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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Not alone, it doesn't. Its activation rate rarely goes above 40%, which spread across four hits still leaves you with a 12.96% chance of getting no procs- which isn't an acceptable rate if you're counting on it for a KO. It's very good if comboed with Luna/Ignis, but alone it's either just not enough or not necessary in the first place.
  2. No, LB3 is the best. RaR3 has the same amount of enemies (and thus the same minimum exp gain) but a much higher stat threshold for reliable clears.
  3. If you're grinding and not including turn counts from there, there's really no reason why you can't 1-turn Cht.23 (and everything after Cht.3, for that matter).
  4. She's looking for exp maps now. LB2 has allies who get in your way and make training a pain, so I wouldn't recommend that map. That's not really a map for training mid-level units. What's wanted here is something where you can send out one pair, end turn several times with EP skip on, and come out 15 levels higher than when you went in in less than five minutes. Reliably.
  5. Virion and Libra will serve you well in Apo. Ingame, Brady is pretty useless and I'd advise not using him. Kellam!Brady has -1 Str and +1 Def. I don't know what your standards are for good mods, but those don't exactly look like selling points to me. Inigo has Fred, Stahl, Ricken, Libra and Henry as strong options. Fred is certainly the most eligible, though Stahl and RIcken perform very well if they're free.
  6. If you've got an enemy that lived through something already, odds are they're either almost dead and she can kill them alone, strong enough that she won't be able to kill them anyway, or weak enough that she could take them from full HP with a support, negating the purpose of "finishing what others can't". She's got at least 60 Spd which doubles most of S.Apo's non-bosses and ~70-75 Atk with a Levin Sword, enough for ~10-30 damage on her own.
  7. RaR3 has the same amount of enemies as LB3 and thus the same minimum amount of exp, but is much harder to solo for grinding purposes.
  8. Honestly, the Staffbots could make better use of a pairup than Dancer Olivia. She really doesn't need her husband out.
  9. Wouldn't he self-recruit earlier if you rescued him far enough that he couldn't reach any enemies to attack?
  10. Lost Bloodlines 3 is the best for training high-level units.
  11. You can play them as many times as you want after unlocking the Outrealm Gate (clear Cht.4). They're tied to your NNID, so you only need to buy them once to have access to them on all your files on all copies of the game you have, provided you use the same 3ds.
  12. Inigo probably doesn't need healing at all if he's a GF support. Agg won't do too much either since he's married to a tank, so if room is tight it cold go too.
  13. Lords and Tacticians can walk on water, none of the enemy classes can. All the water in Pro is 3 tiles wide, and there are only two ranged enemies (one of which is in the first wave). Kill the second, and you can blast everything from range and get a ton of exp into Avatar (all but two kills, optimally, even on Lunatic+). I think "casual" in this context is referring to folks who are playing with turn counts in mind but not going for complete perfection. In general though, I count playing casually as making decisions on the fly, as opposed to following a strict plan. And it's definitely possible to 1-turn Cht.20 without planing for it from the start as long as your team is decent in general (even Cht.21 can be 1-turned without doing movement calcs and whatnot when deciding who to use).
  14. You also don't have to clear Severa's paralogue before accessing Cynthia's, just unlock it. And Cordelia is useable right off the bat in Lunatic, making this not too big of a problem. Ingame, just keep reclassing back to Manakete for extra stats. They'll help more than any skill you could pick up and it's a big hassle building weapon ranks on Nowi anyway (especially as she's just lost a ton of durability from the class change).
  15. Unfortunately, you like Avatar-F and Chrom's supports, which means your tastes are completely different from mine and most of the advice I can give regarding aesthetics will be irrelevant to you. Chrom x Sumia and Chrom x Avatar both perform very well, but if you're trying to keep up a large team I'd try to avoid pairing Chrom and Avatar, so my vote goes to Sumia. Are you deliberately trying to pair your Avatar with someone who doesn't have a kid attached to them? Fred does well with Sumia ingame, but they make a lackluster Cynthia for postgame. Henry makes a good Cynthia postgame, but doesn't do very well ingame. Chrom does both better than either. Nowi has tamer-than-usual supports with Avatar, if you need another option. Ingame, she's best with Gregor or another merc (Vaike will work if you promote him to Hero early on), postgame Henry is her best, but Vaike works well too (so does Stahl). Panne x Stahl is great everywhere. Gaius is Kjelle's best, but Donnel is way better than Fred for postgame. Ingame, Sully does well with Chrom but might be better off a bachelor. Tharja x Gaius is fine. Lissa x Libra is fine. Miriel x Ricken is fine. Lon'qu and Henry also work well for Maribelle, but Virion is fine. Gregor x Cherche and Lon'qu x Cordelia is far better than the other way around, but Henry is a good option on Cherche and Virion is a good option on Cordelia as well.
