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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Hah. Wait until Ch.7, which is similar, but also when you really come to understand the significance of the fact that Wyverns do not get terrain bonuses from Mountains and you do. Kids: Lucina, especially as a Cav, is decently well set up to handle Cht.14. Trying to tank up above the mast is one way to do things, sending a highly mobile pair to kill the promoted stuff on the southern ship and letting Lucina take the rest on EP is another strategy that's much quicker but takes a little bit better bases. If Lucina doesn't inherit GF, she'll want to go Peg instead, and having an Arms Scroll handy (Javelins and Beastkillers) is a good idea. She'll either need to take a more protected position or one Paralogue to do that, though (kids grow super fast and usually take only one chapter to catch up, fortunately). In Morgan's case, she can take her entire Paralogue plus some depending on her mother's stats (since it's Nowi, they'll be good). She will do great if you just let her grow, but if you want you can go through another base class or two and save Manakete for later (she'll have no skills otherwise). If you do do that, she'll need an Arms Scroll. Nah is the same way, but will probably want to stay in Manakete more- at least until Lv.30 for better stats. Cynthia should come after she's ready to inherit GF, and will be ready to go right off the bat as soon as you leave her Paralouge (too man Bows there).
  2. Age is more of a cultural issue. If Awakening is supposed to be medieval Europe-ish, then there's really not that much unusual about the character's ages (Ricken and Nowi are the only ones that would still raise eyebrows- maybe not even her depending on how realistic the artstyle was intended to be). That sort of thing is very frowned upon nowadays, but at least it makes sense within the context of the game. Romancing a mentally disabled person who is physically incapable of being in an equal relationship, on the other hand? That's going to rub people the wrong way, context or no. And in this case, I'm fairly sure there isn't any.
  3. The game doesn't give you a Master Seal until Cht.8 and you'll be ready to promote mid-Cht.5.
  4. Throw in high growths on top of that and you get Seth.
  5. The thing is, anyone can hit them. You can literally feed all of them to anyone you want, and get a pile of staff exp to boot. There aren't any forts, but even if there were they wouldn't do any good thanks to exp decay. Depends on whether you get a lucky Seal from Anna. Slightly depends on difficulty/whether you'll be rescue chaining and more depends on whether or not she's staying in Dancer. If you are chaining, she won't need them. If you aren't, but are keeping her as a Dancer, she's a decent contender for the second pair.
  6. Nowi has the closest thing in the game bar Veteran to immunity to Lunatic's high IL cap. Combine that with Veteran on their children and she really is that good. It's less of a reason not to pair with Sully and more of a reason to go with Nowi- honestly the biggest thing I can hold against Sully is that she comes at a time when you don't have the flexibility to be making a big team. A few high exp Thieves and several Archers standing in very narrow corridors where they're easy to trap, as well. And no zerg rushing AI either. Par.1 is entirely dependent on how patient you are- if you want to blaze through it, you can but will miss Donnel. If you don't mind spending upwards of 200 turns stalling and breaking weapons, it's the most lucrative training map in Lunatic(+) relative to its position in the story. You don't have to spend that long to get a lot out of it, though. I'd advise sending your best tank on a rampage (as unequipped as possible) to stop the Killer Lance Thief (sure, you can buy more, but it's really nice for Cord), and having some squishies stand outside b the wall of the boss room. There are two Archers in there, and you can lure them, break their bows and get a ton of Staff exp and two easy kills for Donnel (should get him his level if he gets to whack them first) while your more competent trainees (this is a good place to level Chrom, Sumia and an other pre-Cht.3 recruits you plan on keeping) unravel Avatar's mess.
  7. Not as bad as a sticky Y key (fortunately only one of my machines has one of those). If often makes your come out as our and that just sounds ridiculous (and isn't caught by spellcheck). Hit is actually the bigger deal. -11 Skl on Berserker is a 2.75% DS loss, but since DS rounds down it's either -3% or -2%. Unless you're trying for 100% without DS+, that's actually not that big. And it's only -5 over the average cap of 40, which is -1.25%. Hitwise, however, -11 Skl translates to -16.5 Hit. On a unit with a 60 base Hit weapon (85 after a +5/15 forge and with a neutral weapon matchup), that's a big loss- 220 is the general minimum acceptable Hit for a unit in S.Apo (perfect hit on all non-bosses bar WTD), and with an 85 Hit weapon you still need 135 from stats/skills. That takes around 70 Skl and 60 Lck to 60 Skl and 75 Lck- pretty hard to get on a Berserker. Anyway, Hit+20 is usually used to patch up hitrates so they're not a big deal either when taken care of properly. My personal biggest beef with them is that they're hideous. As for alternatives to Berserker, Warrior and General give similar high Str boosts with massive DSes while trading better hit for no +Spd, while Hero and Assassin give much higher Skl +Spd supports, at the cost of far weaker dual strikes. Axes themselves aren't very important as they're only 1 Atk stronger than Swords and Lances with a neutral matchup, so their bonus pales in comparison to higher stats in the first place. A full alternative- something with incredible Str, Skl and Spd- would have no real drawbacks (no, low defenses don't matter), so it doesn't really exist.
