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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. Paralogues aren't counted in the endgame display of turncount, though, so I don't think the number of turns taken should count. Even if Anna is saving as many turns as she costs, that still warrants her moving down. I would recommend splitting Anna FR and Anna into Anna FR WP (With Paralogue), Anna FR, Anna WP, and Anna, for convenience and easy reference.
  2. That's not really true, though. Just because gay people are getting married isn't an "attack" on the beliefs of Christians, any more than people getting divorced is an "attack" on the beliefs of christians. Should the government ban divorce or refuse to recognise divorces, just because they aren't recognised? People who aren't Christian have no duty or responsibility to uphold your beliefs, even if you think that your beliefs need to be kept sacred. I have no duty to go to church, to abstain from premarital sex, or to rest on the sabbath, just because you think you know better than I do. And... what's your problem with this? Are you so arrogant that you think you know better than them what to call their relationship?
  3. Well weight doesn't necessarily mean that Steel weapons have to be much heavier than Iron Weapons. In FE4, Iron/Steel/Silver weapons were always the same weight. And of course, FE4 didn't have the issue of people using "nothing but Silver", because weapons were always kind of limited (there only being two Silver Swords/Lances/Bows in the game).
  4. Concentrating EXP and resources isn't an issue. You can definitely have Sumia or Cordelia or Avatar with Galeforce by the time lategame begins and save turns. Is Galeforce the best skill ever? Quite possibly. It's like having a free Dancer. Other skills are good, but they don't compare in my opinion. I think the only competition is stuff like Veteran and Sol, but even then, it's only really true on Lunatic where it makes the difference between being able to take infinite numbers of units on enemy phase.
  5. Uh, you can switch weapons by trading with anyone after taking your turn. You don't need Olivia at all for it.
  6. sona is so ridiculous in ARAM healing plenty of damage strong AoE ult auras that make everyone else stronger the only problem is that even with chalice she has mana issues early on. she consumes so much mana it's silly. i think i'm actually going to start skipping boots and pots and get chalice + mana manipulator, just to be able to spam Aria and Hymn. she heals herself so fast anyway there's no point in buying potions.
  7. Chapter 25 is really not that hard to 1-turn. I'm pretty sure that all you really need is a good Anna (aka, an Anna that's level 15 for Acrobatics) or a strong Falcoknight with Rescue. Base level Basilio can easily OHKO Aversa. It should definitely be a 1/5.
  8. Well, apparently this doesn't apply to Lon'qu and Panne, because (as you said), we're not willing to consider a context where Panne doesn't get the Second Seal.
  9. The France one seems to be more of a case of standardisation. After all, it's easier to just give everyone the same passport than to give people special passports if they have two fathers or two mothers. Maybe it wouldn't be a big cost to have customised passports for different families, but I can see why they did it that way and I don't think it's about trying to stamp out gender.
  10. I am not supporting or decrying the inclusion of varying contexts (although that is not really something that is happening here). However, I think Olwen should make up his mind exactly what he wants this tier list to be. He made an awfully big deal out of insisting that varying contexts should be considered, only to, less than a page later, assume that Avatar is always in play and always getting the Seal. And now saying that we should determine which is better of Panne and Lon'qu, and then assume that they're always in play and always getting the Seal, and we should never consider the context in which we're not using the other. This is in direct contradiction to his earlier example of units taking credit even when a better unit exists, because we might not be using that unit. Gaius!Brady is competitive if Rescue is permitted. He can easily provide Rescue staff support with his excellent 7 move, although obviously his magic is a little on the low side. Laurent can do the same. Cynthia's magic seems to be a bit too low to really make good use of Rescue, but you could make it work with Ricken or Henry. Cynthia can be used to spam Rally Movement, as can Severa, but Severa has the disadvantage of having to choose between an 8 move mounted class and a 7 move flying class.
