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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. I've got a Clevo P150EM that's a few years old but was quite a good value when I got it. You may want to check them out too, but do your research because there are quite a few ways to save cash when ordering if you find something you like.
  2. It's not, actually. The exp formula is what's broken and when pairing up is where it shows the most- strong pairups are a symptom and not the cause. That said, please rework the exp formula to be much harsher to high-leveled units and much nicer to low-leveled units. I'd be a little more concerned with optimization and stuff than what people think of your engine. I've tried to work with those kinds of engines before and lag can be a serious issue when doing anything AI-related. If you want to proceed with GameMaker, you should definitely make a basic AI as soon as possible so you know whether or not it'll shoot you in the foot before you do all your polishing and whatnot. Other technical questions for you: what will you be doing for graphics, and how much experience programming big, complex things like RPGs do you have? Anyway, I'd like to see Battering Rams. Low Mov, fixed piercing damage, effective on units in Forts, and count as vehicles so you can put a unit in them (like Ballistae).
  3. Postgame, yes. But postgame isn't the biggest part of Awakening and units/pairs perform very differently there than they do ingame anyway, so while Ricken may be valuable there he still kind of stinks ingame.
  4. Argh Vaike why do you get to have a special background?
  5. What if you said, "I think these two are cute" without specifying who you're talking about? Olivia is wearing no less than too many other members of the cast.
  6. How many classes you can go through depends heavily on how large your team is, but Avatar-M usually likes reclassing to Mercenary and promoting to Hero. Avatar-F can do the same, but also likes reclassing to Pegasus Knight and promoting to Dark Flier. If you haven't done a full playthrough yet (if you have, say so), doing one will teach you the basics dozens of times as fast as anything we can say, so I'd highly advise doing that. It's pretty hard to work yourself into a corner you can't get out of in Hard, so you don't have to worry about making mistakes.
  7. I actually like this one better as-is.
  8. This sounds a lot more like FE-themed Pokemon than Pokemon-themed FE. If you really want to make it you're far better off using Pokemon as a base.
  9. I've thought about making between-chapter healing be dependent on whatever's going on in the story at the moment, but going all the way and giving no healing whatsoever? I'd never put it in anything but the highest difficulty, that's for sure.
  10. Literally one post above you. I'm the best ninja in the world. If your Avatar isn't strong enough you'll have to solo it with Fred, and if you can't pull that off then restart. Fortunately you're one chapter in and Pro shouldn't take more than 30 mins even with really bad luck.
  11. Actually she can procstack if she forgoes Lancefaire, and if she doesn't marry a Galeboy then she'll often have a higher damage output this way. Though unless Avatar marries Severa or Severa doesn't go Wyvern (or the unusual case where Avatar marries her himself) she'll wind up with the inferior Laurent/Gerome instead, so Severa still has that on her.
  12. Not saying they didn't, saying that the influx of new players is possibly why the balance between shipping wars and non-shipping related canon wars is as far toward shipping as it is right now.
  13. Yes, she's very good (basically Severa with Luna instead of Vengeance). I often advocate for Gaius!Kjelle over Donnel!Kjelle and Gaius!Noire. Welcome to SF! You say you're playing on Hard... Do you just care about ingame and early postgame performance, or are you intending to tackle Apo? This matters quite a bit because there are a lot of pairings that are very good in one and very bad in the other. Trying to maximize the number of galeforce units you get is a little odd. If you only care about getting them ingame, you won't have time to pick up all the children, so getting them in an efficient manner is much more important than using pairings that give GF to the children who lack it- Chrom x Sumia and Avatar x Cordelia is by far the best way to go about this, giving you six GF units (two single Galepairs and two doubles) out of only raising four parents. In Apo, though, the number of units you have with GF actually doesn't make a difference- all that matters is the number of pairs where at least one unit has it. Pairs with two GF units are better than pairs with one, but not nearly as much better as pairs with one are than pairs with none. Additionally, units who have Galeforce but not an S support might as well not have it, because they'll be benched. This matters because there are twelve children plus Morgan, so if your Avatar marries first gen (say, to Nowi- important if you just care about getting as many GF units as possible) then you'll have 6 of one child gender and 7 of the other, forcing you to bench someone with GF. Therefore, the best you'll be able/want to do is use 8 pairs: Chrom and his wife (usually Sumia), six child x child pairs and one Avatar x chilld pair. Using Avatar-F over Avatar-M in this format does upgrade one of your single Galepairs to a double Galepair, but it's usually not worth it for GF alone. Anyway, if you clarify exactly what you're going for I can give a lot more in-depth advice.
  14. Chrom has no mods higher than 1, doesn't pass any new classes, passes one new (mostly useless) skill, and is a 1st gen father so pairing imbalance. The pairing can still be worth it for Chrom, Avatar and Lucina's sakes, but never Morgan's- you'd be hard pressed to find a father who gives him less. That said, he's still Morgan.
