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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Correct on the skill abbreviations. You're going to croak if you try to do it without Staffbots/Rallybots. This won't change unless you have a lot of experience. Breakers are sometimes good if you're going for a hard dodgetank (not everybody has Hawkeye) but Iote's is almost completely useless. Don't bother with it. Falcos are physical units, Sages and DFs are magical units. They aren't interchangeable if you want the strategy to do the same thing (unless you're talking about Staffbots, in which case Falcos and Valkyries are best). Luna is calculated based on your foe's Def/Res, Ignis is calculated on your Str/Mag. Ignis is generally slightly stronger. Defense < offense in S.Apo. You won't get as much mileage out of stuff like Pavise and Vantage (unless you really know what you're doing) out of them as you'll get out of Faires and offensive procs. Your current classes also aren't very strong.
  2. You pick three base classes. Everything that promotes from them is included automatically, so there's no need to take up multiple slots with a base class and its promotion.
  3. Three procs on Morgan is the first thing that comes to mind for me, but there are plenty of others (thanks isetrh). Don't forget about the Astra bow, it's not Sniper locked like DB so it could see some use on a Warrior, Assassin, or BK.
  4. No, Fred and Stahl are actually better where they are right now for ingame purposes (extra Str for Cord, extra Spd for Panne). Not everyone plays Apo.
  5. Lucina@Dark Flier (LB/GF/Aether/Luna/DS+) x Avatar@Sage (LB/Agg/TF/All+2/Anathema) Morgan@Dark Flier (LB/GF/Aether/Ignis/TF) x Inigo@Hero (LB/GF/Agg/Vengeance/SF) Sumia@Sage (LB/GF/Luna/TF/All+2) x Chrom@Sniper (LB/Agg/Aether/Luna/DS+) Bring as many Rescue users as you can, along with 5/15 Celica's, 5/15 Brave Swords/Bows, and either a 5/15 Longbow or a Double Bow for Chrom. Also bring Olivia.
  6. Just a note on how Renown works: you don't buy stuff with it, you unlock stuff. If you have 300 renown and get the Second Seal, you won't be left with 200 Renown, you'll still have 300 but you can't get any more Second Seals that way. Other than player restrictions, there's really no reason not to just grab everything you can. Everything in the box is one per file. Renown is the primary method of Newgame+, as your total is saved whenever you beat the Endgame and new files automatically start with the same amount as your highest previous clear. Chapters, Prologues and Risen give 10 Renown each, while recruiting or defeating Spotpass and Streetpass units gives 50. There are some pretty nice rewards in there, I'd advise doing a bit of grinding to get your Renown up to at least 1,000. Using Avatar-F will give you a male Morgan, by the way.
  7. Depends what class it came from. I'd probably go for a mix of the two unless it was either prohibitively difficult to obtain (Berserker/Griffon 15) or handed to you on a silver platter (Merc/Cav 10).
  8. Train Chrom instead. It's possible to feed him everything in the Prologue by swapping his and Avatar's roles for wave 1, and then using some fancy footwork and a variant of the water trick for the top (along with a bit of luck on the Elthunder Mage kill). From there, he can tank with Fred through around Cht.5 or 6, at which point he'll want to start looking for a new support so Fred can do his own thing. After that, you're out of the woods and can get your midgame powerhouse of choice started using Chrom to facetank for them instead of Avatar.
  9. No, no clumps- though NS and Anna do spawn in opposite corners of the map on Wave 5, so you'll need a Staffbot to bring them over.
  10. His problem was trying to get the kill with Chrom, and not using the Hammer (on top of having a low level Avatar and very bad RNG, though part of that could be mitigated with Fire). Fred could have taken that 17 HP higher, and had multiple opportunities to do so (granted, several of the earlier ones would have seen a double miss result in death, but if he had made Fred chip with the Javelin earlier then he could have gotten a safe one set up almost immediately). By the way, a Chrom vs Fred hitrate comparison, assuming both of them have no +Skl from their support, but do get Hit+10 from support: Chrom: 14(base) + 90(Rapier) +10(support) -15(WTD) = 99 Fred: 21(base) + 60(Hammer) +10(support) +5(WTB) = 96 That's pretty close. Both of them are getting 32 knocked off by Raimi's Avo, so it's 67 vs 64.
