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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. It doesn't work like that. If you give someone a 1-2 range weapon, they'll always attack at 2 range unless the foe has a Bow. It's how the AI works. You want it so that if he ever leaves anyone in range of one of your units on EP, he eats a Counter.
  2. Well, having both of PavGis allows you to switch out which one you use depending on what the current enemy composition looks like (it's the same principle as with Breakers). But Renewal will definitely see a more reliable effect. Kellam does give you Pass. That's a point in his favor (on my Lunatic all Risen run, Pass was a lifesaver. Dunno how effective it is on postgame L+ Risen).
  3. I can say from experience that, even if you're not 1-turning maps, having lots of highly mobile staffbots completely wrecks Valm. I council Falco for Sumia, though if you have a particular want for DG+ and will be training her a lot then GK works too (remember, this is her second promoted class on Lunatic. She probably won't be ready to switch again 'til endgame). Laurent definitely wants to go DM. Lucina should probably go either Cav -> GK or Peg -> Falco- Bows are cool but she wants a few more skills first.
  4. Just sayin', but none of those Noires have Galeforce so they'll have to be hard supports, and hard supports without Agg are slightly... Underwhelming. Not saying you can't leave it off her, but it's not a very common tactic. If you want to run Lon'qu!Severa as a Hero, I'd advise giving her LB/GF/SF/Vengeance/All+2 and pairing her with Virion/Stahl!Gerome@Warrior (LB/Agg/BF/All+2/Hit+20). That pair will hit 75 Spd with very good DSes.
  5. No more than anything that's already in the game. Its primary utility would likely be distracting Zerg Rushes on Lunatic(+), but you wouldn't be able to get it early enough to help with the earlygame so it would just be another option for lategame.
  6. Exactly how much time are you willing to dedicate to building these teams? I'd advise making a team filled with 1-range weapons on Counter users. Very difficult to handle if one doesn't know what to do.
  7. No, if DG+ is added before doubling, you need 30 DG from Def (120 total). If it's added after doubling, you need 35 DG from Def (140 total). You only need the full 160 if DG+ isn't used at all. It's still broken. AT says hi.
  8. It's just one weapon that you'll almost never even get hit by (a Bow in a Warrior's second slot). There are no skill differences, once you've ground your team up Apo plays exactly the same. The metagame has changed a lot since this topic started. You'll just wind up getting contradictory and confusing advice if you go back too far (I wouldn't dig much farther than last June, and it's better to ask questions about anything you see than take it at face value). Severa's good fathers are Virion, Lon'qu, Stahl, Vaike and Ricken. Of those, Virion and Lon'qu are the only ones who are notable for being exceptionally fast, but Vaike is by no means slow (Spd just isn't his selling point).
  9. The only thing wrong I see is that -400 to 602 is in fact almost exactly 1,000 and not 1,200. That was a good read though, so thanks.
  10. I think they come down whenever the enemies inside would aggro, and the enemies are more conservative about aggroing than most. Try blasting them with Mire to see if it triggers anything. Otherwise you could either leave a lure where they'll be in range of just one enemy should the walls open, or try to Rescue chain past them. I know Nah's wall is strictly proximity based, but I haven't played 16 in a while so I'm not 100% sure on the others.
  11. Really? I can get +47 with an HP tonic, a little math, and swapping out Miracle for a Faire. It's a pretty big difference. And I can also get "full control" of everything that happens by simply watching my numbers and making sure the worst-case scenario always leaves me alive. Just to get this straight: There is no significant difference between Normal Apo and Lunatic+ Apo (just a forge on one Bow) other than whether or not you're good enough to drag your chosen Asset/Flaw through earlygame. So the Lunatic+ bit isn't actually that important and most of the advice in this topic applies normally to you. Keep in mind with Avatar x a Galeboy that you've got the option to pass down GF from the Galeboy and some other female-only skill from Avatar (like Lancefaire). It might be more useful than RK. Brady would like a Dark Flier support.
  12. She never even tries to describe Chrom. She does a lot of comparing of Lucina and Avatar to Marth (always by name, so there's no ambiguity), but that's it. Nothing in Par.17, Harvest Scramble or her other supports.
  13. Lunatic(+) has a really wonky difficulty curve- Cht.4 is a breather chapter. It comes back in Cht.5 and 6 (not as bad as 2 and 3, still very hard), then you get 7-10 fairly easy to train in. 11 is mostly average. The difficulty goes back up between 12 and 17 and stays high until 22, unless you're Rescue rushing in which case all those chapters are very easy except 21. 22 Depends on how you've trained your units, 23 and 24 are back to very difficult, 25 is a joke and the endgame is either easy or impossible again depending on your team.
  14. He used a Miracle/Counter/HP+5 enemy to get an 84 damage Counter to easily reach 1HP. He didn't have Miracle on Morgan. Yes, I believe you can get the foe's Def one lower (Diadora, I think, has a base 1 less than Florina, and if you can level her to 10 and reclass her to peg without proccing Def then she'll take more).
