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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Well, in that case I'd likely spend more time talking about the story being silly than the game mechanics (yes, I know Awakening is not a paragon of storytelling). As for the actual mechanic, I'd probably not mind it as much, but still want it implemented differently. And personally, I would like Fatigue much more if it had a gradual effect instead of an immediate cap, and if it comes back I'd like it to go in that direction. If characters sounded/acted tired as well, that would be a bonus. FE is an RPG. It has characters who are there for something other than gameplay purposed. SMS is not. It does not have characters who are there for something other than gameplay purposes, or to get kidnapped and give you a reason to go on your quest. They also could have, you know, never made FF in the first place. But they did, and Tellah did die, and not because of gameplay choices.
  2. You should have quit while you were ahead. I gave you a perfectly good case for how to make PavGis/DG+ useful, and now this. There is no setup that can substitute for strategy. None. Not possible. Galeforcing Longbows is strategy. It's very easy strategy. All it is is walking up to an enemy you'd like to get the first strike on and attacking them before they attack you. You do this every time there's an immobile boss to fight, you do this every time you see a Luna+/Hawkeye enemy (assuming you lack VV), you do this every time you attack someone on player phase, which is silly not to do. With Avatar x Lucina, Avatar's the one doing the VV'ing on EP and Lucina is hiding behind him DS'ing stuff. Avatar should always be out on EP, and he's male so he has Res+10 and can take care of Mire. And this topic is very much about Avatar x Lucina because they're the best (there's no thresholds Morgan breaks that they can't) and when VV'ing you only need one pair, so you'd be silly to use anyone else. Now, what was that about him ignoring Aegis+?
  3. My Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan has 2/0/8/10/1/-4/-3 mods. That's a pretty good example of customized mods. It's just such a shame that there is no asset that raises both Str and Spd...
  4. Although this is a challenge run, look at a No Promote run. When a stat over 30 counts as "good", suddenly that possible +4 Spd from a gen 3 Morgan starts looking very nice. Then, when you look at the boss stats for Lunatic and realize that that +4 Spd makes the difference between doubling Grima with barracks boosts (Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan married to a Barbarian) and not doing so, it becomes the difference between possible and impossible. Basically, it matters if a) the extra stats from Morgan will allow you to break some major threshold, or b) you're minmaxing enough that you need every child for something and want all of them married. Also worth noting is that gen 3 Morgan usually has worse growths than gen 2 Morgan.
  5. Lethality's only use in-game is fighting the early promoted Risen in Lunatic(+) and by the time you can get RK, your offense is high enough that it likely won't matter. Streetpass is another story, if you want Lethality Chrom!Inigo!Morgan is best at it and gives you 3 RK+Lethality units who also get Galeforce for the main game (your Sully set gives 1 RK+Lethality unit and deprives two children with native Luna of Galeforce).
  6. Yeah, waiting. Clearing a chapter or paralogue sometimes works as well. However, if you need Rift Doors/Reeking Boxes, grind on a really weak spotpass team and farm event tiles for them. It's slow, but not as slow as waiting, and you get exp/support out of it. If Reeking Boxes are needed and out of the question due to Hard Mode, I recommend using Leif's Blade to get a few Bullion from the Risen. As long as your Lck is decent (40+) and you don't kill too many dudes on EP, you'll get enough cash to fund more Reeking Boxes.
  7. Indeed, having 70 Bolt Axes is hilarious. Why couldn't they throw in something I can't buy as a joke weapon? It's a cool map for the patient, though, and the Silver Card is awesome.
  8. It matters because FE is a different case, period. You're comparing apples to oranges. If anyone missed FLUDD in SMS as a character in the void levels, I'd seriously question their sanity, but they don't, while apparently they do not appreciate being unable to use their favorite characters in FE (if this wasn't the case, you wouldn't have brought up the point). Why the discrepancy? Because they're different cases and you can't compare them. When I say "random" I mean it doesn't happen at predetermined times and instead happens periodically based on player input (the same as all other "random" events in games) without a good reason. I don't mind if a character has to leave for a while if they have a good reason, but balancing mechanics that don't work are a really bad reason (the story, especially in a plot-heavy series like FE, is a good reason). My point is that FE goes out of it's way to allow you to use characters who you can't use in the main story, which means the game obviously cares about letting me use my favorite characters, thus, restricting them for no good reason is silly.
