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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. +Str/-Def or +Spd/-Def would be your best bets for postgame. Ingame, do whatever works for Avatar- Morgan will come too late to see much use no matter what you give her.
  2. So what the game seems to hint at (through a few conversations spread through FP and Scramble) is that there are two different failure timelines: the original one, where the non-Morgan children you recruit came from, and an ALttP style one in which you, the player, get a game over (FP). Your Morgan is from the FP timeline: there are actually two of them, and the one your Avatar recognizes has a convo with him/her in which his/her faith in Grima is shaken. Subsequently, that Morgan is somehow transported back to the past, with memories wiped (likely by Grima). This is fairly solid as far as Awakening goes (though that's not saying much), it's perfectly possible for Morgan to be one of the 2nd gen units' child because the 2nd gen units were initially present in the FP timeline and died with the rest of the 1st gen units. The main thing suggesting this is that during the Morgan convo in FP1/2, Avatar gives Morgan a tactics tome, which Morgan already has a copy of from Grima. In Hot-Spring Scramble, Morgan has a support in which that tome gets drenched and ruined (Inigo for M, Cynthia for F), and he/she says it's OK because they've got a spare (and don't know where it came from). There are a few others, but that's the biggest.
  3. You can get Ignis and later move to DK if you want. They have basically the same stats as GM except for +2 Mov and defensive oriented pairup boosts, both of which are very nice for Lunatic. Your best bet for supports will be to stick with S supports for the 1st gen units and sibling As for 2nd gen. If Lucina could support with Morgan's sibling, then you'd want to do Morgan x Inigo and Lucina + Morgan's sibling, but unfortunately you're not using Sumia so that won't work.
  4. No it isn't. It's just not for everyone. The skills in Lunatic+ are actually very well designed and follow a clear pattern if you look for it (all of them either always activate or never activate depending on how you fight the enemy in question, so there's no RNG with them after you've entered battle- no Miracle, no Breakers, none of that stuff. Dealing with them is completely strategy-based).
  5. Hammertime? Of course he'll OHKO Fred. It's why he's there- to tell you that it might be a bad idea to rely on him. Basically, Fred can carry you a little way, but around Cht.8 becomes completely useless and will force a reset if he's your only good unit. Hammertime is there to give you an advance warning and basically make you change your strategy earlier rather than face a reset- he's actually a really nice guy, so please don't say bad things about him. Anyway, Nogrind is perfectly possible for both Lunatic and Lunatic+ on Classic, but it requires more strategy than the "drop something into a pile of enemies and watch it kill them all" that worked for Normal/Hard.
  6. OK, first off, go find a guy called Interceptor. He's got a L+ guide in his sig that can get a +Spd/-Def Avatar (which is possibly the best set for Apo) through Pro-Cht.4 in less than 3 hours. It's pretty nice. Now, here's some numbers on exactly how useless tanks are in S.Apo. Let's take your Morgan, with a generic General pairup and your skillset of LB/Aegis/Pavise/Lancebreaker/Bowbreaker. Morgan's relevant stats: HP: 85 Atk: 40(base) +0(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +8(pairup) +2(tonic) +23(Dst+) =93. Spd: 35(base) +2(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +3(pairup) +2(tonic) +4(Dst+) =66. You're -barely- in the clear here. Def: 40(base) +6(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(pairup) +2(tonic) +13(Dst+) =91. Sounds pretty tanky. Now here's what Apo has to say about that: There's a Sniper who shows up in Waves 2 and 5. He's got 70 Spd, 70 Def, a Brave Bow (96 Atk, 254 Hit), and a skillset of Dragonskin/Pavise+/Aegis+/Luna+/Vantage+. Against him, you'll be doing 5x1 damage, and he'll be doing 51x2 to you before your Aegis. Already, your ultimate tank has a very realistic possibility of death- you just need to whiff both DGs and both Aegises, which is probably around a 5% chance- but you've got such terrible offense that there's no way you're taking him down in less than 2 turns, assuming your General is really strong. More likely it'll take 3 to get rid of him. None of this is taking his mooks into account- he's got four more Snipers with Silver Bows (89 Atk) and Luna+, who are going to be doing 44 per shot to you before Aegis. Even if you had perfect luck with Aegis, you'd still die in four hits, and you need to take six. These aren't even the only things Apo has against tanks, there are 3 Berserkers with 99 HP/Atk, and Dragonskin/Luna+/Hawkeye/Counter/Aegis+ and plenty of other stuff. Basically, Def has nothing on Apo.
