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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. This is about growths, not caps. Caps won't matter until late/postgame, and TC is less than a third of the way through as it is. Anyway, what to do definitely depends on what difficulty and what chapter you're on.
  2. The whole point is that you'd be using a horribly unprepared team with no idea what Apo takes to beat. Of course there would be obvious improvements, but way back when people just tried to use what worked for maingame and got stomped.
  3. That's because you've been teambuilding for months. Try it with a team where everyone's running Sol/AT/Nos as Sorcs with no staffbots, a few of your stats uncapped, no tonics/All+2 etc, messy Rallies (multiples of some, and missing a few others) and maybe even a Paragon or two left on and you'll see where its reputation came from.
  4. +Res/-Lck will get you the most even growths, though they'll still have up to roughly 15% differences (excluding HP, of course). This is going by the numbers on SF, which are known to be incorrect, by the way.
  5. Can they? Lucina, Gerome and Nah are the only children in the game who have sets that they would like to run but can't without Avatar as a parent (VV Sage, Hit+20 Berserker, GF/Proc). Lucina is already so good she doesn't care (and Cynthia would be hurt by the loss of Aether more than Lucina would benefit from EP skills), and both Cherche and Nowi will saddle Morgan with bad Spd and Avatar with a non-GF wife, which aren't made up for by any potential benefit to their children (both Gerome and Nah have multiple ways to be just as useful to their team as other units, so even though they gain sets they don't necessarily become more useful).
  6. LB/Agg/AF/All+2/Hit+20. Nope. School happened and I got busy. I might do it now that I'm on break, but no promises. Avatar can pass AF too, it's not exclusive from Vaike. Anyway, classes. Morgan has +4 Spd, which is enough to hit 69 as a General without All+2 and with a +3 support (Berserker/Hero), so I'd recommend that (LB/GF/AF or LF/Ignis or Vengeance/Deliverer or Luna).
  7. In Sumia's case, it's a magical DS (when she's in the back (or if DF Chrom supports)), which kind of is unusual. If she was locked to physical, it wouldn't be a huge deal, but as is she has quite a bit of potential.
  8. As an individual unit? Worse, but not by much. As Chrom's wife? Better than anyone except Lucina. Donnel has absolutely no perks once your other units start capping. He'll be a bit better compared to him in other classes as a DF, but he'll always be a chump next to your other units. Virion!Yarne is pretty great.
  9. When PoR/RD take place is irrelevant because even if you had a solid time relation between the two (which you don't) they take place in different worlds which definitely do not share calendar systems, unless you want to write a backstory so elaborate that it contains a reason why they might. Awakening takes place at least 2,000 years after SD, but everything else about the continent (assuming it even is Archanea) has changed, so there's no reason why they wouldn't have switched when year 0 was as well. In Cht.16 Basilio talks about a "schism" that apparently was a conflict in which Awakening's present setup of nations (Plegia, Ferox, Ylisse) was founded, and if we take that to also be the time of the First Exalt and assume a calendar reset took place there, the year could very well be around 1,000 at the time of Awakening. You're definitely never going to get an official source. If you need to have a year in the story, make one up. If you're going to try to justify why your year is where it is, do it convincingly- nobody will mind if you just say what year it is, but people will mind if you mutter something vague and never elaborate.
  10. Cordelia will be able to start Rescue chains, but can't make cross-map Rescues and can't heal for very much HP. While she does have utility as a Staffbot (in addition to several others, don't try making her your main healer), you'll have to keep in mind that her abilities are less impressive than everyone else's. Basically, she can be used as a Staffbot as long as you keep in mind that she'll be less powerful than the others.
  11. Drop Alexandria, try Apo with both sets on Katarina on separate runs, and stick with the one you like best. OK. Are you asking for advice or...
  12. Wouldn't change anything except the frequency with which Seals must be used- you'd need to change the exp formula to favor large teams over small ones (greatly increase both enemy exp growth and player exp decay).
  13. You're welcome to try if you don't think it's a very big deal, but in reality the Supreme Emblem gives very little cash compared to the cost of Logbook units. It's not even enough to buy one fully maxed out unit.
  14. Extra Mag makes very little difference in how much damage you heal when you've got 50+, honestly.
  15. If you still went up to S, but instead of a unique support got a new ending, it could work. But you can't just use As to determine the ending, that only worked in past FEs because the support limit prevented you from getting multiple As. Actually, I'd say it is. The story tries to do too much to properly flesh everything out in just 27 chapters, and while it could certainly do more with what it has it has it could do quite a bit more with, say, 75. From a story perspective only, of course. I don't think the gameplay engine would hold up over 75 chapters without the integration of DLC skills in the mainame and a different exp formula.
  16. It's not too bad later on when every other boss has a Bullion(L), but early on cash is very tight and the early chapters are where they make a difference anyway (it's not as simple as getting a team of LB-capped units to route everything. You can't afford that and would still have positioning work to do).
  17. With LB, everything will be getting doubled, ORKOed and either missing or barely scratching you no matter what you choose, so it doesn't matter. If you're looking for anything more than a lawnmower simulator, I'd strongly advise leaving it off. If you do leave it off, you'll want to make sure to pick an asset/flaw that leaves you with at least +2 Lck so you can reach 100% AT with an pairup and no tonic (+Spd/Def -Mag is a possibility if you're fine with a physical Morgan). I'd recommend running AT/Lucky 7/Renewal/Deliverer/*Breaker (swap out the breaker based on enemy team composition, this should be Aegis on a Wyvern, which is actually a very good Lunatic non-DLC postgame class). In terms of wives, Cordelia has the best balance of Lunatic ingame utility and non-Apo postgame utility, and I'd recommend her. Aversa is nice but her recruitment time stinks.
  18. Oy. This is a gameplay thread. Regardless of your personal feelings on aesthetics, Sumia!Lucina is Avatar's best wife, and while Tiki is at the bottom of the barrel Nowi is still one of the best for Hard/Lunatic ingame.
  19. Unfortunately, trying to quantify grinding doesn't work that way. Either it's absolutely nothing or you used it- trying to keep track of exactly how much you ground is useless because nobody is going to play to the same standard as you (even if the tried to, they'd get different Risen spawns and whatnot), which renders your turn count completely meaningless. So either you don't grind at all (what most people do) or you go completely all out and 1-turn everything after Cht.3 (which isn't very impressive. Also, iirc Chiki already did this with Logbook and Renown but no grinding). Someone who thinks the game will be more fun if they do. What did you expect?
  20. That may be true, but it's not very helpful.
  21. It slightly depends on how much you're going to grind. If you mainly care about Morgan performing well during the main game, Sumia, Nowi and Cordelia are your best bets, depending on your asset/flaw- all of them work very well fighting with Avatar, while Sumia/Cordelia gives a lot of Spd/Skl and Nowi gives a lot of Def. If you're going to keep doing stuff after the Endgame, a 3rd gen Morgan will be more powerful in the end, at the cost of coming much later with lower growths. Overall, Sumia!Lucina > Chrom!Cynthia > Lon'qu!Severa > Virion!Severa/Gaius!Kjelle > Vaike!Severa. I wouldn't recommend marrying anyone outside of that pool if you want a really strong Morgan, though other Lucinas can be good too. Lucina and Cynthia's Morgans should be either +Spd, Skl or Mag, Severa and Kjelle's Morgans should be +Str. Don't pick Spd as a flaw ever.
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