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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Her main one is LB/TF/Vengeance and either a mix of Auras and +Mov skills or Anathema and Wrath, with an optional Focus over TF (all as a Valkyrie). She can also get Axefaire and some Auras to make a nice Wyvern Lord, if you want.
  2. Luna does nothing in the back, so no. It has some pretty massive weaknesses (Spd and Mov) but if you can find a way to make those not matter it's actually pretty good. As for that team... There's a ton of stuff there that's not "optimal" but trying to fix it would basically change your whole team and you'll be able to beat Apo anyway so I doubt you'd want me to do that. The only really egregious stuff I see is that you're using AT without LB (you'll still lose your stuff, so it's not helping) and Wrath (Apo stuff has very high Dge, so crits won't help you much). Be warned as well that VV Sorcs smell in general in Apo. The rest of your team will be able to carry you so they're not crippling or anything, but they'll mostly just be dead weight. Oh, and Counter has no effect in Apo.
  3. Much better. Your difficulty doesn't change Apo in any functional way, so it doesn't matter. Have you started pairing up the children yet?
  4. Something 'sploded about your Aversa spoilers. Anyway, Lon'qu would run Quick Burn/Lucky 7 for skirmishes and Lancebreaker/Avo+10/Tantivity for Apo. DK Aversa does have a use, though it's not rangetanking: mobile GF Mire units are very useful for farming GG, and DK lets her use a Leif's Blade for slightly more profit.
  5. Lancefaire's main uses are as an alternate to SF for Paladin if you lack SF (Sumia!Lucina) and for Wyverns if you lack AF and/or a +Hit skill. But Morgan has SF and male Wyverns generally aren't that good, so Morgan doesn't need it.
  6. We'd try to do something like that if any of us had the OP. This thread is over a year old, though. But what would you even put in the OP? A summary of the entire metagame? That would be better off as a full guide (which this game currently has none of (good ones, at least)), and there wasn't even much to summarize back than. Anyway... Avatar-M x Lucina > Chrom!Cynthia > Henry!Cynthia, Lon'qu/Virion!Severa, Gaius!Kjelle Avatar-F x Chrom/Yarne/Owain/Laurent Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia Lissa x Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Sully x Donnel/Gaius Miriel x Ricken/Lon'qu/Gregor Sumia x Chrom/Henry Maribelle x Chrom/Virion/Lon'qu/Ricken/Libra/Henry Panne x Fred/Virion/Stahl/Lon'qu/Gregor Cordelia x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken Nowi x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Gregor/Henry Tharja x Donnel/Gaius Olivia x Chrom/Fred/Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Cherche x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Gregor/Henry That's as close to a concise summary as there is.
  7. I... Would not advise taking a Def flaw on Lunatic. The only point to doing so is if you either are aiming solely for postgame, or are showing off- it'll hurt you a lot more than the likes of Skl and Lck.
  8. Here's the real Cht.15 at a glance: there's this giant wall cutting the map in half that you can fly over, but like no flying enemies and pretty much everything gets owned by Sand. Basically you can hop back and forth over the wall to confuse them endlessly and feed everything to whoever you want. No need to hold a choke, just run in circles and fight the enemies one at a time on EP, healing between battles. You should be able to take a single Counter to the face per turn.
  9. Yeah, don't do that. This topic is so old that the posts halfway through would openly scoff at how bad the early posts are, and yet would merit raised eyebrows even now. That said, fewer is better. Either use Avatar x Chrom or Chrom x Sumia and Avatar x Cordelia/Nowi as your core pairings. Any of Cordelia, Nowi, Panne and Lissa are fine to bring along as well, along with their husbands, but don't try to use too many units (five pairs max, three is better). Then pair Gaius x Olivia and Gregor x Panne.
  10. The best source of information you'll get is from posts on there forums that are actually in response to things you ask. Try not to go digging too far back, because Awakening is still fairly new for how complex it is and opinions and strategies change all the time- you'll just get a lot of conflicting advice and get confused. There's a thread called The Lunatic Club floating around though which is generally the catch-all topic for Lunatic stuff, be it advice, playlogs, new strats, or what have you. It would be a good place for you to hang out. There are also no decent written guides about this game currently in existence, so don't bother looking for them.
