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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Depends how many of their parents you're keeping past early Valm. If you limit them to Chrom/Sumia, Avatar and an A support for her, it'll work fine (she'll probably want one of the other parents- I'd advise Sully).
  2. There's a whole subforum for Smash on this site here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showforum=26 I've been playing it all day. There's a demo if you want to try it out before sinking any money into it. The 3ds's a/b/x buttons start to get painful after a few hours, but the circle pad actually works really well. Brady doesn't care, Lucina loves it. It's kind of a pain to do ingame because Maribelle comes stafflocked, but is a very solid choice postgame.
  3. You mean five hours on your file? That doesn't count time spent resetting. It's best to obtain gameplay times from the 3ds activity log (unless you're doing that already, which I have a hard time swallowing). Those classes are really good in L+. Why would they be a pain? (Note: if you're trying to grind through them postgame, just turn on auto-battle and wait until there are only adjacent enemies left, then let your support take care of those. Roughly the same amount of time as any other class.) Anyway, I got DSp+ on Miriel during Par.3 (post-Cht.7) on my last Lunatic+ nogrind run. It's definitely possible, it just requires a lot of patience for grinding with Heal/Mend.
  4. I tend not to let aesthetics get in the way of gameplay, so I don't really have any "permanent" pairs (while Chrom x Sumia and Virion x Cordelia are pretty common, they're there for gameplay, not aesthetics).
  5. Sorry if that's brief, there's this thing called Smash happening right now...
  6. First off, Chrom and Lucina's passdowns are static. They'll always pass the same skill no matter what. Morgan can't get DS+, ever. Second, your Morgan is not getting to 100% DS without DS+ as a Sage. He needs LB/V/V/TF/GF and a Celica's Gale to run a VV set, and has at best 43(base) +6(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +8(Sniper support) +2(tonic) =79 Skl. In order to hit 100% DS, he'd need a Sniper support with 81 Skl. A standard Sniper would have 48(base) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(Skl+2) +2(tonic) =74- you'd need a +7 Skl mod on your support, and you can't get that at all without Avatar's genes, let alone on a Sniper. Finally, VV pairs tend to completely monopolize a team and spares are useless. Just one (once it gets set up) obsoletes all the rest and most of your normal pairs, too. So going for multiples doesn't carry any benefit. And Sage x Sage is what you'd be running for maximum VV performance, not maximum optimization. There are many different ways to optimize and while I'm not comfortable claiming that any one of them is the best, if I did it definitely wouldn't be VV.
  7. Miracle is just like Counter and PavGis, it doesn't work on DSes. -1 Skl isn't a huge deal depending on what you're doing (she won't notice unless she's going for 100% DS- Vengeance is her proc and she won't be using Axes) but it sure sounds bad when you note that only Donnel!Noire/Owain/Gerome and some Morgans have negative Skl. I'd worry more about her low offenses and Spd. She'll probably want to stick to Sniper.
  8. Skl: 35(base) +5(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) =64 Lck: 45(base) +1(mods) +10(LB) +14(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) =74 Hit: 133(base) +85(5/15 B.Axe) =218. The typical minimum acceptable Hit for Apo is 220. He's pretty close (a lot closer than most Berserkers), but not all the way and the extra Hit would help if he wanted to fight some bosses. Besides, it's not like he has anything better to put there, lacking a proc and whatnot. Though if there was something better to put there, the +Hit skill would be the most acceptable sacrifice.
  9. Actually her Mag doesn't really matter, the reason Severa never goes VV is because she can't get 100% DS and Tomefaire at the same time. But VV isn't the only way to use Vengeance- you can equip it by itself and just use a playstyle that involves Severa deliberately taking a lot of damage and it'll be roughly as good as Luna. Standard Wyvern builds for Apo use LB/GF/LF/All+2/proc with a Berserker support and at least a 5 Spd mod (to hit 75 Spd)- these criteria are met by Lon'qu!Severa, Virion!Severa, Gaius!Kjelle and various Morgans. He'd need a Hero Severa support to reach 75 (LB/Agg/GF/All+2/AF), but that would be strictly inferior to a standard Wyvern-F x Berserker set, so I don't recommend it. This Inigo should stick as a Berserker with a +Hit skill. DF x Berserker: I might do it if the units in question were Sumia!Lucina x Stahl!Yarne. A Bow Knight could probably be swapped in for better effects, though. Or any other 8-Mov class.
  10. If you have a Powersave, that is. Hey SoC, can you get hackforges with that? Or Priam's infinite Ragnell?
  11. Quite a bit. Severa/Morgan are good, Cynthia/Lucina are good, Owain is still iffy, Inigo is good, Yarne is good, Laurent is good, Gerome will work but is hogging a very valuable father, Noire is iffy but can be useful with some creativity, Virion!Nah is in the same boat as Noire but better equipped to become useful, so is Kjelle, and Brady is lackluster but not bad. 75 Spd isn't important to have on all your units, it's only important to have on a few pairs and the upper target to shoot for. Don't jump through any unnecessary hoops to get it. And yeah, -1 Spd isn't really a big deal. Remember, it's very hard to make something in Awakening that's actively bad, just things that don't perform as well as they could.
