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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Well, I know I've never seen a 99% miss (under a single RNG system, that's just as likely as a 1% hit), and those are much more common hitrates. I've seen quite a few 1% criticals, though (including one stacked with Lethality... preceded by a 9% Lethality crit). The highest I've ever seen was a 97% miss, and I've only gotten one of those. If anyone wants to try to get a data sample, it should be done using 75 listed Hit- according to the site's True Hit chart, that's 12.75% off of the actual rate, which is the farthest away True Hit ever gets (so you'll have the highest chance of noticing a difference). It's also worth remembering that even a tiny increase in percentage when the odds are that slim makes a major difference. In a map of 25 enemies, if all your hitrates were 90 listed and it took two hits to KO all foes, you'd be seeing an average of one miss per map (98.1%). But if you were following Int's old guide, I've got a feeling you'd be seeing a lot more hitrate variation to account for misses. In fact, I've got a chunk of free time right now, so I'm going to watch that through carefully and count up all the hits/misses and their hitrates, and we'll see how unusual they look. Obviously I don't care about 100% rates.
  2. Sniper x Sage will probably be your most powerful option there- I went Falco because a) I like them and b) I wanted 8 Mov on all my leads. But if 8 Mov is something you want too, then don't hesitate to use it. It looks like your Morgan@Falco has enough stats to leave off All+2 with a Sniper pairup and still hit 100% DS. You'd miss 75 Spd (by 1), but that likely wouldn't matter since you've got Aether/Ignis.
  3. Nothing bad happens if you leave Paralogues 'til later. In fact, on higher difficulties it's a very good idea to leave Par.2-4 so you can use them to build supports and gain exp for the children, who usually come with low stats and high growths. You specifically pass on the last skill you have equipped. That means if you open up the Skills section of the menu and rearrange them, whichever one is at the bottom of the list will be inherited. So while you always can grind for more new skills, you can also pass down old ones like Avatar's Veteran (except Chrom. His inheritance is fixed). Lv.15 is when promoted classes gain their second skill, yes. Outside of Dark Flier, they usually aren't worth waiting to get- most promoted Lv.5 skills are pretty good.
  4. Morgan@Sage's Skl: 43(base) +8(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +7(pairup) =82 Laurent@Sage's Skl: 43(base) +3(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(Skl+2) +2(tonic) =72 It's going to take quite a bit more than that for Sage x Sage 100% DS. You'll either need Defender on Morgan and Mjolnir on either or Skl+2 on Morgan and a Barracks Boost to pull it off. Something to keep in mind: the point of 100% DS is being able to get the same KOes no matter how bad of RNG you may have. Running procs alongside that- even good ones like Aether/Luna stack- lessens the significance of having 100% DS because you could still get screwed by having a proc you were counting on fail- they reintroduce RNG to your fights. That's not to say you shouldn't use them, but that putting them together with 100% DS isn't quite as big of a deal. Where you really should be looking to squeeze out the extra DS is in places like Severa where proc damage either doesn't matter or is/can be guaranteed. It would be a nice thing to shoot for on a Sniper x Sage pair, considering how good those are at fighting bosses, but on your Aether pairs you probably want to focus on average damage to make the most of Aether. I've just got it because it's the point of my team- none of my units are running procs in 100% mode for extra reliability and because I need the room.
  5. Actually it's more of letting her run Sage (LB/TF/All+2/Mag+2/Skl+2) with a +2 Skl mod, which is Nah's best magical DS boosting set. Stahl!Nah does indeed eclipse Virion!Nah as a Bride. There are three main changes from back then. The first one is already in line with your goals: units take having procs/GF as a given, and are then optimized for usefulness beyond that rather than optimized for having simply two things. Second, Vengeance has become more of an offensive skill: rather than set up a VV sweeper, it's usually best to take damage on Player Phase to power it up, use it to get kills with GF/Dance, and then heal with Fortify once that unit's turn is over. Third, all males without GF- Yarne, Gerome and Laurent- should never be up front, since Atk boosts make twice the difference in the back due to Braves and males get Aggressor. This makes optimization easier because you don't have to worry about getting skills for leading on them. Anyway, on to your pairings. I made a team with 8 100% DS pairs a while back and tried to shove as much non-100% mode utility onto it as possible, and actually wound up using a +Skl/-Def Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan x Ricken!Gerome, so I've looked at that pairing pretty in-depth. Here's what it can do: Morgan hits 75 Spd as a Wyvern Lord with All+2 and a Bow Knight support. Morgan hits 75 Spd as a Valkyrie with All+2 and a Sage support. Morgan@Falco (LB/All+2/Defender/GF/LF) x Ricken!Gerome@Sniper (LB/Agg/BF/All+2/Skl+2) hit 100% DS. The two can make a Sniper x Sage pair for magical DSes on a Longbow. Basically they've got high Mov/Spd options for both physical/magical, a 100% DS setup and a boss killer setup. They're also loaded with healing/defensive skills for non-Apo postgame. +Skl Avatar can get Chrom!Cynthia to 100% DS fairly easily, with enough room to put Cynthia into Falco or Avatar into Hero or something. As for a potential Morgan x Laurent, Defender doesn't do anything in the back. Severa and Yarne work extremely well together- Wyvern x Berserker is their main gig but as a Hero with All+2 Severa can hit 75 Spd with either a Sniper or Warrior support, and with a Sniper the two reach 100% DS with just All+2 on both. Frederick!Inigo has a very strong pool of +Avo skills- consider making Kjelle an Assassin and having Inigo be a dodgetank. They're slightly obsoleted by offense but it's always nice to have a unit with a 100% chance of surviving the most dangerous thing in the game. However, Kjelle does have enough Spd to hit 75 as a Wyvern with All+2 and a +3 support- Inigo has both Hero Faires for this, and could also be a Berserker if you don't mind the lack of a good +Hit skill on him. Going with a +0 support and no All+2 will drop you below 69 (the next threshold down), though, so don't do that. My compelling argument for Donnel!Noire is that Donnel!Nah is even slower and has no proc and thus less KOing power. If you find Noire underwhelming, Nah will be even more so. This is actually less of an argument for Donnel!Noire and more of one against Donnel!Nah- you could actually just bench Donnel and get away with it. It looks like your Vaike is free, so put him on Nah and run Axefaire Hero instead. Since Hero doesn't boost Str, you're not wasting any bonuses by giving it to Owain as a support, and you'll be getting extra Str, Spd and Luna to come up front and take the last KO of the pair's turn (Nah wants to do this so you can get the bonus from having Agg in the back). Brady and Noire are fine.
  6. I'm pretty sure I've got her in a set with Vaike!Yarne on my 100% DS team that has a 100% chance of being able to take out Wave 5's double Zerkers in only six hits with a single Rallybot and no procs, which means no Luna+ damage and is very difficult for non-Lucina/Vengeance pairs to pull off.
  7. That comic has spoilers up through the end of Cht.24 and for all children, though the atmosphere is based off the Future Past DLC pack so you'd want to play that first too (which contains very major spoilers for all children and endgame). Anyway, Lucina had the mask made for her by a friend. In the official comic she says it's to hide her brand, but she's a lot more specific in the Hot-Spring Scramble map... If you want to know. No spoilers for anything past where you are now in the main story, but it's a line from a rather touching convo that you may want to read in-game and all in one piece, if you have any intent of getting that DLC. Kids: the reason you've got four of them from only three pairs is that Chrom and Avatar (both genders) each have on tied to them, and each of the normal 1st gen females (anyone who can S-rank with units other than Avatar) also has one tied to them. So you're getting children from Chrom, Avatar, Sully and Cordelia right now.
  8. Libra does give Sorc, but... What are you going to do with it? Vengeance is simply an alternative to Luna, and it's a pretty bad end class for Apo. Inigo will want to go with whatever suits your team more- some Inigos can swap between the two without changing fathers if you're feeling ambivalent. Usually, what kind of Inigo you want will depend on what you do with Nah, since he's the best suited Galeboy for being physical in the event that she wants to run General from Vaike or something. If Nah is magical or neutral, then he can go either way- usually physical with Noire/Kjelle or magical with Nah/Morgan.
  9. Pretty sure none of the other Anima magic types have Brave Tomes, which would make Wind the strongest boosts or not. The boost is actually x3, by the way- it's applied to the Tome's mt, not the damage you do. So a 4 mt Elwind Tome gets a +8 boost, and a 10 mt Rexcalibur Tome gets a +20 boost.
  10. You can try to run to the water but that Mage can cover everywhere but the very bottom left corner in two turns- he'll maul you. Simply having Chrom banned from the start is also a thing- even with just Fred helping, it's possible to get a good Pro clear. The only problematic thing would be rigging a miss from a Barb on Robin@Thunder if you wanted to have her get some chip exp from the Myrmidon- and even that could be skipped, though it's free exp that I don't recommend wasting (usually it goes to Chrom).
  11. No problem. 1,000 Renown is actually enough to get about half the stuff in the box (including a Bullion(L) and Second Seal, both of which are priceless earlygame on higher difficulties). If you don't have that much, I strongly recommend doing a bit of grinding for it- it'll only take 5-10 minutes.
  12. Names, names, names. Don't talk about stuff that's not past where she is.
  13. I don't think that's what she was asking for. Observe "no spoilers" and "not trying to maximize my gains"- that was a general question about what is seen as good in pairings, not whether those particular pairs are top-tier for Apo.
