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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I do sort of get it. None of the ingame armour knights will rack up sales so they have to make some for seasonals. That part i'm fine with, but things like the christmas banner or this halloween banner where all or almost all of the units are armours is still something I don't like. Like you said I would't mind as much as much if they where spreaded out a bit more.
  2. It would make logical sense. I can see some reason why infantry would move faster when wearing new, high quality boots. Putting boots on horses probably would be a lot less effective. The reclassing comment above does make me realise it might be a bit unpractical to implement the feature though. Maybe on a similar note they could make Cavalry be unable to be refreshed? Like dancing/playing music refreshes people, but not horses.
  3. Garon would be funny to see in a santa costume. He already has the beard for it. Or maybe Bartre as a very loud unconvincing Santa. Gordin as an elf?
  4. On the character side this was a pretty surprising banner. No fates royals and I can't say I saw Mia or Myrh coming. The only pick I don't care for is Kagero since she already got an alt and Kagero, but maid doesn't exactly sound very halloween to me. While I think the banner is good I also can say non of the picks exite me very much on a personal level. I like Nah and Niles well enough and will maybe pull a bit for them, but none of the choices rank anywhere near my favourites. On the gameplay side of things I am more then a little bit dissapointed. Did they really have to have armours take up 3 of the 4 slots?
  5. Most of my distant counter weapon users are Generals who I don't like to use, The ryoma's who are probably too frail to make good use of it or ATiki who I will probaby use one day, but it'll be a while before I have good other dragons. So Roy it is then.
  6. I think you should merge your Caeda's. Darting blow is easy to get and a 4 star Caeda can fodder off fortify fliers so you might as well merge. I don't have Dorcas, but I think it depends on how much Infantry pulse fodder you have. Its a rare skill, but you might still have that extra marissa in your barracks. As for my own question. I finally got myself a Bike and with that I can fodder of his steady breath skill. Its a skill I might not get again for a long time so I was thinking about who might be its best target. Roy so the skill can work together with the sword of seals and a close defense seal for a super defense buff? Adult Tiki for when I finally start using a dragon team or perhaps Lukas so he can start walling stuff even better.
  7. I took some detours and did some extra stuff to end up with around 18/19 hour of total playtime. This easily ranks amongst one of the best dlc's put out and I believe the dlc did a lot of things better then the main game. Its status as expansion does give the game some flaws of its own though. Its understandable since its not a full game. Still like some others said I would't have minded if they gave the dlc a bit more time to make it bigger. The good The not so good
  8. So far there are a lot of things I like about the golden country. I like the battle system a lot more now that the Gacha system is gone and so far everyone is pretty likeable on the cast. Its especially fun to see the hero of legend be less of an awe inspiring hero and more of a rowdy and wild guy. On the other hand I don't think I ever felt so discouraged to talk to NPC's. Not only does the game insists on manually putting all npc's on the community screen, but nearly all of them also insists of talking about how to use blades in combat and other gameplay bits. I like it more if they talk about the world, rather then about the battle system.
  9. ORAS is a pretty forgiving Pokemon game, but I don't the the lack of difficulty on its own is a problem. I'd say everything until after you beat Winoa is fine. A lot of gym leaders pack a surprise and if not then there are still a lot of different pokemon to keep me entertained. The game also picks up in difficulty when you are in the elite 4. Its between those periods where I think the game being easy starts to become problematic. Team Magma/Aqua don't update their team, Lisa/Tate are joke gym leaders and the game as a whole starts to suffer from a variety problem at that point. The lack of difficulty in those parts and the samey Pokemon do turn that part of the game into a boring slog.
  10. For me this banner is the most easily skip-able banner they could have done. Ophilia is meh, Silas is the most obvious demote ever and Nina doesn't seem to have anything exciting either. I do like Flora, but not enough for me to actually pull for her. Edit: Ow wow Silas is even more unremarkable then I thought. Not a slaying lance that gives -1 cooldown, but a slaying spear that is just effective against armours.
  11. I'm not sure if I would call him one of my best units, but Fuga took me by complete surprise. Fates doesn't even pretend to care about Fuga so I assumed he was just as bad as units like Flora or Izana. What I got instead was a unit with absurd base stats, super high defense, an avoid skill/avoid personal skill/and maybe a +avoid sword and full weapon triangle control. He was no Xander or Ryoma, but Fuga was a unit that was consistently useful and who did't end up getting outclassed by those whippersnappers around him.
  12. I don't think Fates need an extra banner, but the game does still have a little gap here and there. It surprises me how long an important character like Silas had to wait and Charlotte still does not have a non alt form. Of course this might be Sutr's last chapter, so I can't resist the urge to predict a Flora/Alt Sigurd and Rinea banner for the upcoming story chapter.