  7. Seriously folks, grinding isn't required for Lunatic(+). It helps a lot, but is by no means required. Enemies in Lunatic(+) have high Atk and HP, but their Def is rock bottom- you shouldn't have any units who are flat out unable to deal damage (besides Lissa of course). Fred does the most damage, but Avatar and Chrom are perfectly capable of getting kills themselves if you try to give them to them.
  8. DK is an excellent final class for Lunatic, but you will want to watch out for Severa's very low Mag growth if using it on her. Personally, I'd send her Merc -> Cav -> Paladin -> Hero -> DK. She unfortunately won't get a chance to build her Mag there, but Swords are cool and she'd rather have Sol than anything Valkyrie/Sgae have to offer. Alright, so are you thinking about doing this and asking for advice, or already did it and are telling about your experience? I can't tell.
  9. Starting around Valm, Falco becomes one of the best classes in the game for Vanilla Lunatic and the best utility class for Lunatic+. If you're willing to put lots of combat exp into her, stop by DF for GF first, otherwise Falco is a very strong choice (you'll mostly see the benefit over Valkyrie in Cht.18, and later in Cht.23 and 24 if you haven't class changed yet).
  10. Lunatic+ Classic nogrind and Lunatic Classic with all Risen defeated but no DLC, Spotpass allowed in both cases for items but not units, DMs/Sorcs always banned as a matter of personal preference.
  11. Since they both come very late and Inigo has a hard Paralogue, don't expect him to do anything in Lunatic. Both Henry and Olivia are kind of drop-in utility units. In Apo, Inigo gets lots of Skl and Vengeance, which is nice if you don't mind the loss of Henry elsewhere.
  12. You got some impressive results using it, but it's not the most reliable way to do things in general. I've got a setup for accessing S.Apo using two units, and while it accomplishes the task nicely I'd hardly recommend it for general use. tl;dr setups for challenges aren't the same as setups for general-purpose use.
  13. Apo just lags when trying to select enemy ranges for some reason. I've never had it happen on any other maps, but it always happens there (both normal and secret), so I wouldn't worry about it. Range checking like this is one of the more processing-heavy operations you can do in an engine like FE's anyway, so I'm not really surprised that it's where a slowdown occurs. But if you really want to see lag, turn the 3d on, go to Cht.10, be a Dark Flier paired up with a flying unit and fighting a flying unit, and activate Astra while equipped with a tome that has a long-lasting animation like Bolganone, Valflame or Book of Naga. Preferably on an original 3ds.
  14. Yeah, Vengeance is basically KO insurance (another reason why I don't like VV- if you're deliberately trying to set it up ahead of when you're going to actually need it, DG can ruin your plans unless you split up, which takes a ton of planning and limits your ability to improvise in-game. I never use Vantage on Severa myself. If this isn't for Apo, she's good as-is, if it is for Apo, Sorcs smell.
  15. There's no such thing as Def in Streetpass, whether you're fighting the team or you are the team. Nothing on the team can survive pairup+Braves+capped stats, and nothing facing it can reliably survive Proc/Brave Counterbombs.
  16. Considering that most high-Skl classes have fairly low Str and there aren't any good magical ones, non-Lucina pairs tend to run into a huge block with Thronie. Anna is also a concern if you want to attack at 1 range due to Counter+Aether, but pretty much everything else goes down in 6 hits no matter what. With my team, I've got a setup for Thronie that takes Counter damage into account and gives me a guaranteed range 1 win, and for the Double Zerkers my Kjelle x Yarne can squeeze out an ORKO within 6 hits, and everything else isn't much of an issue.
