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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Well, you can't go lower than 6 and that's already been done several times...
  2. Cutting prep time if you have nothing better to do (which is sometimes actually the case).
  3. The only cutscenes I went out of my way to remember were the one where Sumia punches Chrom (seriously, they made a whole animation just for that cutscene, and it's hilarious), Mustafa's soldiers talking, and the Lucina cutscene (and start of Cht.23) because of the music. Also everything in FoD because those were pretty well done.
  4. That won't be necessary. Even if someone feels the need to cheat to beat a challenge map (which completely defeats the point of beating it in the first place), Apo still falls easily to a capped team with forged Braves and A-S supports as long as the player doesn't do anything reckless. Using skill hacks would be like grinding on Normal.
  5. Female Sages are sort of rare because there aren't many good +Mag/Spd male classes, but it's OK for Lucina/Cynthia because their Spd is just so high already (they'll hit every Spd benchmark except Anna/NS and have enough Atk not to care about those). Berserkers are great physical supports, but if you're doing Sage x Sniper it's because you want a magical support, not a physical one (DSes hit Res instead of Def, great for Thronie who is the biggest target for Longbows in the game). And yeah, ingame Lucina and Cynthia work best as Paladins and Falcos. Atk is cool and all, but keep in mind that most enemies have a lot less Res than Def (case in point: NS, who has 70 Def and 46 Res). So it's not just "who has more Atk". First check to see if All+2 breaks any thresholds for Spd, Skl or Atk. If it does, use it. If it doesn't, I'd go AT. Deliverer could be a good idea (it lets you end on the female more easily for two rounds of Agg support), but that doesn't apply very much to you since no Braves.
  6. Baby Lucina is present for literally one cutscene. I wouldn't worry about her.
  7. *Hacker showing off/trolling* Nothing to see here.
  8. They're both great Snipers, though Snipers are the exception rather than the rule for them as far as physical classes go. Sniper Lucina should be paired with a Sage and mainly focused on epic pokes with Aether and 100% magical DSes, Cynthia can try to do the same but her mods also set her up for a fairly easy 100% DS without DS+ and I'd recommend going for that if you can. Otherwise they should both stick to Sage/DF.
  9. All right then. Not gonna do individual numbers though. Tiki and Walhart have incredible stats across the board (especially Tiki's Str and Walhart's Spd/Str), Gregor's Str is much higher, Miriel's Skl is much higher, Chrom and Lissa's Def is lower, Ricken and Sumia's Skl is much lower, etc.
  10. Use All+2 instead of Mag+2. It has the same effect and is easier to get. Those two pairs look pretty solid.
  11. I'm not sure what your definition of broken is, but that Fred has a total stat mod of 27. The average modifier total for first gen units is currently 2. That Fred is broken. There's also no HP modifier.
  12. That's the upper limit of what I'd take, but you shouldn't have too much trouble. No need to obsessively farm stuff, but in general it's a good idea to go for routes whenever feasible. The extra exp really does make a difference (until you're capped, anyway).
  13. In this case I'd go half and half (half getting more +Hit skills, half getting more +Mag skills). Losing Mag will affect your Rescue range, but it's extremely unlikely you'll find four cases where a staffbot is needed to boost Hit at the same time, and even if you did you wouldn't want to commit all your staffbots to it (you need others to pull them out if things go sour). It's also unlikely you'll be in a situation where all four need to perform cross-map Rescues at the same time (the majority of Apo Rescues are under 20 blocks unless you're making a chain).
  14. It means I've been super busy/tired for the last few days and forgot. Miriel goes best with Lon'qu, Ricken or Gregor. Any of the +Mag dads or Stahl can also work, but he doesn't get very much from them (he's already got a full set). Lucina with a hard support works out.well. Not so much of "not worth it" as completely pointless. The entire reason Normal exists is as a "learn to play" difficulty, and while you certainly could trivialize it by grinding it would be much faster and easier to trivialize it by learning the basics of how to play (small teams are better, don't fight battles where you have a chance of death, etc). The second child works like all the non-Lucina children, you just wait until Cht.13 is cleared and their Paralogue will open up on the world map. All you have to do is clear it and meet their recruitment condition (which is usually really easy). Some paralogues are out of reach though and you need to unlock more chapters/paralogues to reach them.
