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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. That's interesting. I happen to have the exact same 3DSes as you. I seem to recall that Sully, Victor and Vincent also talked like the opposite gender in the JP version. Is that true?
  2. By "unreliable" he means you can't count on it to happen during any one battle. By that measure, it is indeed very unreliable. However, when stacked with Luna, you have a fairly decent chance of getting a proc, so I like it. Blargh ninjas.
  3. Gaius!Nah has a Skl mod of +2, the same as Gaius!Noire. It'll still vary slightly based on what class they're in, but not by more than 3%. Leif's Blades. Use them. Worst comes to worst, you can sell the stuff from the Barracks/event tiles for cash and use that to buy more weapons.
  4. Don't worry, A supports are just fine for main game (especially if it's with Lucina, she's a very good support unit/Galeforce poker).
  5. Fair enough. But consider this: with an Avatar x Aversa pairing, how many times will you actually want to go physical?
  6. Well, my definition of grinding (in FE13) happens to be different than that. Maybe it wasn't the best word to use, but the point is that I don't like fighting extra battles but do like dragging out the ones I'm in to get more out of them (which is why I don't like Normal/Hard, they make that too easy).
  7. I noticed it. Excellus is a creep. But there are similar creeps in past FEs (Narcian and Pahn) so I didn't think much of it, especially since Excellus is picking on a boss and not on some random Cleric.
  8. Are you referring to its low activation rate? Lethality will be pretty low on everyone but those with Rightful King. If you like it, marry Chrom and Olivia so Inigo and Lucina can each use it with 20%+ activation rates. Gaius!Noire is pretty good by most standards.
  9. Well, the big deal with Chrom x Olivia for me is that I like Lunatic(+), like abuse but not grinding, and thus Olivia offers me an opportunity to get some pretty great bases on Lucina and her sibling. I still use Sumia a lot though because then she's trained up enough to fight and Olivia doesn't have to choose between fighting and dancing (basically I get another unit). It's very close, and I keep going back and forth.
  10. Avatar!Lucina actually isn't as good as she sounds. While she is very good, so are the rest of Avatar's children, but most of them have a lot more to gain than Lucina does. Lucina comes with Dual Strike+, and has other mothers who can give her Galeforce and the like. Actually, Noire is better at using Galeforce than Nah because her Spd is higher and so she's more likely to kill stuff. But if you want Galeforce on Nah, I'd advise against Gaius (you seem like someone who would care about the supports themselves, and Gaius x Nowi is really, really bad). Donnel is decent. Out of all the children, Nah probably has the most to gain from having Avatar as a father, so you may want to consider that (unfortunately Morgan will be slow, but you'll get an extra Manakete which is very nice for Hard). If you intend to use Reeking Boxes on Hard to grind, you'll need to get some Leif's Blades (buy them from Leif) or some units with Despoil in order to not lose all your money. I'd advise grinding on the Spotpass teams instead because they don't cost a thing to summon (you'll still lose gold on them unless you have 100% Armsthrift due to weapon uses, so you still want Leif's Blade, but it's nowhere near as bad).
  11. Again, +Mag raises your Spd a bit. Especially if you're willing to manipulate for desirable level-ups on the prologue and Cht.1, it's very possible. And then there's Frederick, who is a boss. ^^Do you mean Cht.16 (Cervantes' chapter) or Paralogue 17 (Tiki's recruitment map)? If it's Cht.16, grab a pile of Rescue staves and sort of hang out on the island in the bottom right corner until all the reinforcements have stopped coming, then send guerrillas to pick off the force on the mainland one by one (none of them can swim). Bring the guerrillas back with Galeforce or Rescue. If it's Par.17, Rescue Tiki against the back wall, then form a wall of five pairs around her (concentrate your defensive units toward the center, they'll face most of the pressure). Celica's Gales and Rexcalibur are great for this map. If you have a lot of Galeforce, you can kill everything on Player Phase and not worry about a wall, but that's almost impossible without grinding/skirmishes. ...Lunatic+ Apo is essentially the same as Apo on Normal.
