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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Yeah, one thing I didn't mention that is worth taking into account is that just Luna has a lower chance of getting the worst-case scenario (a whiff) than just Aether- while just Aether's average is higher and its maximum is a lot higher, its distribution is quite a bit wider too, so in a sense it's more random. Unless you'll be deliberately doing RNG manipulation, Luna by itself probably is safer than Aether by itself (I hesitate to say more useful because Aether's HP recovery hasn't come up yet). They're really meant to go together, though.
  2. If you had 60 Skl, Aether and Luna, Aether would have a 30% chance of activating (Skl/2) and Luna would have a 42% chance of activating (Skl% * Aether fails). Basically it would roll for Aether, if it was successful you'd proc Aether and if it failed you'd roll again for the next skill in line.
  3. Woah there. Anecdotal evidence overload. You do not run one test once and use it as a basis for what's "good", you do math. tl;dr Aether is really good.
  4. Actually, I'd say you're on the side of aesthetics > gameplay. Not many people here who focus on teambuilding treat the Avatar as a self-insert, and I'd assume doing that is what's raising everyone's red flags about what you're saying. Also, calling any 2nd gen Morgan (but especially one from a mother who's highest mod is +1) beastly indicates that you're not very familiar with how Apo works (it's not a question of good vs bad, it's a question of good vs better. Your Morgan is good, but she's still near the bottom of the heap as far as Morgans go), so there's that too.
  5. If you use Vantage and get it set up right, you might be able to use her as a lead to sweep the Snipers assuming Morgan is strong enough to kill NS, you still have 100% DS with her up front and you have a backup plan to get out if a DG messes up your plans. Alternately, run Luna (and possibly Astra) for better Longbow pokes.
  6. Under what circumstances would a unit with Aether access only have room for one proc? Aether's damage: (Atk - Def) * 2 + (Def / 2). Astra's damage: (Atk - Def) * 2.5. So, the two will be equal when (Atk - Def) * 2 + (Def / 2) = (Atk - Def) * 2 + (Atk - Def) / 2. Simplified, when your Atk is twice the foe's Def. When it's lower? Aether wins. When it's higher? Astra wins. So Astra may actually be the better proc in some cases. This isn't counting, of course, Aether's healing factor, increased KOing power through Counter, or the fact that high-profile targets tend to be high profile because of their high Def (or that if you're doing that much damage to an enemy, they're likely dead without procs from just your four attacks). Male can S with Lucina, so would definitely be better.
  7. Longbows/Dodgetanks for Anna and Counter Snipers and everything else can be killed with perfect reliability before it gets a chance to attack with a 100% DS pair. The teambuilding requirements for this go way down if you're willing to allow a little RNG, but it's doable with a perfect success rate.
  8. I'm also going to go with Morgan-F. I made a long post a while back about how Avatar-M and Morgan-M have roughly equal potential as supports, but Morgan-F is way out of Avatar-F's league as a lead due to Aether and 5 more Spd (as Sumia!Lucina!Morgan).
  9. It's fairly easy to do that on Hard and could theoretically be done on Lunatic if you allow units who are force-deployed to be used and can figure out ways to get past Cht.6 (protect map with multiple chokes to be held- Panne and Lucina would need lots of RNG to survive and Chrom can only cover for one of them falling unless all the Thieves die, even then he needs good RNG and high Res to survive himself due to all the Mages) and Endgame (needs an ORKO on a very tough boss- 91 Atk over two hits with two Aethers and no Pavises/misses would be required, but Chrom can't hit 50 Spd even with Barracks and there aren't any Braves that can get him to 91 Atk, so AI manipulation would be required).
  10. In a story with Black & White Morality where the designated heroes do clearly bad things that would have been called out by any other author, who the good guys are is purely up in the air. Since Awakening has some gameplay to go along with its story, I'm going to make a case for anyone who helps you win being a good guy (and have a little fun with the definition of "help" while I'm at it). I usually only do that for stuff everyone complains about though, and Aversa is a pretty wimpy boss so she's not likely to get the treatment anytime soon. +Spd with some nice levels and a Chrom support can be doubling stuff itself as early as Cht.1, actually. The only units who are really in danger of being doubled are Lissa, Stahl, Virion, Kellam, -Spd Avatar and anyone who goes without training for too long- and if you can pack a Lance, most of the faster swordguys have their attack so crippled that they rarely KO you anyway (-3x2 is a huge deal earlygame).
  11. Depending on your definitions of "cute", "rescue", and "princess", this could be true of the majority of FE games.
  12. Would you be allowed to pair everyone up on turn 1 first? I feel like the AI wouldn't have any idea how to handle the timed sections.
  13. Chrom x Sumia sees a greater benefit to Lucina both postgame and ingame, a greater benefit to the second child, a higher performance wife for Chrom both postgame and ingame, an easier recruitment Paralogue for the second child, a more useful passed skill (GF), and Sumia's only other decent husband is in ultra-high demand while Olivia's got plenty of options. There's really not that much of a question about it.