  13. Have you tried refreshing your Appstore? Updates usually dont show untill I do that.
  14. I still have moonbow from when he had dark Excalibur, but I switched it out for Luna since it only has 1 charge thanks to his tome and infantry pulse. Trying an automatic moonbow could be a good idea though. Keeping Fury would mean I can save up one of my 4 star Sothe's for other units and desperation isn't hard to come by either. I actually did usually have a backup healing in my team with Seliph. It was usually him, Merric, Genny (soon to be replaced with my free Veronica) and another infantry unit that I still need to decide on. Merric is pretty good at doubling with 38 speed and the added +5 bonus from being near a mage so desperation is probably the way to go yeah. I'm probably still saving up my Brazen skill though since those are hard to come by.
  15. Some time ago I started working on the former pitybreaker duo of Merric and Seliph. I've invested quite a bit in these units already so I might as well go all the way and try to get some suggestions to fully optimise the duo. At the moment my +speed Merric looks like this Stats: 43/46/38/27/22 Weapon: Excalibur (refined) Assist: Reposition Special: Luna A: Fury 3 B: Lancebreaker 3 (Should probably replace that one since its not needed anymore) C: Panic ploy 3 S: Initiate seal attack +3 I was thinking of replacing Fury with Life or death. It puts his speed at 40/45 and it ups his meh attack as well. His high speed and hp could make up for the loss in defense. I'm not sure about his new B slot just yet. Desperation? My +attack/-resistance 40+3 Seliph currently looks like this Stats: 49/54/25/31/23 Weapon: Divine Tyrfing Assist: Rally speed (Should probably replace that one) Special: Glimmer A: Distant counter B: Quick Riposte 3 C: Infantry Pulse 3 S: Mostly distant defense if that one is free Seliph is good at taking on a mage with his weapon and distant counter/Qr, but he does less well against more then one mage. It makes him much less effective in GhB's or other challenge maps. I've seen Wrath being recommended on him, but I don't know how well he does with that skill. So i'm wondering if anyone has tested that skill on him or has another build for him.
  16. Yeah my impression wasn't that Nehza was super dangerous, but more that Lu Bu was a pathetic joke in WO3. So him getting a god mode is a bit step up. Still I wonder what they will do with him in the game. There are only 8 god slots so limiting Lu Bu to his usual role, but only with a transformation seems like a bit of a waste. Giving him an important or leading role in the story would be weird though seeing how Lu Bu is both an awful person and an awful leader. Naotora is still the worst and no god mode will change that.
  17. I probably should't complain with two holy weapon users and Ethlyn, but I still wanted Azelle to make an appearance. Guess there is always next year for that.
  18. Ethlyn as a reward unit is a bit odd. She's not a sword unit or in a generic class. She probably should't have come after Brave Veronica, but I like that she's here.
  19. I think Jamke was the GHB because he is a pretty normal unit. He doesn't have a rare prf weapon and his class is pretty standard too. He's popular so he's a good add for hero, but IS probably just did't see him as good banner material. As for the GHB itself. Guidance Gal was a bit of a jerk, but other then that it was a pretty easy GHB.
  20. I never thought i'd say this, but Valentine Hector (-defence/+res) pity broke me on this banner. I like him, but I wanted Marth more. Now the rest of my 80 orbs lare reserved for the geneology banner.
  21. I don't recall getting stuck there, but I do recall the map being a bit of a problem at times. If its really hard to find you could always try to look up a video walkthrough online so you can follow their steps.
  22. Marth fans can rest happy now that Marth looks pretty great from the looks of it. The ultimate dragon killer with some great other skills as well makes him look like one of the best sword units in the game. I won't spend too much on this banner since i'm waiting for the fe4 banner, but i'll do maybe like 2 rounds and hope for the best. As for the legendary banner itself i'll limit myself to red and green. Red has 3 amazing units that I don't have yet. That colour will have my priority. Green has Vector and Gunthra which I don't have and a not -speed bunnyfonse would be nice too. I'll stay away from white. I already got Spring Kagero, Faye and Lgrima and Lgrima can stand to take a break as well. I also have all the units from blue so i'll be skipping that colour too.
  23. This map wasn't too hard. My brave bow Gordin could one shot most of the map and Julius could tank all the mages the map. A dancer to support Gordin and Siegbert to steamroll whoever was nearby made this a easy finish. I did have to do a little dance to have Julius avoid the lance unit, but it was still not very threatening.
  24. Sasori

    Shiny Pokémon

    Gyrados aside I only got two shiny pokemon so far. My first one is a shiny Drifblim. Its my favourite since its my first normal shiny Pokemon, but I also find the yellow/gold colour looks good on it. The fact that it was the star player of my online team (no I wasn't that good) helped matters too. The second shiny I got was a shiny baltoy/claydol. Its ok. The yellow eyes make an obvious changes, but other then that its mostly unchanged. Its not something that made it super amazing, but its also not a shiny that ruins the Pokemon. Its fine.
  25. Hector might be the best one with his better distant counter and his automatic doubling/cooldown reduction skills for both phases. I went with Veronica though since I don't find armours fun to play with and I am not a fan of the fighter skills. She'll do a good job at buffing/debuffing and she even has decent damage potential with her wrathfull staff and legendary weapon
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