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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Fred!Owain has bad mod clash. If you want Luna, go Ricken!Owain to keep that Mag intact- Owain makes a good Sage.
  2. According to Validar, present Robin and Grima already are one (evident by the fact that killing Grima almost kills present Robin), just like future Grima. They both have the same powers, the difference is that future Grima acknowledges that he's Grima and is evil. Claiming the sacrifice, as I understand it, simply awakens Grima's powers and unleashes a huge destructive force (the Dragon) on the world. To use Super Paper Mario as an example, think of the Chaos Heart as the giant Dragon and the wielder of the Dark Proginosticus as someone with Grima's Brand.
  3. Vantage won't help much on a class that lacks ranged braves (Celica's Gale/Waste). Generally when working out skillsets it helps if you know who you know who you're going to be paired with, otherwise you're just throwing around some random skill combos that could work equally well on five different classes.
  4. Basilio is literally one of the only three characters in the game that can kill an enemy all by himself in Lunatic(+) right off the bat without assistance or critical manipulation (the others being Frederick and Morgan). He may come late, but he's certainly not useless (he also comes with a Silver Bow; very nice for the Wyverns in the next chapter, and Rally Str for Grima).
  5. How come you use Tiki because you like Manaketes, but not Nowi who comes way earlier and can support? Just curious.
  6. I think he would work best if you found him at the start of Cht.22, reluctantly following his family to Grima's Table, and he agreed to help you stop Grima to save his family. That would be a cool way to recruit him. Cervantes should be recruitable, too, but he should have a more difficult objective, such as beating Cht.20 without killing him. Yen'fay and Say'ri... Excellus had some good writing in that chapter, but Say'ri's "resistance" is completely invisible, not even a single troop, she has no supports, and her country isn't even on the map, which makes it a little hard to care about her.
  7. So why not +Mag for the extra Spd? Personally, I'd go +Mag/-Def, because Def won't hurt any of your offenses. You are a little weaker physically, but your purpose is to be an anti-mage unit and it won't hurt you there (OK, it drops your Res by 1, but it's still +1 and you have Res+10 and great caps). Besides, if you need to patch up your Def you still have plenty of options; Armads, Helswath, Ragnell, and Book of Naga are all up to the task.
  8. Thanks for checking the Trickster. I'm doing Lunatic+ at the moment, once I get to the later chapters I'll check which skills get overwritten. The only ones that I know are static are Pavise -> Pavise+ on Grima and PavGis -> PavGis+ on Walhart.
  9. Sorry it took so long, but here's Cht.25: [spoiler=Cht.25] HP|St|Mg|Sk|Sp|Lk|Df|Rs Name@Class Lv (Skills, Random skill* (0-3, usually 2)) (Weapon, Forge+, Drop!) 79|33|43|42|43|43|30|41 Aversa@Dark Flier Lv.20 (Spd+2, Hit+20, Galeforce, Shadowgift) (Goetia!) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Mire) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Mire) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Mire) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Mire) 61|32|29|37|38|24|18|20 Trickster Lv.16 (Hit+20, Mov+1*, Lucky 7, Acrobat*) (Silver Sword++, Physic) 61|32|29|37|38|24|18|20 Trickster Lv.16 (Hit+20, Mov+1*, Lucky 7, Acrobat*) (Levin Sword++, Levin Sword!, Physic) 61|32|29|37|38|24|18|20 Trickster Lv.16 (Hit+20, Mov+1*, Lucky 7, Acrobat*) (Levin Sword++, Physic!) 61|32|29|37|38|24|18|20 Trickster Lv.16 (Hit+20, Mov+1*, Lucky 7, Acrobat*) (Silver Sword++, Physic) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Tomahawk++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Silver Axe++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Tomahawk++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Silver Axe++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Bolganone++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Rexcalibur++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Silver Lance++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Spear++) 80|49|00|23|35|21|20|10 Berserker Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire) (Silver Axe++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) 80|49|00|23|35|21|20|10 Berserker Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire) (Tomahawk++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Killing Edge++) 80|42|00|32|28|32|24|14 Warrior Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Zeal*, Rally Str* Counter) (Silver Axe++, Silver Bow++) 80|42|00|32|28|32|24|14 Warrior Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Zeal*, Rally Str* Counter) (Silver Axe++, Silver Bow++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Killer Lance++) 62|01|35|29|31|28|16|26 Sage Lv.16 (Mag+2*, Hit+20, Focus*, Tomefaire, Rally Mag*, Miracle*) (Bolganone++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Silver Axe++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Spear++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Beastkiller++) 80|49|00|23|35|21|20|10 Berserker Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire) (Hammer++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) 62|01|35|29|31|28|16|26 