  11. I was using a Warrior and All+2. What +Spd class that uses Tomes is Virion going to give to Noire?
  12. I'm not finding this video where SoC ran into an Aegis+/Counter Raimi and had a tough time as a result. Can someone point me to it?
  13. My brain. I put together a table in Notepad for when I was making my 100% DS team, but it doesn't reflect Defender so it's not perfect. Atk over DS really is a matter of personal preference and depends to some degree on how inclined you are to wing it with strong units vs plan out all your battles ahead of time. Prioritizing Atk is probably a good thing if you have a lot of staffbots or aren't 100% sure of your ability to not make tactical errors under pressure, prioritizing DS becomes more of a good idea the longer you spend building your team.
  14. If you don't want to turtle Cht.24, you pretty much have to just transition all your GF units to Dark Fliers (Tomes for Rexcalibur + not caring about movement penalties). There's not really a turn-by-turn strat because team composition varies so wildly by then. When doing that, though, you have to be careful to either have one of your DFs already be Lv.10+ upon finishing, or leave some other GF units not yet reclassed. Having a Falco or two, especially with GF, is very important for Cht.25 (since all the Route maps are done, there's no further need for exp so the map should just be skipped).
  15. Wow, this thread is turning into an extension of The Lunatic Club now? There aren't any bosses, no, but there are two dudes with bows in Cht.22 with stats high enough to count. Notably Bovis, a BK who always has a Brave Bow++ and Bowbreaker. There are plenty of skills Lunatic+ can give him to make him a real jerk. I generally unequip my Raimi attacker's support to try to milk her for as much exp as I can before going in for the kill, so I've never had a problem with this issue. However, I would like to issue a reminder that when one receives one of two outcomes randomly, it doesn't matter which one you get if there are no bad outcomes. However, a solution for those who really don't want to risk taking an extra turn to kill Raimi is to remember that Counter doesn't hurt you if you KO the opponent. So, here's a case-by-case walkthrough on how to handle Raimi without dual strikes and rarely taking over two turns. Raimi has 42 HP, 12 Def, 1 Res and a Gate (and 5 Spd). A leading Lv.1 Fred with a Hammer supported by Virion (no support ranks) has 13(base) +2(Virion) +30(Hammer) =45 Atk against Raimi, translating to a 30 damage strike (15 with Pavise+). Avatar can be assumed to have at least 9 Mag for Int's Cht.2 strat (he/she likely has a lot more but let's play it safe here). Thus, Avatar's minimum Atk is 9(base) +4(Miriel) +3(Thunder) +1(WRB) = 17, translating to a 13 damage strike against Raimi (6 with Aegis+- if this is the case, switch to Fire for better Hit, as it won't change damage). So how will this play out here? Assume Raimi has Counter and Aegis+. Avatar doubles and does 6+6, leaving Raimi at 30 HP. Fred Hammers and does 30 for an OHKO, bypassing Counter. What if she's got Counter and Pavise+? Avatar doubles and does 13+13, leaving Raimi with 16 HP. Since Fred does 15, all Avatar needs is one Mag proc over what he/she usually has by early Cht.1 at the latest for a kill. One more proc allows use of Fire. What happens if Raimi has both Aegis+ and Pavise+? Fred need not fear Counter, and can double for 15+15, still getting the kill. What about Luna+/Counter? We'll have Avatar double with Fire on EP. He/she will survive, Raimi will take 26. Next turn, assuming Raimi took enough damage, pull Avatar back and park Fred in front of Raimi (don't attack, you want to fight on EP. A double miss actually would kill you here (by 2 damage)). Raimi will recover a bit of HP, but not enough to put her over 30. Fred OHKOes on EP. Note that in general, if Fred misses on any non-Luna+ build he's not in trouble since Counter won't hit him and Raimi is only doing 23-16 = 7 damage per hit- it'll take her four turns to get rid of a base Fred who isn't healing. Avatar needs a little bit of Def to survive two hits, but is in range of Lissa and is thus never a concern if Raimi gets an extra attack due to a miss. Obviously, if Avatar misses, wait until next turn to send in Fred. Now, does anyone have concerns that these may not be adequate? Because I can throw more numbers around if needbe.
