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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Gregor!Brady has a Str mod of 0. Compared to some of the other units that are commonly physical (Libra!Inigo's +1, Chrom and Sumia's children's 0, Gaius!Kjelle's +1, etc) that's actually kind of normal. Don't be afraid to give him a physical build if you like.
  2. It would take like 10 minutes to add a visible brand to a character's portrait(s). Why would that take a complete redesign?
  3. If you only care about getting everyone ingame and nothing after that... There is a set of pairings here that require significantly less support points to rank up, and can actually get each support after C with one map's worth of support + one Event Tile, Seed of Trust or Barracks Convo. Thus with some care, you could be pairing parents off in as little as four chapters. There are a few that would be harder to do in an ingame context- namely ones like Virion x Cherche that appear very far apart, so consider having Avatar marry one of those to get her child without raising her/the husband for a very long time.
  4. She's kind of mix-and-match. You just throw whatever skills on her that would compliment your team most. Her two best classes are Valkyrie and Wyvern Lord. LB is obvious for each. Various other skills that each can find useful: -Vengeance. Just because she has no GF doesn't mean she'll never be up front- giving her the second kill gives rear Agg bonuses, and this gives her a proc for that. She'll have a harder time setting it up than GF users, but it's still sometimes useful. -Deliverer. Useful because she'll often be ending up front. -Auras. Better on Wyverns because physical units appreciate the +Hit more and are more likely to fight at 1 range. Choose one or both (of the DM ones) depending on what she needs to do. -*Faire. Obvious. -Wrath/Focus. For critstacking. Best on Valkyries. She doesn't have a definitive skillset, but here's an example of what she might look like: Valkyrie@3/15 Katarina's (LB/Wrath/Focus/Anathema/Vengeance) When under 50% HP, this gives her 115 crit in the back, which amounts to 60% on most S.Apo mooks. That in turn gives a much higher average damage output than Celica's- over two hits you've got an 84% chance to get at least one crit. One normal hit + one crit gives the same damage as four normal hits, so you've only got a 16% chance to do less than CG (barring DS failures, but those affect both equally) and a 36% chance to do 150% as much as a CG. The lack of TF and +Mag skills is balanced by Katarina's higher base mt. Since Nah will already be set up for Wrath, she'll get a hefty Vengeance boost up front too, which can also be boosted by crits (her crit will be at 70% as well due to support boosts when leading). And a sample physical set: Wyvern Lord@5/15 B.Axe (LB/AF/Hex/Anathema/Deliverer) Somewhat self-explanatory utility set. Good DS power, ferry utility and lets her provide accuracy support to a unit like Libra!Inigo who can run Berserker in the lead but is frustrated by not having room for both a proc and a +Hit skill. Also note that Libra!Inigo can go either physical, magical or mixed, just like Henry!Nah- so they can switch between several different sets.
  5. For what it's worth, that's a romhack, not SS.
  6. Well, the big one is that Lucina can instantly get anyone to 100%, so she'll want to go to someone who has bad Skl to begin with- either Owain or Gerome. Gerome has a lot more room to take a high Skl father while still being good (or to take Morgan without wasting her incredible Skl stat), so I opted to get both one of the two lowest Skl males and the worst DS-boosting father out of the way at the same time in a pair with a lot of non-100% utility. After that you just have to prioritize getting the lower Skl units (Gerome, Nah, Noire- Noire has base SNiper to make this easier) the best fathers and the best spouses, and 100% falls into place. From there, tinker around and move things to try to get the most out of your team that you can- it's a lot easier to get a versatile 100% team if you start with 100% and tinker for versatility than if you start with versatility and tinker for 100%. Once you have a decent idea of what each unit needs to work, you can start assembling more conventional pairs- I even managed to get Virion, the best DS-boosting father in the game, for Severa while securing her a +Hit Berserker husband. Also, one other possible quick fix: swap Vaike and Stahl. While Yarne's class pool will stink, he can still hit 100% DS as a Hero and (I think) give Kjelle a guaranteed 6HKO on Wave 5's Berserkers, letting her take both down herself in one turn. Nah, meanwhile, will gain Skl+2, Sniper and Defender- they'll still be 2 Skl away from 100% but that's closer than 5 and would make it easier for you to swap something else around to get them to 100%.
  7. There'll be a few things he and Severa can't do that other Severas can, but overall he's pretty good. You'll likely want to use an Axefaire Hero x Bowfaire Warrior for them. You can always just train them in other files, add them to the Logbook and then recruit them in your Lunatic+ file if you have trouble raising them there. But most of the units who have something special to make them worth training already come with good enough bases to get off the ground even postgame. Fred!Gerome has no redeeming qualities postgame and quite likely has the least complete skillset of any child in the game, including various Nahs. Avatar x Tharja is a large waste of potential on Avatar as well, due to him missing out on having a wife. Panne x Lon'qu has a lot of advantages, but you need to have Avatar-F marry him to put them to any use- otherwise he's just a very fast hard support who never gets to use his Spd. Finally, I notice a conspicuous lack of Henry which is odd as he's one of the best fathers in the game. You should probably replace Donnel with him as he'll give Nah far more ingame utility and she'll be benched for Apo anyway using a 2nd gen Morgan.