  9. Yeah, 17mt beastkillers are not something you want to be weak to. Get hit by a GK with one of those and capped str (more common than you'd prefer), 101 atk incoming... If he procs Luna, you're doomed. It might even be an OHKO.
  10. There are tons of forged effectives in Lunatic(+), moreso on their risen.
  11. None of those games you mentioned are made by IS or even remotely similar to FE, and in both cases the character item was removed for a different purpose (FF4 the character died, different than random periodic restrictions and part of the plotline (people don't bash FE7 because Matthew occasionally disappeared for plotline/gameplay reasons, it's a different case), SMS you lose an ability temporarily at pre-defined points that are all skippable and are purely for gameplay purposes, said ability being a character with no personality whatsoever). In fact, FEs often give you a postgame in which you can play as major (dead) NPCs/enemies from the game just so people would be able to use their favorite characters. Taking that ability away is silly.
  12. There's a difference between a creepy obsession and true love. A very, very big difference. I just throw Tharja at Gaius because he makes her look like a fool and I don't like Gaius and Nowi's supports (his other potential wife).
  13. Honorable mention goes to Seliph for being a Galeforce dude and Celica for RK. Other than that, I agree with AC. Why not add Astra to Ike for an even more epic poke? Or just use the logbook...?
  14. If he's going to do that, I'd rather see a scenario where he becomes Grima and kills everyone except his lover, who is killed aiding Lucina in her fight against Grima. Realizing what's happened, MU regains his senses, is able to shake off Grima, and travels to the past to try to prevent his past self from reviving Grima and killing his lover, but because of his interference his past self falls in love with someone else. He finds out, berserks, and revives Grima again to try and destroy Chrom's entire company. Alright, I think that's enough random fanfics for one day.
  15. You can use code tags (like Sock's post) to make the data neater, but that's fine. I don't know for sure, but since the Spotpass/DLC characters are all just Avatars with custom art, I'd assume they have the same growth rates as normal Avatars. Deirdre is +HP/-Skl.
  16. Nobody said anything of the sort. There's a difference between keeping a certain older mechanic out of a game and making it a clone of the previous game. Dondon, you make a lot of good points, but remember that with the high enemy density embraced by Awakening, it'll take a lot fewer than five chapters for a unit to get tired out, especially if they're soloing. Something would have to change to prevent that from being a problem. On the other hand, if Fatigue really has as little of an impact on playing the way you want to play as you say, why include it at all?
  17. So basically Chrom's gal died and as a result he went berserk and trashed the world? I can't see Chrom as a villain, but I guess... If you want an IS game with a villain with a tragic lost love backstory, there are plenty of those already.
  18. That... Makes no sense whatsoever. Neither does the rest of Awakening's plot, but...
  19. If you want GDL (Galeforce/DG+/Luna) maximization, you're going to want to pair Avatar with Nowi (also gives you one more AT unit). Morgan's atk against Anna is 50(Base) +11(Mods) +10(Rallies) +10(LB) +10(Aggressor) +5(Axefaire) +2(tonic) +4(All+2/Str+2) +2(WRB/WTA) +17(Forged Brave) = 121, without a Barracks Boost. Anna has 55+3 Def, so you're doing 63 damage per hit. Factor in Dragonskin, and that's 31 damage, 6 (13 atk) more than you need to ORKO Anna without pokes, even if Lucina is doing 0 damage per hit. Basically, you don't need Vaike!Gerome!Morgan for Anna.
  20. Warriors have less Skl (it matters if it costs you 100% hit rate) and give inferior pair-up bonuses due to the lack of +Skl. Assassins are good, though, provided they can get Bowfaire to shore up their attack. However, attack range is a stat that matters. If you don't have a Double/Longbow to poke with, it's very hard to kill Thronie without taking a pile of damage in return (significant if you're VV'ing), and it helps on the Counter Snipers and the like. It also gives you the ability to retaliate against the hordes of Longbow Snipers in Normal Apo on EP.
  21. But remember that only one type of each rally can be applied per turn; you can use Rally Spectrum and Rally Str and they will stack, but two Rally Str's won't stack. Anyone?
  22. Hence the supposed to. In reality, you can just take two strong guys and alternate them between maps to keep fatigue down.
  23. Fatigue accumulates every time a character does anything except wait. If they accumulate more fatigue than their max HP, they have to sit out a map. The only ways to cure fatigue are sitting out maps and very rare items. They're supposed to be a measure to limit low-manning maps by forcing you to train multiple units.
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