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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. You can't drop another without using sword attacks, and all the sword attacks use A (so you'd have to drop the held sword). If you got your foe to hang onto it it might work, though.
  2. Oh wow, I've always wanted a complete set of perfect quality icons for this game (I've been intending to make an experimental Apo simulator for some time now and having original graphics would save me a ton of time making it). When do you think we'll see map sprites?
  3. Grima's Atk isn't his big selling point (unless he doubles you), it's his Def- if you can't take him down in one turn, you get quashed by mooks. On higher difficulties (Lunatic and Lunatic+) typically you'd either use Galeforce to reach him, or take out a mook to make a hole in his wall, Dance/Rescue a pair up there and have that pair kill him.
  4. Usually it is less effective on males, but he's playing with no Braves so there's not as much of a reason for males to be mostly support. Luna gives a bigger boost the higher the Def, and the higher the Def the more likely it is that you'll need a proc for the kill, so yes, procstack will make a bigger difference on your odds of getting the KO the higher the foe's Def is.
  5. Sometimes. Realistically, either one will provide high performance, and I recommend them the way I do because usually the female spends more time in front and male spends more time in the back. If you want to do calcs and see which is more effective, you can- it'll depend on the foe's Def/Res but that doesn't have a terribly large range in Apo.
  6. Lunatic+ without pairup? Have fun. That looks more like an Apo team than an ingame team, though. I don't think you'll be able to get all those skills without grinding.
  7. I think this thread could use a derailment, actually. Especially if TC is gone.
  8. You've tried tanking unequipped using Interceptor's strat? What about the exp from Par.1?
  9. Anyone. With as many atp as you have, it likely won't make a difference in the number of turns it takes you to get a route if one or two of your units stay back on the rounds that you need it. You'll also have time for full heals in between rounds, and the time limit for the last two rounds won't be much of an issue so you can easily take a turn off there to heal and position stuff (my first S.Apo clear had only 8 apt and I had several turns to spare there) since enemies don't zerg rush there.
  10. Since you're not using Braves, Morgan has less reason to stay in the back and thus makes better use of two procs. If one was running Braves, I'd advise at least running some calcs to see if you want to drop the Faire for a proc. 4 Rallybots? Obviously give them Rescues too, so you can retask one or two of them in emergencies. But yeah, it's a very good idea to stock Rescue on all your staff-using combat units (an often-overlooked perk of Sage, and a reason to consider Falco) who can use it. You may see use in replacing the one dedicated Staffbot with Olivia, particularly if Chrom is free to be a BK ferry/+Mov support for her.
  11. They might have had the intention, but the shape of the continent is actually the only valid references to Akaneia in the game. Sure, there's stuff like Falchion, but that name has already been given to two different swords in FE history. Awakening's unnamed main continent, meanwhile, has a very different backstory/set of locations to FE1/3- the "First Exalt", who is never stated to be Marth, fought Grima using the Fire Emblem, received Naga's blessing on Mt.Prism, and founded Ylisse. Marth fought Medeus, used the Fire Emblem on Gharnef, and didn't actually have much to do with Naga. Speaking of the FE, it's been a different thing in all continuities so far, and it probably is in FE13 as well, given that it has exactly the opposite effect from SD (there, it imprisoned Earth Dragons. Here, it releases them). So yeah, Awakening was likely supposed to take place on Akaneia (or at least be a massive reference to it), but it really isn't. Even the name "Marth" is referred to in Cht.1 in the same way as all the DLC lords are referred to ("Name? As in, the Flashy Title of old!?"). Honestly, this game has more ties to Jugdral than Akaneia (FE4's semifinal bosses are even fought in Cht.22).
  12. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Scrub You banned Risen, remember? And Gold is not an issue. You seem pretty quick to call anything but Donnel overrated, and I'm starting to detect bias. Especially if you're getting on someone's case for babying one particular unit.
  13. It doesn't matter one bit what you think is broken or not broken, because if people don't play by your rules, your list is useless. And even if you could ban stuff for everyone, banning stuff just because its power is above average will only send you the way of the Pokemon G5 metagame, and get people riled up. Donnel does indeed deserve to be at the very bottom, because he won't be good fast enough. Nowi, Panne and Cordelia join just before/in the middle of the best patch of training maps in the game. Donnel joins in the middle of the hardest part of the game, and he's weaker compared to the rest of your team than those other three will be. There's simply no way he'll ever return a positive investment on the effort required to get him going, let alone make a bigger return than many other units Complaining about people thinking they can do without a dedicated staff user after banning most of the self-healing skills is silly. I'm not spending any Gold to promote Gregor. The game is showering me with free Master Seals around that point. That's also when every other boss is carrying Bullion, and my AT units are getting into gear so I'm not even needing cash for weapons. All my exp into two characters? No, I train them, their husbands, and one or two more pairs (promoting at Lv.20, of course). Don't tell me stuff I've done doesn't work. And being able to transition out of turtling every map is a very fresh chage of pace. I'd much rather be able to do that (while keeping my tanks intact) than get a few more tanks. Wait, you're banning Second Seals? That's a legitimate challenge run, not an expectation for normal gameplay. Aptitude is not better than Veteran. Veteran multiplies exp gain by 1.5, Aptitude boosts growths by 20%- your growths would have to be 40 across the board for that to even be a contest. But Veteran also makes it easier to pick up other skills, allows children to get into good classes sooner, and so on. Aptitude also creates an issue where Donnel's other stats dramatically outpace his HP, leading to complications early on. Only because you've banned half the utility skills in the game. You're not going to convince anyone of anything about Donnel with a video that you couldn't do with a well-made text guide. Got a magic strat for training him that's quick, efficient and reliable? Post it. Hint: Seals from Anna aren't reliable.
