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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Why stop at two? My team is loaded down with 4 SEs on every unit.
  2. Lissa: GF Henry: Vengeance ingame, doesn't matter postgame Sully: doesn't matter Donnel: Aptitude ingame, Underdog postgame Miriel: DSp+ Ricken: doesn't matter Cordelia: GF to Severa and AT to Morgan ingame, doesn't matter postgame Avatar: Veteran to both ingame, AF for postgame if your Avatar is +Spd or +Mag/+Res and not -Spd/Mag/Res, otherwise AF/Wrath/Despoil for postgame Sumia: GF for both ingame, doesn't matter postgame Tharja: Vengeance ingame, doesn't matter for postgame Gaius: Sol Cherche: doesn't matter ingame, DSp+ postgame Gregor: AT ingame, doesn't matter postgame Nowi: doesn't matter Vaike: doesn't matter ingame, AF/Wrath/Despoil postgame Olivia: GF Stahl: Discipline/Aegis ingame, doesn't matter postgame Panne: Str+2/Swordbreaker ingame, doesn't matter postgame Maribelle: GF Fred: Discipline/Luna ingame, doesn't matter postgame
  3. So when this whole repacking thing gets sorted out, could someone see what happens if you try to get a male Manakete?
  4. The Lunatic Club He's got like every single non-time based +Avo skill in the game and Assassin to put them on. Spd mods actually don't make much of a difference for dodgetanks- the +6 Spd Lon'qu!Severa has over Fred!Inigo only amounts to an extra 9 Avo. That's not even as much as Outdoor Fighter. That was me and I put Ricken!Gerome there because Gerome and Owain are the two garbage boys for DS, Lucina gets one and Morgan gets the other, and I happen to prefer Lucina x Owain to Lucina x Gerome. Ricken!Gerome also has +3 Str and Bowfaire Warrior. Since my Morgan can go either physical or magical (+2/1 Str/Mag), I wanted her husband to be able to cleanly switch between physical and magical when not in 100% DS mode. If you're going to grind everyone up after the story anyway, consider taking fewer pairs through (some of those pairs, while good postgame, are really not conducive to ingame play). What I'd advise is relegating Sumia to flying Staffbot duty as soon as Fred's DSes become useless, and dropping Cherche and Olivia (and their husbands). Panne, Cordelia and Nowi are all great in Lunatic, but Lon'qu is a little lackluster and Stahl and Vaike come at a time when it's very difficult to get new recruits started. You may want to consider giving Nowi an A Gregor support to get her started and dropping either Panne or Cordelia as well (the husband of the one that stays in should be raised, though). A good Manakete? Where? If you're going to use Manakete Morgan, the least harmful to the rest of your team way to get her is Donnel!Nah!Morgan, with Gaius!Kjelle and a non-GF Noire. If you want Morgan to be as good as possible, use Gaius!Nah!Morgan, Donnel!Kjelle and a non-GF Noire. If you're not running a full team or don't care about your Avatar, Nowi!Morgan will work best. My preferred Lunatic pairings are Chrom x Sumia and Avatar x Cordelia/Nowi. If you want to bring along another pair, it should involve Panne, Cordelia or Nowi.
  5. There's no such thing as a good Streetpass team. Up to a point, they're evenly matched with ingame teams... But the possibilities for a Streetpass team cap out way lower than an ingame team and a properly prepared one (read: LB/Agg/Rally/Pairup/Braves) can mash anything you have to offer, no contest. The best you can do is make a team that's as punishing as possible, so if your opponent does slip up or happen to be unprepared, they go down. That said, I'm using a team made by Airship_Canon consisting of 10 +Str/-Def Avatar-Ms@Boots (LB/Agg/Ignis/Luna/Counter) holding +3/25 1-range Braves and in classes like Wyvern Lord, General, Warrior and Hero. There's nothing your team can do on PP anyway so range for retaliation doesn't matter- but if the enemy slips up and lets you have an EP with something in your range, it's gone.