  8. That works too, but because the Spotpass teams only give 1 exp per kill it winds up being roughly the same effort (you'll still have to take breaks to get cash for more weapons). It's definitely easier on Lunatic+ though.
  9. Weaknesses don't matter too much postgame because there are so many things that can do over half your health already that it's just one more thing to watch out for rather than a debilitating flaw in your plan. OHKOes aren't an issue- even a Luna+ Beastkiller++ from a capped GK won't OHKO when capped in any promoted class (provided you have LB and either a support or positive Def mod).
  10. No, you shouldn't have much necessary resetting for skills if you're grinding, even earlygame. Vantage+ never auto-kills runs (though there are a couple of places where it increases your odds of death) and Luna+ only spells death on one enemy (if you're using Int's strats, that is). Skirmishes don't have LB, they only go up to normal caps. They're still random and tightly packed, but also a notch below Apo so if you can handle it you can handle them. Lon'qu!Yarne should be marrying Avatar-F and can either go Assassin to try for 100% DS or Berserker for maximum damage output. He's primarily good for Morgan's sake, so don't use him if he wouldn't be marrying Avatar-F.
  11. Risen. They are, but it's still possible (with a very extreme amount of patience) to bring low-level units up through them. Break weapons through facetanking unequipped and then use tonics + forged effectives to do damage and KO. You get wexp for attacking even if you miss/do 0 damage so you can boost your weapon rank up to whatever it needs to be. Generally you'll want to train Mages with Wind on Wyverns, Lances with Beastkillers on Valkyries, Axes with Volant Axes on Pegs (if you can't find any of those, Hammers work too but are very slow due to armor units having very high Def), and Swords will just have to take armors or Wyverns (there's no low stat they can hit effectively unless they can use Rapiers).
  12. Are you referring to the DLC? You can get cards to add points to your eShop account at pretty much any video game retailer anywhere. You need to make use of the Risen and be extremely patient to do so, but yes, you can get a full team off the ground even in Lunatic once you've cleared the game and no longer have to funnel exp into combat pairs.
  13. Sooooo... I keep seeing things like "most players" and the like. What gorup of players are you talking about? FE players in general? Or the people who are likely to play your hack? I don't know what you're planning on doing with the hack once it's finished, but I can guarantee that it's not going to get marketed by Nintendo to a huge, mostly causal and fairly quiet audience and whatnot, and as such your player base is going to be a bit different than that. Even if you go beyond advertising your patch on SF (a heavily gameplay-oriented community, to say the least), who are the kind of people who typically play hacks? I know I wouldn't go through the trouble of finding a rom, setting up an emulator, applying a patch and whatnot for a game that I don't particularly love and have played to death already. So you've got something "fresh" to offer. New map design. New balance. But freshness is a thing limited to a first playthrough, and if you truly want to make a hack that's specifically an improvement/modernization/whatever of FE6, it had better be able to meet FE6 where it's at: not something fresh, but with established strategies and tradeoffs that you can make. The replay value of your hack is what will determine whether it's an "improvement" to FE6, not any freshness- every hack ever has that. Will you increase the number of ways to play the game? Will your new ways be more interesting than the old ways? More importantly, will you increase the number of different ways to play the game? A choice between two units with identical functions isn't much of a choice. I think this idea is cool. I'd really like to see a hack that is FE6, but slightly better (but emphasis on still being FE6). However, I feel like the way you're going about making it is a little at odds with that goal- focusing more on adding things you specifically want to see rather than things that would be a major improvement to the game. And making a hack just for yourself isn't a bad thing, but... Is it really what you're trying to do? So I'd advise stepping back and taking a good look at exactly what you want out of this patch. Maybe FE6 actually doesn't need anything- in which case, if you wish to improve it, you'd be best off focusing on minor polish, aesthetic details and maybe giving a buff to a bad unit here or there (in the form of bases/growths/join time/whatever. Not by making enemies that only they can defeat). Anyway... Remember what I said about the exp formula being the cause of FE13 being broken and pairup being overpowered as a symptom of that? The same thing applies to what you're trying to do with Bors. The root problem is that Armors are bad in FE6, and a symptom of that is that they're not very useful to deploy. You're trying to address the symptom here (giving a reason to deploy an Armor), but adding a Soldier doesn't really change the fact that Armors are bad. Trying to fix problems this way (fixing the symptoms) can sometimes work, but more often than not it'll create issues down the line where something else goes wrong and you start working to fix a new exploit/make someone else useful, which is both a lot more of a hassle and requires constant maintenance as strategies are found to fix. You want to remove dominant strategies and make there be more ways to go about the game? Then take your problems, make sure they're actually problems, and fix them at their roots.