  11. A lot of people have problems with FE6 on Hard Mode. Personally, I consider people finding Hard Mode hard to be good game design rather than something to be fixed. That's not to say that there can't be quality of life improvements, like boosting accuracy rates, making certain recruitments easier, making the game not quite so reliant on picking the "right" characters to use. But that's not /really/ making the game easier, it's making the game better.
  12. Irrelevant. In a draft, you are not always going to have both Lon'qu and Panne; often you will have only drafted one or the other. This tier list considers drafts, so it is a valid context. Unless you're telling me that a "perfect tactician" would give Panne the Seal even when she isn't drafted! That would certainly be a joke. Also, if the player is a perfect tactician, you should remove the separate listings for galeforceless, rescueless, and sealless, and male and female units. A perfect tactician would not choose to give up the strongest skill in the game.
  13. Thing is, that's not even true. Galeforce isn't necessary at all even to beat a totally blinged out Streetpass team; they are always at a raw statistical disadvantage, because they don't have Pair Up, supports, or any kind of AI. If you have any skill at all, you'll just buy a bunch of logbook units and 1-turn every chapter in the game. That is, without doubt, the most efficient way to beat the game. It is totally within the ability of every player to have any number of Galeforce units they desire, without having to pursue any particular pairing.
  14. Well, first we need to make a separate entry for Avatar (Avatar denied Seal) and Avatar (Avatar permitted Seal). Then we need to make separate entries for Panne (Avatar permitted Seal) and Panne (Avatar denied Seal), Lon'qu (Avatar permitted Seal) and Lon'qu (Avatar denied Seal). The latter, in both cases, would go above Sumia (no Galeforce) and Cordelia (no Galeforce), but below Sully and Stahl, while the former, in both cases, would probably go below Nowi.
  15. If you don't want to consider the possibility of Avatar not being used (and I'm sure there probably is a draft somewhere where Avatar is banned), then you still need to consider the possibility of other rules being placed on Avatar's use, such as banning reclassing Avatar out of Tactician or Grandmaster, or forcing removal of Avatar's Veteran skill, both of which you can see in drafts.
  16. So, you're saying that it's impossible to play FE13 without using the Avatar and giving him or her the first Second Seal?
  17. Except that you're posting Heather, in a thread titled "most hated character", and saying that one of your reasons for doing so is her sexual preference. So it certainly sounds like you hate her for her sexual preference.
  18. Except, not really? This thread isn't a guessing game about whether weapon weight will return (and it won't). This is asking whether they want weapon weight in one of it's previous forms to return. So discussing how weapon weight affected the game in previous titles is totally relevant, because without knowing that, how do we know if we want it to return? And many people seem to have misconceptions about how weapon weight in earlier games actually affected game balance, and I am doing my bit to dispel these misconceptions.
  19. This is without Galeforce. The matter at hand is whether Sully or Panne are better or worse than Sumia in an environment where Galeforce is banned. Obviously, in such an environment, denying Avatar the opportunity to get Galeforce is a non-issue. Guess what; Panne also costs a seal. Are we now assuming that 1. Avatar is always being used and 2. Avatar is always getting the second seal? So much for considering varying contexts.
  20. We're talking about post-promotion here. The whole point is that after promotion, Hector can't be carried around because his CON is too high; which just so happens to be when he falls behind everyone else in movement as well.
  21. ponies are the cancer that is killing /mlp/
  22. If Sully/Panne are reclassing with the Chapter 8 Seal, that gives them two maps in which to build axe rank. Sully has Discipline which makes it very easy, Panne can probably do it without too much hassle either. Lon'qu should be above Panne. He has vantage, which allows him to tank huge numbers of enemies once he reaches a certain level of strength (enough to ORKO enemies with a hand axe hit + dual strike). Panne merely has better stats, which are probably a lesser advantage. In situations where it is necessary to take on mages and archers on the enemy phase, Lon'qu is probably a better choice. If nothing else, they should be closer. Miriel isn't on your tier list at all.
  23. The FE13 cast in general is pretty gimmicky Kellam is one of the worse ones though
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