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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Thought Hero Fest was today. Oh well, might as well try the other banners. And then it didn't affect the two banners I might have been interested in pulling before. Oh well, Bound Battle it is. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue and Green 4* Soren (Hey look, new guy. Tellius guy. +Def/-Res, but of a shame your boon/bane is iffy at best) Can confirm you pay 15 for a full pull after this- Not really interested in pulling this banner, I'm good. Got someone new and everything.
  2. Ask about if it's alright to have breakfast, likely involving that baguette.
  3. Yeah, FCorrin is a monster.... Who I joined when Elise lost. Yeah, Gaius can't even close the gap at least 3 times now. So I don't see him winning. I'm in the top 25,000 with 1800 flags left for this round. That's just sad. At least I'm outside the top 30k total, it's not like I'm a top unit on the bandwagon.
  4. Free to play, easy to carry around, mechanically similar, surprisingly accessible from a FTP standpoint, the sheer variety of units even at this early stage, being able to make a favourite a superunit by taking SI into account. I can get why it's gotten some people (myself included) Bringing units from different worlds together? Putting Roy in the same party as his parents? Being able to use both Robins in the same party? Little stuff like that can also have appeal. I wouldn't feel bad about not getting into it. I wouldn't call it an essential title either.
  5. Got it with no new skills. Managed it by forcing the AI on the offensive by attacking Celica with M!Robin and then dragging him forward with F!Robin (Drag Back is more like Drag Forward with me half the time), leaving her to take out Bruno and cause Celica's party to charge at me. From there I was able to set up for each unit on the enemy side (Barring Boey, who Lilina 1-rounded on player phase). Beaten on Turn 6, but if Clarine could use Swift-Wind Balm on the 5th turn, M!Robin could 1-round Genny. That move on the first turn makes this map so much easier. No Light's Blessings or anything! :D
  6. Wonder if I ended up with a sprite version of the Lone Ranger. Ask if there's some train robbers to stop.
  7. More an issue of doing so speedily as is. M!Robin is the sole 5* which doesn't help matters. M!Robin has R!Tomebreaker for Celica (It 1-rounds her), F!Robin can 1-round Bruno, tank Mae and Ignis helps do damage (Though she is obviously a weak link), Lilina demolishes Boey with G!Tomebreaker and Genny can be hit with BlarRaven I can get 4/5 killed before time runs out because forcing a game over on the last turn's enemy phase is mean as is. Lilina would likely be able to speed this up with a movement skill.
  8. 6. Sadly Gray's also -Att, bit of a shame. 8. So I assume keep GTomebreaker for Green Mages I might get then? Out of luck so far. 9. Yeah, makes sense. Bit of a shame that. 11. I do have Vantage on him already, it's a matter of deciding if +26 every 5th Vs. +18 every 4th. Even still, I'd like to find someone who'd better use Dragon Fang. 12. Yeah, Cav Emblem isn't something I run too defensively myself, even without Rein Thunder. Xander using it to 1-shot Nino without being hit could be good.
  9. Just commenting in response in brackets. Thanks for the explanations though, does put it into perspective.
  10. I have Lilina, F!Robin and M!Robin trained up (Lilina doesn't have a repositioning skill unlike the Robins, who have Drag Back and Reposition respectively), and could use Clarine or Lissa as my healer as well. My main issue is getting units into position early on. F!Robin isn't the most reliable either (having beaten this map before), but she is my only option as is for Green tomes though.
  11. So, I have a bunch of inheritance lying around after finishing my training up a bunch of 3* units to sacrifice. All of what's left is 4* and are worth passing on skills to, but I don't know to who. I've also got some who I have ideas about but could hear good alternatives as well. Roy (Obviously Triangle Adept) 2 Hinatas (Fury fodder) Chrom (He's got Sol, Defiant Defence and Spur Defence. Who'd want that?) Draug (He's going to pass Ward Armour when I get Sheena/Effie) Stahl (I mean, he has Def +3. He has Swap. He has Ruby Sword. But who wants those?) Palla (Planning on giving Michalis Goad Fliers and Moonbow once he has Spur Att/Spd 2 from someone else) A!Tiki (Bonfire. Just, Bonfire.) Lilina (I have 2, and I'm not sure which has better Boon/Bane (+Def/-Res and +HP/-Def). The max level one has G!Tomebreaker too, but I'd be passing Spur Attack or her Special.) 2 Henrys (He's got Ignis, RaudorRaven and G!Tomebreaker. He's got a lot of fodder options.) Seliph (Brash Assault 2 and Rally Speed. A good combo imo.) M!Corrin (Dragon Fang and Defence +3 are my main options here.) Lon'qu (Vantage. No need to explain, but I don't know what non-Hector/Ryoma units want it)
  12. .... I'm looking at 11-5 and am just concerned about how to beat it. Last time around I had to use a Light's Blessing to beat it with the full party, and I'm a bit stuck as to what to do with the quest. What strats are there for that map?
