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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. I have two 3DSes and can check it sometime. Walhart hasn't been recruited yet on my Endgame Lunatic file so I'll grab him soon and check with Limit Breaker (might as well do that for Chrom while I'm at it). But remember that LB doesn't raise HP cap.
  2. Clearly, future Tharja wiped Morgan's memory so she wouldn't go tell her past father and cause him to dump her.
  3. Yeah, everyone has their Lv.15 skill except Tricksters who get it for Lucky 7 instead of Acrobat. Most of those I'll do tomorrow, and Walhart!Morgan will take a while, but here are the ones I don't have to set up for: Chrom@Great Lord: HP: 53 -> 73 Str: 28 -> 41 Mag: 2 -> 2 Skl: 25 -> 35 Spd: 33 -> 42 (capped, need to redo) Lck: 25 -> 38 Def: 24 -> 32 Res: 13 -> 20 Donnel@Villager: HP: 26 -> 46 Str: 13 -> 18 Mag: 4 -> 4 Skl: 8 -> 13 Spd: 12 -> 17 Lck: 21 -> 26 Def: 11 -> 16 Res: 1 -> 3 Panne@Taguel: (without Beaststone boosts) HP: 28 -> 51 Str: 8 -> 18 Mag: 1 -> 1 Skl: 9 -> 21 Spd: 10 -> 22 Lck: 8 -> 8 Def: 7 -> 15 Res: 3 -> 8 Notes: These foes copy tonics. Chrom had Str and Skl tonics leftover from Grima, and all the enemy Chroms had them. The Pannes have Beaststone+'s, and everyone else is holding Silver++'s in all their weapon types and Spear/Tomahawk++'s if they can. I'm going to check what happens if you try to give them DLC skills without the DLC installed next.
  4. Well, she is the kind of person who really, really needs a hug, and some of her Scramble supports are nice. If she wouldn't be so hard on people who care about her, she would be a very nice character. But the way she treats her father, especially when he's Gaius...
  5. Oy folks, remember that TC doesn't have the game yet and while the plot isn't very worthy, it's still good to be mindful of Spoilers. I haven't played TTYD in a few years, but wasn't there a poisoned cake in Cht.3 that did the same thing?
  6. Well, you can change the voice actor... Edit: Arr, a ninja.
  7. You can say that again. Nowi may do the whole "give me my way or I'll cry" thing a bit often, but in her Nah support she's actually a lot more mature and aware of others than she seems. Unfortunately Nah is a potentially more abusive wife than Tharja (see Nah x Inigo), so it's probably for the best that you haven't seen much of her.
  8. Remember how Paper Mario TTYD has the final boss ask you to join their side right before the final battle, and if you say yes you get a Game Over? Awakening does that too, but if you agree to join the boss someone appears and talks you out of it, and nothing changes. It's absurd.
  9. The extra coding would actually be pretty easy. Designing all the supports, on the other hand (let alone writing them all out) would be a nightmare. But it's very annoying to read Nowi x Gaius when Nowi is already married. Or practically any of Lon'qu's supports when he's married. Same goes for Cordelia (although she actually does get a support change in the Scramble Pack based on her pairing, so she's a different case).
  10. It has a plot, but it tried to do too much and devoted too little time to each thing, and it wound up with something that's almost comparable to Sonic '06. Almost. The main complaints about the Avatar are these: -Female Avatar has really bad supports with Chrom. -Avatar is so overpowered that deploying other units is often a liability. -Avatar's personality is pretty bland. He/she's completely obsessed with tactics and never does anything interesting. -The game offers you a ton of dialogue choices that look important, but none of them make a difference (except the last one, which only changes the ending and doesn't alter gameplay at all). -The game begins with Avatar, who is dressed like a member of the Bad Dragon Cult, being discovered by Chrom, who decides to completely trust him even though he's heavily armed. -There's a scene in a chapter about halfway through the game in which Avatar burns hundreds of thousands of enemy troops alive and wrecks a ton of his ally's stuff, and rather than use the point to illustrate the brutalities of war, the game has everyone laud Avatar as a hero (even though it wasn't even his/her plan). -There's a scene late in the game in which the Avatar (who is supposed to be a self-insert character) extensively plans (without the game telling you) and pulls off a stunt with a character who shouldn't be there for extremely obvious reasons that completely destroys the bad guy's plans. Immediately afterward, a character who has appeared only once around 10 chapters earlier appears, proclaims himself to be evil, and the Avatar just stands there and watches as he does some bad stuff. The whole shebang is immediately followed by Avatar doing something else off camera, resulting in another Deus ex Machina. -And the worst one, the ending is a really horrendous example of "the needs of the many vs. The needs of the few". Of course, the game gives you a choice, and of course, it doesn't change anything. Despite all that it's still a really fun game and you'll be missing out if you stop yourself from getting it. Just take the story with a grain of salt and try to use a variety of units.