Sage Lv.16 (Mag+2*, Hit+20, Focus*, Tomefaire, Rally Mag*, Miracle*) (Thoron++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Silver Axe++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Bolganone++, Silver Lance++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Bolganone++, Silver Lance++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Rexcalibur++, Silver Lance++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Tomahawk++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Thoron++, Silver Lance++) Reinforcements: End of turn 3 (bottom) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Silver Lance++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Silver Axe++) End of turn 4 (bottom and lower sides) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Spear++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Silver Axe++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Silver Lance++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Tomahawk++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Bolganone++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Thoron++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Bolganone++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Rexcalibur++) End of turn 5 (bottom and sides) (dead Levin trickster) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Ruin++) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Bolganone++) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Waste++) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Thoron++) 80|49|00|23|35|21|20|10 Berserker Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire) (Tomahawk++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) 62|01|35|29|31|28|16|26 Sage Lv.16 (Mag+2*, Hit+20, Focus*, Tomefaire, Rally Mag*, Miracle*) (Bolganone++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) 80|42|00|29|22|28|36|16 General Lv.16 (Def+2*, Hit+20, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise) (Spear++) 61|32|29|37|38|24|18|20 Trickster Lv.16 (Hit+20, Mov+1*, Lucky 7, Acrobat*) (Levin Sword++, Physic?) End of turn 6 (sides) 80|42|00|32|28|32|24|14 Warrior Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Zeal*, Rally Str* Counter) (Silver Axe++, Silver Bow++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Waste++) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Thoron++) 80|42|00|32|28|32|24|14 Warrior Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Zeal*, Rally Str* Counter) (Silver Axe++, Silver Bow++) 80|49|00|23|35|21|20|10 Berserker Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire) (Tomahawk++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Tomahawk++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Rexcalibur++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Tomahawk++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Tomahawk++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Bolganone++) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Thoron++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Tomahawk++) 64|20|31|32|37|38|20|36 D.Flier Lv.16 (Spd+2*, Hit+20, Relief*, Rally Mov*, Galeforce) (Rexcalibur++) End of turn 7 (top) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Tomahawk++) 62|01|35|29|31|28|16|26 Sage Lv.16 (Mag+2*, Hit+20, Focus*, Tomefaire, Rally Mag*, Miracle*) (Bolganone++) 62|01|35|29|31|28|16|26 Sage Lv.16 (Mag+2*, Hit+20, Focus*, Tomefaire, Rally Mag*, Miracle*) (Rexcalibur++) 76|34|00|35|34|29|27|12 Griffon Lv.16 (Str+2*, Hit+20, Tantivity*, Lancebreaker) (Tomahawk++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) End of turn 8 (top) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Thoron++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) 80|42|00|32|28|32|24|14 Warrior Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Zeal*, Rally Str* Counter) (Silver Axe++, Silver Bow++) 80|42|00|32|28|32|24|14 Warrior Lv.16 (Hit+20, Gamble*, Zeal*, Rally Str* Counter) (Silver Axe++, Silver Bow++) 68|33|02|41|44|35|22|22 SwdMstr Lv.16 (Hit+20, Avo+10*, Swordfaire, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++) 77|02|34|25|25|21|26|28 Sorcerer Lv.16 (Hit+20, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker, Vengeance*) (Waste++) A Levin Trickster died on turn 5 before I could check him so I don't know whether he had a Physic or not but it hardly matters. You have to realize that I did this on a no-grind file and it's not easy to clear out enough enemies so all the reinforcements can spawn, keep them under control without killing any on the turn they appear, and live to tell the tale. I never saw any enemies that lacked their Breaker/Faire, so I'm assuming that those skills always appear.
  10. Deliverer only affects the unit who has it equipped when they're in the lead (sadly, otherwise it would be a great skill. It still has its uses though). So does Defender. It's always amused me how Ricken tinks Aversa with his Elwind and she's surprised anyway. Lol Ricken. I miss the days when new recruits were actually reinforcements to help you fight and not units with stats 5 below each enemy. For me, outside of Frederick and Morgan (who still required a little care), the only character in Awakening who was able to contribute to combat upon showing up without any babying whatsoever was Basilio, and that's because his Lunatic boosts and Hammer allowed him to 2RKO the Generals who start near him, and he has room to kite them, and a fresh support unit.