  8. Technically, those skirmishes encourage shopping once you know about them in advance... You can stock up ahead of time, or run the risk of making do without... And more often than not you'll have a surplus for endgame. Especially if you get burned early on and blow all your cash the moment you can. Cordelia x Vaike is just a few Str short (made up for through a small combination of tonics, forges, a level up and/or an upgrade from Javelins -> Short Spears) of being able to ORKO the DMs in Cht.8 without DSes, which does wonders for getting her started. He's one of her stronger options on Lunatic, and she's by far the best reason to keep him around after ~Cht.6. If you get the Seed of Trust from Renown, give Avatar and his future wife all the event tiles for the next two chapters after recruiting her, and get at least one support boost + use the seed on the chapter where you don't get the boost, the two will get C and B immediately (so Avatar could be at B with Cordelia after Cht.8 and B with Nowi after Cht.9). From there, S is pretty quick, especially if you save Par.2/3 for more support. So yes, they're both very feasible and strong options.
  9. It takes some getting used to. Once you figure out how to keep your units out of battles where they have a chance of death (hint: look at the enemy ranges, and play with the bottom screen set to full instead of simplified so you can see their stats) Hard is pretty easy. But until you can do that, it'll be an RNG fest. Normal mode actually does have a difficulty curve. It's going to start off easy and get a little harder, and was designed to show you clearly when you make mistakes without punishing you much for them.
  10. I don't remember off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure the walls act the same way every time (though proximity and/or when you kill the Revenants may play a role).
  11. Nothing is "unlocked", it's more of a case of each base class only being able to promote into its own promoted classes. You could promote to Great Lord, then Second Seal to Archer and reach Lv.10, but you still wouldn't be able to promote from Archer to Great Lord. General reclassing rules: Between Lv.1 and 9 in base classes, you can't do anything. Between Lv.10 and 19, you can promote into any of the classes that promote from the base class you're in with a Master Seal, or switch to any other base classes in your class pool with a Second Seal (there's no way to add more classes to your pool, though). At Lv.20 in a base class, you can do all of the above, but also gain the ability to reclass back into your current class to reset your level and keep gaining exp. As a promoted class, between Lv.1 and 9 you can use a Second Seal to change into any base class in your pool, between 10 and 19 you can use a Second Seal to reclass into any class in your pool, whether base or promoted, and at 20 you also get the ability to reset your level in your current class. All of these options are completely level-based and you don't keep them if you leave their level range. You also get your level reset to 1 whenever you use either kind of Seal, regardless of what level you were last time you were in that class.
  12. Public service announcement: Chrom x Olivia isn't bad, but it's very out of style. TC, you'll be fine difficulty wise without doing anything. Anyway, extra stats on the support unit stop having an extra effect on the pairup bonuses once they're above 30, so raising Lon'qu any more won't really change Henry's Spd. Basically, pairup bonuses come from three things: First, there's the class bonuses. These are determined solely by the support unit's class and can be found here (along with an alternate explanation of what I'm talking about). For example, an Assassin gives +2 Str, +2 Skl and +4 Spd at base. Then there are support bonuses. If the two units don't have any support ranks, these bonuses don't count. If they have a C or B, the class bonuses get +1 each. If the two units have an A or S, the class bonuses get +2 each. This only applies to stats the class actually boosts, though, so having an S with an Assassin will get you an extra +2 Str/Skl/Spd (+4/4/6) but won't affect your +Mag/Lck/Def/Res at all. Finally, there are stat bonuses. Each stat gets a bonus based on how high the support unit's stats are: +0 if the stat is between 0 and 9, +1 if it's between 10 and 19, +2 if it's between 20 and 29, and +3 if it's 30 or above. So, for an example, your Inigo would give +0-3 Str (you didn't say how much he has), +0 Mag, +8 Skl, +8 Spd, +3 Lck, +6 Def, and +1 Res to someone he has an A or S support with. Also, RK doesn't increase your chance of activating a skill by a fraction of itself, it increases it by a flat 10%, so 70% becomes 80%.
  13. 7 is the minimum KO exp, actually. You just don't see it very often because you almost always get at least 1 more for doing damage (the exception is if you've whacked something on Lunatic too many times and your damage exp is at 0). Not counting Lunatic Spotpass battles, of course.
  14. So having the Agg unit in the back means you get twice as many attacks from the Agg unit, which in turn doubles the bonus from Agg. As a result, you're looking at a 20-40 point drop in Atk from switching the husband up front just for a little proc boost, which isn't going to be nearly that much. By the same logic, Pass is useless on Gaius because you don't want him to ever be up front. Use more of the Stat+2 skills, they're great filler and do actually make a difference. Hit/Avo+10 skills also make good filler. Falco Cordelia with LF has only 1 more Atk than she'd have as a Sword Hero with no Faire and the same as a Faireless Axe hero. She can do well as a Falco, but don't do it for the Atk.