  11. Slow down, folks. True, there are threads and clubs for this, but this thread's already made, so we might as well use it. TC, do you mind clarifying exactly what you're going for here? Ingame or postgame? If ingame, where are you and are you grinding? It makes a big difference, and that's why you're getting conflicting answers.
  12. Not that RK is useful, but... Why ignore a stat that has marginal effect (Lck) over one that does nothing (Str)?
  13. Arrrgh I've been in town all day stocking up on food for college and missed all this. 36% DS? Really? They'd have to have an average of 12 Skl per unit for that to happen (since the C support is free). Don't promote any of the children until you really have to. It's best to extend their exp gain as long as possible and pick up some nice skills too- Lucina would like to go through Peg and/or Cav and Cynthia wants to go through Cav at least. I've tried Lucina straight to GL before and every single time it's really underwhelming. Lucina can train very well in Cht.14, by the way. Getting a forged Beastkiller is very much worth it, especially now that the Bullion is rolling in. Pretty much everything until Cht.21 will be weak to it. Cynthia's Paralogue will go a bit easier if you put Sumia into Falco and get her some Rescues- that way she can kill something, a non-Galepair can kill something, she can Rescue it out of the way and Lucina can kill something and GF out of the way herself (3 kills per turn- you'll need to hit&run but it might be doable), while Avatar and one of Morgan/Nah tank through the RHS to kill the boss. If that's not enough, wait until Cord gets GF for more offense. One of the very nice things about playing Lunatic with a high-GF team is that around Cht.17 you get enough PPO going that you can go off the defensive and actually start skipping EP, Apo style. You may want to wait until Valm is done to put Morgan and Nah through DF, though, because otherwise the Bow Knights will harass you even more.
  14. Some of them. King Marth can OHKO Lunatic+ Grima through Pavise+. Trabant and Ashnard have epic classes, skillsets and bases for running interference to help feed units exp on higher difficulties. DLC!Katarina is incredible at everything. And of course they make good Rallybots/Staffbots in general.
  15. Tharja's issue is having like no Lck. You can use her, but she will get critted, so be ready for that. Yup. Send her off left right off the bat to mop up the Paladin, she should get a level from his group alone.
  16. All right, read them all. Fred: Deliverer actually has no effect in the back. Kellam: There's nothing in IR that Acrobat has an effect on. Don't forget to put somewhere to swap LB in (for more Mag). What's Healtouch for? Lon'qu: Can also make a good dodgetank build. Libra: Actually, an even better Magekiller build would be Monk with Tomebreaker and Res+10. That way you get to hit their squishy Def. Since you're a sponge, don't worry about PP (Agg isn't too important). Walhart: There's an anti-armor Sword as well, so you can't cover both weaknesses with two breakers anyway. Priam: Sol/Astra is often better than Sol/Luna if the user has >50 Skl (LB). Miriel: Valkyrie is also a pretty good support class for her. Panne: L7 at the back is basically Hit+20. It'll be good if she's got an Axe. Nowi/Tiki: All+2 is an option over Mag+2. Tharja: Unless you're putting the +Avo from Prescience to use (with a Longbow, the odds of that are slim) then Hit+20 is strictly superior. Then again, she shouldn't be having hitrate issues as a Sniper lead anyway. Anna: LB over TF? Aversa: Her main use for me is flying where nothing and nobody can touch her (out over mountains/the sea/etc) and killing everything with Mire and a Chrom support (no other units deployed). She's particularly effective at handling Walhart's Paralogue that way.
  17. Well, you could promote Vaike and then give Cord the Str drops to help make up for the -6 Str from going Fighter -> Hero...
  18. Miriel hides behind Avatar on Cht.3's staircase section and gets the kills from there, then hides in the corner on Cht.5 and kills Wyverns with Ricken's Elwind, and then kills stuff on Cht.6 EP from behind the wall on the left side, then reclasses/promotes/whatever and is strong. Gregor uses Levin + Miriel for easy training, and optionally gets Rescued onto a mountain Fort in Cht.10 for even more tankiness. They're not exactly easy to get going (still some of the easier ones if you know what you're doing) but Laurent makes it oh so worth it.