  15. First off, you're not going to be able to get all the children without grinding. You also won't have anything to do with them all without grinding, so don't worry about getting all of them (on your first playthrough, at least). Getting 5 or 6 is fine, though. You also don't want to spend time optimizing your first playthrough, because Awakening's metagame is based around good and better, not good and bad (it's extremely hard to find a pairing that gives you a completely useless child). And first playthroughs are also sort of "play first, ask questions later" or else you might become swiftly disenchanted with the story (and that would stink if you haven't even finished it yet). Anyway, your Avatar can marry Lucina if you want, though it's better if you saved one of the first four paralogues for them to build support in (otherwise Morgan will come kind of late). I don't recommend Avatar x Tharja for ingame though, other strong candidates if you need more options are Cordelia, Panne and Nowi. If you've been training any of those three, they perform very strongly as Avatar's wife ingame. For the rest of your children, Gaius!Noire and Henry!Brady are both pretty good (though Noire might take a while to get going). I don't recommend using Inigo during the maingame. Nah can have whoever, unless her father is Avatar she's going to want to stay as a Manakete all the time anyway.
  16. If it was, they'd have cut stuff like the Spotpass Paralogues and various random extras before cutting part of the main game.
  17. Yup. Morgan could go with Nah. Usually he wants to be part of a double Galepair so he can get the most out of his mods/be a great support unit, but there aren't really any downsides to pairing him with Nah.
  18. Agg is actually still marginally better in back due to never getting its damage halved by PavGis. Though it does lose much of its effect with no Braves. I'd give Nah whoever is best at leading (so long as they don't mind having only one support turn). That's likely going to be anyone you can get a procstack on (if you're willing to forfeit a Faire, of course).
  19. It has a few- Avatar can support physical Lucinas excellently as a Berserker, with freedom from all the issues support Berserkser usually have thanks to DS+ and his large pool of +Hit skills. In general though, Lucina has top priority for choosing a husband since her DS+ is so rare and valuable, and Avatar-M is the best hard support husband in the game (some Yarnes can outdo him as a Berserker, though they're not worth losing Aether on Morgan), so it makes sense to pair them together. They need it for VV, but not for magical Dual Strikes on a 3 range weapon. Those are the pair's two primary uses. Your damage is undermined mainly because Agg is half as powerful in the front, not due to lacking Aether. And Cynthia still gets two turns to lead (non-VV Galeboys shouldn't end their turn up front), so it's not like she's losing any power compared to marrying a non-Galeboy. Noire, Nah and (in a pinch) Kjelle can all be swapped into magical roles without much trouble. Nah does best, as a Sage or (in Henry!Nah's case) Valkyrie, Noire and Kjelle both have Dark Flier open. They lack TF, but it's not too important since they both have procstacks and Agg supports. But don't try to change what the boys do (Inigo and Morgan are the only neutral ones). Also, I'd like to point out that Libra!Inigo is actually pretty good at physical combat.
  20. There's no fighting required to buy Spotpass items. They're literally shops you can summon onto the map. Want Braves right off the bat? Sure, money and weapon rank are the only thing keeping you from them. Early Levin Swords are probably the biggest boon Spotpass gives (for Lunatic+) though. The only thing holding them back from being complete gamebreakers is that they don't sell Seals, Rescue or Statboosters.
  21. This thread will just confuse people, and contains several questionable pairings (Sumia!Lucina isn't defensive, Avatar!Lucina can be physical, Vaike!Kjelle is a waste of Spd and has no Auras for hard support, Sorcs stink in Apo, Counter is bad and Owain gets it anyway (and Owain should really be magical), Avatar x Tharja dooms Avatar without redeeming Nah, Donnel!Nah has no proc, Virion!Inigo has no proc, Fred!Gerome has no selling points). If you want to write a pairing guide, that's cool. But please think hard about why you suggest what you suggest, why you dismiss what you dismiss, and keep in mind that Awakening's metagame is a game of good and better, not good and bad (just because something works well for you doesn't mean it's a high-tier pairing).
  22. I'd still go Ignis/Luna for the massive reliability boost.
  23. Agg. The whole point of procstaccing isn't to increase maximum damage, it's to increase the chance of getting a proc (unless you're Aether Morgan, who does do it for the damage). So non-Aether Morgans will want an Ignis/Luna stack. You could do that for a near 100% proc rate (Astra/Luna@88 Skl: 7.92% chance of failure, Ignis/Luna: 1.44% chance of failure). Nope. I've got a 2nd gen Falco in my 100% DS team. I recommend Hit+20 on Yarne because it goes very well with his natural Berserker (and his mods well support being a support Sniper, which comes with Hit+20). He's not going to need it on any of his high-Skl options, definitely.
  24. Inigo's chapter is the easiest to unlock (marry Chrom to Olivia and make sure Avatar is married), though it comes at the price of Lucina's bases. Nah's chapter is the easiest to cheese (kill the boss with Mire) and it's fairly speedy to get Nowi to S with Gregor, but you'll still have to train extra units.
  25. Anything that can fly, usually Falcos or Wyverns. Asset/Flaw don't matter.
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