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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I never had any problem with the ice bomb map myself. It was a bit of a chore to go through, but I remember being a bit bored by it. Every block would only reveal 1 one or 2 enemies at a time making them easy to deal with. I can agree that its a badly designed map, but it being so easy makes me feel its not the worst designed map in the series. I'm going to say Conquest chapter 25. Those spy shuriken ninja's that can shave of 40% hp every hit alone makes the entire map feel very cheap.
  2. I have recently gotten the urge to Nuzlocke Pokemon X, but sadly there is this Shiny Drifblim that I don't want to delete. Would anyone mind holding onto it for a moment so I start over?
  3. The Yewfelle. Mostly because I like calling it "you fell" I remember calling my decidueye by that name.
  4. Peri is the obvious choice. Her willingness to go and straight up murder innocent people for the slightest things isn't nearly as charming as the game makes it out to be. I might be more mild if Xander actually took her on out of pity and tried to help her in a strict manner, but nope. Other then that I may have to go with Valtome. A madman in power could be interesting, but Valtome just exist to screw things over for his own side and nothing more then that. He sends his own soldiers to their certain death for no reason at all and he's solely responsible for making Crimea side against Begnion. I just find it a shame since Lekain shows that the Senate can be competent if they try and i'm left confused why he'd allow Valtome anywhere near the army.
  5. Personally I think the choice to make Awakening take place in Archenea came relatively late in development. They had enough time to make a few callbacks here and there, but a lot of the maps, story and designs where already finalized. To me that makes sense considering the weird changes in the world, the Falchion looking very different and the world as a whole not really doing much with the connection to Marth's games.
  6. Sasori

    Pokemon Ideas?

    A water Pokemon that would resemble an ugly frog. When hit by the move lovely/sweet kiss it would evolve in a far more pretty water/fairy type Pokemon.
  7. New weapons are always nice and Titania really could use one. I'm a bit confused about Katarina and Nephenee though. I mean they aren't the best units of their type, but they would not be the first units that come to mind when I think of upgrades.
  8. I was hoping that VRoy would skip this legendary banner and wait for a little bit. I have a +speed/-hp Vroy and that 31 hp really hurts, but I don't have the orbs to pull for him now. Hector is cool even if he has the same class and weapon as the last two Hectors.
  9. Lots of people are thinking we'll be getting an axe hero, but sadly the list of viable candidates for that is depressingly small. We have Hector who will be a nice unit to add, but he also will be getting his cyl soon so they might avoid him. Camilla is certainly 'legendary', but I don't know if she is legendary hero material. Walhart maybe? I find him very boring, but Awakening did hype his legendary status up by portraying him as some kind of ultimate badass. At least he has the reputation to be a legendary hero.
  10. "Hey there, little homies of the rad almighty" I've been been reminded of dragon quest 9 again and its priests have potential for nice gimmicky characters. One is a priest of a failing church who tries to 'hip', 'cool' and totally radical. The other could be a crooked priest. One who charges money for healing, steals during confessions and who speaks like an unrefined bandit.
  11. This infernal ghb took quite some time and a different team then I usually use. It ended up as Azura/Mae/Jullius/Maria Oliver and the green dragon posed little threat, but the owl mages and the sapphire lance cavalry made it hard to find a unit that could withstand all of them. Julius with distant defence 2/distant defense 3, atk ploy and guard just laughed at this ghb though. Maria was there to heal the little damage Oliver did, but the rest of the mages and the dragon always did zero damage. turn 1: Mae attacked the blue lance cavalry from the right side and after being refreshed she drew back Azura and herself to safety. turn 2: Mae and Azura retreat further while Julius takes place just below the defense tile/fence so no one can get through. From there on out its smooth sailing with Julius tanking every mage/dragon while the cav leaves himself open to being attacked by the other units. The green mage tries to come from the other side, but he's easily dealt with on his own.
