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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I realised I kinda want those 20 toilet papers so I decided to give these limited hero battles a go for a change. @Landmaster Weird to see no Elise's, but luckily best girl Duessel is there to give the team its cute vibe. Lots of zero's and tinking sounds on him and the Myth brigade. Did't expect halloween myrh to do so well against the blue dagger. @Diovani Bressan Oh wow. I heard Lephraim had been a winner in his weapon refine, but I did't realise he became this good. Self sustain and auto doubling along with being a good galeforcer. I was surprised just how empty my own Sacred Stones barracks where when looking it over. Ross was on chearleading duty until it was time for him to remind everyone that he is still a warrior.
  2. I was pleasantly surprised by Otr this chapter. He's not very likeable or...sane, but thats what makes him interesting. Most oc villains are a bit boring, but Otr really delivered. But man Reginn being a princess must have been the most obvious 'twist' i've seen in a long long while. Kind of robs it of any impact. Though how She and 'otr' where family was a lot less boring.
  3. At this point i'm starting to miss the gimmick tomes. I mean this is the third time they introduced this tome into the grail pool. I wasn't expecting a plegian weapon or a Amiti booms, but surely there must have been some seasonal weapon they could put in. How about those million unique free to play axes or the Yuno/Lute tome. Those could make for a neat red tome.
  4. All of the units on this banner are pretty cool. Balthus aside everyone seems to be bringing something unique to the table and I thought Constance bringing a parasol along to guard against the sun was pretty funny. Though this banner did feel kind of predictable. When I saw Yuri I already knew what the entire banner was going to be. I just hope Aelfric isn't yet another red ghb mage. Red infantry mages get a lot of stuff, but its usually kinda lame ghb's with little to offer. Reserve the infantry red tome spot for a demote seasonal with a good inheriteable tome or something. Considering he mostly used fire magic I have a feeling i'm going to be dissapointed with this one.
  5. Poor poor Red tomes. Their seasonal tomes keep being locked behind 5 stars while blue tomes keep getting all the demote goodies to themselves. Its starting to get to be a bit of a pain since most of the mages I want to build end up being red. That aside this Banner is looking good. A bit safe with all mains and the popular sword lady, but the outfits are cool and almost all of the units could use the alts. Also i'd have been surprised with one mail harmonic. Did not expect them to go with two.
  6. @SatsumaFSoysoy Thats always a nice bane to have on a unit. Your clear was cool, I briefly thought you'd one turn the map, but the final two units got in the way. I've never seen much of CYL Mariane, but she looks more potent then I gave her credit for with that dance skill. Also nice going on the thumbnail. @Diovani Bressan I'm sure Guinevere doesn't mind a little community service . The boys might not like a bern babysitter though XD. I had some trouble with this map with Micaiah so in your face, but then I remembered Guinevere ate mages for breakfast. Though she might need a few lessons from little Lyon since he took zero damage from her. Yinnes also showed a lot of firepower while Seteth was the sitter on your team. Mine is almost +10 so its neat to see him with both his base weapon and with the brave lance set. @Landmaster Nier music 10/10! I was wondering how your Elise's would do this. Half of the team are cavs and Micaiah is such a nuke that even the non cav Elise's might be in trouble. A change into a desperation weapon seemed to have done the trick. And I got myself 3 gatekeepers. One for Chad, one for Asbel and one for keeps.
  7. That must be the saddest armour unit i've ever seen. A firesweep sword and lunge on a one movement fridge makes for a very pathetic opponent. The rest of the units where a lot meaner to the Araphen boys, but fortunately Guinevere was there to knock another pretender of her throne. She already beat up Ashere for trying to show her up and now she's teaching Micaiah that there is only one OP light mage. @Diovani Bressan @Landmaster @Unknown Gamer11 @BoaFerox @SatsumaFSoysoy
  8. Raigh was seen as one of the most 'blegh' units even at launch and he's still seen as one of the worst units around. I still like using him though and his prf is pretty good for pve stuff. Chad and Lugh aren't winning any awards either, but I use them just as much.