  11. Risen seem to spawn more often on Lunatic. I never used any boxes and always had some to fight. I think the number of maps you've cleared (counting skirmishes/DLC) does, but I don't know for sure.
  12. I have Katarina and Micaiah for that though (their best use is Galeforce Mire with 13 Mov (8+2(Boots)+2(Deliverer)+1(Mov+1) to clear Golden Gaffe faster). Oh, and to fly into that little square in RaR3 and Nosfertank to clear the map at ridiculously low levels. Super early LB is fun. But by the time you have Aversa, you can clear that map normally...
  13. This topic is primarily about Asset/Flaw, with an aside about AT... But if it was asking for the #1 skillset for Dread Fighters, I doubt it would contain any of those except Aggressor and, dependent on taste, AT.
  14. By fighting the Risen for exp. It sounds crazy, but I've done it and it's completely possible. Very difficult, but still possible, even with unoptimized pairings. I put my Avatar through Tactician, Merc, Bow Knight (I chose the extra move over Sol), Assassin, War Monk, Paladin, and Wyvern Lord all before cht.13. Sometime I'll optimize it and maybe even make a guide. Lunatic+, on the other hand, isn't happening soon.
  15. No, this page: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_max_all.html It has all the mods on it, including a child mod calculator.
  16. Against the Lunatic Risen with no DLC (comboed with Sol/Renewal) it's incredible and has no equal. Just swap it for Aegis when you run into a squad of Mages.
  17. Forgot about that hag. I don't touch her either, except for streetpass troll teams based on spoiler characters.
  18. Let me rephrase that: getting the image is no problem, I have a capture card. What do I do with it once I have it?
  19. Are you familiar with stat mods? It doesn't look like it, and you'll get nowhere near the best stats without knowing how they work. Basically, every character has values for Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, and Res (their mods) that are added to their class caps to get their total stat caps. Children get the sum of their parent's mods, +1 to all as a second gen bonus (third gen Morgan only gets this bonus once). All of the character's mods, as well as a tool for calculating the children's mods, are here: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_max_all.html When going for the best pairings, you also have to keep classes in mind. Try not to have too many overlapping classes (the father passing down a class the child already has) because they waste potential. They aren't the end of the world if they happen, but try to avoid them (Your Laurent and Kjelle come to mind).
  20. Galeforce isn't much good without killing power, and you want offensive procs for that- which Nah has none of. Noire gets natural Luna and Vengeance, so switch Avatar and Gaius to get the same amount of Galeforce, a much better Nah, and to avoid some bad support conversations.
  21. No he didn't. Validar awakened Grima perfectly fine without the gemstones.
  22. I don't think it's asking too much for them to bring back the Capture mechanic. Pretty much all of Thracia 776 was like that. Most of the bosses even had alternate dialogue if you spared them.
  23. Armsthrift. Arms + Thrift. Nobody needs AT, pretty much everyone likes it (Lucina less so because she has a good unbreakable weapon, but it's still nice for Braves). It's better when you have no DLC.
  24. But if you didn't have to work around random skills, then you could simply do the same thing each time and trivialize the game. I don't consider adapting to changing conditions to be fake difficulty. Maybe it's because I casually Speedrun stuff, but I don't mind spending a week resetting at the same thing (Cht.2 only took an hour or two, which is nothing) either. Now, the difficulty curve is still broken, and as I said it would have been much nicer if there was either room to do stuff, better starting equipment, or only one skill for a while. I mean, look at Stahl, he's a chump with a Bronze Sword who gets doubled and ORKOed by everything except the Barbarians. If he had a Steel Sword and 2 more Spd, he would be useful. If the game started you prepared and left it up to you to stay prepared, that would be much nicer than starting you unprepared and leaving you to prepare yourself as you go.
  25. I just use vanilla Ashnard and Travant when I need L+ backup. They don't break the bank, require no setup, and can survive a ton of abuse anyway. EDIT: Cht.4 done, and I can't believe my luck. First try, and Marth was the only enemy on the map with Luna+ (so I got to see the rare Masked Marth cut-in), and Chrom got the Marth kill (at 1HP!). No wireless stuff either (but that's because I forgot to get it first). Err... How does one post screenshots/images?
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