  12. I did't like this banner in the first place since Noire ranks amongst my least favourite Awakening characters and Cordelia is just meh. Stil I decided to pull for it to maybe get Tana or that exclusive skill Noire comes with. 120 orbs later and I only have Cordelia with a boring class and a boring skillset to show for it. I should have called it quits early like my original plan was.
  13. No. Micaiah is certainly very special with her special hair colour, special powers, special pureness, special backstory, but I don't think she's a sue. Because Micaiah makes mistakes, is forced to make compromises to her morals and she's frequently told she's wrong. Even Izuke of all people isn't exactly wrong that her glory hogging could have had some serious consequences. Sure Izuka being Izuku undermines the arguement but the game does seem to agree that things could have gone wrong if Pelleas did't make the battle for Dain his battle.
  14. I went with Therion first, Alfyn second and Primrose as my third stop. I like where Therion's story is going, but I wasn't to invested until I reached the boss. It makes sense for a loner thief to do his story mostly alone, but it also meant there wasn't much that held my interest until the story got going. Alfyn is Therion's opposite in this regard. I liked his interactions with the village and his fellow apothecary, but his main quest of helping people is still missing something. As a goal its kinda uninteresting. Primrose's intro was very good, getting surprisingly dark and having some quotes I did not expect to hear. I did't mind replaying it even if I already done so during the first demo.
  15. Its been a while, but I believe mounted units in Radiant Dawn did have lower caps then non mounted units. That alongside the movement penalty ensured they where the most meh cavalries in quite some time. In Path of Radiance I recall that Paladins had high stats all around, good caps, a way to greatly increase their speed, super canto, high movement and a second weapon upon promotion. I have no idea why they made cavalries so absurdly powerful there.
  16. I started with Therion's story. It was smooth sailing thanks to all the healing items you can steal along with self healing if you really need it. The boss was just the right difficulty for a starter boss, but they should have cut down his hp just a tad since the fight went on a bit longer then it needed to to. Did anyone notice Therion pulled an Ike? In that flashback from 10 years ago he has the same grunts his adult self has. After Therion's story I went south and ended up in Alfyn's village who will be my second character to try out.
  17. Having the avatar be a teacher makes me think that we are going to get a Roy/Cecilia scenario again. I do like the teacher role though. If he's not the main focus, but instead teaching the real main characters then it could be a better Avatar then Corrin.
  18. I wasn't too hyped for the dlc news when I heard the leak, but the trailer rekindled my hype. Adam finally loses the hood, loli Hinoka gets something to do and Not Niall could be interesting. The only downside is more Jin, but that can't be avoided I suppose.
  19. The new Zelda looks pretty cute compared to the pale vampire we had in Smash 4. Also my former main Young Link is back. So i'm not too unhappy with this reveal even if i'm still hoping for one or two more newcomers.
  20. Ow wow that was a waste of Keith David. A lot of repeats in a short presentation doesn't make for the best conference.
  21. I am on Classic mode. Dwyer falling in battle did't raise any alarm bells since he just retreated, rather then died. I ended up saving after the chapter since the Dwyer recruitment scene still played. Thanks, but I beat chapter 17 some time ago. I finished revelations and am currently replaying Conquest hard again. I'm up at the dreaded Fuga chapter.
  22. The cooldown effect will combo well with Seliph's infantry pulse as well. New refinement for Merric is is then.
  23. Wait wait wait wait. Did Fates really just not tell me you don't recruit dwyer if he commits suicide in his join chapter? If I don't take Dwyer with me, then why am I seeing a scene of Dwyer coming with me?
  24. Nino! +speed/-Hp Nino! I wasn't too interested in this banner, but this is a nice little suprise.
  25. So Merric just got a weapon refinery, but I am still a little unsure if I should buy it or not. His attack could use the +5 boost, it would bring his speed to a very good 43 (with fury) and a -1 cooldown is always nice. However the Wo Doa effect on his Dark Excaliber actually really helped his damage output before. So does anyone think the new boost is worth it?
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