  15. Death's Embrace is, Roster Rescue isn't. There's just no way to get through the timed walls on turn 1 (I tried clipping through them with Rescue, no dice).
  16. Base classes learn skills at Lv.1 and 10, promoted classes learn skills at Lv.5 and 15, special classes (anything with a level cap of 30 that can be inherited, Dancer and the DLC classes) learn skills at Lv.1 and 15. DLC skills can be learned at any time when you use their item. There are lots of cases in which units start with skills they wouldn't normally have, as well (children, Spotpass characters and Logbook units).
  17. Unless you're doing postgame/DLC it both won't matter and you won't need to (or be able to) pair everyone up. If you are doing postgame, the only eyebrow raiser there is Fred x Cherche- that pairing will leave Gerome without a Faire and no complete sets to run. You should definitely swap him with Virion, who is conveniently free.
  18. It takes a good few GF fliers with Logbook Boots and a lot of Rescue/careful EP positioning, but you can definitely do it.
  19. The key to doing it is first to make sure it's the most important thing on your list (conflicting priorities will cause you to drop pretty much all but 1-2 of your pairs) and then to figure out the maximum possible Skl for each version of each child in front and in back (whether or not Defender counts depends on whether or not you want to use it. I did. Barracks definitely shouldn't count). You'll also never make it if you concentrate your Skl too close together- Yarne's base is too high to warrant a great father like Lon'qu.
  20. Just making sure, but you did no Second Seals, not no changing classes, right? The fact that you used Fred but no children (and even advised against using them, which is flat out suicidal- nobody tries to beat Lunatic Grima with stats in the high 20s and low 30s) makes me suspect the latter, and there's a very big difference.
  21. Yes, it's possible. You're not going to be using any parents (bar Chrom for Grima and Avatar for Rally Spectrum) much after you start getting children because their levels cap way too early for them to be useful, so things like whether Stahl or Sully will be more useful later on are irrelevant (they'll both be benched). You'll want to care more about the children (who should only be recruited when both of their parents are 20/20, of course). Getting Sumia to 20/15 by Cht.13 is feasible since Avatar won't be hogging very much exp, but you'll definitely have to make a conscious effort to do it (and consider switching to Sully or Avatar if you decide definitely not to go for it). I'd advise going +Spd on Avatar because Grima and other fast things. Taguel reek so Panne should definitely be benched right off the bat, and with 10 fewer levels than everyone else I wouldn't advise training Nowi. Without reclassing, Gregor can't make himself useful on Laurent, so I wouldn't use him- Virion and Ricken are both not worth it either.
  22. Two people, actually. Me and Zoran (I think that was his name). Anyway, as I see it we focus on outdoing not Apo, but other player teams in terms of performance. I'm pretty sure at this point Apo can be done with just about anything- I'm currently looking into routing a post-Cht.4 S.Apo run with no Wireless/DLC/grinding/Par.1/whatever (but we'll see if that's possible). And at doing a base level N.Apo solo with other, non-Chrom units (I'm starting to think Sumia can actually do it without statboosters, even, and Cordelia might even be able to handle no DLC skills). And at a two-unit clear of S.Apo. It's kind of crazy, really.
  23. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=33640 Not even off the first page.
  24. Anna has 99 HP, 58 Def and 58 Res, Dragonskin but no PavGis. Sumia's Atk: 42(base) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +5(TF) +3(pairup) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +11(Celica's) =85 Chrom's Atk: 40(base) +1(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +5(BF) +2(tonic) +18(B.Bow) =96 Damage: 13+19+19+13+19+19+13+19+19+13+19+19 =204. So yes, you'll paste her (without even needing to double, if you don't have any misses). Aka the majority of Awakening's playerbase. Most fans don't go online about the game, period. You need at least 5 attacks per turn to not get squished by the turn limits on the last two waves, so you'll want more than that. Anyway, you've got several options. Chrom x Sumia and Avatar x Cordelia is your best bet if you want to consolidate all your talent as close as possible, though it leaves you fairly tight for turns- you've got Olivia, but it's still kind of a bare minimum. Avatar x Aversa leaves Cordelia open for another husband, if you want, which helps with turn pressure quite a bit. Stahl and Henry probably have her best support potential, Stahl as a Sniper/Paladin/GK and Henry as a Berserker. If you do pair Chrom with someone other than Sumia (which he can easily do thanks to DS+, you saw how easily they beat Anna without Luna), then she becomes free too. Olivia is a slightly stronger option for him thanks to Astra, but leaving her free means you can get dances, and Maribelle isn't exactly a slouch, so either one works. For Sumia's alternate husbands, Henry works very well as a Berserker (thanks to his Hex/Anathema, Sumia could feasibly go GK), and Gaius can be a nice SF Hero if Sumia wants to stay magical. And of course, any pair with GF in front and a Faire in the back will be plenty for mopping up mooks if you need more. You'll also definitely want to bring Cherche and Miriel (as Valkyries) as Staffbots, and Lissa to if you're not using her (dunno what your restrictions on Logbook units are, if you have any you'll need Rallybots- almost worth dropping Avatar as a combat unit and making him one).
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