  14. Theory? That image was done by the devs, it's canon.
  15. Not reading backwards in this thread is a good thing. It's very old and quite a lot has changed during its lifetime- everyone who does try to read back in it either gets confused or mad depending on how much they know about the game. Generally, we place emphasis on getting child x child pairs that are well suited for the final DLC map, Apotheosis. This requires: -Getting proper compliments of skills. Galeforce, procs (Luna, Ignis- skills that have a % chance of increasing your damage), Faire skills, and other stat boosting skills. -Getting proper ending classes. We need the units to have classes that emphasize raw Atk in the back, and Skl/Spd in the front. -Finally, hitting stat thresholds: for example, 75 Spd allows a pair to double every enemy in Apo, 220 Hit gives a 100% hitrate against all non-boss enemies, and 160 combined Skl between the two units with an S support gives a 100% Dual Strike chance. A lot of these are thresholds that you'll fall just short of using random/aesthetic pairs, but don't take too much work to hit if you're aiming for them and know how all the formulas and things work. After that, we try to get as many good pairs as possible. A full team consists of 8 attack pairs, two Rally users and either two staff users or one staff user and Olivia as a Dancer, but people often change those numbers to add more staffbots in. It's largely a game of resource allocation, since fathers generally have multiple children who benefit from them and you have to decide who benefits the most from what, whether to take two good pairs or one exceptional pair and one average pair and whatnot. Often, people will try to make teams that are fun to use outside of Apo as well as good in it, and this shapes reasoning- for example, Vaike and Panne's child does one thing very well, but not much else, making him pretty boring to play normally. Libra and Olivia's child, meanwhile, can do just about everything, but isn't the best at anything. There are some pairs that can even be the best at more than one thing while still being very good all around, such as Virion and Cordelia's child- these are the ones we look for. Passing down skills outside of Galeforce really isn't that big of a deal, actually. There are very few units who care what they inherit from their fathers when minmaxing and Counter doesn't do anything anyway.
  16. A bad guy. But they're mostly just wandering around razing villages and doing standard zombie things (except in the DLC where they're primarily concerned with trolling people). Second Seals: the only unit who really needs one is Donnel, should you want to use one. However Panne benefits greatly from one as well as Taguel is a pretty bad class. Everyone else is fine either way. You get a Dragonstone drop from Gangrel and can buy more at a shop that opens pretty soon, so don't worry about Nowi running out of weapons. Her Dragonstone has 50 uses and that lasts a very long time on Normal/Hard with full deployment. Growths in Awakening are indeed very high, we don't have precise data for them but ~50% is the norm for most non-HP stats. Chrom is the only unit who marries automatically, and that's because he needs a child for the story. He'll actually automatically marry a generic unplayable village maiden if he doesn't have any support with anyone else by the end of Cht.11. Don't feel pressured to marry everyone else off in time for anything, you don't have nearly enough deployment slots to warrant getting more than half of the children in most playthroughs. I don't know about supports that are particularly well-written (though I'm sure many others consider themselves experts on the matter), but there are a few ones you may want to consider avoiding: Manakete supports in general tend to range between abusive and creepy (there are a few OK ones in there though), and Stahl and Cordelia's kid has atrocious hair.
  17. Enemy aggro behavior changes based on difficulty mode. Don't count on it working the same way in every scenario. Gangrel also has only ranged weapons, so he won't suicide on a 1-range Chrom if you do want to take an EP.
  18. Nobody has good caps as a SM. They kind of reek as a class (not as bad as Taguel, but pretty near the bottom of the barrel). Assassins tie or stomp them in all relevant stats (seriously, who cares if SM has 4 more Mag?), give better pairup bonuses, are on all units who get SM, and aren't weaponlocked. ...If you ask me to make an entire team based solely on the parent pairings, you're going to get something really generic. Are you OK with that?
  19. There's a very nice Axe that comes with Vengeance, and if you're not using Braves it's kind of useful.
  20. Better responses in the morning, but when you say no VV do you mean not using those skills as a combo or that both are individually banned? Gregor!Inigo with GF banned is possibly the most useless unit in the entire game. Don't do that.
  21. Hmm? No, it's because there are 13 children, which is an odd number.
  22. Yes, have Chrom/Fred pull on the left side and Robin/Lissa fight the Mage on the right. There's a much bigger moat there so you can easily move back a square, drop Lissa, have her heal you, pair back up and move to the center again in three turns, which is faster than the Mage can reach her. This works indefinitely, so as long as you don't get critted you can kill him without using any Vulneraries. On the other hand, doing this makes it slightly harder to wrangle the Barbs and Myrms into a position where you can blast them- you'll probably have to take a hit unequipped to get them to crowd around the edge. This is fairly safe too, though, as Robin can survive a Luna+ hit from a Barb even with -Def.
  23. Libra is fine on Owain. You won't see any big advantages from using him over Ricken unless he's married to Lucina, but you also won't see any disadvantages (unless you don't like Vengeance as a proc). There's nothing wrong with that team and it'll generally serve you fine. However, Virion has a lot of potential on quite a lot of children (including Yarne and Gerome, neither of which I see here) so it seems like a shame to bench him.
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