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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Turns out this hack works with WINE. I'll have to let you know how this plays in Ubuntu eventually (it opened and ran fine so far). For now, know that the engine stuff is going to be really interesting in the long run.
  2. .... It's Thursday. I'm behind, aren't I? In all honesty, I have been distracted from it by everything going on, and I'm just back home yesterday. Also, I must confess I have since purchased Echoes. But it's not here yet and my 3DS wasn't returned, so it won't be a distraction. I'll try to have something ready for Sunday. I'll have people asking me to do stuff, so it might be a while.
  3. Tom and Jerry's Tom and Jerry Kids The Tom and Jerry Tower Tom and Jerry Life 1, Tom and Jerry Life 2, Tom and Jerry Life Episode 1,Tom and Jerry Life Episode 2 (Tom and Jerry Life 3 when?) Serious Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry 776 Tom and Jerry Go
  4. Naughty Dog is an obvious mention, I've always had a bit of bias for Insomniac (though they certainly don't have a perfect track record), Rockstar North would be a strong candidate too. Hell, despite Game Freak being bound to one series for the most part, to say that it has as much prominence as is does speak to their basic system being strong in the first place (though they do not count in practice) Can't really say Nintendo in and of itself because they're the kind of company big enough to have multiple dev teams who have varied output.
  5. ...Bit impatient to do so now, but I'm trying to pull for more in general. Alm's Army banner once again! It's been quick with 5* units before. 3 Colourless, 2 Red 3* Selena (Unsurprising), 4* Seliph (Hey look, you again! +Def/-HP, is that useful?), 3* Eliwood (...What's worth sacrificing for you? Sadly, it'll likely require feathers), 3* Niles (Hello, been a while, you probably suck as usual) and 4* Felicia (+Res/-Att, Oh my you are going to be used for Glacies!) 3 Colourless, 2 Red (Seriously, What.) 4* M!Corrin (We've got Cornin again! +Spd/-Res, That might just be worth using), 4* Lilina (+HP/-Def, I kinda wish she had a better boon, I have one already as well), 4* Kagero (+Spd/-HP, is +Spd better than +Res for her?), 3* Virion (And things were looking interesting) and 3* Niles (Nope, not interested) 1 Green, 4 Red (What is with all this red today?) 4* Henry (Hey look, GTomebreaker/Bonfire fodder! +Att/-Spd might be worth using over +Att/-Res, can someone confirm?), 3* Palla (Shame WoM is 5* for her), 3* Draug (Ward Armour is 4* :( ), 4* Chrom (WE'VE GOT THE SPINMASTER! +Res, -HP though) and 4* Titania (A Green cav I might be able to use? She is +Spd/-HP. Also, first Tellius unit for me as of now.) Eff it one last shot for now 4 Red, 1 Colourless (This is a joke, right?) 5* Chrom (FALCHION SPIN! +HP/-Spd, probably use), 4* Roy (Been a while, but you're Triangle Adept fodder with -Att), 4* Stahl (-Def, you're going to be used for something, but I don't know what. I have pulled 4 4* Stahls to 1 3*. That's weird), 3* Hana (....If only you were worth raising for inheritance) and 3* Setsuna (It's a trap!) ...I wanted a good natured Nino (turns out I was wrong what Nino I had). That was annoying. I did get the Spin King though. Took 4 sessions though.
  6. I'm tossing up two of the 4* units to promote right now, and I've rounded it down to: Eliwood (+Spd/-Def) Cherche (+Att/-HP) Legion Lloyd Ursula Ursula and Eliwood (would be good for cavalry teams, but they'd be competing with Camus and Xander), Legion (A Panic attacker? Who is all about getting low HP? Why not?), Lloyd (Fir, only he has attack? Maybe I'm wrong) and Cherche (who would nice to promote, but I want to see if I get -Res instead as well)