  14. Oh, that's exactly what I mean. Figuring out how to get rid of the Generals is half the fun, once they're gone you can smack the Clerics for exp all day long (on Normal/Hard, of course).
  15. You can unlock whatever supports you like, so long as you either don't view any of his C supports with anyone he can marry (this excludes potential wives who are already married). I usually take Olivia to Dancer 30 -> DF 15 on Lunatic(+). Dancer 30 would be plenty on Hard, and it doesn't even matter for Normal.
  16. That's a run with a 0% chance of death, which is very easy to do (he just made a relatively foolproof setup for it that doesn't require much turn-by-turn maintenance- aka something easy for newbies to do). I'm looking for something where every move can be replicated and planned out in advance to the point where you could, say, enter with the perfect amount of uses on your weapons to have them all be broken upon finishing the last enemy, without regard to how complex actually executing it would be.
  17. Do a run of S.Apo that has absolutely no RNG (as in, you could do the whole thing without looking at either screen simply by inputting the same sequence of inputs- so some randomness would be allowed as long as you could account for it without being aware of the outcome). Alternately (and I've done this so I know it's possible), do a run of N.Apo using only a completely untouched base level Chrom, with no battle saves. Barracks are allowed, and so is doing whatever you want with the Convoy. Or, just for kicks, do a run in which the only weapons you can use are Hammers.
  18. Well, no pairup means no DG, which means you'll have significantly better luck with Vengeance. 75 Spd is still nice, but going for it won't even make a difference if you don't have enough Atk to ORKO your target (which you likely won't, on NS). I'd advise simply ganging up on him with Sages. For Anna, either look into a dodgetank or bring lots of Longbows (Vantage could also come in handy here). 66 is the real Spd threshold here.
  19. First off, Vaike is pretty terrible on Owain- heavy mod clash and only two new promoted classes (Trickster and Hero) so his skill pool is pretty small. Also, Vantage does nothing for your survivability if you can't KO the opponent before they get a chance to attack, and if you can do that, they're likely not dangerous enough to get you in danger anyway.
  20. Basically, there are a lot of mistakes it's possible to make in Lunatic(+), especially earlygame, that can make lategame difficult to impossible, chief among them being using Fred. If you want to finish Lunatic, I'd strongly recommend restarting, and playing through Normal/Hard a few times to get a better feel for the game mechanics isn't a bad idea either. If you do try to press on, it's going to be extremely random if not impossible. You may not even have the stats to kill the final boss at all, no matter how much the RNG likes you there.
  21. If a Luna Trickster is what you want, try Lon'qu!Brady.
  22. A Ricken!Laurent@Sage (LB/Agg/TF/All+2/Mag+2) supporting with a 5/15 CG has 46(base) +6(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +2(All+2) +2(Mag+2) +2(tonic) +11(Celica's) =99 Atk. That's 20 damage DSes against Thronie and Anna, 26 against NS, and 17 against Invincisorc, and that's pretty good. While Laurent may be able to do VV, he can make himself plenty useful without it too. And for what it's worth, Gregor!Laurent has a +1 Str mod and a Hex+Berserker combo. On my 100% DS team, I've got him with Virion!Severa, ready to switch between physical (75 Spd Wyvern) and magical (Sage+DF) at the drop of a hat when not in 100% mode. That might have something to do with me not liking it and thus rarely/never recommending it. No Holds Barred, it's not worth the trouble of setting up and getting around the DG given how many options you already have for dealing with stuff, and during challenge runs by the time you actually need it, you've cut out so much that you can't get the 100% DS required to make it useful. Vengeance is still great for killing bosses in challenge runs, but Vantage isn't a prerequisite there.
  23. We call that guy the Nightmare Sniper for a reason. It's actually impossible to survive a round of combat with him with 100% accuracy without either luring him to the Throne (I think a Fort will work too, don't remember), getting a Barracks Boost, or having enough Avo to reduce him to 0 listed Hit (that's 254 Avo, which is a -lot-). Anyway, what Avatar wants in a wife is Galeforce and either Luna or Vengeance (basically, they need to be able to lead well, since all he wants to do is support- he's very good at it). Most non-Nah 2nd gen units can do that well, but the only 1st gen units who have what it takes are Sumia, Cordelia, and Aversa- one of whom is happily on your list. I'd advise running her as a Dark Flier with LB/GF/Veng/Lifetaker/Shadowgift, and Avatar as a Sage or Grandmaster with LB/Agg/TF/All+2/Anathema. FYI, Awakening is a fairly new game- early 2013 in the 'States- and the metagame is still changing at a decent pace. In a thread this old, you're going to see some very outdated advice if you dig back too far- I wouldn't advise going back any further than ~July (around the time when the Awakening trailer for SSB4 came out, I made some fairly large posts summarizing the metagame up to that time. You won't get anything that's not in those by going further back, and they're still decently current).
  24. I doubt it is. By "do things in general" I meant No Holds Barred S.Apo (which is pretty much the only category in all of Awakening that any reasonable amount of people all play).
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