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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. If you really want a GF Berserker (not as cool as they sound) Morgan and Inigo are your dudes. Owain's better than Brady, though.
  2. Postgame can include Risen skirmishes, which are only a credible threat on L+. Also bragging rights and whatnot- I know I use Lunatic+ for all my non-experimental postgame needs.
  3. I've never had any trouble getting any non-Inigo child started, to be honest. If I know I'm going to have trouble, I just save Par.2-4 for them. Henry is kind of underwhelming as anything other than a drop-in Mire guy for a few chapters. He comes at about the same time and level as all the other children with far worse bases, initial skills and a very limited class set- there's not much reason to make a long-term investment in him when you could be using someone like Laurent (a fantastic magic dude for Lunatic+) instead.
  4. That changes none of the problems regarding the story's Avatar/Chrom centered morality. 27 main chapters, 23 Paralogues, 25 DLC maps. That's quite a bit more than any other FE out there, even RD. The reason you can play through it so fast (sub 1hr is a good time for Normal) is because the game has a very smooth menu system and literally everything except player input can be skipped with Start. The run of Shadow Dragon on SDA is something like 11 minutes long.
  5. Having a child is hardly unique to Sully though, and others (specifically Cordelia) tend to give Avatar's children better starting classes. Knight and Cav aren't bad, but they're hardly the best out there.
  6. You can add as many sources of damage as you like, but it won't change her mod and she'll still have less damage output than someone with the same boosts but a better mod. And not to argue semantics, but Luna reduces the foe's Def/Res by half. Negate means completely gone.
  7. Highest support as in they gain support ranks the fastest? (Almost) every unit has one pair with which they require much less support to rank up. It's how we know what the canon pairings are.
  8. Nowi is better than Sully and at least on par with Panne, and Cordelia is better than both. Really, the only "advantage" Sully has is availability, which is actually kind of a hindrance as you don't want to be raising any more units than you have to before Cht.2 is done and Avatar is strong enough to hold out through Cht.6. Anyway, rule #1 is to feed Avatar tons of kills, and rule #2 is to feed Fred as few kills as possible (two kills across Pro-Cht.3 is optimal, 4-6 is OK but I wouldn't give him any more). Break either of these rules and the game will be very unforgiving.
  9. Whoa there. I'm talking about Apo, not ingame, and nobody uses VV there for any reason except EP sweeping, and 100% DS is required for that to be reliable. If I wasn't clear enough about that, sorry.
  10. Unreliable +1 Mag VV (without TF in Henry!Kjelle's case) is definitely worse than +3 Str AF General hard support. Physically, she's got +2/2/4 Str/Spd/Skl (8) compared to Gaius!Kjelle's +1/5/5 (11), Lucina/Cynthia's +0/4/5 (9), and Lon'qu!Severa's +2/6/6 (14). She's roughly tied with Lucina/Cynthia in ending classes (Lucina/Cynthia have Paladin, Noire has Assassin), losing to Kjelle (Noire has Sniper, but Kjelle has 75 Spd Wyvern and Paladin) roughly tied with Severa (Noire has General and Sniper, Severa has Wyvern and Hero). Magically, she's got no TF and thus only beats out GF Kjelle (Severa would switch to Virion to go Mag). Nah being a hard support is a given- I'm only comparing Noire to the girls with GF and a proc here because that's the class she's in. If she wanted to go Hard support without GF, then I'd compare her to Nah. And with these rules, she's the worst in the game physically, even with Gaius (don't even mention Donnel) and only beaten magically by a unit who's clearly hard physical. So... No, her stats aren't actually utterly fantastic (she does have a huge Lck deficit, but most of the points she gains from that go into Mag which she can't use, and unlike the others she has both Defensive stats positive so they're hogging mods too).
  11. They're both problems, honestly. 25 chapters is more than enough to have a story that's self aware, which is one of the major things Awakening was lacking. It would take more than a little polish to fix, but no extra game time. On the other hand, Awakening with its multiple continents and DLC story extensions tries to have some sort of larger sense of scope than other FEs, and 25 chapters doesn't cut it there. True, they could have done more with what they had (like given places names), but building a world that large needs more time to be done fully.
