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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20975608 'the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun' or, apparently, the stern, commanding voice of a teacher "The teacher, who had been grazed by a pellet, then intervened. He is reported by US media to have warned the suspect that there would be no shooting in his class, at which point the gunman put down his weapon and police officers arrested him." see, declaring schools to be gun-free zones works
  2. piers moron used to be a writer and editor for various british tabloids. it's claimed by some that he was involved in phonehacking. he's also known for a long-running feud with ian hislop (editor of the Private Eye).
  3. alex jones is a bigger idiot i think, at least piers moron isn't a nutjob conspiracy theorist
  4. Grass/Electric already exists. I think less dragon pokemon are needed. Dragon is a ridiculously good typing, and I think that dragons are cooler when they're kept rare. But yeah, there needs to be more fire pokemon.
  5. let's not give piers moron any medals ever ok
  6. Interestingly, congress polled better among liberals than among conservatives, even though Republicans control Congress.
  7. There are hints in FE9. Soren gets along very poorly with Nasir; when you encounter Kurthnaga, he hides. Clearly, they were trying to point towards a dragon heritage for him. Then again, none of that links him directly to Ashnard, just to Almedha, who might not even have been thought up when they made FE9.
  8. That's including sidequests, if u didn't kno
  9. FE4 is in many ways, a bit different. It's almost like it's two games in one. If you're going to count FE4 as being ~40 castles in length, why not count FE3 as being 42 chapters in length? And really, the longest FE is without a doubt Awakening. 50 chapters, not counting DLC. DLC brings it up to ~70. And they may not be finished with DLC, and there's skirmishes.
  10. If they can make 100 interesting chapters, or 1000, they should make that many.
  11. it's taught me that blood and pain are the foods of a true warrior
  12. Wrys has the highest resistance in the game, which is unique and useful. Therefore, he's in unique utility. (and also staff rank yadda yadda who cares when he can blow up Gharnef????)
  13. lol in the UK, wheel of time actually has a classy understated cover
  14. Having thought further on the starters, I like Chespin and Benjamin Froaklin, but Fennekin is yiffbait. I'll probably take Chespin. And to anyone who said Fennekin; I judge you.
  15. Great, now that there's no stupid WIMMEN around *rips off clothes* I can just walk around in my boxers Looks like you got a head start on me, Sena ;)
  16. Memories of Micaiah being killed by longbowmen, I suppose? And, I guess, just generally being conservative on what would be a large buff to bows, which I don't believe are so awful that they all need to receive a range buff.
  17. I read halfway and got bored. The series, I mean.
  18. That sounds like a good system, even though you misspelled "dependent".
  19. They all look pretty lame. I guess I'll wait to see the second stage before making my choice. Probably the grass starter or the fire starter, though.
  20. partially because there were no fire pokemon in gen 4
  21. Because Charge's activation rate drops with your HP, the chances of actually dying because of it are pretty low. More to the point, Noish and Beowolf probably want to be fighting as much as possible. I see it as rather perverse, that it's supposed that Noish and Beowolf engaging in extra rounds of combat isn't useful or a positive. They're not great, but at the same time, neither of them are bad. Noish and Beowolf are unlikely to face "tougher enemies" anyway. The toughest enemies they're ever going to fight are Arena enemies. Ambush just seems like a useless skill in Gen 1. Arden and Lex are among the most durable units in Gen 1, Lex in particular because of his insane level gain. It seems like they would be the least of our worries, especially since Arden isn't really useful at all. And in Gen 2, it's only useful very situationally: on Arthur, Lex!Arthur no less, who isn't that great anyway. And apparently you can use it for Arenahax on Patty and Leen, if you wanted to level them for whatever reason.
  22. Why is Charge so low? It has a good activation rate and the characters who have it greatly appreciate the offense boost. It's also a skill that's carried by a lot of characters, in between Noish, Midayle, Jamka, and Beowolf. It should be at least above Luna which has bad distribution and a much lower activation rate, and gives a smaller offensive boost, for the cost of a "downside" that is not really a downside at all for Midayle or Jamka, and not being helpful in the arena.
  23. Repeated exhortation to be fucked harder is also common, based upon my research.
  24. I do. I think that 2-3 range is fine to have, and 2-3 range weapons should be usable and buyable, but I don't think all bows should be 2-3 range.
  25. If a crossbow has a clip, then you'd always be able to double with it: and crossbows only had clips very rarely. The majority of crossbows did not have clips, especially in Europe. Even though there is little recoil on a crossbow, it's still very time-consuming to fire them. Supposedly, it was typical for a 12th century crossbowman to fire two bolts a minute. The idea of massively increasing the range of bows is a bad one, I think. Fire Emblem, at it's heart, is a game about tactical positioning. But when enemies commonly have enormous range, tactical positioning flies out of the window because there's no way to protect weak units, and at the same time, your own archers can fire from any location they want. Siege tomes and ballista are annoying enough when there's only one or two on the map, let alone giving that kind of range to a quarter of the enemies. Flying units would also become completely unusable.
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