  12. It's not like any of the small things people list here will ever happen either. If you get one wish that won't do anything, you might as well make it a good one.
  13. Sage as Owain's best class is kind of a foregone conclusion. Ricken, Henry and Libra are all good fathers for him.
  14. 8 flying Mov while maintaining high Atk is pretty much the point of Wyverns. Severa just happens to be a good candidate.
  15. Depends how patient you are. It's a very safe and effective strategy for limiting EP combat (and thus your chance of death) but it's also slow. Basically you're trading time lost to resets for time spent ingame. If you're confident in your sweeping ability without it (Morgan usually has a lot) then it's probably unnecessary. Oh, and Bows are really effective on the final boss, so it does have that going for it. Even if you do it early on, you keep your Bow rank and can change to a Warrior or something right before Endgame.
  16. To summon bandits for you to fight for exp. It's actually a really noble sacrifice, when you think about it- Cht.7 is the first of the easy grinding chapters in Lunatic(+) and if you had a safe passage through Cht.7 then you'd get thrown straight into Cht.8 and not be strong enough to take full advantage of it... That dude sacrificed his life and reputation so all of you could beat the game. It takes some dedication for a Redshirt to do that, really. Usually they just get hit by lightning or a falling piano or something purely for entertainment, but no, he went above and beyond the call of duty to give a critical power boost to your team! And all of you are just going to stand around insulting the poor man? Seriously...
  17. So, you've got a really lot of girls without Galeforce... And you're marrying all your Galeboys to girls that do have it. That's going to get half your team benched pretty quickly. Aside from Owain, you don't have anybody open for Kjelle/Noire/Nah to marry (and one of them needs to be benched anyway because you're marrying Avatar first gen), and there's also nobody left for Yarne.
  18. 38(base) +0(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +9(Assassin) +2(tonic) =69. He's in the clear. He probably won't be fighting Thronie and his ilk too much though due to 1-range being a bad idea against those guys. Maybe if you forge a Tomahawk he could do it. Sniper x Sniper is interesting, though I tend to avoid it due to Snipers having poor distribution and being very valuable elsewhere. For your purpose though, Snipers aren't quite required- +Skl Avatar x Sumia!Lucina have a maximum Skl of 164 (including everything except Defender), which gives you 4 extra to play around with. Unfortunately you have to either spend all of that on dropping Lucina's Skl+2 and All+2 to fit in the rest of her skills, so they're still your best option. Oh, speaking of Snipers and DS, I found time to work on my 100% DS team some more. I realized that I forgot about Stahl when making my last build (which is a huge oversight) and managed to milk him for a second pair that can go 75 Spd Wyvern outside of 100% mode, two extra turns of Agg support, three extra turns of Longbow leads, and more Atk on Yarne (which is pretty good for one unit and really tells you how tight things are). I also moved a pair of Boots. The new team: Stahl!Inigo@Sniper (LB/All+2/GF/Agg/Defender) x Virion!Nah@Sniper-B (LB/BF/All+2/Str+2/Skl+2) Gaius!Kjelle@Assassin (LB/All+2/GF/SF/Deliverer) x Vaike!Yarne@Assassin (LB/Agg/All+2/Str+2/filler) Chrom!Cynthia@Falco (LB/All+2/Defender/GF/LF) x Avatar@Sniper (LB/Agg/BF/All+2/Skl+2) Ricken!Brady@Sniper-B (LB/Agg/All+2/GF/Skl+2) x Fred!Noire@Sniper (LB/BF/All+2/Skl+2/filler) Lon'qu!Severa@Assassin (LB/GF/All+2/Deliverer/SF) x Gregor!Laurent@Assassin (LB/Agg/SF/All+2/AT) Morgan@Falco (LB/All+2/Skl+2/GF/LF) x Henry!Gerome@Assassin (LB/Agg/All+2/Deliverer/filler) If anyone spots anything I overlooked, please let me know. There are still a few things bugging me (namely the lack of Faires on Yarne and Gerome) that I want to get sorted out before I build this.
  19. They usually don't. Sniper x Sage is used when you want magical dual strikes on a Longbow (DS+ optional, it's possible to reach 100% DS without it) or if you're trying to do a VV setup without DS+ (Sniper is the only thing that will be getting Sage to 100% DS without DS+). But using a VV Sniper/Sage setup with DS+ is kind of a waste. Yarne has epic mods in general. His physical Morgans will usually be a cut above the rest. Fred!Inigo's Spd isn't much of a selling point, he just doesn't mind Fred's -2 as much compared to the other children. I guess you can make him a Wyvern, but his usual build is as a dodgetank (Fred!Inigo has a ton of +Avo skills and is one of the few units in the game capable of functionally reaching the maximum Avo threshold).
