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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. It wouldn't be the fastest, but it would be pretty strong. Two other points about Vaike!Nah: Hero doesn't boost Str, so using one as a hard Sage support will have the same effect as using it to support a physical class. Also, she's got General, which gives pretty good DSes (AF, 50 Str cap and a +5 Str mod? Sounds good to me) if you don't mind the Spd.
  2. If you do that, you'll want to save as many of the early Paralogues as you can for building their support (not 1 though, Rescue is too useful) and the Seed of Trust from Renown.
  3. Ignoring the one support most likely to be taken into consideration when building a postgame team? That's a pretty tall order. However, I do like Vaike!Nah. She lacks a good deal of versatility, but has strong Hero/Wyvern support options for a more focused set and some nice skills for training. So I'm assuming you're doing this for ingame and postgame is either a secondary concern or non issue, OK? Severa doesn't really care about Avatar's classes because Cordelia's class set is perfect for ingame already. However, this also means that Cordelia's class set makes her one of the strongest 1st gen suitors for Avatar- I consider her to be his best wife in vanilla Lunatic, followed closely by Nowi. Also, Severa will love you if you manage to give her a +Spd Avatar for a father- she can make good use of it both ingame and postgame. Spd is a pretty good asset for Lunatic ingame as well. Marrying Chrom!Cynthia works out well postgame (particularly if you're running +Skl), but ingame it's not that great of a choice. For starters, Cynthia's Paralogue is a pain to reach- you need at least one other child Paralogue (usually Severa's) to get it in any reasonable amount of time, and she'll be at best one chapter behind Lucina and many chapters behind everyone else in terms of supports gained. You can certainly do it, but it's not optimal. If you're going for a different first gen marriage, Cynthia will be overall more useful than Gerome, but Lucina won't have a Veteran husband as a result. Gerome himself might do well, but he's basically Yarne with a better starting class and worse growths (not to mention a later-joining and less useful mother). Overall I think I'd go with Sumia and just have Lucina and Morgan fight with their siblings at A (consider what you'll do with Chrom if Avatar takes Sumia. Maribelle and Olivia require a bit of effort to get good passdown stats, and Sully locks their kids out of Peg, which comes with both GF and two excellent final classes). If you are going for postgame, Chrom!Cynthia is the strongest option there by far. If you don't want to do that, both Sumia and Cordelia will perform well, but you won't be able to play with a full team using them (only matters for Apo). As a GM (40 in both Str/Mag bases) Ignis will often always be better in terms of raw damage. Outside of Apo, though, Aether/Sol might be a more appealing procstack if you want to do one.
  4. Well, aside from Cynthia and Gerome... Henry has the most Skl out of any proc/+Mag father for Owain. The same applies for Brady, if you'd rather run Vengeance than Luna, and he also allows Brady to put up a much better physical set in a pinch than he'd be able to otherwise (for training/fun/themed runs/whatever) without sacrificing any magical ability. He's the best father for a dedicated physical Vengeance Inigo, particularly if Inigo wants to be a Berserker (no proc woes thanks to Vengeance's high activation rate, and several options for +Hit skills). His best use, though, is on Nah. Take a look at their mods: Nah will have +3 Str/Mag. She can easily switch between magical and physical, and magically she has the highest Mag out of any Nah with a Tomefaire-using class that boosts Spd (Valkyrie). So, Henry is a good father for Cynthia, Gerome, Brady, Owain, Inigo, and arguably the best for Nah. And honestly, you're not going to find too many fathers who can be strong candidates for 6 out of 11 children (Lucina and Morgan don't count).
  5. Tomefaire Tomefaire Tomefaire. Olivia!Lucina lacks this, and thus is forced to stick to much more limited options than Sumia!Lucina. But my real beef with any non-Chrom x Sumia pair is that it forces Henry x Sumia, and Henry is a really great dad for quite a lot of children and tying him down to someone with a clearly superior option is a drag on the rest of your team. Thus, I only recommend Chrom x not Sumia if you're not using all the children (and thus have more freedom with fathers). Just one All+2 for 100% DS on a Sniper x Sage pair is definitely worth it (make sure it still works when the Sniper is leading, though). Go for it. Those two Owains are pretty much equal.
  6. With Miriel, keep in mind that early Masters are even rarer than early Seconds. You're going to want Anna's help either way. BK's Def is a little low for a final class. In general, remember that it's not a bad thing to SS back into your current class to keep gaining levels.
  7. So the first thing I notice: GL x Berserker is a pretty good pairing in terms of Spd and damage output, but what do you want it for? It's going to be well over the 75 Spd threshold, you could easily either switch Avatar for something with more Hit or Lucina for something with more Mov. Also, the majority of your double Galepairs don't boost eachother's Atk stats. While this isn't a bad thing, it might be more useful on your hard support pairs. Neither of those are game changers, just things you might want to keep in mind.
  8. They don't tell you and seem to want to leave it deliberately ambiguous. The most likely scenario, based on a few lines from the Future Past and Hot-Spring Scramble DLC, is and Morgan is somehow sent back alone (though it's still not clear how exactly this happens).
  9. You could try competing for the most level ups and/or support levels gained. It would encourage using all your units with an added focus on formations that usually isn't present outside Lunatic+, but without the pressure of resetting if you mess up. Avatar and Fred would be fully allowed to do whatever they want, but their levels and supports wouldn't be counted toward the end total. The problem with a Lunatic+ LTC is that the most optimal strat will ultimately be the same as Lunatic, with a ton of resets to make sure there are no skills that would get in the way, so doing Lunatic will produce exactly the same results with a lot less headache. I'd potentially be interested in participating, but I've been rather busy lately and can't guarantee that I'd have time to keep up, and drafts have a tendency to go under when their members aren't on the same page.