  13. Maybe the spikes on the tip of the blade, rip through armor on certain spots on the suit? I'm not sure. That was discussed in the video as an option, so I can see it. It's still a pretty heavy sword as well, which would help because a good swing with it will hurt, and the assumption is that the heavy armour would slow them down.
  15. Didn't argue against that. But you can say it's been a bit more open about it in my lifetime than, say, 1967. It's not like songs weren't on about it, but they tended to be more subtle about it than quite a few hits these days. I could make a comparison, but it's likely be a bit of a generalisation if I was.
  16. Little too true for me when I am sadly. It's not like all the popular music is bad, but you'll hear quite a few tracks where you ask "Why?" if you're overcritical of stuff like I am. As an example, ALL of the 1D members are doing solo careers now, and they'll all chart (Of course). So that's 5X the amount of music I wasn't going to like much in the first place. I know, so cool to bash 1D, but I have the issue of not being much of a fan for most of the big name music in general. Never mind that some tracks will just sound like other tracks for reasons that are expected (sampling all over the place) and unexpected (e.g. Strip That Down somehow is so similar to Shake That Ass For Me, a song from a decade ago as an example. And it's not like sampling is involved there). One thing I have noticed is how so many songs are on about sex too, which doesn't help with tracks sounding similar either.
  17. Dayni


    I think you're looking for Introductions or FFTF for this post. Anything you want to discuss that fits here though?
  18. Yeah, you can consider Eliwood canon and Hector canon as well: It's rare that differing story events in both completely overlap: Hector will do something else aside where Eliwood was on his own in Eliwood mode. Hector mode also has stuff that's not in Eliwood mode that can certainly be considered canon, especially around one character's involvement. Both are fine to play through, and they also differ in the enemies as well.
  19. Determine if I'm in the HRE. Then proceed to stumble out after getting dressed and probably begin a day in the HRE.
  20. Good news, I think quite a few others like her too. I'd agree with it as well. Also @Harvey, just calm down. We all have differing opinions on BB, and there's no need to derail the thread like this when it's about opinions. As for myself (knowing I'm about to be a hypocrite): The worst part of Conquest isn't chapter 10, it's not the last 2 chapters and it's (Somehow) not the journey to Hoshido (aka chapter 16-21 (aka This is fun. Right? RIGHT?)). It's Treason. It's not even the whole map's fault. It's down to the last thing: INFINITE. STAVES. ON THE END BOSS. Genealogy was bad enough with it, but it didn't have an incurable status that drops your HP by half. FOR THE WHOLE MAP. Which you're also going to be in range of early on. Fuck Treason Iago and fuck Hexing Rod is what I'm saying. Anyone else feel like the Fates weapons named for specific units are underwhelming overall? I also liked weapons with skills on them. Even if it was usually broken.
  21. Well, least you only have one dead so far, though it'll be a shame he'll have to die again. Also, TIL about the Spanish for wing.
  22. ......Yep. A package is supposed to arrive this evening. This will be the third time said package was being delivered since Friday. First time I give directions to the person delivering and they didn't. Didn't even get a call Monday and no delivery, despite it saying online it was coming that day. Really is one of those problems.
  23. Switched Team 3 to M!Robin (with Bowbreaker he was fine), Springcina, Donnel and Olivia, which worked fine, and made Team 3 my team 5. No other changes. Hector laughs at the ninjas (Though Zephiel killed one), and so long as none of the swordies on my side died to Wrys (suboptimal placing left them in range) I was good to go. Navarre was doing 1 damage to Wendy on each hit. Yeah, I approached than map wrong before. Let's see what SA2 brings.
  24. Being prone to having low magic later on doesn't prevent Lugh from being useful otherwise, especially early on where his bases can work just fine because Res is nigh non-existent early on and most of the bosses (up to Chapter 8) are armours which he does more damage than most can, and of the others only 1 has high enough res to be concerning to face. Then again, I like using both of them, but I haven't tried both at once. Lilina's high power works really well with staves, and so long as she's not screwed for speed she is viable to the end once she has enough growth behind her. Lugh is better at dodging from the start, and his power is usually enough to do the damage (though probably not 1-round most enemies: in hard mode they'll have the stats to last).
  25. Out: Edward In: Alfonse Sophia Marth Alm Alfonse Xander Ninian Lute Lowen Clair Micaiah
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