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Posts posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. I just saw this now, but congrats on doing this. The sensibility of doing a truly perfect Lunatic+ LTC is a bit strange to me since under 100% ideal player conditions, it's going to end up looking exactly the same as a vanilla Lunatic LTC but with more RNG, but aiming for working around the mode's nuances and getting reasonable consistency makes it a lot more interesting.

    1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    And here I thought that random Counter and Aegis+ made Lunatic+ impossible to plop 1 paired up unit into enemy territory and watch them slaughter everything. Turns out all you have to do is forget about Nosferatu and use Vantage and ramp up your offense to the point you OHKO everything.

    Maybe I could actually attempt Lunatic+ not LTC with this in mind.

    There are much safer ways to go about things if you're not aiming for LTC. Right now, for example.

    In general you can use strats involving being unequipped or holding a Bow during enemy phase so Counter is never a worry. You don't even need Vantage if you're going slow- that's just to allow you to get past Luna+/Hawkeye while tanking so you can kill more quickly. It's actually pretty unsafe outside of a perfectly optimized world because using it means you're one unforseen oddity from death.

  2. 24 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    I was thinking of doing that once I got the hang of hard mode...if I ever do actually manage to get it done.

    Suit yourself. But in a nogrind context... as someone who uses everyone on Revelation and breaks the deployment cap in Lunatic+, you're going to have a bad time.

  3. Not really. If you SS him to a Cavalier at GK Lv.5, he'll be gaining exp around the rate of a Lv.12-13 Cavalier, but with about a third of the stats you'd expect one to have then. You also always gain exp as if you promoted at Lv.20 regardless of when you use a Master Seal, so promoting him at 10 will give you a Fred with 10-15 levels of stat growths under his belt... and gaining exp like a a unit that's Lv.30+.

    As long as you're on Normal/Hard though, it won't matter much. Fred's strong enough that he can stay sort of relevant for the whole game with only a few levels, and he'll be hiding behind Sumia most of the time anyway.

  4. 8 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    I'm thinking of trying F!Robin first then M!Robin (X Lucina because that is simpler for me and saves me benching anyone) once I get the hang of it.

    Trying to bench nobody in Hard (kids included) without grinding isn't very feasible unless you want a big challenge, because the game gives you a glut of early units right before a big power spike when everything promotes. If you want everyone trained up, get the rest later with DLC, or they'll do nothing but give you a hard time.

  5. On 1/28/2017 at 11:45 AM, Gnorme said:

    I'm new to the series and didn't really know much about marriage and children when I started playing. Once I got to chapter 11 I did a lot more reading up on the subject so I could make the right decision for Chrom. From what I've read so far it seems like Chrom X Olivia is the best. However I might have screwed myself by reaching Sumia support ranking A with Chrom... getting Chrom to marry Olivia after Chapter 11 is going to be tough. Would it be better to marry off Sumia to Frederick before Chapter 11 so Chrom can marry Olivia? or should I just let Chrom and Sumia marry? I wanted to marry Sumia to Henry but he only comes in Chapter 13.

    So should I just do Chrom X Sumia and save Henry for someone else or do Sumia X Frederick and Chrom X Olivia?

    If you're going for optimal, Chrom x Sumia wins pretty badly in just about any sense. But I wouldn't recommend caring about optimization too much on a first playthrough; you don't need it to win and the game has a ton of replay value so you'll want to save stuff for later. Just do what's fun, because that's what it's about.


    I have to say, it's nice to see so many people still providing fast, accurate Awakening advice so long after I stopped caring. Even if, by the looks of things, nothing's changed in the meta since I left. Good job, y'all. Keep up the good work, and have a nice day~

    If for whatever reason anyone wants to find me (or even remembers who I am :rolleyes:), Kuroi's Lunatic+ stream is my current stomping ground. Much more intense than Apo, that.

  6. Yep I am happy that there is a fan translation project on this. I am now spending my free time learning Japanese....so that I can happily play the Jap game and one day import Jap 3DS and say goodbye to the localization. In Europe the game just announced and out in May lol the waiting is too long.

    If you have Homebrew, you can play the translation on any region of 3ds, just without any online functionality. And since there's a patch, you won't really need to know Japanese to play the JP version, all you need is a copy of the game (either region) and a 3ds with Homebrew installed.

  7. I've provided a small handful of examples to back up my previous claim.

    Notice how, in every one of those side-by-sides, the images of the fan translation are screenshots while the images of the localization are pictures with a significant quality loss?

    The official localization changed a lot of things that didn't need to be changed, yes. It removed stuff from the game, sometimes for no reason. The JP version is definitely better and I'm very glad this patch exists. I'm not arguing any of that, I completely agree.

    But portraying the localization using objectively worse images (regardless of what they show) ascribes to them a fault they do not have. It makes them, even if you're not consciously thinking about it, worse than they really are. That's what I have a problem with- Treehouse messed up, and I'm for trying to fix their problems, not make them worse. Giving people restoration patches does the former. Depicting the problem as worse than it really is, even if it's already bad, does the second.

  8. You can find most of the worst changes as image macros that have been getting spread around.

    Those images are terrible. They don't provide a shred of context by themselves, and are spread mainly by people who just want to complain about stuff, usually for false extrapolations. If people would actually play the game for themselves instead of just looking at bad memes, we wouldn't have things like complaining about bad voice acting in unvoiced supports.