  19. Easy fix: don't use EXPonential growth. It's one of the worst maps in the game for training high level units. Once everything is giving you 8 exp anyway, just go for an easy map with loads and loads of units (LB3). Same exp per kill, but 50 kills instead of 2-3 per map. You can go through a promoted class in less than 5 mins on it even with a capped IL.
  20. So there's an old strat I found for those Villagers that I used in my Lunatic Risen run where everyone was horrendously overleveled and I wanted to have fun without them getting in my way. Not sure how viable it is in nogrind (I'll find a way to make it work some time) but for future reference... There is a strip of land 1 tile wide at the northwest corner of the map. Villagers can move through your units, but not through enemies, and enemies can't move through your units. What I did was get one or two of my units to block off three tiles of that strip, unequip and wait there tanking stuff (tinks required), and then use Falcos to Rescue all the Villagers up behind my tank. Nowhere for them to run, and they're completely safe once the western Pegs are gone.
  21. Actually... Cht.8's DMs have 31 Atk vs Pegs (6 mt Arcwind, 11 mag and +2 from WRB). Base Cordelia has 25 HP and 8 Res, so they can't quite ORKO her without Luna+- they're still Pegasus lunch. 14 levels in 5 chapters? She can easily do it if you feed her a little more than she'd take naturally (I know this because it's possible to get Olivia from DF 1 at the end of Cht.11 to GF mid-Cht.13 by giving her everything, and if she can take that much Sumia definitely can). If you're not at least Lv.10 by the end of Cht.12, though, you'll want to do it over again. Gregor is a Lv.10 merc who shows up in the same chapter as the first Master Seal. It's fairly obvious he's intended as a drop-in crutch character- you'll probably want to take him along for a while for support/utility purposes, but not invest too much in him. Later on, he can do an instant BK promote if you want a ferry for one of your Staffbots.
  22. 1. The unit's actual stats stay the same, but their class bases stat the same. So, if you were to change from class A to class B, your stats would change a bit, but if you then switch back to class A your stats will be the same (plus whatever you got from levelups) as they were when you left. 2. Depends on a really lot of things. In general, though, reclass earlier if you care more about skills and later if you care more about stats. 3. Reclass now, Villager is a terrible class.
  23. Cav is a high Str/Def/Mov class with all of two weapons (the only other unpromoted class to do that is Cav) and it gets Discipline at Lv.1 which is pretty much the best thing ever for new recruits who come later into the game. Sure, there are Beastkiller++ floating around, but other than that it practically has no downsides. GK's skills are a little better than Paladin's but not enough to make up for the fact that Paladin is just as well-rounded as Cav statwise- GKs are slow and dodging is important (Chrom's kids can make it work thanks to the Aether+Luna stack getting your proccing odds up enough to be somewhat useful, but get out quick). While you could go to a third base class instead of promoting, I'd only advise it as Peg on Lucina. She can take an Avatar support upon recruitment, if you like. Nowi will be quickly obsoleted by her kids and while she's still strong, she's an acceptable casualty at that point. Or Vaike can hit the bench and Cordelia can support Severa. I'm not sure how well Vaike fares later in Lunatic, but as a hard support I have a feeling he could take a break too. Also, if you make her a GF Falco she'll be perfectly capable of functioning on her own once she's ready, especially with a light forge. Avatar can easily spare the time needed to train her up, considering as she only needs 10-20 levels. As for training Severa... Depends on when/whether you can unlock her Paralogue and what skills she's getting. If she gets Sol from Cord and HP+5/whatever from Vaike, she'll want to go Peg -> DF. If she gets GF from Cord and Sol from Vaike, then she'll probably want to either promote to BK immediately or go Peg -> Falco. You definitely need to unlock her Paralogue even if you don't want to get her though- it saves a ton of time getting to Cynthia.
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