  12. Sometimes. If you're specifically making a unit to pull the Mire DFs in S.Apo wave 4, they have 74 Res and Res+10 usually makes them tink you if you're a magical pair. Otherwise it's not that good in S.Apo (Mag isn't too common there, and stuff that does have it tends to come with Luna+ anyway). For non-Apo postgame, it's partially obsoleted by LB (you rarely have room to run both at once, and if you've got LB odds are you don't even need to tank). When grinding for Apo, not capped yet or midway through a Lunatic(+) with grinding playthrough, it's a fabulous skill.
  13. I doubt she'll cap her Def on her first promoted class. BK will likely serve you better unless Cht.20 Walhart really needs a poke (unlikely if you have Braves and get DSes).
  14. Keep in mind that 6's supports do suffer from a slightly lower quality translation than 7 and 8. There's still nothing there that could ever be as great as Bartre x Canas, but don't sell it too short.
  15. Limit Breaker/Galeforce/Tomefaire for Apotheosis and Limit Breaker/Galeforce/Shadowgift/Armsthrift outside of Apotheosis.
  16. There's no RNG to when it activates, meaning you have complete control over it. If your definition of conditional extends to things where it's possible to not see an effect, then Faires, GF, even LB (if you haven't raised the unit enough), well, then it is. But Apo, Risen, RaR3 and the Challenge Pack everything is 20/20 so as long as you're not level capped it'll always be on.
  17. Depends what your definition of mt is. In terms of raw damage, you'll get far more mileage out of an effective weapon. In terms of the actual weapon mt (if it were effective, what would be tripled), it's beaten out by Hauteclere and tied by some other stuff. In terms of raw damage in a single hit against a target with no weaknesses, yes it is the strongest (not counting Lunatic hackforges, of course).
  18. For Apo, give Morgan LB/GF/TF and your choice of Vengeance/Shadowgift or Ignis/Luna. For non-Apo poatgame (DLC, endgame paralogues, risen etc), go with LB/GF/SG/Deliverer/AT. Dark Flier in both cases. Apo really only needs a complete team and a lot of Rescue to clear reliably, regardless of pairings (by complete, I mean everyone has a full compliment of useful skills, everyone is capped with LB, everyone has at least an A support with their partner, all your weapons are forged and you've got all the Rallies). Most of the stigma it has is left over from an era when people were incredibly bad at the game and had no idea how to handle it. Basically, it has a lot of room for challenge runs (which are where stat calculations and the like actually begin to matter). I'd advise against Cordelia x Libra. Libra doesn't really give Severa anything she wants except Tomefaire for Dark Flier, but Ricken gives that as well alongside Luna and Virion gives it along with great mods and the potential to switch to a really good Wyvern Lord.
  19. I still don't understand why Morgan and Spotpass!Tiki don't use Nah's model.
  20. Counter and Aptitude do nothing in Apo, she's not going to be a Rallybot and +15 Avo is better than +5 HP or +5 crit. None of his exclusive skills are very useful, but it's the best one he's got. For future reference since this Kjelle is bound for Assassin, but if she's put into Bride, her level cap will be permanently 10 below all the 20/20 enemies, meaning Underdog will always be active.
  21. I still don't see what the big deal with Terra's post is.
  22. I believe that's the whole point of this topic. Tiki, Anna and Flavia are meh with everyone. Say'ri and Aversa make interesting mothers for Lucina, but aren't better than Sumia. The spotpass dudes, on the other hand, are incredibly overcentralizing and would troll the current meta to death by virtue of being better in every way (think Walhart!Inigo, Yen'fay!Yarne, Gangrel!Cynthia and Priam!Nah- none of their other fathers are even relevant anymore except possibly Chrom for Cynthia. Some of these clowns even beat out Avatar as fathers).
  23. But that's the entire point of Awakening. This game gives you complete and total control over the difficulty through how you decide to play it. Want it to be hard? There are dozens of tiny things you can do (don't even bother to try listing them) to adjust the difficulty on the fly in terms of playstyle choices that aren't limited to your difficulty selection. It's what makes this game great. Complaining about the game being easy when you tried to make it easy is, well, complaining about yourself. Want a game where your entire control over the difficulty comes in the form of a menu selection at the start? Well, OK, but it's going to be accomplished simply by cutting stuff, and that's usually not a good thing. Also, I happen to like speedruns, so saying something can be done in a few hours innately registers as a good thing to me.
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