  14. Yeah, OK. It makes no sense after all. I could probably find a different argument for Laurent's sanity, but there's not much of a point.
  15. Those restrictions are absurdly precise. Using Anna/Spotpass shops specifically for one item? You're going to have a hard time finding many people who play specifically like that. This is also the first time I've seen someone explicitly ban Lifetaker. Things like this are why tier lists don't last long, by the way- changing one little rule changes the whole list, and there's no "generally accepted playstyle" for anything except Apo (no restrictions). By throwing in that much random stuff, you're practically telling people to ignore your list. Donnel needs to be way lower, he's a chump. There's no way he's above Morgan, especially if you're banning Sol. And even if you get him going before Cht.6, after Cht.6 you're over the hump in Lunatic- congrats, you just dragged the hardest-to-get-going unit through the hardest section of the game. He may make the rest of it easier, but he'll never pay off the effort it took to get him started. He'll also be stuck with Bronze for a while longer. If you're keeping Panne as a Taguel, you're doing it wrong- Taguel are one of the worst classes in the game. She should be reclassed to Wyvern Rider ASAP in Lunatic- and probably bumped up to be on par with Nowi. The Beaststone also sells for a good amount of Gold once you no longer need it. Sumia and Cordelia both should go up due to how easy it is to get them Galeforce in time for inheritance. 6 easy Gales if you married them to Chrom and Avatar- doing this gives you enough offensive momentum to play offense for the rest of the game, which significantly reduces the difficulty of Cht.23 and 24 (two of the three major lategame stumbling blocks in Lunatic). Stahl also needs to go up. He has a lot of good class options for Lunatic, decent growths and very early availability, as well as strong marriage options in Panne, Nowi, Cordelia and possibly Lissa. So does Gregor, he comes at Lv.10 right around when Master Seals are starting to show up, in a class with excellent pairup boosts- promote him and get a C support, and he'll be a premier hard support for a good few chapters. Also early Second Seals. Finally, Logbook Avatars need to go way up. They wreck Lunatic, and you didn't ban them. Neither did you ban Streetpass, so I can just recruit one with LB/Res+10/AT/Renewal/Pavise and buy it some forged Celica's and Superior weapons.
  16. Lots of really good questions there, but a few of them actually have answers (mostly courtesy of the official comic). Lots of other people could go through the portal... Except the castle the portal was in was literally collapsing when Lucina and co went through (see the opening movie, that's what that scene is of), and Grima was right behind them. It doesn't have much to do with Naga's intentions either, since she was dead (the children created the portal through some ritual she set up long ago). It's entirely possible that Laurent was lost. For five years? Sounds a little implausible, but you do find him in the middle of nowhere... Validar likely teleported his mooks into the castle- it's a power he's shown to have. Marth represents Basilio because she knows one of the gemstones is in Ferox and she wants to stick around to look for it. Basilio offered her a golden excuse to have access to everything (and she likely knew he had the stone, too), she'd have to be a fool not to take it. She likely didn't know she'd be fighting Chrom ahead of time.
  17. When does this activate? Does it effectively become one skill for one turn and switch every turn? Or does it use a random proc (and if so, what's it's activation rate)?
  18. 1. Yes. 2. That's one set, yes. 3. Not really- not being a dedicated lead doesn't actually give you any fewer turns to use procs. Say you've got a Lucina and have a choice between pairing her with Owain or Yarne- either way, she's going to get two turns up front, so it doesn't make a difference. 4. Galeboys don't have room for two procs between LB/GF/Agg/Faire/Proc.
  19. A situation where everyone's capped is what eventually happens when you play the same file for long enough. Everyone will eventually wind up there if they keep playing, regardless of their difficulty, pairings, restrictions, whatever. That's why I use it as a basis for ranking units against eachother: it's the only situation in the game where you can change one small gameplay variable and not get the entire list flipped on its head. Is it the only situation that can come up in the game? No. It's just the most stable. I'm sure there are a lot of other conditions under which I'd consider Vaike!Brady bad- probably including whatever conditions you had in mind when you say you think he's bad. But unless otherwise specified, I will assume S.Apo with no restrictions when terms such as "best" are floating around. Hopefully you don't have a problem with that. In that situation, Vaike!Brady will be lackluster- incredibly so- compared to what he could have been. However, he will not be a liability (such as Donnel in Lunatic+) and thus he's a useless space hog at worst.
  20. I just deployed half my team so nobody started out with cut health, and then galed everything, making sure to never take floor damage. Vantage/Vengeance wasn't too much of an issue due to the lack of 1-2 range weapons, and the ones that were there weren't terribly dangerous (just a Nos or two).
  21. Nah, I was just joking. Inigo deserves as much flak as any of his supports want to give him (except Nah. That's going a little too far).
  22. Alright, then. Can you prove that Vaike!Brady is bad without taking any other units into context?
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