    I think the real killer is the lack of dual audio

    That's a financial/licensing issue, not Treehouse being eeevil. Dual Audio is very nice, but here it wasn't a matter of simply re-using existing resources.

  9. If I load my hard copy fates on my old 3ds with hans and play with the swimsuits and skinshipping but did not save afterwards and load the game on my new 3ds without hans, would the risk of messing up the save files decrease?

    Possibly. But I take responsibility for nothing that happens if it does anyway.

    One thing I wanted to ask, not related to Fates, but for Awakening, since the skilled people are over here.

    Would it be possible to replace the censored Tharja summer photo with the original, and to fix the bug where the dual-audio option reverts to English on bootup?

    For the latter, I know the EU version doesn't have the dual-audio bug.

    For the CG, I assume it would, but would also require custom .cia stuff since DLC. The dual-audio thing deals with code and not assets, so I have no idea what it would take to fix that- though personal experience says it's less of a hassle to toggle the audio every time you return to the main menu than it is to load Homebrew every time you want to play the game.

  10. It's highly inadvisable to modify your actual physical cart. It's just not a good idea, and if you can dump the game and edit that instead, why would you risk the integrity of the cart when you could just modify an exact copy that's designed to be a "sandbox" of sorts?

    Oh, I was talking about the 3ds mod to allow downgrading on >10.3, not changing the actual game cart. I don't even know if the latter's actually possible, if it is there's no way I'd want to try it.

    Is there really a need for concern about "switching between restore and unrestored saves" when it comes to Amie and the fan translation. I can understand the bikinis since it would on a nearly constant basis be trying to access something that isn't there but with Amie and Fan trans that content is not constantly accessed. Of course I have zero programming knowledge so I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm kind of guessing that's more just a disclaimer than anything in those cases?

    Yeah, it's a disclaimer. Considering as Amie and the name changes wouldn't affect anything in your save file (and thus nothing from them would get carried over between sessions), it's probably OK, but it's almost impossible to know for sure and there's no way the team wants to be responsible for someone's save getting messed up (there was some weirdness involving the support gallery not properly updating when changing between versions of the JP patch, for example). So try it at your own risk, preferably with a file you don't care much about.

  11. Seems like I'll be stalking this thread until someone comes up with a method like this. Until then, I'll live with playing without the patches. Thanks!

    The only way to do that on the current firmware is to hardmod your 3ds. That requires you to send in your 3ds to a third party, costs money, voids your warranty and is potentially risky.

    If a better method does come up, it won't be discovered here. The If team just makes the patch, they're not responsible for the exploits that allow users to patch stuff in the first place.

  12. I downloaded and did the same thing to the japanese special edition, curious on what it would do, and I notice that it ryoma is spelled Ryouma, and Xander is Marx (which did not happen when i applied it into the english version)

    It's this one. They're Xander and Ryoma in the NA version, if the patch was changing anything they'd show up like they do in the JP version.

    If you want to mess around with it, you're welcome to. But the NA version is almost done, and will probably finish long before you have something you're happy with. No random ?s either.

  13. If you're curious about soundtracks, you can listen to a ton of them here and decide for yourself. Super Metroid's soundtrack is generally very well liked, but it's definitely on the more atmospheric side of the spectrum. DKC's are also pretty well-liked (2 is the best), though while they're not as extreme as Super Metroid's they're still mostly atmospheric.

    DKC and Metroid are just 2d platformers. The stories never get in the way and give you what you need to get going, but they're neither the point of the games nor anything special. They're both very pretty (for SNES games), though. I haven't played Earthbound myself but am pretty sure it's not going to top them.

  14. Between Squeenix's problem of making games so complex and nonsensical that you need to read pages of in-game flavor text to understand what's going on

    Honestly, IS just did pretty much that with Awakening (its story makes very little sense unless you're very dedicated to lore fishing and can put a lot of stuff together). They're definitely capable of delivering. They just didn't, last time around.

    I'm throwing down my hat in the "SS smells" camp. TTYD was great and I'd like something in its spirit, but SPM was pretty good too despite being fairly different from TTYD, so really my only wish is for something good.

  15. Out of curiosity is there a good video tutorial explaining how to download/install the 1.0 release on a 3DS running 9.2? I haven't turned on my 3DS for almost a year now so I am a little rusty with some of these new programs and such as I haven't been following the CFW scene.

    There's a tutorial in the works that will be done soon, I don't think it will be video but it should be very thorough.

    So, to be clear, will there never be a way to patch digital or will that be in the works? Even if there isn't a way, thanks for doing this for us all!

    Whether there will be or not is dependent on the developers of Homebrew, not the If team. All the team can do is make a patch that's usable through existing methods. If new methods become available, odds are it will work just fine with them, but that's out of the If team's hands.

  16. The way DLC worked in Awakening, if you played the game on a system with DLC installed and got some items/classes/whatever, they'd work just fine on that system, then when you transferred to a system without the DLC installed, all the items and skills would show up as "?" (the items would do nothing, the skills would function normally), and all the classes would look like Tacticians but also function normally. Then when you play it on a system with DLC installed again, everything would go back to normal with the DLC stuff working as it should.

    I have no idea if Fates does the same thing, but I assume it would.

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