  16. Thing is, there are extremely consistent casual strats (say, the Prologue Water Trick) that give you 60+ turn counts provided you really don't care about turns, but there are also lots of LTC strats that are fairly easy to match in a casual LTC or even normal playthrough (1-turning Cht.22 being the easiest), so just doubling everything doesn't really make for a good estimate. Lunatic is better for real time speedruns than LTCs.
  17. Peg gives the only tier 1 healing skill in the game. It's awesome.
  18. That set is pretty much what he'd be running normally (with TF over DG+) and will work pretty well. In terms of Spotpass units, Minerva/Raquesis/Nanna/DLC!Elincia have Charm if you want to load them up with Aura skills, and after that pretty much any female will be equally good (though getting one with a high Mag mod helps a little- it's not too hard to tell who they are, but you can also look here). The reason females are preferred is because Falco and Valkyrie have more Mov than all the male staff classes (and Falcos can fly, so no terrain penalties).
  19. If you're really going for every possible means of attack in one pair, make it Morgan with Ignis, just to show off your high Str/Mag with pairup boosts to both. Bride x DF is partially just-for-fun in that nobody really needs all those options, but what else are you doing with your team?
  20. S with Cynthia will give you +10 DS, +3 DG, and +5 Hit over A. DSp+ with Gerome will give you +5 Hit/Avo/Crit/Dge over A. Cynthia >>>>> Gerome.
  21. Actual units? As in the children? Because I tend to bench most of my non-Chrom/Avatar and their spouses team around Cht.15. I don't get Anna asap because I'll only be missing her for about 4 chapters, for all of which I'll have Libra. On the other hand, I get to put her Paralogue's exp somewhere where it counts: on units who still have ~10 chapters left instead of those who've gotten as strong as they're going to get and only need to be present for 5 more (fairly easy) chapters. Yes he does. Sumia with a Chrom support can double the Archers in Cht.3 at base, which is incredibly useful. Sumia's not tanking anything in Lunatic+ no matter who her support is. In terms of Lucina, Sumia passes an easy GF to Lucina and has a second daughter in a more useful starting class. Sully can't say either of those and is honestly a fairly weak choice in Lunatic+. Post# 3000. Whomp whomp.
  22. If you want to use him as a staffbot, you'd be better off benching him in exchange for a Spotpass unit with better mods, ending classes and Boots. In fact, unless you're really attached to him I'd bench him anyway. He's not exactly terrible in comparison to the enemies, but you really want all your combat units to be exceptional to justify running 8 full pairs.
  23. I did a thing where Avatar and Chrom mashed some stuff on EP 1, then Avatar swapped Chrom for Fred to dodgetank while Chrom and the flunkies took down about three dudes. I'd have to go do it again to give any more helpful of a write-up than that, sorry. Basically try to make the flunkies do as much work as possible.
  24. Gerome is fine if you're not 100% concerned with reliability (and honestly, a large part of the point of Wyvern Severa is to get away with lower %s and be just fine). Anyway, who Severa goes with will likely depend on whether she's Lon'qu!Severa or Virion!Severa (due to the two having different non-Wyvern roles, they want husbands who can adapt to their other roles). Lon'qu is the better dodgetank and would prefer one with DSp+, and is also fast enough outside of Wyvern roles to get away with a +0 Spd support. Virion, on the other hand, would like someone capable of transitioning to magic. My 100% DS team probably isn't the best example of this due to having obvious conflicting priorities, but I'm pairing Virion!Severa with Gregor!Laurent (+1 Str Hex/Anathema Berserker who also makes a great Sage, not bad) and Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan (+5 Spd) with Ricken!Gerome (a shame I can't get 1 more Spd out of her, but that would require going +Spd instead of +Skl, which would in turn require dropping Falco on Cynthia, which I'm not willing to do for the sake of that pair's third set). On a side note, I am done with my finals and home for winter break, which means I have a ton of free time on my hands that I've been missing since August. No promises, but you might be seeing a little more out of me for the next few weeks. No promises.
  25. Actually, +9/5 Mag/Spd is surprisingly hard to come by even on 3rd gen Morgans thanks to there being no +Mag/Spd fathers. The closest you can get is Emmeryn's +9/4, so Avatar x Avatar's stats are indeed a merit.
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