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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. It'll be like an Avatar with the same asset/flaw as that unit and in the Knight class. Look here and scroll down to the Spotpass characters if you want to see what I mean. So for example Caeda is a +Spd/-Str Avatar-F@Pegasus Knight, and will have the same growths as one. Vaike... I would go for Thracia -> Dagdar. He's a very low level Warrior and is probably as close as you'll get, and with manageable stats to boot.
  2. Here's a thing... Sully has 8 Spd and Cavs give Spd+1 pairup bonuses. Fred has 10 Spd and GKs give +0. So their Spd pairup bonus is actually exactly the same.
  3. Yeah but 100% DS also isn't required for double Agg to be really strong, it's just icing on the cake.
  4. I wasn't referring to anything in particular, actually- there are a ton of niche tricks only Chrom and Avatar can pull off. Chrom having a wife with a 100% proc is probably the biggest, followed by the ability to get massively higher Atk mods on Lucina than her other mothers. But double Agg definitely is a thing (though pairing Chrom with his alternate child is a strat not exclusive to this pair).
  5. Depends which gender of Avatar you're using. Male Avatar: Lucina > Chrom!Cynthia > Lon'qu/Virion!Severa and Gaius!Kjelle > Vaike!Severa and Henry!Cynthia > Sumia/Cordelia/Aversa > Donnel!Kjelle and Noire > everyone else. Female Avatar: Yarne, Ricken!Laurent and Brady > Gerome and Ricken!Owain > everyone else. Chrom is a special case and can either be the best or very bad depending on what you're doing. Morgan's classes: female likes Wyvern Lord, Dark Flier, Sniper, Sage, and Hero the most. Male likes Berserker and Sage the most. Aversa is absolutely worth it if you're trying to LTC the DLC maps. Otherwise, it's largely personal preference. The biggest thing Shadowgift does is let you use Mire on a class with high Mov: you could use it to activate Galeforce on a far enemy as a Valkyrie to maximize the distance you can Rescue someone without needing a nearby enemy, or snipe things as a Dark Flier while hiding over inaccessible terrain. If you want it for a purpose other than that, it can be fun but there's usually an alternative. Still, as Aversa gives Avatar a proc/GF wife and Morgan good mods, she's hardly a bad choice, especially if you're not playing with a full team.
  6. First things first: difficulty? You can use Spoiler tags with and
  7. Seriously, you're making a topic about a playthrough you're doing. It doesn't matter what it's called, the thing is that you're doing one and if you don't talk about it then your audience will leave.
  8. I don't think they get it until Cht.23~24, actually.
  9. Nah is a Sniper, right? She's never going to be in a situation where a whiffed DS would kill her thanks to Longbows, so she should probably go Luna for the slightly higher average damage. Of course, even though the fathers would be set you can still change skillsets midgame so if you're unsure you could try out both and see which you like better.
  10. I'm just gonna say that Fred on offense is absolutely vital for doing an offensive (pre-Par.1) clear of Lunatic+ Cht.5.
  11. Just as a warning, that chapter is when Silver++ weapons show up en masse. You'll be facing a very good deal more offense, as most of the enemies are very fast and there are quite a few Bows. Turtling could get dicey.
  12. That's cool, but what are you actually doing on a turn by turn basis? Say stuff like, "I set Sully and Chrom on a Fort to try to tank a Merc and a Fighter. Chrom doubled and got a DS, allowing me to kill the Fighter in one round..." etc. Otherwise it's not really a playlog, just an announcement that you're playing the game. Talk about the game a bit. Or a lot. Mention what you like and what you don't like, what you think of things and how you feel about certain units. Describe your Avatar- at least tell us their gender and name. Otherwise it's like watching an LP that has no commentary (written or audio) and isn't done by anyone particularly skilled or for any specific purpose, which is really boring to anyone who knows the game and could just be playing it themselves. And at least say what difficulty you're on. Garrick shouldn't have listed crit if you're fighting him with Avatar. You should be flanking him/her with Chrom and Lissa and giving Fred as a support, and this gives a Dge+10 boost that negates his Gamble. Even if he does crit, outside of Lunatic(+) Avatar with a Fred support should be tanky enough to eat it and live at full HP.
