still, ignoring those buffs is no bad things, and the Urvan effect makes sense too. Still, it's not like it's bad either. Does make it more obvious to go for Lyn though.
  18. The strat doesn't work without the defence of Gordin. So it's a bust. Think I'm going to wait for a replay, where Brave Lyn might shatter it.
  19. At first I was disappointed, only a Voting Gauntlet? Which I don't want to pull in because both Then the actual announcement came in. Lucina finally having a lance and boosting allies. Roy on a horse with a neat Durandal. LYN ON A HORSE WITH MURGLEIS MULAGIR IGNORING DC. Ike with flier and cav effectiveness and can take less damage from doubling. LYN ON A HORSE. Definite free summon choice. And can anyone explain what rewards are from the minigame and if they're for the playerbase or just those who play it?
  20. So off to do some free summoning! Not too tempted by these banners. In the B block, 2 Green, 1 each Colourless, Blue, Red. 4* Seliph (+Res/-Def. Not worth much, HP +5 could be good to pass on) In the A Block, 3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue 4* Stahl (+Res/-Att, even less worthwhile. Swap inheritance is nice.) I'll gather some orbs for Wednesday. Also, Brave Heroes looks AMAZING, right?
  21. Good thing he's +Att then. He's also pretty close in level.
  22. Well, time's running out. Might as well now before CYL makes me cry. 4 Red, 1 colourless (Not. OK.) 4* Lucius (+Att/-HP. Well, could be worse, might pass Miracle. Who'd want it?) Again then. 3 Blue, 1 Green 3* Cecilia (I checked, it's not +Att. Moving on), 4* Florina (And here I was wondering if I'd ever get her again! +Att/-HP, could be decent), 3* F!Corrin (THEY KEEP CORRING!), 3* Subaki (My thoughts on Subaki are clear.) Moving on. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue and Green 4* Abel (Hey look it's that guy! +Res/-HP, Finally swordbreaker fodder!), 4* Barst (Once again, Barst. yay. +Def/-Att, passing Reposition/Spur attack on then.) Another shot at it. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Arthur (SuperAxe could be worthwhile as Lancebreaker fodder at least), 3* Oboro (*Whiff), 3* Est (Trash) On 3.75% now. Wamp Waom.
  23. 1: Not really, no. 2: Could Virion make use of his Brave bow? Debating using him instead.
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