  17. 1-range Counter says hi. Really? I find Aegis to be more useful because classes generally have much worse Res than Def. I don't care about halving an attack that will be doing 0-4 damage to me, I do care about halving one that will be doing 20+ (and I like Wyverns, so I see that a lot). I also can't use WTA to lower my foes' Hitrates with the Aegis weapon types.
  18. http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_Enemy_Data:_Apotheosis It's there for all of Lunatic too. No maps or spawn points, but this is still enough to figure out things like ORKO thresholds that would be important for killing bosses and getting new units started with minimal difficulty.
  19. Nope, Nos's effect is all its own. If it was an auto-cast system, then it wouldn't be able to procstack and would show the cut-in every time you used it (and it would probably still have a Skl% activation rate). So you can stack it with Sol, Luna, Vengeance, anything you want. I have a feeling that Aether+Nos would be an interesting combination, but unfortunately the only way you're getting that is with a Sorc (which I don't like).
  20. So first off, Apo and non-Apo postgame are fairly different- I'd recommend different sets for them that you can switch between. Let's talk non-Apo postgame first. Right now, you've got both Cordelia and Avatar set up to lead. I'd advise reworking that so that Cordelia comes out once on Player Phase, gets a kill, and then switches back to Avatar to tank EP. Cordelia won't be in much danger this way, so you can drop Iote's Shield (replacing Sol with Lifetaker is optional). I'd also strongly advise giving her Armsthrift over Lancefaire- high-use pairs burn through weapons at an unbelievable rate in non-Apo postgame. So she'll be looking at LB/GF/Sol/AT/filler (Anathema is fun here for the +Crit boost). You may also want to change her to Dark Knight for better defensive pairup boosts, but that's optional. For Avatar, he wants to focus on tanking. Vantage isn't actually much use without some sort of healing skill, so you'll want to replace Ignis with Sol. Since you'll be spending most of your attacks on EP, switching Aggressor for Res+10 could also help. Tomefaire is also optional and I'd advise dropping it for AT. Finally, here's the thing about Vantage: if it activates and you kill the enemy before they attack you, you effectively blocked their attack. If it activates, but you don't kill the enemy before they attack, it essentially had no effect. It'll also only activate when you're below half HP, which won't happen often with Sol and LB. So I'd advise swapping it out for a different defensive skill, like Lucky 7, a Breaker, PavGis or DG+. For Apo, offense is far more important than healing, and it's fairly rare to get hit by Bows anyway so Cordelia will want to transition her skills into more offense. Vengeance over Sol is a good place to start. She could keep Lancefaire around if she wanted, but it's not all that good on a DF- I'd advise using All+2 instead. For the spot Iote's Shield is currently in, she could take Spd+2, AT, Lifetaker, or bring back LF (personally, I'd take Lifetaker). Avatar will never want to come up front here due to Aggressor having double power in the back, so he doesn't need anything that only has an effect when leading- I'd advise giving him All+2, Hit+20, Axefaire over Tomefaire and a Brave Axe (unless he's +Mag/-Str or something, in which case you should stick with Tomes). Also, Chrom x Sumia has the potential to outperform most non-Lucina/Avatar/Morgan 2nd gen pairs thanks to DS+. You definitely shouldn't stick them on utility duty for Apo.
  21. Hold on, what context is this in? Streetpass, you're dead, no matter what you do. Apo, no Avatar can survive NS at all, and tanking is generally useless there anyway. What exactly is this Avatar trying to tank?
  22. FE in general has no problem with incest, but it stops short of providing polygamy as a gameplay choice for the player. Once you've got an S support, you'll have to start a new file if you want to see any of the others for the characters with S (there's a way around this for the sake of completing the support log, but not for teambuilding or other in-game purposes).
  23. Why settle for 50% DS when you could have 95%?
  24. N.Apo has no Luna+, Vantage+, Counter, turn limits, or fast enemies, making it beatable with literally anything, so team restrictions really don't matter there. I've even cleared it with nothing but an untouched Lv.1 Chrom before, and it's not possible to go lower than that. Large skillsets actually don't make much of a difference either, because you've still only got five skillslots. The majority of those extra classes won't be doing anything, and they certainly aren't doing enough to compensate for a 40% loss in DS rate.
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