  20. I don't believe you've heard of Lunatic+ mode. In addition to every enemy having massively inflated stats and reinforcements being a pain in general, each enemy randomly (except some major bosses) receives two of seven skills specifically designed to shut down one of several major FE strats such as unit specialization, enemy phase sweeping, tanking, dodgetanking, holding chokepoints etc. The skills are random though, so building a proper team to react to them and being able to come up with new plans on the fly while still staying ahead of the heavy stat growth curve is quite a legitimate challenge. Also, don't be elitist. Especially against Smash. There are a lot of smash fans on this forum and you're going to make people mad talking like that. Go ahead, try Gaius!Kjelle. She's almost another Severa. Noire can take Donnel and go be average with Vengeance, or even forget about GF in exchange for good mods and being a hard support (I'm using Vaike!Noire@Sniper myself). It's not as big of a loss as it seems.
  21. Stahl!Gerome is for Hit+20 Bowfaire Warrior which is almost as powerful as Berserker with a massive Hit/+Spd tradeoff. I'll answer the rest later.
  22. Be slightly faster and have more options is you decide to swap her to support. It's not a big deal though. Something you need to know when looking up stuff online for Awakening: the game is 2-3 years old. Its metagame is still evolving (though it's slowing down now) and something even a few months old is likely to be out of date. This probably doesn't sound like a big deal, but for Awakening it is. So don't blindly trust anything unless a) it's something you hear firsthand at the time it was said, and b) it makes sense. That said, this is probably the best place out there to get acquainted with the meta. Stay away from GameFAQs though. I'll write up some in-depth explanations later if you have any specific questions (very busy so they might not come at my usual speed), and there are lots of other people here who know their stuff. There's no magic "drop HP to 1" button in Awakening. There's the skill Miracle, but that's a massive pain to use because it's both random (outside of setups specifically designed for 100% Miracle and nothing else) with death as the bad outcome, and takes up a skillslot which are very valuable. The only way to get 1HP setups is to look at the enemy data ahead of time, run your calcs and find some way to always reach 1 HP (very tricky when Dual Guards are involved, they mess with a lot of strategies). It's a big caveat that many people neglect to mention when promoting VV setups, and one reason why I don't really like them. Now, even though you want to jump right into the meta and build a cool team and will obviously ignore my standard "first playthrough" speech, I still advise you to complete this one without grinding too much or worrying about pairings. Playing through the game normally is a great way to get familiar with some of the core mechanics that make high-level play possible (damage is always static and predictable being the biggest one, followed by unit management and avoiding scenarios with a chance of death) that are taken for granted when talking about the meta. Gerome can inherit DS+ from Cherche (Dual Support+, whether people mean it or Dual Strike+ by DS+ depends on context but DSp+ does not give any extra Dual Strike). Stahl!Yarne will serve you well if you need a Sniper hard support, but I'm a bit dubious on using Lucina for a VV lead with a Sniper support.
  23. Lowering the voice volume bar doesn't affect the BGM. Argh. SoC... Oh well, I'd like the entire main story voiced as well. And FoD. And, well, everything. If that's too much to ask for, non-generic backgrounds for the supports would be fairly simple to add and make a big difference.
  24. It's a great skill usually, but if you've already got 100% DS then all it's actually doing is giving you +2 Str. Basically it's gone from indispensable to something you could swap out if there's anything that matters more. Oh, and I missed this. Consider Stahl for Nah, as she'll lose General and 1 Skl in exchange for Sniper (and Skl+2), Assassin and some Faires. Even if you aren't using her, she'll be way better. I don't know how tight your Yarne's Skl is, but if he (and Morgan) can take the -1 Skl Stahl is an option for him too.
  25. Since Mystletainn gives +5 Skl instead of +2, that'll also give you the option to swap Yarne's All+2 for something else. I'm leaning Mystletainn personally. But do be warned that farming substantial quantities of Regalia is a massive pain. They're cool, but I don't like to use them without either AT or being in a challenge run. And I don't see why you'd want him to ever be a lead. He's got Agg, Agg does double damage in the back, he wants to be in the back as much as possible. VV is cool, but it tends to over-centralize teams that it's a part of and if you're going to build your whole team around one pair, it should be Avatar/Morgan x Lucina, not Laurent x Lucina. There is that 100% crit build for him I came up with, but that costs a Tactician support and is pretty gimmicky. Luna does nothing on support units. Neither does Astra. Gregor!Laurent also has the (often unspoken) advantage of being one of the best units in the game for everything except Apo.
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