  14. Defender is pretty useless unless you've got a very extreme and important threshold to hit. I don't recommend it. Sol and Luna have poor synergy on offensive units, and if you're aiming for tankiness then a +Avo skill like Lucky 7 (assuming non-Apo) would do you much better than any offense form Luna. Counter also does nothing unless you're taking damage, which you really shouldn't be during any form of postgame. Non-DLC sets that work for just any old spotpass unit are kind of boring because your males are stuck with no real role due to lacking both supports and GF, your females have no reliable DS and there's nothing that can handle you when you're fully decked out anyway, but there are still a few skills you should have on hand and pick-and-choose from on a per-map basis, in general order of usefulness: -Galeforce: on all females and all males that have it. It's primarily a movement skill to better position yourself in large groups of enemies to clear things out on enemy phase. -Despoil: for cash. Especially useful on Archers and GF units who don't need to kill stuff on enemy phase. Leif's Blade works too. -Armsthrift: if you don't have Golden Gaffe, you'll want to make your weapons last, and using Bronze is boring. -Deliverer: a secondary Galeforce that everyone can get. -Lifetaker/Renewal/Sol: healing. No need for more than one. The former two are for hit-and-run, the latter is for EP tanking. -*Breaker: it's pretty common to see maps that specialize in one weapon type. Keep all on hand for this. -Aegis: a good backup for Wyverns on high difficulties. Not very useful elsewhere. -Mov+1: Deliverer but worse. Not usually worth it. -Anathema/Focus/Solidarity: Critstacking. Fun to play around with. So basically get all those skills and pick-and-choose from that pool on a per-map basis. You'll probably find situations in which others are good, but these are the most common ones. They're also primarily intended for lowmanning the Lunatic(+) postgame Risen, so if you intend to do something else it either won't matter or these won't work. While you could try to consolidate these into a single set, it would have the same effect as this but just be less versatile. That's fine and everything, but overhyping and bandwagoning tends to be the cause of pretty much every time the meta has gone off on some wild and useless tangent. Do you mind elaborating on exactly why you like AT, as opposed to merely "AT4life"?
  15. This. If you want to do the whole thing nogrind and not just wing it to the Outrealm gate, you're on your own. It's doable, but you'll have to improvise a lot more than usual.
  16. I've gotten up to 178 and think it might be possible to go even higher. Never doubt what it's possible to achieve in this game when you have one goal alone. Anyway, you shouldn't be getting critted period by immobile bosses (both Pro and Par.1's bosses are indeed immobile) because you can surround your lead with enough support units to get a +Dge bonus, negating enemy Gamble.
  17. 1. I'd say not. Gaius!Kjelle is really good and Donnel makes everyone lackluster. This might even be a situation where you'd want to bench a pair to get more Staffbots, if they can't pull their weight no matter what you do without badly hurting another pair they may have to go. 2. I'd say Gregor!Nah isn't worth restarting over, though she definitely is better. If you could get Henry!Nah though, that definitely would be worth it (does Gregor!Brady look workable? Same Skl as Henry!Brady and all you'd be doing is shifting 2 Mag to the back, which is a good deal). Here you go: Sumia x Chrom Sumia!Lucina@Falco (LB/GF/LF/DS+/Charm) x Libra!Owain@Berserker (LB/Agg/AF/All+2/Hex) Henry!Inigo@Assassin (LB/All+2/GF/Agg/SF) x Fred!Noire@Sniper-B (LB/BF/All+2/Defender/Skl+2) Gaius!Kjelle@Assassin-B (LB/All+2/GF/SF/Defender) x Vaike!Yarne@Hero (LB/Agg/All+2/Str+2/AF) Chrom!Cynthia@Falco (LB/All+2/Defender/GF/LF) x +Skl/-Def Avatar-M@Sniper (LB/Agg/BF/All+2/Skl+2) Lon'qu!Brady@Assassin (LB/Agg/All+2/GF/SF) x Stahl!Nah@Sniper (LB/BF/All+2/Deliverer/Skl+2) Virion!Severa@Sniper (LB/GF/All+2/Deliverer/BF) x Gregor!Laurent@Assassin (LB/Agg/SF/All+2/AT) Morgan@Falco (LB/All+2/Defender/GF/LF) x Ricken!Gerome@Sniper (LB/Agg/BF/All+2/Skl+2) Palla@Falco (Spc/Hrt/Skl/Mov/Str) Catria@Falco (Spc/Hrt/Skl/Mov/Def) Est@Falco (Spc/Hrt/Skl/Mov/Spd) Katarina@Valkyrie (LB/GF/TF/SG/All+2) I'm still tweaking some sets, mostly Katarina, Lucina/Owain and Chrom/Sumia. Lucina and Owain are being set up for a perfect kill on Thronie, I haven't figured out what I'll be doing with Chrom and Sumia yet (likely killing Invincisorc on EP) and Katarina will be for Mire chip and I need to figure out the maximum amount of boosts she needs for that (the rest go into +Mov). Vaike!Yarne also might see a possible Str+2 swap for Tantivity or Axebreaker, but it's not likely.