  7. Found on the subreddit, too good not to bring up.
  8. Fae has the first Lightning Breath to learn, and the spare A!Tiki is 4*. If I was more awash with feathers, this'd be a good call. But Tiki also has Bonfire, and there are some units who might want it while Fae's -Def. My current plan for Fae is giving Glacies, but I could probably change that. (Fae's +Att, should have mentioned)
  9. So, ignoring Begnion (obligatory not touched Tellius), I'd argue it's between Grandbell and Bern. Dolhr has the issue of essentially depending on vassals who could bring Dohlr to its knees. Rigel could have been a contender if we knew more about it and it managed to hold Sofia for a long enough period to see what they do with it and how they'd hold a secured Sofia. Archanea are a nation who manage to be unable to hold Marth off despite having plenty of time and vassals to prepare (And an emperor who saw Marth do it before). Their competence is iffy. Etruria friggin collapses on invasion in 2 maps. Beating their mining operation takes twice as many maps. Etruria sucks at combat is what I'm saying, and it doesn't help their good generals defect to the Boy quite willingly (well, their not crap ones). Grado are a pretty weak nation in practice, Ephraim leading the invasion doesn't help though. Valm is a case of story vs. gameplay, and sadly the story highly overhypes it. It's a shame, as they could be a better nation in combat too. Nohr is very vague, doesn't't seem like it should be a powerful nation though and they are claimed to be powerful in a matter similar to Valm. But details told about Nohr don't help that hold up. Grandbell manages to get a good handle on the continent, take advantage of political chaos made by themselves and opponents, actually have a military that allows them to counter threats internally (not externally if they have holy weapons) and actually establish an empire that could have lasted. They both try to improve the state of parts of the empire (at least for a time) and are quite firm to internal treats too. My point is, it has a potential to be a stronger empire than before, and they're not weak to start either. They kinda get shot by the Loptyr cult because they both assisted in it's rise and plotted eating it from the inside to replace it. And is the reason its last emperor died. Bern unfortunately have similar issues to Archanea and Dohlr with failing to hold the motley crew off, despite their vassals. However, Bern also makes more sense as a powerful nation in the first place. We see how powerful they are in their defences even before BB, we see them march right through Ilia and Sacae in quick succession, which supports that they're able to deal with terrain and potential weaknesses quite well despite being a lopsided military. They also have resources as is, they show good discipline (for the most part (*coughNarciancough)) and at least try to limit access to the biggest threats to their main armed forces. I'll give the edge to Grandbell.
  10. li-SUH @XRay: Shame about Subaki then. I do have some decent fliers (and a -Att Hinoka), it's mostly Palla that would be relevant. @phineas81707: she has Lightning Breath (not +) right now, not paid for yet though.
  11. Well, you know you're high on the fftf postcount when you resurrect 9-year old threads?
  12. Yeah, of course Nino wants +Spd, my fault for forgetting. OK, that's good to hear, he is -Def. I think I might be able to fish for Iceberg eventually. My Cherche currently has Vantage 2, but Axebreaker/Wings of No Mercy makes sense. As for Fae, unfortunately Fae is the only good dragon I have right now. I burnt my F!Corrins a while ago (The events are too stupid to repeat) and A!Tiki is the only other one I pulled.
  13. I'm looking into promoting some units to 5* and 4* so that I might use them more: some of the 3* units are worth considering as well! I'm actually just going to round it down to more useful ones because I don't think people are going to care about promoting Maria for instance.
  14. It. Is. Hype. Still love the music, the animation is great and the editing is good too. Not going to lie, it helped AoT a lot, and you have to wonder what they'll do for Season 2 that could match it. Guren no Yumiya is still a great song imo. 9/10 FMA:B - (Hologram)
  15. Hey look, someone else who thinks so! Nice to see someone else see it. I like/Others dislike: Malliesia (I do not remember the current name): Yet another unit who's into the lord too much? Sure. But she's a healer, she's replacing Lena in gameplay (aka favourite Archanean cleric), and she does it well. And she does understand that Marth won't be into her. Unlike certain units. Odin: Not amazing, and a bit lesser than Owain as a character. But still, he's not as bad as people make him out to be and he can actually work as a unit (Fine, except Heroes. He's only redeemed by his skills) The Corrinsexuals/non-Spotpass Robinsexuals: Most of them should have been more involved than quite a few party members in their games and been full party members. That's all that needs to be said. I dislike/Others like: Hector: Yep, I'm going there. But it's not even dislike for the guy. I just think he's far too overhyped. Lucina: Similar overrated issue with Hector, but her supports aren't as good. Azama: Heroes has made the one part I considered good about this guy bad. He's an utter asshat whose whole life is trolling others. He's a pretty decent mixed offence unit, and can work fine in game. He's just such a prick and there's not much else to him. Niles is the Nohrian equivalent, throw him in with Azama, but he has a background to him.