  6. If you're grinding, it'll trivialize the game anyway (you'll have a hard first few chapters and then there will be no resistance at all). If you want to get any sort of difficulty out of Lunatic, whether or not you grind will make a far greater difference than what gender your Avatar is.
  7. Ricken!Gerome is not good for 100% DS (he's got a Skl mod of 0). I'm using him because I need something to do with my +8 Skl Morgan, but even as a Sniper he's pretty underwhelming for that purpose. Makes a great hard support Sage, though. Avo+10 is for dodgetanking builds on challenge runs when you can't hit 66 Spd but need to take a round of combat with Anna to get her off the Throne so you can get rid of her safely. Lon'qu!Severa is one of the game's premier dodgetanks (only Morgan and Fred!Inigo compare) thanks to her large compliment of +Avo skills.
  8. No. Lunatic is already comprised entirely of inflated stats over Hard, and I don't want the next mode up to simply contain more stat buffs. Just because enemies in FE have no sense of self preservation doesn't mean my units do. I don't think it would be realistic at all for someone to (on a whim) take a hit for someone else that does a ton of damage to them but wouldn't hurt the other guy. Might as well go the whole nine yards and make the game free.
  9. Are you caring about ingame or postgame? Because ingame, you can't get Aversa so your Shadowgift Morgan will be useless by virtue of not existing. But in postgame, your Laurent's high Mag growth will mean nothing and you'll just wind up with 1-3 Mag more than most other Laurents at the cost of some good skills. A user here called Airship_Canon beat S.Apo using only base classes (no specials like Manakete/Dread Fighter), so I'd say low stats can definitely be worked around. I mean, if you Rally a pair and put Agg on the back, you're getting +100 damage out of six hits alone from those skills, +200 if you're doubling. Add a Faire to both units and it's +130/260. I'd like to see plain old stats do that. Lon'qu gives Severa Wyvern Lord and Assassin as final classes, Lancebreaker/Swordfaire/Avo+10 as good postgame skills and Deliverer/Vantage/Lucky 7/Swordbreaker/Mov+1 as good ingame skills. I'd say his class set compliments her quite well. Henry!Gerome has Hex/Anathema to use as +Hit skills for Berserker, while Stahl/Virion!Gerome make nice Bowfaire/Hit+20 Warriors (who conveniently get Lon'qu!Severa@Hero to 75 Spd on the dot). On higher level challenge runs, Vaike!Gerome sees a bit of his old purpose return due to having room to bring massive piles of Breakers for more Hit (technically any Gerome can do this, but now Hit isn't an obstacle to his Str, which also begins to matter). The only reason I'd even consider Gregor!Gerome anymore is because he's Gerome's lowest demand father. Overall, it depends on the situation. In a vacuum I'd put Stahl as the best, but Yarne has first dibs on Stahl if he wants him.
  10. That would be incredibly annoying if trying to keep a weak unit safe (say, Chrom) by hiding him behind a wall. Such a system could work if DGs weren't random, though (thinking of Mystery Dungeon here- there's a skill you can equip that causes you to take attacks for adjacent allies as long as they're below a certain HP threshold). Doing it exactly like that would have some extremely powerful applications, but I don't think it would be quite strong enough to be gamebreaking and would like to see it done.
  11. That's an awful lot of units for Lunatic Nogrind, especially when so many of your pairs have a very large gap in between when each unit is recruited. I'd cut it down to half that many tops and not plan on getting children from any units recruited later than Cht.9, personally. If you try to use too many units and spread your exp too thinly, you'll get mashed once promoted units begin showing up in force (around Cht.12-16) and will have no choice but to restart or use DLC.
  12. I could tell Libra was a dudebro by the fact that he was wearing pants. True story.
  13. DSes bypass Counter and PavGis and don't trigger procs. They're pretty different from normal attacks, so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't. Disabling pairup wouldn't fix much either- first turn, you have Rally and your foe doesn't. You double almost for sure, get the first strike and have 10-20 more Atk (Agg). Even without pairup, you're looking at 90+ Atk before procs over four attacks. The point is that there's not really any fair way to make PvP not weighted toward whoever goes first.
