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Posts posted by WIRE Shut

  1. I can't belive I'm posting this on the third topic but here is a guy on smashboard who is acctually trying to find differences:


    And by the time I posted this his verdict has been:

    Just reporting that Marth and Lucina are entirely identical with the only differences being that Lucina does 1% - 2% more damage if Marth doesn't tipper. It's also good news for us that Marth's F-Air tipper was nerfed to be really small. But aside from that, I haven't found anything that one does that the other can't in terms of movement and attack speed.

    For the remaining descriptions to moves, I will get to them today but Lucina has identical moves to Marth so the throws are all the same. I'd like to take a break from research for a bit and actually play the game for a little while. I'll keep at this then.

    So there is vey little difference, heck, what I've seen of Marths moveset (and Lucinas), the default dacing blade, Marth lunges his blades instead of slashes like he used too, which in turn gives him tippers since he does exactly that, stabs instead of slashes.

    Of what I've seen, Marth has been more specialised, but it seems that his moveset has been adapted to it.

    Thats my 2 cents of speculation which can still be proven completely wrong when I acctually get the game.

    Thanks, I actually had a look at the percentage changes but it is nice to see it again, but during the stream Lucina look way faster than Marth, she looked like what I think is what Melee Marth was speed-wise, might just be stream lag or something but if he looked in depth into that I have nothing to complain.

  2. So, apparently after you unlock Lucina there is no reason to use Marth, she not only is faster but generally does more damage, I thought there wouldn't be a speed difference, this changes so much, why do they try to balance the game if they make the clone outright better? More reason to hate Lucina. Really hope they do balance patches.

  3. Daisy, Rosalina, and Bowser Jr. were my most wanted Mario newcomers if there were any. So yeah, I kinda did want him if I didn't get Daisy. And I did get him. And Rosalina.

    Bowser Jr. is a lot more interesting than Toad or Waluigi, imo. And unlike Waluigi he at least appears in the main series. >.>

    Yeah I can see your point, he just looks like a cooler character, he just goes to the races and sport event, he doesn't care about no princess, he's just there for the gold, but since Bowser Jr. isn't just another clone he could be cool, didn't see much surprise or requests for him, probably because DHD was in the leak too.
  4. I thought the roster was lack luster, none of my picks were in, they cut my friends main so it will take a while for him to get on my level again, the brought the character I really didn't want to see, plus they seemed to have nerfed Marth, but them i remembered, we have goddamn Mega man, and Pacman, the killager, Selfinsert fanfic person, the wii fit trainer, DHD, in general we have amazing newcomers, we did lost some men and women and got some boring clones like Dark Pit, in fact I wish we got more clones to characters if they were cool, I mean if they changed speed, damage and such like Wolf instead of tippers and such like Lucina.

  5. I don't think porting other manakete tribes into Elibe would make much sense but it could had a lot more variety, has a suggestion why not make the final level start at a corridor or a castle like maze akin to some levels of the Tower of valnii in Fe8(even if the level are basically levels from other games) and only later you are able to engage in fight with Idoun.

  6. From what I know I would say:

    Bump Chrom down at least 2, while he is solid he still is pretty useless post-game not counting sniper chipping.

    Hector should be 1 higher, in FE7 your best options for axe wielder are normally Marcus, Harken, Raven and Sain all of which will not focus much on axes making Hector not only a solid unit for having great defense and 5 movement but for filling an important army role.

    Micaiah is too Rng/ Bexp reliant so I think she shouldn't go down but shouldn't go up either.

    Lyn should be split in Lyn with Lyn mode or without, Lyn with Lyn mode can certainly go high Mixed Bag tier

    Ephraim should go up he has amazing growth, bases, gains a mount on promotion and has 2 amazing Prf weapon the only thing that sets him back is his low res which is still pretty solid and bad caps.

    Other than that I think it's pretty much solid.

  7. I though about many concepts for a fe6 remake a few times, I also had many ideas like:

    Making classes more varied, we get 7 paladins endgame and you can easily make 2 or 3 of them into Gk, but other class changes could be made like making the 3 knights use different weapons between them or make Fir promote into Lyn lord.

    Personaly I think either Roy or Al should get another weapon upon promoting since they would both be generic sworwielding lords.

    I also has the idea of custom weapons according to birthplace,like a Pheraen sword or a Weastern isles axe or family weapons like a special bow for both Fir and Bartre if my idea from above is taken.

    I also had more ideas but these are more important.

  8. My first Ike in Fe9 leveled Def so much he capped it like level 16 or something but had like 15 Str at level 20/ 3. Plus I have had a countless number of speed blessed female mage units, Lilina with capped Mag and Spd at level 20/ 9 was godly and Micaiah only missed about 4 or 5 level ups of speed.

  9. I spent 200$ on a 3ds just for awakening, unfortunately it really wasn't worth it but if you plan o buying a 3ds for other games like Smash, Pokémon or Tomodachi life you should pick up Awakening, it is a rather amusing game on the first playthrough, but if you want to know how it stands, it can be summarized in this game picks up almost all of good aspect of fire emblem and adds a couple of others like pair up but it doesn't fully balance all of its features making pair-up bat shit unbalanced and gamebreaking, the paralogues while not forced still give you EXP and that smidgeon of exp over time makes the game even easier not mentioning that the first 2 difficulties are super easy and the latter 2 are either nightmare inducing on the first levels or just a test of how many times you can restart, the story is all over the place and pulls really stupid crap lategame, the supports are the coolest things in the game, they are memorable and give personality to the characters but when you realize all the characters are Anime/ videogames tropes they feel a little less special, the best maps in the game are the challenge DLC but unless you plan on buying the DLC after a certain point the game seems like put unit with 1-2 range weapon on middle, click start to pass turn and repeat. The marriage system sounds like good thing and it kind of is, the kid characters are much better than their parents but they come later in the game, kind of like Ests, the marriage system is the thing that makes this a replayable title and strangely every unit is a good parent and fighter but Virion and he still is a good father to something like Inigo, overall it suffers from a lot of flaws but it is still a good title, good for newcomer that may seems a lot easier for veterans. Oh and they screwed archers once again even after they being good for 3 game straight.

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