  9. @Diovani Bressan Oh a true solo. It has been a while since i've seen that. Saizo the fith is as strong and tanky as ever. I was going to join you for a solo dagger user clear, but that anti healing sword infantry had different idea's. So instead all the little orpans are beating up the big orphan. Also the introduction of +10 Raigh. Perhaps they should have made miracle instantly charged up. Because both of us got around that pretty easy with a rouse. @Landmaster @Unknown Gamer11 @BoaFerox @SatsumaFSoysoy
  10. My luck seems to have packed itself back up with this banner. With about 100-ish orbs + tickets I got 1. BMarth 2. Two Bravekeepers 3. Leagyarn 4. Azelle Sparked a free Gatekeeper so I could fodder his new skill + joint drive defense off to Chad and Asbel.
  11. I like Marth, but he has to have the most boring CYL in a long time. I believe he already had this conversation more then once and this added absolutely nothing new to the humble angle. Eirika’s forging bond looks promising though.
  12. I completely forgot about the ghb during the trailer, but I'm glad its Pelleas. I need a new grail project now that i'm done with Tobin. I'm feeling a little bit mixed on him not having a prf. On the one hand the red tome pool is in dire need of some good inheritables. All those gimmicky red mage prfs and a lack of 4 stat seasonals means red just doesn't have much easy to get tomes. On the other hand its a CYL unit. A normal tome makes Pelleas feel a bit less special. Next up is Tormod..hopefully. I'm surprised how creative they went with the gatekeeper. A green tome unit and a pretty fun battle animation. The only cyl hero i'm not entirely fond of is Eirika. I usually like Wada's art, but her cosplaying as Ephraim takes some getting used to.
  13. Edelgard-Celica: I can't think of a lord duo that would have less in common then these two. I can see Edelgard not looking too kindly on the pious Celica. Constance and....Ricken?: No really. They actually have their greatest goal in common. They both want to resture the reputation of their Fallen/Declining house. Aside from Raven I don't think there are a lot of other characters who share that in common. They also both like their magical/potion experiments so that could be a more humorous add. Ferdinand-Oliver: The fact that Ferdinand's forging bond told of the greatest crossover interaction of all time, but refused to show any of it is a crime and it needs to be rectified immediately. Panne-Shinon: The unrepentant racist and the beast lady who views every 'manspawn' with distrust.
  14. @Diovani Bressan: Ashe does make everything better XD. Boey meanwhile works pretty well as a anti meta unit since there are so many physical blue's and colourless around. Also nice run. I don't think i've seen Alm use his prf in your runs before and Nowi teleports are always insane to see. @Landmaster: I almost wasn't able to get Ashe. Wasted around 200 orbs with only him and untill the last batch I only had a fallen Berkut for my troubles. That banner was the worst. But Boey is indeed the best against archers. Also did't expect the Elise's to go full on the offense there. They did a good job at clearing the board on Ep. Leaving Ullr pretty defenseless against OG Elise and Selise
  15. Vika is probably one of the characters that benefits most from getting added to heroes. They really did not give her any time in her home game. That being said I can't say I would't have prefered Tormod and Muarim or even Leanne to join Neasalla. Still a solid adition with some good art. Lifis is always fun to see, Sutr is...odd, but funny enough to work and Hinoka/Camilla look pretty great. Neasalla is probably the star for me. The rewards are cool and the rest was your usual Feh channel stuff.
  16. This map looked pretty challenging. Those bow cavs hit hard, there is a giant blue fridge and Ullr has that auto special/pretty much guaranteed double. However this map was made for Boey and Gordin so they had little issue with this map. Summer Ashe got his second time to show because I need a return investment on that orb stash I emptied on him. I'm not entirely sure why Deadeye did't do any extra damage at the end, but i'll take it. @Diovani Bressan @BoaFerox @Unknown Gamer11 @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster
  17. Initially I was a bit annoyed with the ship. Not because I had anything against avatarXsummoner, but because it felt like it was the only trait of Fjorm that they felt like expending on for a good long while. I thought Fjorm made a really good first impression, but no one was very interesting in book 2 and a bride alt with dedicated to her avatar crush did nothing to make her more interesting. But since she started appearing in Forging bonds i'm fine with the ship. Fjorm gets her chances to interact with other people and while the ship itself is boring, its also easily ignore-able.