  14. Rescue exists and Awakening's maps aren't very big. Reaching the opponent on turn 1 is practically a given. Player 1 is going to get the first strike, and Player 2 won't be able to recover from the loss of apt if they survive at all. Stats to survive a full dual strike mauling? Even Thronie falls to 6 hits from a properly prepared pair and he's got 99 HP, Dragonskin, Aegis+ and 67 modified Def. You are not surviving that any time soon (DGs don't matter because they wouldn't work on DSes- nothing does).
  15. Oh yeah, Knights. I'm changing my vote to restoring Generals' chains. Those were just too cool to cut. Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure there was some Smash-related interview where the Awakening devs confirmed that no feet was done to increase framerates and give them more room for attack effects because feet have a lot of polys and are hard to render.
  16. I'm 99% sure that regardless of TC's intentions, he doesn't care what game the skills are from. Anyway, Steal for me as well. It would have made a very nice addition to Awakening- having stuff that you need to keep certain enemies alive to get, even if it's something silly for OCD people like Vulneraries, would put a nice damper on the practicality of dropping tanks in and letting them sweep on EP.
  17. Given how the character development works in the supports we do have, I'm not sure they'd make much of a difference. Every support in the game features the exact same traits the characters display in all their other convos, so if there were unique father supports they wouldn't tell us anything we don't already know. They'd be nice, but they wouldn't do anything to enhance the characters.
  18. Several weeks ago. Their naming system is pretty messy so you'll have to do a lot of digging to find the ones you want, but they are there. Edit: Here you are! *It's Player 1's turn!* *Player 1 used Pair Up!* *Player 1 used Rally!* *Player 1 used Rescue!* *Player 1 used Celica's Gale!* *Player 1 used Dual Strike!* *Player 1 used Galeforce!* *Player 2 was defeated!* There you go, indeed. Where's the fun in a mode where player 2 never gets a turn?
  19. Again, the only way to screw up your pairings on a first run is to use ones with really bad support convos. Without any prior experience, you literally won't be able to tell the difference between good and bad pairs from a gameplay perspective.
  20. The Gangrel, Yen'fay and Walhart fights break my EP skip as well (dunno about Aversa/Validar because they never move).
  21. For reference, this is the period before the GDL stuff that Airship is constantly bashing. It's almost impossible to make a pairing where the kid turns out worse than either of the parents, and there's nothing in the game (bar challenge runs) that can't be done with any pairings whatsoever, so if your only goal is to not back yourself into a corner then the only thing you really need to do is not play Lunatic (which is very punishing against bad long-term planning). I'd just use whatever pairings aesthetically appeal to you. 80 hours is enough for two no DLC runs if you're going slow and enjoying the game, so you've got time to test things out and see what you like and what you don't. Don't focus on gameplay-oriented anything just yet.
  22. As far as non-GF Kjelles go, Vaike is near the top. But Gaius!Kjelle is practically a second Lon'qu!Severa, so when I'm feeling in the mood to dump GF on another girl after Nah I usually go after Noire instead. Unlike Kjelle, none of the GF dads can make her anything above average (and since all of Awakening's units are above average, that really means bottom of the barrel in her niche).
  23. You... You could change one thing, and you'd use that change to cut existing maps with no replacement? Well, OK.
  24. Oh, it is so on. Spoilers for long post. No. No, it isn't on, I give up and am never reading that guide ever again. Or rewatching any part of those slow videos. *Shudders*
  25. Although BookofHolsety's is a very close second, I'd give the story a shred of self-awareness. All it would take is one little scene- nay, even a single line could do it if placed well- acknowledging that Chrom and Avatar aren't righteous in everything including their abandonment of conquered Plegia and Valm and Cht.14 to completely change the context of the story, making it read less like a bad fanfiction. Oh, and if I got to pick a third, I'd ask for better names for the locations. So far, Ylisse is the only country that has even one named city, and the two that it does have are completely uninspired. I want my Lefcandith and Araphen back, please.
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