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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. By "handle", I meant "stop the game from softlocking due to an infinite loop", not beat in-game. There are no enemies in the game even remotely close to 100 crit though (the closest is Apo's Wrath Trickster with a Killing Edge, iirc), it'll never be too much of an issue there.
  2. Avatar and Chrom will work well. For Nowi, she really likes Hero supports, and Gaius will need to pass Sol to Nah for her to have it, so you'll want to try to get him there as soon as possible. This might require sabotaging Chrom's training in Cht.7 to give him some levels, and he still likely won't make it there before Ch.8, but you'll want to keep his class route in mind. Also, mods don't really matter in Lunatic- it's growth rates you should be concerned with. Inigo is indeed one of the most difficult kids to use in nogrind Lunatic (I've pulled it off twice, and it's very tedious/annoying- and this is coming from someone who likes Lunatic+). If you want a different husband for Lucina, Owain and Yarne are your best bets. Personally I'd advise going for Owain as Panne shows up at the same time as Gaius and very close to Nowi, and you don't want exp to get spread too thin in those chapters (7 through 10 are all pretty much free chapters for preparation for Valm). Lissa, meanwhile, has free staff exp, good availability, etc. Depending on how long you want to wait to start building her supports, good candidates for her are Stahl and Libra.
  3. The point isn't to have a powerful team, it's to have a useless one that won't sell stuff if the receiver doesn't want to fight. Considering the DLC skills seem to still work when DLC isn't installed, this is an excellent point. Playing ultra-high Def is kind of a hit-or-miss strategy depending on how prepared the foe is, but if they can't damage you, well, there's no way to win.
  4. Lunatic+ isn't unlocked from the start, so that won't really be an option.
  5. How would you handle units with a 100% crit rate? Would it just be an automatic OHKO? I can see that getting slightly OP, especially when it's possible to get a maximum crit rate of 178 (basically guaranteed crit against everything except S.Apo's Invincisorc and certain Streetpass builds).
  6. ...Well. There definitely is that too. I prefer my trolling to be slightly more savory, though.
  7. DSp+ is also good on Berserker Gerome when paired with a dodgetank Severa. It might actually be a good idea to make do with one Rallybot since you've got so few units and use the other slot for a dedicated Staffbot. Putting Rallies Spectrum, Heart, Spd, Mag and Skl together could get you a good ~90% of the offensive performance of a two rally set. You'd have to be careful to avoid getting KOed since pretty much everything would two-shot you, but it's probably worth it (less prep time, too).
  8. Miracle also does nothing against DSes. If you're counting PavGis out, it should be too. The team I'm currently using (design courtesy of AC) is a squad of 10 +Str/-Def Avatar-Ms with +3/25 1-range Braves and LB/Agg/Ignis/Luna/Counter in various high Str/Skl classes with Logbook Boots. They won't be able to do anything if they don't get a turn in, but neither can any other team. If they do catch someone in their range on EP, however, a splat is almost guaranteed. The survival thresholds for two procstacked LB/Agg hits is already very high, and when Counter is added to the mix... The other tried and true methods for building troll teams are to either pack them full of spoilers for your plot-heavy game of choice or make them as useless as possible for everything besides fighting (no buyable weapons and an Avatar with terrible skills/stats/whatever). I also thought about making a team where I used items and skills to make acronyms for words from a theme that would make a lot of people mad if they ever noticed them, and get some laughs by sneaking them under people's radars, but I never got around to that.
  9. Katarina doesn't get DSt+. DSp+ is different and a lot less useful. Shadowgift's primary beneficial use is actually Mire, by the way. Fewer than 8 units is definitely doable, but it's not something I'd recommend for a first try. You'll have a very hard time with Apo if you have any fewer than 5 attacks per turn, at least 10 being preferable, and two Rallybots. The setup I posted should still work well, and you'll want to arm both Rallybots and all the Sages with Rescue.
  10. What's AT doing here? Your units die instantly to anything, they'll probably never get even one chance to attack. You could give them all glass weapons and they wouldn't break. As far as Vengeance and Iote's Shield are concerned, if you get engaged by the enemy and don't kill them before you get a chance to attack, you die, period. If doesn't matter what skills or items you're packing for being low on HP, because you're either going to be at full or at zero. Opinions are fine, but when gameplay comes into the equation sometimes they just don't mesh with reality.
  11. Getting HP+5 on a Sorc with speed in mind and without sacrificing everything else is a slightly difficult task...
  12. Right, 6. And yeah, even with a Lck flaw she shouldn't be giving anyone any crit troubles. Barbs with Gamble? Scary. Elthunder Mage with Focus? Very scary. Immobile bosses that you can easily surround for the +10 Dge support bonus? Not a big deal.
