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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. .... I got Tobin! After the last Tempest trials kinda wore me down, it feels relieving to get Tobin this time. Being able to actually get more points from Hard 5 helped, but still, the fact I'm 10k away from my goal is fine, especially considering how much time is left. Also @Soul~!, that thing is actually kinda terrifying. Inflation once again.
  2. So, it's Sunday, and I probably should get round to starting. It'll be in LHM, HHM and BBHM, with Axes (joy when BB rolls around) and..... I think allowing myself to use both lords and, while there's no certain majority for it, it could be argued that using units who can promote to using axes and the lords is acceptable, but I'd like to confirm that first. Might as well get on with it from Lyn mode though! I'll be playing through as much as I can over the next week, and from next week I'll start uploading.
  3. Counting DLC, CK2 has to win that over even Fates (though the amount I actually spent is closer), mostly because even at 75% (which I got most of the DLC at, before they got addicted to the DLC madness) there's a lot of it. I don't think I have any title that'd be rare or anything. (I haven't even gotten any for CK2 in over a year, but it's easily worth over €150 by this point: which beats Fates for sure right now) Most of the time, I'd be getting games at closer to €40 these days, I'm just not up for spending €60+ each time, especially with DLC on top of that. I'm not someone who buys special editions, so the highest otherwise would be around €60.
  4. ..... Certainly not right now, been using him mostly to have him ready to face Karla (in a girls only run). HOLY SNAIL TRAILS, he has 5 speed. 5. At level 15. ....I hope that doesn't happen on that run I said I'd do, that'd be terrible.
  5. Question how a party ended up in my bed. Go back to sleep as it's more likely I was sleeping in the hall the whole time. Realise I can't sleep with a party on, join in.
  6. Inquire if that prosthetic is reliable as an arm. Also if I am about to see a metric sea of troubles.
  7. I have 2 questions: 1. I have 2 Lon'qus. One could be useful for Vantage. One is +Att/-HP, The other is +Spd/-Def. What's more worthwhile, and any non-Hector suggestions for Vantage (My Hector's getting SP for Vantage 3 as is, he's grand)? 2. I want to promote someone. I have enough feathers. I have no idea who. So I'm going to list what I already have at around 40 and who's around 30-35 I haven't finished raising because of Tempest Tantrum, and see what works from there.
  8. I fight to wonder how this became an RP thread. Also, I ask who it is and determine if I remember who I am. From there, determine where I am.
  9. Fair is fair, this is fittingly energetic for the near-victory track (can those come back for SwitchFE?). Certainly helps prevent the map theme from driving you crazy in FE1. 7/10 NMotE: Tearing Shadows
  10. Then more people would pair Maribelle and Robin What would happen if each royal in this game had retainers and who would they be?
  11. Boss music that sounds epic but it's playing for one of my least favourite villains, who also doesn't feel fitting for such. Loop's actually short enough to fit the fight for once, but BB synth is still pretty weak imo. 5/10 SS: Ties of Friendship
  12. I'm OK with this. Now, when do those get ported beyond Windows?
  13. Shot at Dark Aura, maybe? Then again, I don't have regular Aura, luck's not on my side. 1 Blue, 2 each Red/Green 3* Selena (Dupe once again), 3* Hana (.... Really would be lovely to pass her skills at 4*), 3* Beruka (........), 3* Nino (JUST SHOW UP AT 4* DAMMIT!), 3* Donnel (DOUBLE. DIGIT. DUPE.) ...... Let us never speak of this again. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red/Green/Blue 4* Clarine (I'll just check against my first one: She's +HP/-Def, could be worse), 5* Elise (I KNOW I SIDED WITH HER AFTER THE SEMIS BUT SHE TOOK MY 5* CHANCE! DAMMIT! First 5* Colourless though, though +Def/-Res isn't doing any favours), 3* Beruka (...........), 4* Seliph (A non-dupe! +HP/-Def, kinda eh), 4* Mae (True, not the Blue mage I was looking for, but not complaining! +Def/-Res sucks though) So, that second pull was neat, bunch of not dupes and an Elise.
  14. Yep, it would. I'm just trucking along with the Askran trio myself. It works pretty well when they're 5*. It's also help to do Lunatic but after last time never again for me. I'm ~22.5 k right now, and I'd be further without working on all the other stuff. I'll certainly stop at 40k- No point imo.
  15. .................................................... __________________________ I could draw the line through the dots pretty well, but I wouldn't say I could do draw it straight enough from scratch to be satisfied.