  18. All you're doing is making high growth units become the best choice for lategame over high base units. That's not balancing anything, it's simply changing the dominant strategy. Awakening suffers from a bad exp formula, not from bad enemy design. Its enemy design is actually very good and only doesn't show because it's very difficult to not accidentally get someone ahead of the difficulty curve.
  19. If you're going to do a round of revisions/corrections, strategist is misspelled on P.24.
  20. LB/BF/All+2 and two of your choice of Str+2, Skl+2 and Deliverer. Go for whichever combo gives you more 75 Spd units. Otherwise they're pretty much the same.
  21. That stuff is here on SF already, you know. No need to bother with laggy YT. Lissa Yeah, I'm fine. I'm... Holy crow! Your arm! Owain This? Hah! It's not but a torn sleeve. Lissa ...No, I mean, HOLY CROW, LOOK AT THAT THING ON YOUR ARM! Owain Oh, right! Sorry. Guess I should have shown you before. It's my Brand. The one carried by House Ylisse. So no more need to worry, eh? Lissa Th-then you know? That I don't... Owain That your Brand never surfaced? Yes, you told me as such. You said it always weighed on you... You should have seen how happy you were the day mine appeared! You were sobbing and laughing for an hour without pause! Lissa I was kind of hoping to grow out of the crying thing...
  22. Yeah, I'm going Lunatic+ and doing Cht.5 before Par.1 to make Avatar's reclass points happen in better spots (namely, keeping Tomes for Cht.5) and to let Maribelle in on a fairly lucrative training chapter, so I don't have Rescue, have considerably weaker units and have to contend with Hawkeye and Counter wrecking my dodgetanking and Luna+ OHKOing at base. There are also tons of dudes who come to the middle fort right away- it's the hottest spot in the map and Chrom is not suited for EP frontlining with so many dangerous skills that can maul him.
  23. Normal mode: nothing different. Hard mode: all enemies have unique names. Lunatic mode: all enemies have unique names and mugs. Lunatic+ mode: all enemies have unique names, mugs and death quotes. Have. Fun.
  24. Chrom can do well in Cht.5 but I often find it a little more useful to get Sumia going solid before then. 3 Spd procs will take 4-5 levels with decent luck, and those are levels that could go to Sumia instead- someone who will otherwise have to wait to Cht.8 to get a good chance to get off the ground if not set up immediately, and unlike Cordelia I don't think she tanks Arcwind very well. The other bit is that I was rushing Cht.5 on my most recent runthrough and often lacked either the time or safety to take a turn in which the Sumia x Chrom pair was able to afford not being flying. Additionally, Sumia with a C support on Avatar is a powerful way to go about the opening- especially if you lack both Boots and Rescue- leaving Chrom with just the Wyverns at the top. Finally, in Cht.7 the defensive terrain is clustered together and it's easy to cover your sides and keep Chrom safe- it's a lot harder in Cht.7 with large gaps in between defensive terrain that make taking forts hard and guarding them harder. Granted, I'm talking about Lunatic+ here and on vanilla he can train much more safely- Cht.5 is a very good option there. But just for one more comparison... In Cht.5, Wyverns have 12 Skl, 10 Lck (23 base Hit) and Steel Axes (70 Hit). In Cht.7, they're actually the same (well 1 more Str). So Chrom isn't fighting any harder enemies there, though he will have a higher support with Sumia (better chances of doubling) and a pretty good chance to go up to +20 Avo from support up from just Sumia's +10 in Cht.5. Between an adjacent B support with Avatar and C with Lissa/Fred, of an A with Avatar and nothing with someone else, he can get his +20 Avo, making him a good deal tankier in Cht.7 should you wish to wait. Being able to spare units who are both bulky enough to discourage attacks, mobile enough to reach forts and have a high support with Chrom in Cht.5 is very difficult if you're pushing hard enough to take forts, so he won't get the same bonuses there.
  25. In my playthroughs I tend to pass Owain DSp+ and stick him on Hard Support as I usually wind up with a ton of girls. Do with him what you will.
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