  15. I don't have numbers for this, but would hazard a guess that a good deal of the people getting into shipping wars were also introduced to the series by FE13- that is, they have no idea how at odds with the rest of the series canon it is, and thus can't argue much about anything that's not in Awakening even though there's plenty to argue about. It's got nothing to do with the fact that the whole point of having a waifu is to have something to get defensive about, of course. Only with respect to Thracia- it was "canonized" well after the release of the game.
  16. Very little. Chrom is one of Morgan's worst fathers. Tharja is extremely bad, but those should be OK ingame. For Apo though, going -Skl is a bad idea. Chrom!Morgan is bad either way and doesn't care, but Lucina likes +Str, mag, Spd or Skl.
  17. With a support that has at least 30 Lck (even if it's in a class that doesn't give any +Lck) you'll get a +3 bonus, which combined with a Lck tonic (150G) is enough to push your Avatar to 50 Lck. If your support is Chrom/Lucina@GL, all he needs is 10 Lck to automatically give you enough, even without a tonic. Reaching 50 Lck isn't too hard even without an asset that boosts Lck. Manaketes give +Str/Mag/Def/Res, and apart from not needing the +Str those bonuses are pretty much the greatest thing ever for Sorcs. Your children might have to reclass to something else, but so what? The parents will be too awesome to care. You could follow Interceptor's strats, which are for Lunatic+ and will thus work on Lunatic, if you really want to be sure you make it through. But since this is just Lunatic, this would also be complete overkill ("like bringing a nuclear missile to a knife fight"- his own words) as you can just get away with letting Fred be awesome. Anyway, if you're not familiar with the basic framework of earlygame Lunatic survival... Pro: Have Fred kill the top Myrm unpaired, and put Chrom@Rapier with Avatar and Lissa standing nearby in range of just the bottom Myrm. Fred will battle two Barbs on EP and Chrom will battle the Myrm, reset if Fred misses either. Turn two pair up Chrom and Avatar and blast the nearest Barb with Bronze Sword for a KO, and have Fred kill the Myrm Chrom fought. Have Lissa heal Fred if she can reach him safely, otherwise pair up with him. Avatar will kill the other Barb on EP. Depending what Avatar's HP looks like and if a Barb survived (both Avatar and the Barbs have very shaky hitrates), either have Avatar kill the last barb and Fred impale the mage, or try to kite the Mage, fighting with Thunder and healing with Lissa until Avatar x Fred can get the KO with Bronze Sword. Then heal everyone to full, trade all the Vulneraries to Avatar and pair up Avatar x Lissa and Chrom x Fred. Have Avatar x Lissa walk out on the water on one side and Chrom x Fred walk out on the other- make sure Avatar gets into the Mage's range first (Thunder equipped). Battle the Mage on EP, healing with Vulneraries on PP. Get the KO with Thunder on PP if you have enough HP to risk a miss, or are feeling confident. Then manipulate the positioning of the enemies by moving Avatar and Chrom withing one tile of the shore and back out again until they're in range of Thunder, and blast away for lots of exp. For the Boss, heal to full and have Avatar x Fred fight him on EP with Thunder, healing with Lissa on PP. Keep both Chrom and Lissa adjacent for more support to get +3 Dge, which gives the boss 0 listed crit (depending on your asset/flaw and growths, he may be able to OHKO you with a crit). Cht.1: Have Avatar x Fred tank on a Fort with Bronze Sword. Keep it out until you really need Thunder to polish off the Archer and Boss- it really helps to lower enemy hitrates and damage. Try not to leave the Fort, and once you're fighting just the Boss feel free to equip Bronze Sword to lower hitrates if you want an extra turn to heal. Try to trade Avatar the Elixir for Cht.2. Cht.2: Charge Avatar x Fred into the enemies. Try to split up the number you fight as evenly as possible between the first three turns, and use Elixir liberally. Go for a Fort if you can. Have the squishies rush to the left corner, and pick off anything that comes to get them using Miriel and Virion to soften and Chrom/Vaike to get the KO. Spread your pairups and positioning so Lissa and Miriel are protected and none of the leads get doubled. Once the bottom is gone, you can either follow Interceptor's strat for the top or, if you've got good Def and the Elixir still has a use or two left, try to tank on a Fort again. Cht.3: Use Interceptor's strat for the LHS. Rush the Knight at the top of the stairs and form a chokepoint so only one unit and the Archer can reach you. Take out the Archer first so it can't hit anyone behind you, and then start tanking. Have Lissa trade away all your weapons for EP and heal you, then trade them back to kill someone on PP (prioritize the Knight, don't go after the one attacking you unless he is the Knight, as otherwise the strongest one will step in to fill the gap), repeat until you can handle everyone at once and then take an EP with Fire equipped. For the top, heal up and rush everyone who won't be fighting to the bottom RHS. Have Avatar and Lissa (with Fred and Miriel pairups) aggro the top and fight them while retreating, killing one or two things per EP and healing up each time. Cht.4: Sell Supreme Emblem, recruit Travant, stomp everything. Or give Avatar x Fred the Celica's Gale and stomp everything. Use Naga's Tear on Avatar to make it even more of a mauling.