  16. So, finally caving on 272 orbs...... Let's see what I can get! Alm's Banner for now 3 Colourless, 2 Red (So you could say it's all Gray?) 3* Azama (Hello, haven't seen you in a while. Get out.), 4* Jakob (Holy shit, not a dupe! Never thought I'd see one in the colourless group! He's Neutral too), 3* Felicia (Eh, it's Felicia, low attack regardless), 3* Hinata (Oh look, Fury fodder!), 4* Olivia (+Def/-Spd, Unfortunate, the other one's also -Spd, You're a Hone attack to use) Tried again. 1 Green, 2 each Red and Blue 3* Frederick (I'll find some use of inheritance for you), 4* Stahl (I have the nature I need for you! +Res/-HP), 5* Grey (COUNTER CAV WOO! +Def/-Att, eh I'll live with Tank Grey Finally a focus unit!), 3* Oboro (Finally a Rally Def for Eirika! Thanks Oboro), 3* Oboro (Pfft. Seriosuly? You really want in don't you?) Haven't pulled a focus unit since Hero Fest. Take that in. And now take in that cavs can back off now. Thanks Gray! Also, @Water Mage, yes that's a good natured Klein for brave bows
  17. .....Infernal is driving me mad. I've been trying to beat it for a good bit now, and I'm stuck at trying to deal with all 6 of them. I am not seeing how my units can deal with it at all.
  18. You watch a bunch of special focused teams ragequit. If you give a child a rod....
  19. Frankly, this is likely going to be the last push for SoV at this point. We know the CYL banner is soon, there'll likely be something for the 6-month point since release besides that and we don't know what it'll be, but it's unlikely that'll be all about SoV. (And yeah, as someone without Echoes, I'd like a look at other parts of the series too.)
  20. So, I see Cancel Affinity is a debatable skill (and a reason for MRobin/Cecilia to not run Triangle Adept. Not like I ever did) Otherwise I'm not sure where to pull. While the Mountbreakers are certainly worth the pull, I'm not as interested in the slaying weapons (Oh, they're still an upgrade). But Sonia is more worth pulling for me than Delthea either (Though Delthea has great attack boosting), I still have mostly blues. The skills on Alm's Army banner are also more interesting to me (Not saying Saber or Sonya's are bad either, it's just Leon's aren't grabbing my attention). Guess the stats are what'll decide it for me.
  21. Tried Jak and Daxter, still haven't picked it up yet. Far more cases for individual games though.
  22. The music feels way to cheerful for this chapter. That being said, I still think it's a fine track but I've always felt like this track was a bit worse than the rest of FE4's map themes, and why hasn't sunk in. 6/10 MotE: Overture
  23. Actually, the issue is that my 3DS is currently not in my hands: in what is surely a childish thing, it was essentially confiscated. (What, you'd think I'd rant about Anankos or my odd preference for box-based level design and not have played Revelations?) Also, I think that Ilia makes sense for that too: bows only would be concerning for that same reason!
  24. So while I don't have Echoes (or the 3DS for that matter) and I've not got much going on, I've come to the conclusion that I'm too used to playing Blazing Sword the same way, and Binding Blade has had the same issue. So I decided that I should try something different with the GBA titles. Eventually I came to the conclusion that trying to complete the Elibe games with just one weapon type might be a good idea, but I wasn't sure how strict I should be or if people think it's viable. So, I've put up polls pretty much asking how strict I should be about it (Multiple choices in the difficulty are to allow a decision on both campaigns). The plan is to start on Sunday, build up a log of parts and then start uploading from the Sunday after. I know, slow start but I want to try to keep a safe buffer. I'll be starting with Blazing Sword, and then move onto Binding Blade with the same rules (though I'll probably ask about Fae when that happens). Edit: I seem to be having issues adding the fifth question again after deleting it, so I'm going have to ask about if I can use staves in the topic. Edit 2: The polls will be deleted soon, just clarifying something based off these results first. Edit 3: That old title sucked. Also, bumping to add the rules soon. Polls are now down. THERE CAN ONLY BE AXES -Fine, the other lords can ignore it because I can't tolerate lords being dead weight -Alright, until I can sort axes in Chapter 12/2 (For BS/BB), Marcus can get away with it: Besides, he can use axes -As for those who can promote to axes, I'll go for promotion as soon as possible -Healers and dancers can tag along because it's not like they have weapons :P -Thieves have to run unarmed -Fae will be up for review later WE’RE IRONMANNING THIS MADNESS -I usually don't, so I think it'll be worth it. If it ends up nigh impossible, screw it -If it weren't for allowing units to promote to axes, this wouldn't be on. And I'd likely go madder from BBD NO SAVESTATES -I might be a masochist
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