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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Pantsless Marth is an answer you'd probably hear a lot. Its a funny meme, but I also think the design itself could work unironically if they did't make it a joke or too much fanservice. There was this fan image floating around that could do the trick or a cipher art to drew inspiration from. There is also bowlcut Alm with his....interesting armour. Other then that not really actually. Most of the old art just wasn't very good.
  2. This feh channel would probably be just a tad better if they did't show Marth in their preview pic and then decided not to include him anyway. But I do like the looks of the units we've gotten so far. It took a few seconds to get used to Celica, but I think she pulls her classic look off pretty well. Ephraim pulls the Fado look of pretty well, Hector looks like Hector and Veronica looks alright. I don't find armors that fun to use and I am swimming in reds already so i'll probably end up picking Veronica which is not something I thought i'd say.
  3. Normally I would say yes. The blaze/torrent/grass boost abilities are among the most boring abilities in the game.They only activate at low health and it never really feels like they get the boost. Meanwhile the hidden abilities of starters are often nice tools to play around with. At the very least they aren't nearly as boring. The exception would probably be Protean. Such a completely insane skill would make the starter choice much less of a choice.
  4. Micaiah already has a lot going for her. Thani bombing in part 1 works great and she'll be able to use physic staffs right after promoting in part 3. But like everyone said her speed is a bit of a problem. Micaiah just feels very unsafe with almost every unit doubling her and a fair amount of units one shotting her as well. Speed high enough to avoid doubles, but not high enough to double much herself might be the best way to make her better, but without changing her completely
  5. Oh yeah single target concocts are a bit stronger then their multi counterparts. I'll try experimenting with it a little.
  6. Oh thats even worse then I thought. I thouht it was only 3 times, not 5. They probably should give colourless units more attention so they have more variety.
  7. Just finished Therion's story and it felt good to see my Olberic break the damage cap several times during the boss of that chapter. I do have a question about something else though. I purchased the apothecary's divine skill and the descriptions says it allows all items to multi target. Isn't that kind of lame since you can already do full party heals, tp heals and bp restores with the concoct command alone? It doesn't seem as good as the other divine skills so far.
  8. How many times did we get Frobin again on a legendary banner? I might be wrong, but it feels like she has shown up several times in a row now. I'm hoping for some units I missed such as Lene, Shiro and Legendary Hector.
  9. While robbed Knoll memes are funny my main problem with this Eirika was the timing of her release. If she was released in a special banner or in one with a 50/50 split then everything would be fine. But she got into the game on the same banner as Myrh and L'arachell with Marissa also being available soon after. So instead of seeing the alt as a Lyon reminder it just came across as IS pulling a random Eirika out of nowhere because they did't want to put in any male characters other then the most important ones they already added.
  10. I really like Maribelle and Libra, Sumia is ok and a third Olivia is meh, but alright. Still wanted this to be a Fe6 banner so I can't help but feel disappointing by Awakening yet again.
  11. I just got to the scholar shrine and trader shrine so I have access to some second classes. Is there a way to get your old outfit back in battle without dropping the second job though? Primrose looks pretty good as a scholar, but I do not like the look of Therion as a merchant.
  12. Ah alright in that case i've probably just not looked good enough.
  13. Also are those job switching stuff well hidden? I walked from Atlasdam to Noblecourt, but the only dungeon I came across rewarded me with a Moonblade instead of a job switching chance.
  14. So far i've beaten Therion and Alfyn's level 2 stories. Therion's story was alright. I can see where things are going, but this was alright Alfyn's chapter 2 surprised me. It was a very neat self contained story. I did know how it'd turn out, but I had a lot of fun with it. On the other hand the boss of the chapter was a bit of a chore. High hp minions, everyone on the enemies side knowing an AOE attack and them coming back for a round 2 started to get annoying. Also heads up for people wanting to get all the party chats. It might be a good idea to change your party after every cutscene in town. They only have a short window where they appear so its easy to miss them.
  15. 5:30 at night. How nice of them them. CYLwill probably be up and I expect some gameplay tweaks here and a game mode here and there. Maybe a preview of book 3?
  16. Most of my Pokemon are video game themed or after myth stuff. I don't remember most, but here are some. Two of my Pokemon where called Hanbei. Roserade because he reminded me of the white haired, mask wearing Hanbei and Meowstick since the Samurai Warriors Hanbei is a fan of cats. I called my Alolan Raticate Profiteur since it reminded me of a certain fat, rat faced midget in Bravely Default. Pokemon using Powder moves like Venemoth, Vileplume, etc are usually called Derosa And sometimes I just call my Pokemon after a Fire Emblem character. Early bug types are named after Jagens and I remember my Solrock being called Zealot because his stats and jointime reminded me of him Edit: Oh yeah I called my Psyduck Corrin since it looked like he wasn't very bright.
  17. Corrin mentioning how he and Takumi could work things out if Takumi could only see past his hatred of him. That might have worked in Birthright, but its just a very weak thing to say in Conquest. Additionally there is also Ryoma being jealous of Corrin before the kidnapping because thats just sad.
  18. I managed to pick up right where I left off and am now on a tour around the starting area's to recruit people. I really like the overworld abilities each characters have. Learning about how an old widow can't let go of a harpoon of her late husband with Alfyn and then stealing said Harpoon with Therion is something I can't do in a lot of rp's. Same thing with finding out how an old woman is actually a retired badass criminal or other amusing trivia. The combat system is nice. Still a bit on the simple side, but I haven't gotten that far. So far the only thing i'm not a fan of is that the scaled up intro bosses are a bit high on hp. They aren't though, but they are damage sponges and it makes the fights drag a little.
  19. Like a lot of people I'm also going with Poison. Actually it is pretty surprising how they have not yet done a poison legendary. Its really easy to pick a monster like a basilisk or a (non Hydreigon) Hydra and make a Pokemon out of it.
  20. I know they already showed Brock at e3, but this trailer actually made me realise we probably aren't getting future Kanto. I was under the impression that after aged up red/blue that we'd be getting a Kanto that would be set a few years later too with new gym leaders. A shame they're not going in that direction. As for the trailer itself. There where some things I liked such as being able to interact more with the Pokemon in your party. All in all it looks clean and fine. I find it hard to get exited about this game, but it look good.
  21. Titania's new weapon doesn't sound very impressive. Maybe being able to pack 3 different tactics skills on one unit is pretty cool, but I expected something else.
  22. All in all I find this banner a bit meh. Linde: nice. New classes are always good. Her art is a little bit too similar to her normal getup, but all in all i like it. Tiki: Meh. Get why they added her, but its not a unit I'd pull for. Camilla: BORING! Takumi: Another repeat, but i'll be giving him an ok since at least he's a male in a special class which I did't expect seeing.
  23. There are a few axe characters that already should have been in the game. Adding Oscar instead of Kiran on the Crimea banner was still a weird choice. However I don't see the Axe group getting that much bigger outside of a seasonal here or there. Most axe users are either old, not pretty or a combination of the two. You have one or two exception like Boyd, but even they may lose out as each game only gets around 4 new picks before they have to wait a few months. There being so few girl axe users also doesn't help.
  24. I did’t like the repeats there either, but Camilla has that while also walking around in her underwear already in her normal outfit. So its doubly unnecesary.
  25. Camilla is pretty likely, but I honestly see no reason why she needs a swimsuit alt. She not only already got one, but she also walks around exposing everything in her default outfit, so even the fanservice is redundant. Linde would be cool. I warmed up to her after warriors and the design is nice. A 4 female banner would not be as Nice though. Last year went out of its way to go equal so I don’t see why that should change.
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