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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Sasori


    pain has lost almost al of my respect
  2. I dont trust tiers but i have no problems with tiers existing but i do hate al those tier worshippers on gamefaqs(most of the time on the brawl or melee board) who flame you for saying bad things about the tiers list or the person who made a official tier list the only game where i am realy certain of tiers are fire emblem games because some chars come late in the game verry underlevled are jeigan characters or in RD are never in your army til part 4 and because you cant use them in almost al the other chapters are underlevled
  3. I find the tier lists interesting to follow but I just use the characters who I like. for example I dont care how good shinnon is i never used him cause I dislike his character.
  4. Well I didt use moulder yet because he looks creepy but i've started a new game and i'm using him now. I still like natasha more but moulder is probably the better characters because his supports and con are better.
  5. Pretty discriminating if al the evil guys are left
  6. Does anyone know if there are any left handed characters in the series i remember that gilliam mentioned he was left handed in his Garcia support but are there others.
  7. I know rolf sucks but should't he atleast be above lucia and bastian considering rofl can at least turn out good or average while these to will never be good.
  8. Yeah but she has no durability and she is at level 1 sage max when she arrives in part 3. She will probably never dubble and even risk getting dubbled when she joins again.
  9. Well i'm kind of new to the whole tier list thing but should't Illyana be lower she steals exp from the dawn brigade, bad growths and caps and no matter how much you train her in part 1 she still is the worst unit in greil mercenary by join time. The only thing she is good at is killing dragons.
  10. I knew soren was't a girl but he looks a bit girly the only ones that confused me where mideel, (till I heard his death scream) dew and lucius. Why does anyone thaught janaff was a girl I never had problems with him he just looked a bit kiddy
  11. Should they keep the laguz in the next fire emblem or just forget about them. I hope they wont come back anymore it seems to me they did everything they could do with them and i'm not a big fan of the racist story.
  12. Uh a question doesn't lilina join later and with worse basses then lugh so how can she be easier to train?
  13. Sasori


    Well tiltyu was't really a good unit to begin with. Why didt blume or the isht siblings stop Hilda?. Tinny mentioned that they where kind to them
  14. Sasori


    Does anyone here actualy like her or is she just hated.
  15. Sasori


    If you fight Hilda she says something like "You killed my father husband and son" but we never saw her father. She could mean Leptor but he is't her real father and sigurd and Alvis killed him instead of celice. Oh is it me or does she care more about ishtar marrying Jurrius then the fact you killed blume and Ishtor
  16. Its been a while since i played 7 but was't ursula evil considering she treatend to kill the guy in 7x and suck up to Sonia. The only good trait about her is that she's honorouble enough to face her punishment but she is still my fav female villain. I also like Aida but you cant fight her.
  17. I know but a small army of cavalry reached luthetia and it looks like a ruin now.
  18. Why are they better most of the time real children are better right? Is it because sharlow can get the berserk staff. Offtopic:Is it a problem luthetia castle got destroyed.
  19. Well so far I like him so i wnated to give him a chance.
  20. Ok thanks but patty is kinda sucks as a fighter so she can only attack archers without dying. Cloude is his father im also using lana but an extra healer could come in handy.
  21. I am in chapter 9 at the moment and I have two questions 1: Is hannibal a good unit cause i just recruited him and his bases arent that impressive. 2: I'm planning to use corple but is there a way for him to get money so that i can abuse staves.
  22. Sorry if this topic is made before. Who do you think could have survived the battle of barhara except the ones we know already of course. The ones I think could have survived. Azel: I don't think Alvis would kill his own brother. Claude: He knew what was going to happen.
  23. How old is Azel actualy? He looks the age of most kid mages but would't that be illegal considering he can marry.
  24. Well Azel is my fav character and he is playable Alvis is't so Azel gets my vote.
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