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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. Gerome is not easier to feed kills to. I'm pretty sure the majority of enemies in his paralogue 1-round him without a pair-up partner and some will do it anyway. That's basically the same as what Donnel faces in his starting chapter. Even if Donnel needs two or three maps of help to get up to par, that's still 10 maps of existing he has over Severa or Cynthia. And what, 15 over Gerome. Characters who also need to be babysat in their starting chapters because they're fighting promoted enemies that wipe the floor with them. And don't even really end up better than Donnel. If you're telling me that we don't need healing in this game because everyone is so invulnerably unkillable, Brady isn't the only one who needs to go into D tier. What is the point of Tharja or Henry if we "don't need healing"? And I doubt Gerome is going to be good in his chapters unless you turn his paralogue into a feeding frenzy. He just comes too late. Gerome is definitely a D tier character; I don't think he even deserves to be in the same tier as Say'ri, who has better stats as a Wyvern Rider three chapters earlier. Brady also has the Rescue staff which is incredibly useful even outside of using it to skip maps.
  2. Owain above Severa? You've gotta be kidding me. Lissa blows as a mother, Severa is recruitable earlier and comes in a better class, and with better base stats. Yarne should go down from the top of B. No way is he the best non-Morgan child. He has no weapon ranks, Panne doesn't even pass down any particularly impressive skills, he's forced to reclass and his only solid reclass option is Barbarian, which is nice but not as good as say, Kjelle, who gets Cavalier and Wyvern Rider. Taguel only gives him Even Rhythm to start off with as well, which is weaker than the skills that most other children get from their starting class.
  3. Having a kid that can be fed kills for a map and turn out good isn't that valuable either, especially when they show up in Chapter 16 and 18 respectively (assuming you can beat Gerome's Paralogue immediately). Maybe you should look at the tier list and note that as low as Lissa and Maribelle are, they're still above Donnel.
  4. Better to be a fifth string staff user than to be a 25th string combat unit like Owain, Severa, or Gerome (who you said should go a tier above him).
  5. Yarne has another tough Paralogue and no weapon ranks. I don't see Kjelle being a tier and a bit above Henry, but I don't know what kind of stats you expect out of her either. I don't get how Brady would be in D Tier. If nothing else, Gaius!Brady should be higher, being a servicable staffbot with 7 move and Demoiselle.
  6. Maybe they're not getting any more stats, but good level 20/20 units rarely even need "more stats", and even if they did, they're probably capping or close to capping most of their important stats; certainly close enough that stat boosters can make up the difference. In that case, the restriction would be stat caps; not the level cap.
  7. Level cap is not a limiting factor in any Fire Emblem.
  8. Better to be 5 levels higher and have +3 in every stat than get... I don't know, a 30% chance to do 5 extra damage because Lucina has ass for magic?
  9. That depends on your definition of "lowmanning". I don't think lowmanning is any stronger in this game than in previous games. It's not hard to get a team of 6+ units to the point where they can one round and never die in this game, particularly in Hard Mode where any Sorceror, Hero, or Great Lord can tank virtually unlimited numbers of enemies.
  10. Yet, we allow infertile people or old people to get married, even though they can't have children. Nor do we annul marriages that don't result in a child as "failed" marriages. Maybe, once upon a time, marriage existed to help people have children (although how marriage helps people have children, I don't understand), but over time it has evolved to be a public expression of love and commitment between two people. Since there's no reason that love and commitment can't exist between two men or two women, the rules of who can get married should be changed to accommodate the change in what marriage is, and what marriage means to the vast majority of people who get married.
  11. It depends on the team, really. Some of the axe-heavy teams (like Titania or Karel) can be trivialised with a good sword user. Getting a good map with lots of abusable terrain or forts helps. And you can still build supports in spotpass chapters.
  12. Note that units will have whatever the top weapon in their inventory is equipped, until they move, when they equip the best weapon in their inventory. So for example, you can give Ike a Bronze Sword in 3-11 and have him equip it, and he'll have it equipped in 3-13, but once he starts moving, or when someone is in range for him to attack, he will equip Ragnell, making it much harder to kill him.
  13. If we wanted her to use staves, she'd be better off remaining a Trickster.
  14. Rightful God, Limit Breaker, Miracle, Hawkeye, and Rightful King. With 45 Luck, you only need to get +15 luck from Pair Up or Rally Luck in order to have 100% Miracle activation rate. The only things that can kill you like this are multiple hitting opponents, or enemies with extremely high resistance so you can't deal damage with Nosferatu.
  15. Does that mean that if I sin, but I'm insincere about it, it doesn't count?
  16. Clearly, Seth's mother was a Falcon Knight.
  17. thing is that unlike certain other FEs, or most of them, enemies grow at a fast enough rate in Lunatic that growths make a significant difference. In that sense, FE13 Lunatic is like FE12 Lunatic in that you can't "really" low turn count it without rigging growths throughout the entire game.
  18. Wouldn't Dark Knight be preferable over Sage for the durability? I can't imagine Anna having trouble killing things with tomes, what's more relevant is her mobility and durability. Dark Knight also lets her use her sword rank, whatever that's worth (might be useful for killing Sages and Valkyries?)
  19. One possibility: it's affected by Renown or Bonus Box use. Maybe if you grab the Supreme Emblem, it gets factored into enemy strength?
  20. Crossbows I think, 4HKO in early GM chapters, so Shinon can 2RKO with them on enemy phase. While obviously that's not great, it's sure better than not doing any damage at all.
  21. Spotpass units don't affect risen skirmishes at all. I've been using the Spotpass encounters to grind supports to unlock all the child paralogues, but risen skirmishes are unaffected. In Chapter 16, with three Paralogues beaten, I'm seeing skirmish enemies at around level 7-9 promoted. That's still a good deal ahead of storyline enemies, but I think I could still beat them if I pulled out all the stops.
  22. One tier list usually ends up the most popular and gets the most discussion. That's all.
  23. Even if they're clearly not as good as Sumia or Cordelia, you must admit they're close. Better to have Galeforce, even if it comes slightly later (say, in chapter 14 instead of chapter 12) than to not have Galeforce at all. I'd imagine because extra characters divert experience away from Sumia and Robin. Two units with Galeforce will probably be able to beat certain chapters faster than six characters, even if they all 1-round and have effectively infinite durability.
  24. If anything, it should be Olivia who really needs to go up. Although I think she should go up anyway...
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