  12. If you're grinding early, you can do whatever you like as long as you're good/patient enough to get through the first 4 chapters (with lots of help from Frederick). If you're not, Spd is still a very good postgame asset. Remember that +Mag will give you a little Spd early on as well.
  13. Not from Lunatic (they won't get any extra skills). The stats will be higher than on Normal/Hard, but they're still good for grinding.
  14. Postgame Lunatic+ will be just the same as postgame Lunatic: perfectly viable as long as you have the patience to deal with the IL cap of 50. I don't think there are any DLC maps that change between Lunatic and Lunatic+ (maybe FP3). Paralogues will have Lunatic+ skills, but if you have LB and lots of Galeforce you should still be able to mop the last five up.
  15. While you're 1-upping eachother, someone should try to do Secret Apo right after cht.4 (before Par.1 or Cht.5). Bonus points for not using anything from the Wireless menu. That would be a good watch.
  16. So correct me if I'm wrong, but this is far more accurate than your old VV solo method because you don't have to deal with a DG chance when getting knocked into Vengeance range, but could even be made to be 100% reliable if you manipulated level ups to get a little less Spd on Avatar? Impressive. 4 unit Apo goes from being a challenge run to the most reliable way to do things.
  17. I want to see something like Pressure from the Pokemon games which makes attackers use multiple weapons uses per attack. AT would lower that number by one instead of cancelling it. I'd also like to see RG buffed (though it would still be Grima only, and maybe a handful of late Apo stuff) so that it always gives the user the best RNG roll possible. If they have any listed hit, they will hit. If they have any proc rate for their skills, their skills will proc. If their foe doesn't have 100% hit rate, they will miss. Enemy Dual Guards/Procs/Dual Strikes will always fail unless they're at 100%. Etc... This is another change to an old skill, but I'd like to see Galeforce only activate when you damage but fail to KO an enemy (still once per turn). It would also be cool to see a skill that swaps around your enemy's Str and Mag when in combat. It would probably be a Lunatic+ skill (or at least Lunatic/Apo) but its presence would make classes like Grandmaster/Dark Knight better and make it worthwhile to carry Bolt Axes around more often. Finally, this isn't really a skill, but I wish they would bring back Skill Weight. I loved the way Badges worked in the first two Paper Marios, and this is the closest FE has gotten to that. Of course, it would require a change in the way skills are acquired...
  18. Or get a Barracks Boost. Or use Sage, Sages are fast. Or switch Lucina to Dark Flier for more Spd. Or swap Pavise for All+2 (the only Luna+ users who hit Pavise are the Berserkers in the last two waves). If you want a 3rd Gen Morgan with 10 Spd, his dad will need 6 Spd. Unfortunately, only Yarne is both male and capable of achieving that without Avatar's help. Yarne has an innate -1 Mag, and he needs a +2 Spd dad to get to 6. Virion/Lon'qu are the best you can do, and either of them will result in Morgan having a fabulous 0 Mag. I think you may need one of the above methods. If you could get Yarne's Spd to 8, you could go +Mag instead and still hit your Spd threshold while having a nice +4 Mag. But that isn't happening without Avatar...
  19. Stahl gives Vantage too. Lon'qu!Severa's main attraction is those Skl/Spd mods on a Gen2 non-Morgan Galeforce unit.
  20. No, the support bonus only applies to stats that the class naturally raises. Look it up if you don't believe me. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/double.html
  21. But DS+ with an S support is even better and isn't hard to get to 100%, and 90% to 100% is an infinitely bigger difference than 80% to 90%.
  22. She gives Morgan a permanent Dragon weakness and Manakete access. Manakete is really really good anywhere the enemies are slow and there's no Luna+/Counter, and having Armsthrift means you don't have to shell out thousands each map to keep them running. Unfortunately there are lots of forged Wyrmslayers in Lunatic(+) skirmishes, so be warned.
  23. No, the end result is -1Str. Nowi has +1, Avatar has -3, and you get an all+1 bonus for children, so it comes out to -1.
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