  13. It won't make much of a difference, considering that the only time the skill does anything at all is when you've taken between 84 and 89 damage. That... Doesn't happen very often unless you're deliberately manipulating damage, which is both hard and sort of defeats the point of a Nostank.
  14. And Severa. Virion!Severa is notable mainly for her 75 Spd Wyvern, but she can pull out a very good DF on a whim (especially if she's married to Libra!Inigo, Henry!Gerome or Avatar-M).
  15. Airship did a no DLC/Rally run last summer, but it took months of planning and was kind of cutting-edge. He also used a full team, so...
  16. Healing enemy units, as well as all the skills that allow you to attack your own units, make it much easier to farm infinite Staff exp on Lunatic by creating more reliable, long-lasting sources of damage. Dancing enemies would allow you to break their weapons twice as fast (depending on how it would work. Would the danced unit get two turns the EP after you dance it?), and Treacherous Trade would let you steal enemy weapons (even hackforges and Expiration)- or just disarm them, which would be incredibly OP in every sense of the word.
  17. 3 75 units is nice, but not mandatory. If you somehow manage to not have a unit who can ORKO a 70 Spd boss, just fight them with multiple units. Most of them die in 2+4 hits anyway, the extra Spd is mostly just insurance to make sure they die even if you have terrible luck with misses and DS procs. The only time it becomes really important is if you're lowmanning and failure means being stuck in range of NS during EP.
  18. Protip: If you've got something on the internet that you want someone to see, link them to it. Don't just tell them it exists.
  19. Y'know, you kind of are being rude. Some Grima math: Thanks to Ire, Grima does indeed have 110 Avo. Without Ignis, it has 70 Atk, and with it it has 90 (80% Ignis). Assuming one is bothering with an HP tonic, it takes 48 Def to reliably take two shots from Grima. Also note that when making Atk calculations to see who will go after you next, the AI doesn't take procs into account so you can actually be a little under half (with Vantage) and Grima can still go before the mooks. Anyway, my preferred method for dispatching Grima is to use Lucina supporting a Warrior with a Brave Bow. Assuming the Warrior has no procs, but a +5 mt forge on that Bow, it'll be doing around 10 damage minimum per shot (plus some for mods, and maybe extra pairup bonuses from Lucina), while Lucina will be doing (assume GL) around 15 per strike. That's an ORKO assuming everything hits (she'll be looking at around a 90-95% DS rate with DS+ and an S support, and likely has around 95 listed Hit), and there are plenty of unlisted sources of extra damage that could give you a 1 miss safety net, without even looking at EP (no, I haven't included Rally Str in those calcs. Up to 16 extra damage alone from that). So yeah, a well built team can take him down without any worries. A team that's not equipped to handle him, however, might not even be able to pull it off with perfect RNG.
  20. Personally, I'd look into using Gaius!Noire for Sniper x Sage and non-GF Kjelle first, and if you don't like any of the options there then go the All+2/Spd+2 route on Donnel!Noire.
  21. What were you doing that got you a 15% crit chance? Raimi only has 12 base crit.
  22. Exactly how much are you willing to spend on this? That plan looks pretty solid, but if you can only afford one of the optional two then definitely get LB3 (Paragon). If you plan on ever getting all the DLC somewhere down the road, then you'll want to go ahead and get the full LB pack as the first map only adds about a dollar with the pack discount.
  23. Wave 0 isn't part of S.Apo. S.Apo has enemies with stats 10-20 higher across the board and more skills (Counter, Vantage+ and Luna+ get introduced to the pool). It's not a good idea to judge S.Apo by Wave 0. I've been away for the last two days and kind of a lot has happened, so if anyone has any specific questions for me, could you please re-post them? AC's most recent run used a full team.
  24. Secret is assumed unless otherwise specified. Well, coming up with new challenge runs is where creativity starts to be involved. Various combinations of banning Rescue and Galeforce can be interesting as they force you to take EPs, and no Pairup can add a lot of pressure to get kills. I've been entertaining the idea of a just-for-fun Hammers Only run for a while, which would be both hilarious and fairly challenging (have fun with Thronie). You could also try going all physical or all magical. Or just go with one of the three standard restrictions: restrict the skills allowed (so far done up to no DLC/Rally), restrict the number of units allowed (so far done down to 3, anything 6 or less is low enough for the challenge to begin), or restrict what's allowed during the preparation (eg: a post-Cht.4 run, no clue where the record for this lies).
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