  11. I never said that. My point isn't that Marth is so popular that a game he was in sold millions of copies because he was in it, it's that the first localized game he was in sold millions of copies and he got a ton of western exposure, at least an order of magnitude more than Chrom.
  12. Um... Phooey. In that case, I might have to ask someone to post mine for me when it's done. Which won't be for a while, as I've been very busy watching AGDQ this week.
  13. Actually, the reinforcements in RR are timed so that it's very hard to keep healers alive. If your entire party consists of EP tanks with high Mov it's a piece of cake, but good luck trying to protect someone there.
  14. Virion and Inigo are womanizers, right? Always looking for dates? Nah basically walks up to Inigo and tries to talk him out of flirting with random girls, and when he doesn't pay attention she turns into a dragon and threatens to eat him, right before demanding that they get married and renewing her threat to eat him if he so much as looks at another girl. Nowi, on the other hand, guilt trips Virion into putting his life on the line for her again and again, not in the heat of battle but by making him allow her to chase him around as a dragon for sport. Every time he tries to wiggle out of it, she turns his words on his head and makes him talk himself into another round. Then there's also the issue of Nowi x Gaius, in which their first two supports consist of her mercilessly hounding him for a confession of undying love. Good luck having a friend/buddy relationship with those two.
  15. There. TC, there's a pretty small jump from Normal to Hard and a huge jump from Hard to Lunatic, just so you know. I'd advise doing Hard next, and not rushing things after that.
  16. All spotpass charcters (seem to) share Avatar's growths, just with a specific asset/flaw. But even with whatever flaw they may have, Avatar's growth rates are still comparitively high all around, so you'll see characters with >10 Mag/Lck still gaining it like crazy. With a handful of exceptions, all of the characters have the same skillset as well, so if you're minmaxing it comes down to personal preference. If you aren't, then there are three factors that matter: their bases, their base skills, and their recruitment cost. My favorites in this group are Est (no Supreme Emblem, used for combat) and Ashnard and Travant (Supreme Emblem, used for babying on Lunatic(+)). Brom also makes a nice low-cost gold farmer, and Wolt is the cheapest if you're farming Renown. Micaiah/Katarina deserve honorable mention for being able to cheese RaR3 early through Aversa's Night + Flight.
  17. No Master Seals? There are several things you can do. The easiest is to get/play Harvest Scramble, the boss holds a Master Seal and it's a pretty easy map. If you have no DLC, try fighting a bunch of weak spotpass teams to farm event tiles for Rift Doors. It's slow, but not as slow as waiting and doing nothing. If you -do- manage to procure a Rift Door, don't waste it- save before using it, and if the merchant doesn't have a Master Seal, reset, do something to advance the RNG (summon/dismiss a spotpass team) and try again. Another option is to reclass instead, you get a Second Seal for 100 Renown (which you should have if you unlocked Lunatic+) and I'd strongly recommend reclassing to Mercenary with it. Finally, you could just keep playing, there's a Master Seal in a village in Cht.8.
  18. L'Arachel has a lot more in common with Cynthia than Maribelle. An obsession with smiting evil is different than an obsession with court manners.
  19. I can't tell if you're being serious, but on Lunatic (no DLC) this is actually a viable strategy. By feeding Sumia hard in cht.3/4, you can reclass her to Cleric before clearing cht.4, bait Marth into a corner to get trapped, and use that Parallel Falchion as a source of infinite damage to abuse for infinite exp with heal staves. About the Axe problems: there are tons of Axes in the first arc, but the Barbarians and Wyverns pretty much disappear once you reach Valm. Instead you get lots of Swords, Lances and Cavalry, making Beastkillers, Superior Lances and Lances in general a great weapon type to have.
  20. I prefer male because the only reason I pair the two together is early 100% AT on Avatar since Chrom gives +Lck and an A support gives the same stat boosts as S, and it gives me stronger marriage options later (even if I do Avatar-F, I rarely marry Chrom because Lucina already gets everything she needs from Sumia, Olivia or Maribelle).
  21. Common knowledge: Ricken is a midget. Not so common knowledge: His horse is too. If you're going to try him (especially for aesthetic purposes) I'd strongly recommend Dark Knight. Donnel's gig is that he never removes his pot, which looks... Interesting on promoted classes, and that he can reach 100% AT with just a tonic and no pairup/DLC.
  22. OK. Take care that you don't meet the same fate as Virion, Inigo, and almost all of their other male supports.
  23. Eyrios is a playable character. That's pretty recurring if you ask me. (We're talking about the same Eyrios, right?)
  24. LB, Galeforce, Tomefaire, and two of your choice of Luna, DG+, Anathema, Vengeance, and All+2. For passdown, go Axefaire if you want to end in an axe using class (Cynthia is best as a Dark Flier), Counter for Streetpass teams, or Despoil if you have nothing better to pass down.
  25. Vasto? I'm pretty sure he was the boss of Cht.7, the Wyvern who was going on about spattering people across the canyon floor and having statues of himself in the capitol.
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