  15. If it works for you, that's fine, but a lot of people find that quite tedious. I know I'd rather just check how much damage I take in exchange for the extra skillslot and saved time. Using a digital copy or Save Dongle, you can backup saves that have bookmarks and restore them after each reset, thus using Bookmarks like battle saves. It's a nice tactic for Lunatic+ earlygame and was almost required for -Def earlygame before Int's Cht.3 strat came around, but otherwise takes upwards of a minute per reset and that's not something I care to do every time one of my units is about to enter combat.
  16. *cries* ...Waaait a minute. I'm gonna hazard a guess that the reason they scrapped that map was to deliberately break from Archanea canon. Why they'd want to do this is beyond me, but that map is obviously the world map (behold, the same clip from the beta Cht.5 screen) and clearly references a location from Archanea by name, something which never happens in Awakening. They likely made the decision not to link the games too strongly a ways into development and redid the map to cut out the names, not having enough time/resources afterword to make the new one as high quality as the old one. Why they did that is up in the air, but I'm speculating that it was mainly due to the whole "Awakening is the last FE" thing. They probably tried to make it in a way that, should the series end, the most plausible explanation would be that it was Archanea and the series would end on the continent it began, while if the series survived they wouldn't have to retcon anything to make a sequel and establish Awakening's continent as a new one with lore of its own. This would also explain why Awakening's world building is so sparse and, to be frank, I hope it's true- I'd think a lot better of Awakening's plot if this turned out to be the case. Thoughts?
  17. Looking through that now. Stuff I'm noticing... I love how Excellus has a blue set of map sprites. Tiki also has sprites for Peg/Falco/DF. Such a pity she didn't keep them... Not really new, but I notice Virion has special animations for both Archer, Sniper and BK when selected. Existence of canon promotions deconfirmed? Basilio has very few class sprites. Are the rest completely generic?
  18. Chrom wanders around deposing monarchs in the name of his homeland and then marching off somewhere else without fully realizing what the implications of doing that are (granted, those implications are different between FE4 and 13 and FE13 does it with no self-awareness, but they still do the same thing), and it's very possible for him to marry a random person who comes out of the blue and unknowingly carries the blood of a Dark Dragon. Personality wise he's sort of a cross between Marth and Ike, but his actions do bear a semblance to Sigurd's (again, completely disregarding motives, outcomes or whether the game wanted to come off that way). In response to the OP, I don't think so. There's nothing wrong with Awakening's plot at the core- it's the botched worldbuilding, lack of self-awareness and presence of a Mary Sue that drag it down. While it may change the plot to resemble something that's generally remembered fondly, the effect would be the same as taking a bad fanfic writer who writes on some niche show you've never heard of and asking them to write Harry Potter fics instead. It's still bad fanfiction, just now on a subject that's familiar. Actually, looking at it that way, it would be even worse because you'd have a clearer frame of reference for comparing it to what it could have been.
  19. You forgot Barracks and this has been done dozens of times before. No, nobody's been doing things like using a Lck flaw or forgetting Tonics. And you can get those Rallies on one Rallybot. What's the point of giving Gerome all that stuff?
  20. So what exactly are you going for besides simply getting one of each class? It looks like you've done that already... If this is for "canon" purposes, go with portrait classes. And don't knock Bow Knights, they're cool. Growths won't matter because you can eventually cap all your stats with enough grinding, and you'll likely have to do a lot to get everyone reclassed and promoted anyway. Mods don't matter either because lots of 1st gen units are just plain unsuited for combat and they won't have much of an impact on the unit's viability.
  21. Your Severa will need All+2 to hit 75 Spd. Since Normal can be semi-reliably cleared with nothing but a properly prepared convoy, it's not something that needs any special teambuilding to beat. LB with capped stats and S supports are more than enough alone. Reliable = 100%. And you don't see that very often...
  22. Yeah, relying on Fred will get you in big trouble whenever Hammertime comes around (that's actually the whole reason he's there- trolling people who overuse Frederick). You'll probably want to restart using a +Def Avatar and feeding them all the kills, with a C Fred support you should have at least 20 Def by the time you fight upper Cht.3 (read: almost invincible), which is more than enough to get by. I don't see people recommend Fred solos very often here, though, so I'm guessing you were digging in some old threads to find that bit of advice. Protip: Awakening's metagame moves very fast, and even a year ago was incredibly... Bad. It's best not to trust anything older than a month unless you can get someone to give you a really good explanation of why it works (actually, be wary even if it's fresh advice, especially if it comes from GameFAQs).
  23. How is being available from the Prologue and having all classes, exceptional growths, dual weapon types and the possibility for two children not special, whether you have Veteran or not? Sure, Avatar loses a bit more from no pairup than everyone else, but it doesn't stop him/her from still being ahead of the pack.
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