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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. OK, rarest likely is now SoV Special Edition. Got it today on sale, should be there next week. Still less expensive than Fates/CKII. Hell, cheaper than quite a few titles at home.
  2. You'll likely be in trouble doing that in public! If you give a train an ethical question......
  3. Either a Fighter or a mage. Have to start somewhere.
  4. Oh no, it's a zombie-driven cone! Quick, see if the Squashes do anything!
  5. Interesting to see it hold at the top. Might sell better internationally, enough to be in a good position. If they release the information any time soon.
  6. Then Rutger might do something other than disappear, and we might have gotten closure for Astohl and Igrene. If you give an edgelord a blunt weapon.....
  7. What's really weird is that I don't know in what way that's supposed to go. I could see it being either person, regardless of how (though I think I can guess the how at least). On topic, celebrity worship doesn't fit my area. A couple of big names live around or come to the area I come from now and again, it's not that big a deal. I'd overreact, but I'm pretty poor at being Irish in general, it shouldn't surprise me. I can be a bit overzealous about someone's work, but usually I wouldn't be at them about it if I was near them. Usually.
  8. Kinda eh. Once again, the synth for BB fails for me. There's a nice enough track here, but other than that it's pretty simple. Then again, so was Idoun's role in that game. At least it's a nice finish to the game. 5/10 Shadow Dragon: A Hero's Destiny
  9. Question how a suit of armour is in the room. I just have to wonder why I took it in the first place. Probably with a lot of drink.
  10. The Askran trio have already maxed HM because of this trial. All three have done good. Even Alfonse, his high damage has helped defeat many Celicas. Even Lissa got some kills behind them, though Clarine would have been here if she had Rehabilitate as Lissa already had max HM.
  11. Promoted a couple to 4* early on, wasn't doing so hot on the feather gathering early on either. Currently leaving it to just 5* promotion, I've done the Askran trio, Xander, Camus and Michalis. I've also got enough to promote 2 more, much as I'm trying to keep enough for an emergency promotion (unlikely as it is).
  12. Past 40k, probably gunning to hit around 45k and leave it at that. I'd likely be done if I had Mae before this round, but I only pulled her lately.
  13. Oh yeah, that one time I tried 358/2 and didn't get into the series. Axel gave some ice cream, he's neat.
  14. He'll get involved in some awkward situation where a random kid has to help him. If you give a city a reason to sleep....
  15. Well, I have to bump to say some things. Here's the rules for this duology (Also will be in the first post): THERE CAN ONLY BE AXES -Fine, the other lords can ignore it because I can't tolerate lords being dead weight -Alright, until I can sort axes in Chapter 12/2 (For BS/BB), Marcus can get away with it: Besides, he can use axes -As for those who can promote to axes, I'll go for promotion as soon as possible -Healers and dancers can tag along because it's not like they have weapons :P -Thieves have to run unarmed -Fae will be up for review later WE’RE IRONMANNING THIS MADNESS -I usually don't, so I think it'll be worth it. If it ends up nigh impossible, screw it -If it weren't for allowing units to promote to axes, this wouldn't be on. And I'd likely go madder from BBD NO SAVESTATES -I might be a masochist Also, I have a bit of bad news, I got a date for something I need to do on Monday, so the uploading of this LP will be delayed to Wednesday. Sorry.
  16. There was also Chapter 18, where you have to chase another one to get a body ring. I forget if she danced enemies. But enemy dancers from what I've seen are either a joke or a nightmare (we've all likely seen a party of OP units supported by a dancer in heroes, right?)
  17. 933 had managed to ascertain who was arranging for all of these deaths. However, before 933 could put the answers down in writing, it was called out to the clearing outside its home. While standing there waiting, a small banana landed in front of it, and then exploded. 932 was coming to meet 933, but saw the explosion before it could get there. Scared, it ran off, falling into a trap and dying at the bottom. By the time the two were found dead, it was determined both were accidental. But doubts remained among the rest.
  18. That's in SD and NMotE. It's so useful. Hell, I think some functionality was placed in the GBA titles (can someone confirm if I'm remembering this right?) Except when you can't really tell through the fog (damm you 13x/20x!)
  19. It took at least five failed attempts due to me being dumb and trying certain units (Henry, Eliwood, Azura and Gunter for the curious), but I got Hard with Raigh, Cain, Olivia and Arthur (all level 32, but I have no level 30 units right now). Arthur essentially beat Berkut and sat pretty, Cain warped in near the end to kill the last guy and Raigh took out 3 units himself (nearly beating the Green mage with that high res too) with Olivia dancing him. If he'd not taken so much damage from the first round I could have seen him near sweeping the map. ....Lunatic is already concerning if Hector gets as badly hurt by Firesweep guy as I've seen him be. Is Cherche or Michalis a good call? I have a Brave Axe on her, and Michalis is 5* and I could see what useful skills might be passed.
  20. Easter: Panne/Yarne (Obvious reasons)/Izana (I could see him rocking anything and the holiday fits him too)/Elise (Not surprising choice. Then again, there are others who'd fit this too like Fae) Bridal: Deirdre (Come on, Light magic user who it makes a lot of sense for! I think this'd be a great chance, especially if they had bothered with a groom banner with Sigurd) Summer: Seconding the curtain I might just argue Basilio, but other than his big brown Feroxi arse, I think Aversa could have worked here too. Or possibly Ke.... Wait, who was I thinking of?
  21. Pretty damm clownfishy myself, barely convincing myself not to spend only once so far (9.5% 5* is a tempting number). Still spent €0. Praise the whales who are in control!
  22. ....As someone who has gotten the full game by now, HELL NO! This kind of enhanced port stuff keeps happening, and I have tolerated too much of it lately. A line has to be drawn somewhere, and I think this is over that line by a long margin.
  23. Thracia (Have not played Lunatic Conquest/Awakening/NMotE) ....Just, it's a madhouse at points. And stat inflation is not why.
  24. Niece has one. Have tried it out. Why are there videos of people doing tricks with these things?
  25. So, been a while since I updated. I forgot to mention pulling a second Azura (During Hero Fest), promoting Xander, Camus and Michalis, pulling Gray and Elise recently and also getting Tobin. So that's 6 promoted, 1 rewarded and 10 pulled in total. 17. That's sad.
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