  16. For better effects, give them Agg, Braves and a ton of damage boosting procs, so any damage taken from Counter comes on top of a heap done normally. The Streetpass team I'm currently using (borrowed from AC) is +Str/-Def Avatar-M(boots)@Warrior/General/Hero/Wyvern (LB/Agg/Ignis/Luna/Counter) x10. It's about as effective as a Streetpass team can be.
  17. Something tells me you're not that familiar with Lunatic+, because this is one of the most OP skills anyone could ask for, even without the Def boost. A large number of midgame deaths in Luntic+ runs that aren't properly prepared come from trying to tank an EP equipped, killing everything that comes at you, and getting worn down by a dozen Luna+ hits (not to mention Counter). If you can't attack on EP, you've only got 4 facings (8 attacks at the max) and fighting in formations allows you to sharply cut that number down to around 3 battles per EP. This skill would essentially allow you to do that without needing a nearby ally to unequip you after attacking (or having a Bow).
  18. Not bashing grinding, but what exactly were you expecting?
  19. Archers are actually the most benign place in the game to see Counter. Counter isn't deadly because it limits your options, it's deadly because if you have to eat five of them on EP then you need to be unequipped or you die. On an Archer, you get to take it entirely on your own terms- you'll likely take damage, it'll be frustrating, but you'd also take damage from a Vantage+ Mage or just about anything else in the game.
  20. You're still forgetting class pairup boosts. Hitting 30 base in everything for a pairup is given (unless it's a GK with a negative Mag mod). Noire as a hard support is incapable of having both Tomefaire and a class that can use it that gives +Spd. Nah isn't. Here's a comparison. Henry!Noire@Valkyrie (LB/All+2) gives +7 Spd and has 42(base) +5(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +11(CG) = 82 atk Dual Strikes. Henry!Nah@Valkyrie (LB/TF/All+2/Mag+2) gives +7 Spd and has 42(base) +3(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +5(TF) +2(All+2) +2(Mag+2) +2(tonic) +11(CG) = 87 atk Dual Strikes- a whole 5 mt up on Noire with the same pairup bonuses. Who do you think is better? Basically, you shouldn't be worrying about the support's non-Atk/Skl stats. What you should be worrying about is their skill pool and what ending class they'll choose. Noire could get TF if she wanted to outdamage Nah, but then she doesn't have a +Spd Tome-using class.
  21. Noire is a very good example of mods not being everything. Spd doesn't matter in the back, but pairup boosts do. Nah can get a +Spd class that uses TF, Noire can't. 75 is the threshold for doubling every enemy in the game. That Severa has 42(base) +6(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +3(pairup) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) =75 Spd. Since Severa typically is one of your best boss killing units, she's probably the most important one to hit 75 with, and this is one way to do it. You might want to check the sample pairup bonus calcs at the bottom of this page if you're not sure how pairup bonuses work. Sage x Sniper works better than it sounds. Laurent could go well behind a Donnel/Gaius!Noire.
  22. The issue at present is Morgan's pairing. Morgan is in need of a magical wife. Kjelle and Severa have plenty of options. Nowi has a +1 Mag mod and passes Nah Mage, which gives her a lot more good options for magical supports than Noire. Notably, it's impossible (barring Avatar) to give Noire both Tomefaire and a +Spd class that can use it, while Nah can do so easily with Henry's Valkyrie.
  23. First off, there's nothing preventing 3rd gen Morgan from marrying his aunt. You can totally do that. Second, there's this really great unit called Cynthia... Third, if you want a female hard magical support, use Nah.
  24. If Lucina's bases are low enough, you can take her through Peg/Cav after Archer instead of promoting, if you have a spare Seal.
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