  18. I don't think female only banners are ideal, but I am also not against such banners if I think those fit well. The early bride banners or the SMT banners did't have to be all female, but I can see why they went this route. The only time I'm more annoyed is when I see no good reason for it. Like in this current fates banner While I don't mind all female banners I do start to get a bit annoyed that Harmonic heroes are female exclusive. Its a good way for characters of different series to interact, but the fact that 50% of the cast are locked out of that chance isn't great. So far its just Xander and I think its best to chalk that up as beginner weirdness.
  19. I know people are getting a bit tired of oc mythics getting the mythic hero spot, but I really don't care much for Nifl on this banner....or this banner in general to be honest. Charlotte, Nyx, Orochi and Bennett are merely ok to me while the characters I do want or a nowhere to be seen. Nifl even comes with a AR skill which to me is completely without any value. I might be happier if the fourth spot went to Kiragi/Scarlet/Reina/Shura, but they went with a mythic despite that not being really needed on a fates Banner. Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer for Kiragi to complete the prince theme. If they even get another banner since they are burning through their females real quick with this lineup. At least my orbs will be safe for a while longer.
  20. @Diovani Bressan: Catria has some massive firepower behind her. Being able to kill Byleth twice over. Mini Marth was pretty nice on this map as well. And I haven't seen Claude in action too much, but man that damage reduction makes him a absolute massive tank @Unknown Gamer11: Your Ewan keeps getting better. I don't think many would have so easily solo'ed a entire map like that. Even with WTA disadvantage Byleth still hits really hard @Landmaster Chad is a absolute Chad yeah. Making sure the team stays safe on EP Close counter is a unconventional pick on a gen 1 healer, but Selice had no problem with her defenses with how much she healed back. Seeing OG Elise still one rounding every boss is also still good to see. I'm also surprised just how little damage Mirabelis took from that blue mage at the end. Doing another run wasn't in my original plans, but after the worst luck ever, I finally got myself a Ashe. So he and some other mild/wild bois got to flex their muscles a bit. That troubadour from hell gets to annoy me one last time by being the thumbnail @SatsumaFSoysoy @BoaFerox
  21. Phila probably should have joined the party rather then get the very underwhelming death that she got. A character outliving her lord would make for a interesting character and she already had some established relationships with Frederick and Cordelia. At the very least it would't be any less underwhelming then the sorry fate the game gave her. Getting killed of with no one mentioning it.
  22. Its time for four troublemakers to bully a poor, mute teacher. I was thinking of waiting on +10 Mmorgan's debut till he was completely finished with close foil, but I will never get that skill so I might as well have on babysitting duty now. The last member of team Orphan was a bit tricky this time around, but Morgan's debuffs and firepower where the final piece of the puzzle Chad got a new flashy skill to play with and Raigh got another one shot on a Abyssal boss. With Lugh playing support and speed demon duty. @Landmaster @SatsumaFSoysoy @Maaka @BoaFerox @Diovani Bressan @Unknown Gamer11 @NSSKG151: Wow. I can't say I expected NYanna to completely butcher everything in sight. Those mages and brave bow archer hit pretty hard, but they barely put a dent in Nyanna.
  23. @BoaFerox Thanks. Its been a while since I took Ross out for a battle so I figured his way old Rearguard needed some replacing. I'm pleasantly surprised with Zealot's weapon. Lyn looked pretty good flying with the Tana's. Its always fun to see how mobile baby Tana's weapon makes her. @Landmaster Well he did do a lot of damage to Boey...just not during the combat itself. And yeah I figured this map would not be much of a challenge for the Elise's. The really wrecked this map.
  24. I went in this banner reasonably confident. Blue is usually pretty generous to me and if not I always can use more seteths for my merge projects. I had 150 orbs at the ready and my luck usually isn't too bad, but I ran through all my orbs and my reserves are getting empty too. I don't think I ever had so little luck on a banner. My pity rate is at 5,5% and I have very little to show for it. No special rate, no 5 star, no good fodder and not even a Seteth. Only upside is 4 4 star Caspars, but I did't really need that many.
  25. I think its practical to use the echoes Cipher characters to fill in some gaps in the echoes rosters. Like you said they don't have much star power by themselves so I don't think a full Cipher banner would have much appeal. Not only did many people (including me) skip out on that dlc, but they also aren't the most amazing characters. But Echoes is out of female characters so they could put in Yuzu as a additional character. Give her a bit of a res targeting red sword unit and you have a unique character to put alongside the less popular echoes characters.
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