  13. Are two sources of ranged damage not better than one? You should check out this thread. It may enlighten you to the awesome power of Archers to completely no-sell Counter in Lunatic+. Archers also get Longbows, which are great both ingame (especially on Lunatic+ once again, and you even get a free one from Renown) and on Apo. And for trashing Streetpass teams, of course. Archers have their flaws, but also some of the most useful abilities in the game should you be in any place where they may help out.
  14. Since they're pretty even in the long run (not considering father rarity), I'd go Virion because he's got the most interesting class set for non-Apo postgame. Everything considered for Apo only, I'd take Gregor as he's the least in demand of the three. Other than those two things, they're still perfectly even. Considering as just about any team can do just fine in No Holds Barred Apo if the player knows how to play, that statement could apply to every optimization ever. What makes Severa's class more (or in this case less) important than, say, running Rallies on Hard Supports? If you want to stick with a high Mov Stahl!Severa, she makes a very nice Paladin and is the only Severa who can reasonably do so.
  15. Pairs can do well on Apo even without LB/Rally, so I'm not seeing your point. In Endgame's old guide to minmaxing he links a video of someone playing Apo using only Sages x DF couples, often forcing non-magical units into those classes and dropping ones who can't do it at all. He clears it pretty easily, but at the cost of being nearly unwatchable due to tedium. Not playing to a unit's strengths is fine and can still (and maybe even more often does) result in an interesting run. Deliberately going for builds you know/have heard work and trying to put them on units who aren't meant for them often doesn't. The key difference here is your reasoning: "it works" is never a good reason to do something in Apo, even though "just because" is. But since this team hasn't been made yet and is open for (and requesting) input, why would you not suggest a statistical improvement with no drawbacks?
  16. Grinding on lower difficulties makes him easy to use? What were you expecting? Most of the complaints toward him cone from Lunatic(+) nogrind, where you can't do that. Being RNG-screwable is not something that's unique to Cherche.
  17. But this isn't about merely being good, it's about what's better. TC, your answer depends entirely on whether you mean which class will Cordelia perform the best in (DF- it's just a way better class for most combat purposes) or which class will her growths, mods and skillset be better tailored to (Falco- has a Faire and is definitely physically oriented).
  18. Because Chrom's a scrub because Basilio actually did give him the real one and swapped it for a fake along with the rest of them while meeting in secret with Robin sometime. At least I hope he did, he'd have to be an idiot to keep the real one hidden and bank the fate of the world on being able to survive getting mauled by Walhart.
  19. Serra. "Because…you hit on all the girls… And I…think…that…makes…you…gross."
  20. It's definitely not impossible. Aversa can wreck the Spotpass Paralogues at base even on Lunatic+ with a little craftiness and some good weapons, and her Paralogue actually becomes easier on 0% growths so she's very easy to get.
  21. Just put Braves on all your units and field enough to kill everything in one turn. DS cuts through Miracle so it doesn't matter, and VV never matters if you don't give them a turn to attack. If your issue is that your units are underleveled, I recommend grinding more.
  22. I'm specifically talking about vanilla, but on L+ stacking HP recovery amounts to quite a lot in the way of EP tanking. The effect of Luna+ can be partially mitigated through dodgetanking, as it takes quite a while for the +Hit skills to begin showing up.
  23. Sitting a super tanky dude in the middle of anywhere on Lunatic stomps all chapters aside from Pro-3 (because you don't have any super tanky dudes) and Cht.6 (because it's a Protect map), so that's kind of a moot point.
  24. Efficiently building supports is quite easy once you know how to manipulate the Barracks to get what you want and the minimum you can take to still go up a rank- it's not like you're wasting exp by making a large team or anything. The real problem with getting all the children would be clearing their Paralogues. Some of them likely would prove prohibitively difficult.
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