  16. Been trying to figure out where to ask about the bitter enemy quests, but I couldn't find a place to ask. So I was wondering what I need to do with the Lunatic maps to pull the quests off, and if there is a place where they've been discussed. I also want to figure out doing the 10-5 map quest with a colourless unit. Bit lost with that quest too.
  17. So, kinda been planning squad assault for a bit, and nearly have it. Team 1: 4* Selena, Cherche, Est, Oboro Cherche tanks Jagen with defence boost and then finished in 2 hits. Oboro then takes over and tanks Marth and Caeda. On next player phase Oboro hits and Cherche finishes Caeda, then being repositioned while Est is moved to be ready for next turn. Oboro tanks Marth again, hits him again and Est finishes. Could do in 4 turns if I hold my ground, though even accidentally charging forward is fine. Unfortunately Est is bad at taking hits, could be more interesting otherwise. Team 2: 5* Camus, Xander, 4* Ursula, Frederick This one was tough. Yeah, had to go all out on this one. Mount Emblem allows Ursula to 1-round Leo, Xander can beat Camilla on turn 2 after tanking in EP. Camus tanks on the next enemy phase while Ursula moves to bring Elise in for next turn. Ursula then kills Xander with her special, Camus moves close to Elise and Xander finishes her off (Yep, I did it. I'm terrible.) Team 3: 5* Hector, 4* Draug, Zephiel, Wendy This one is awkward, but essentially Hector tanks the blue cav and the archer while the rest take out the sword users (especially Wendy). Probably should give Draug reciprocal aid to help. Team 4: 5* Azura, 4* Lilina, Roy, F!Robin This one is a tanking map. Managed it, with Chrom being beaten by Azura, while Roy tanks Frederick, F!Robin and Lilina contributes beating him and then they get round to Lissa. Really, once that's sorted it'll be fine. Team 5: tried with 5* M!Robin, Springcina, Eirika and 4* Lissa. Still lost. Yeah, this one has me a bit down. Kinda stuck on what to do with the knives. What do people suggest?
  18. Not going to lie, might be the best title screen music since Overture in MotE. It does something similar to Overture, but instead of sounding like the background to reading a story, it's a choir singing of the event. The drums also fit a marching band, almost like the battle's about to begin. If there was more than half a minute to it it'd be a 9/10 at least. 8/10 Heroes: Map Theme 2
  19. Ah yes, putting him to sleep. Or berserking him. Because that skillset is OK OP. As for my opinions for today: -The older royals are worse than the younger ones in Fates: Hinoka barely matters at all, Camilla is Camilla (and the so obviously forced fanservice), Ryoma is alright, but he's not particularly relevant in story and Xander...... I should just point to all the videos explaining that. -Donnel is the hero who's annoyed my the most in Heroes in a non-wiping me out manner: he's shown up 10 times. That's as many as 1 tens. And that's terrible. -Geneology is somewhat reliant on external stuff like Treasure to explain things, such as Alvis and his past or how the dragon pacts worked. And I am also OK with this. It is quite apparent that much of this stuff was at least considered to be put in the game. Even if that includes the odd split timeline stuff or the planned 3rd arc. -Lena is best first cleric. Except for that first vulnerary in MotE Book 1.
  20. Well, mkv is gone. Sad to see, but we'll be fine. They had their reasons, and they've picked a successor as well.
  21. Well, this patch can work with emulators that can't deal with larger file sizes: Project Naga has that problem with some emulators. I do see people still bring this patch up as well, it's not dead or anything. Project Naga has to patch some things as well to finish it off. I liked playing with this patch for my first playthrough.
  22. I've actually been trying to do a bit of improvisation on occasion. So no, not well. At all. I can actually sing pretty well, but rap battles are not my future.
  23. On my bank giro? Details for that person who I owe. On my bike gyro? Lights? Probably a light. On my bite gyro? Depends on what is available, but no onion.
  24. Hit around 45k, got 4000 feathers, that's all for this one. Everyone catch that ending? ...... Dammit all! Another SoV one would be a DUMB call. Might not be, but that#'s what's being hinted at.
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