  18. No, it's Shiida. getting names correct in games with so many different localizations is kind of moot.
  19. Shaky hitrates are actually more of a thing in the back than the front due to pairup boosting Hit, so Berserker doesn't have to worry about that. In fact, if you had a dedicated lead Berserker, the only thing they'd even remotely care about is low DS rate. Going between lead and support does cause a bit of 5-skill syndrome, but it's not like other classes don't suffer from that too. You'd likely just have to choose between Vengeance (don't use Luna, Skl is too low) and Hit+20 for the last slot. It's also possible to run both and skip a Faire, as you'll have plenty of power in the back anyway (when married to Lucina with a Longbow, killing things shouldn't be an issue) and only want more in the front (it only takes 10 damage to get a boost equivalent to a Faire). Agg and when he's up front apply to all males; they're not something exclusive to being a Berserker. If the mods could change the author of the OP, I would have asked for it long ago. But I completely agree. GF over Spd+2? Hero Lon'qu!Severa is usually paired with Gerome for his DSp+, has a ranged Axe of choice, and packs Lancebreaker and enough other +Avo skills to take Anna down to 0 Hit, though it's a set that's often adapted for challenge runs where certain skills are missing and doesn't have a static build. However Hero Lon'qu!Severa (with the same skillset as Wyvern but with appropriate Faires- LB/GF/All+2/Vengeance/SF) is her other flagship set as it hits 75 Spd with any pairup- notably Stahl!Gerome@Warrior for lots of Str while keeping DSp+ open and Yarne free for Avatar, or Stahl!Virion!Yarne@Sniper as it lets them have an easy 100% DS. No, VV is an antique. Using Vengeance as an offensive proc requires deliberate setup- take a fight with someone you know will damage you- take a fight on EP unpaired (or risk a DG), or charge a Counter foe head-on to set it up, then kill stuff with GF using your boost, then heal up at the end of your turn with Fortify and repeat. It's not an automatic proc like Luna as you have to set it up, but has higher theoretical output and a 100% activation rate (basically higher input for higher output). The two procs are roughly the same in usefulness if you know how to use Vengeance, but if you don't know how and treat it like Luna it'll be borderline useless. She still is (by me, at least). Along with Sumia and Cordelia, she's the only one of the bunch to get both GF and a proc. She can even try to go Lancefaire Wyvern, though her mods hardly suit it and Shadowgift DF/DK will have similar output even lacking a Faire.
  20. Ownage that's incredible. Maybe the people who constantly have certain ones rubbed in their face by fanatic fanboys?
  21. Well, you're playing on the easiest difficulty with grinding. Normal is balanced around teaching the ropes and gives you two or three major mistakes worth of leeway before you start dying, so yeah it's going to go down. I'd advise stepping up to Hard/Cla after this and playing with a full team (keeping your units relatively equally leveled) but never touching Risen, DLC or the Wireless menu, and then doing all the DLC after you beat the final chapter. It's a pretty good difficulty. Lunatic is kind of a different beast: enemies are so strong that "normal" gameplay flat-out doesn't work and you have to adapt to new strategies that start out extremely rigid and often punish you for doing anything that isn't a purely beneficial choice in the long run- it can still be fun for some, but it's not just Hard, but harder. It's a different game. Troop numbers: a little math suggests that you already killed 100,000 or so of those in Cht.14. But no, you never will kill all of them. That Yen'fay deal does seem kind of odd, though the game actually does (during postgame) let you see what would have happened if he had refused Excellus.
  22. +Mag or Spd and -Def will work very well on both of them.
  23. ...You meant thread, right? Shipping wars are extremely rare on this forum due to it a) being predominantly gameplay based, b) being dominated by elitists who hammer anything claimed to be canon by anyone other than the devs, and c) having some really nice mods who are good at deescalating blowups (or confining them to single threads), so your rant may be slightly out of context here. If your problem is, in fact, with Sumia herself and not her fans, I advise you take your issue to the permadeath system. It'll help you come up with a fix. But if the fans really are your problem, you'll likely find a little more peace and quiet here than elsewhere.
  24. Unless you're doing postgame, marry Nowi or Cordelia. Both of them are fabulous ingame partners for Avatar on Lunatic. If you don't want to go +Def, +Spd is a very good asset as well. -Skl rarely hurts and -Lck will only matter if you're running Armsthrift, so one of those would make a good flaw.
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