  10. If you're on Hard or above and want to see the children's convos without grinding their parents, then yes, it's much harder. But if you're lowmanning or down on mobility (GF/Rescue), then completing Challenge's secondary objectives is painful to impossible.
  11. I hope this isn't a troll topic. No, the overworld map serves only for travel between maps, and maps are never revisited by the story. You can go back and fight alternate, weaker sets of enemies to grind on past maps, and you can play DLC maps over and over again, but the main story maps never repeat. Backtracking isn't even an option. If that doesn't make sense, watch the first ~3 chapters of any FE LP ever (excluding FEs 2 and 4) and you'll get the idea. Also, SPM doesn't have very much backtracking. TTYD does, SS can, but SPM is fairly linear in terms of level to level progression (then again, I haven't played SPM recently and my memory might be faulty).
  12. I know It's possible to beat S.Apo with only 1st gen non-Avatar units and no S supports while never trusting the RNG with your life, so this is definitely possible. Now, there are a lot of steps you can take to make it easier, but depending on how far you are into making this team going and getting some experience will do you more good than pouring over calculations for a month. So I'd just go ahead and make it.
  13. Oh, I was talking to the guy above me. The 3ds playlog doesn't count time while the 3ds is in sleep mode. If it did, I'd have several hundred hours logged on the SSB4 demo. I have, on occasion, left it open to listen to Id (Purpose) (which does count), but never overnight and the only time I spent a substantial amount of time doing that was over the course of one week shortly after getting the game, and I doubt it made much of a difference in the long run (maybe <10 hours).
  14. You were probably looking at your own listed crit. Thanks to Solidarity, it's possible for lots of your units to be looking at fairly high crit rates themselves in Cht.3.
  15. Story-wise, Lucina is the only one who comes even close to being relevant (and all she does is change one cutscene). The closest seconds are Sumia and Lissa, the only non-Lucina playable females to appear in CGI cutscenes (they also have the second most screentime, again next to Lucina). For a class, you might want to look at Dark Knight.
  16. Yeah, the odds of Anna having one are actually pretty good (3 in 10 for at least a Master, 3 in 10 for at least a Second, 8/15 for at least one of either, 1/15 for both), and if you're getting an average of one Anna per chapter, your odds of getting one are actually very good.
  17. It's slightly hard to tell from your post, but if you're checking your playtime from the files themselves, use the 3ds playlog instead. File time doesn't reflect resets, deleted files (if you had any), or time spent without a file loaded (checking support log, etc).
  18. My team doesn't use Vengeance. It's almost more of an aesthetic choice, but if I had to make up a reason for not using it I'd say DGs are still random and thus the damage Vengeance can do is semi-random as a result of that. This probably isn't even an optimal way to play, I'm just doing it because it's fun. My average damage is certainly less than it would be if I was using procs, although my worst-case scenario is significantly better. I'm also fairly limited in my scope of available classes. Basically, during normal play there's a much wider range of things that can happen. The worst case scenario is much worse (all DSes/procs fail, etc) but the best case scenario is much better (all procs work). This team takes a middle ground with a better worst-case, but the worst case and best case are now the same. Both types of teams still need to take care to avoid ever having a chance of death.
  19. Essentially if you attack a foe who would kill you if they get an attack in, having imperfect DS means you have a chance of death while having perfect DS means you'll always live. It just puts more options on the table and is some lofty numerical goal to aim for because Apo by itself isn't tight enough. Well, I made sure my team would have multiple different above average non-100% builds available, hit a bunch of other benchmarks in 100% mode, and crammed as much aesthetics into it as possible (hair color/supports, classes, supporting unit identities (currently using Katarina/Palla/Catria/Est) and overall theme). Oh ho ho. I got post 3,000.
  20. I'd go either Lancebreaker or All+2 on Cynthia, Str+2 on Yarne, Deliverer on Kjelle, and Wrath on Nah if you have it (if you don't, use Focus). Actually it's because I wasn't here again for a few days. Basically the logistics behind having a ton of 100% DS units only become a big deal once you have to start dealing with children tied to parents with negative Skl mods (Noire, Nah, Owain, Gerome- one of the guys can be tied to Lucina for a quick fix, and Noire has innate Sniper so that makes up for Tharja's Skl). If you don't have to deal with them, you get better mods all around (and a better choice of fathers), letting you do more nice things with your team- I'd advise shuffling a little of that saved skill around to try to either get pair with higher Atk, or getting more options outside of 100% mode (really, you wouldn't want a team that does 100% and nothing else). For example, you might try to find Morgan a Warrior/General support- their Skl isn't too bad and they have a huge return on Atk.
  21. That's assuming you treat the Avatar as a self-insert.
  22. Raw gameplay? Probably around 800 hours. Including strategy/hanging out here/anything tangentially related to Awakening, probably somewhere around 3,500 hours since I got the game. Of course, I have no way of knowing how often it's actually on my mind, so that figure could be wildly off (and most of that time it probably didn't even have my full attention).
  23. Your Avatar will want to drop Slow Burn for Lifetaker instead of Patience, it's much less useful.
  24. Well, there's Lucina's death quote, but that's not very special considering everybody has one. It doesn't change the story though.
  25. It can sometimes be a big deal because Seals are incredibly rare early on. You get one guaranteed Second from Renown, and that's it until Cht.8 unless Anna likes you. You can also Streetpass yourself if you have a second 3ds to sell yourself more seals, but that's obviously not the standard strategy. Or, if you're willing to use DLC, the boss of Harvest Scramble has a Master.
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