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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Those aren't good reasons. Lucina and Morgan both have all the skills they need without Chrom x Avatar, but doing that pairing doesn't give Lucina much better mods than she could expect from Sumia while giving Morgan much worse. Two children for Avatar is also a bad thing when using a full team because it means one of the children won't have an S support. But this is a perfect reason. Apo presents no challenge whatsoever to an "optimal" team, and you've got quite a bit of leeway with how you build your team. What better way to spend it than to use pairings and classes that you like? As for Virion!Kjelle, she's going to want to be paired with a Galeboy for best results. While her mods are well suited to being a Sniper (a good set would be LB/BF/Luna/Astra/Deliverer), keep in mind that she also has Sage and equal mods for Str and Mag, so she can go magical just as well. Unfortunately she lacks any +Spd Tome-using classes to be in, but that doesn't hurt too much. If she goes physical, she'd prefer to be paired with Inigo or Morgan. If she goes magical, she can take all four happily (depending on Inigo's father). If you have Bride, it's also a good option for her that works with any of her potential husbands, allowing her to attack physically using Bowfaire but providing a useful +Mag/Spd pairup bonus.
  2. Maybe not quite yet. This topic would be something the entire forum would argue in, not just folks who hang around for hours analyzing the merits of various units and whatnot. I would vote for it being done on Hard/Cla with full deployment, relatively even exp distribution, no DLC, and map Risen optional but no Reeking Box spam (they're expensive). We'd make notes for where units make particularly good use of Wifi access, but make no assumptions about whether it's present or not. This is arguably what the game was balanced around, and it seems fairest for everyone to play in their native mode. Rate The Unit is my understanding, yes.
  3. Oh, there are plenty of reasons why she was considered the best- extra emphasis on was. The original state of the metagame- Sorc+Sol/AT or VVW (Vantage/Vengeance/Wrath)- sprang up because EP tanking worked for ingame, and since Awakening's DLC took quite a while to be released nobody had Apo to bang their heads against. All of those teams got absolutely destroyed by Apo because Nos doesn't work there and critstacking is a thing that needs more than one skill of commitment. This is where Apo's difficulty rap came from- people with teams that were terribly suited to fighting it would throw their Nostanks to the Nightmare Sniper or leave them in range of a 1-range Counter Warrior and get wrecked. Eventually, people figured out how to get past that: use Luna+Braves to get kills, Galeforce to run away after getting kills, and DG+ to help prevent damage from racking up. Someone used this method, combined with a few Rescue Staves, to clear Apo without Limit Break (something previously considered impossible). Thus the birth of the GDL meta, where absolutely nothing matters but those three skills and being in a class that can use Brave weapons- final classes, opportunity cost, stat thresholds, movement, secondary procs, and everything else was considered completely irrelevant. And while this technically works extremely well for getting reliable clears, it's extremely boring, inefficient, and a waste of potential. If you want to see what I mean, there's a link to a really bad video doing just that in Endgame's old guide. Stahl!Severa, incidentally, had just about everything needed to fit into either camp- she had her skills and a class to use them in (Dark Flier- usually running AT as the fifth skill), but also had Sol/AT and Sorc for good old ingame utility. Wrath was missing, but nobody particularly cared (incidentally, this is how Gregor!Laurent's popularity started- VVW- he just performs well enough in other roles in Apo and his parents are so good together ingame that he's managed to stay highly relevant). As the best of both worlds, nobody could see anything better for Severa than Stahl (None of the other Luna fathers gave Vantage). Amusingly, prior to the Stahl!Severa craze Lon'qu!Severa was all the rage, thanks to her high Spd (for dodgetanking), low Def (for more damage taken -> more Vengeance power -> more HP recovered with Nos, which doesn't actually add up) and Vantage. Now she's back on top thanks to Vengeance becoming a useful alternative to Luna. Yes, they do. Most of them haven't moved past GDL yet. That's also partly search engines' faults for turning up old posts- this very thread has a lot of old rubbish in. Regardless of that, being good at making teams isn't about being familiar with the hot new thing, it's about being able to justify why you do what you do in terms of gameplay. I like making aesthetically pleasing teams- nobody wants to run around with ten Sages paired with ten Dark Fliers all with the same skillsets, or anything like that. But in order to, say, add some Falcos to my team (I happen to like Falco as a class, even though they're not very good combat units), I need to figure out what they can contribute that nobody else can, and use them to their maximum potential. Basically, think about why you're doing what you're doing. "Just because" is technically a reason, but odds are it's not as compelling as some of the reasons out there for other builds. Doing things because you've heard they work isn't that great because there's very little in Awakening that flat-out doesn't work. Doing things you've done before because they've worked in the past also isn't a great reason. Doing things you've done before because you liked how they work? That's a perfect reason. So take what you want to do and then figure out how to get the most out of it. If you still want to do Stahl!Severa, I'll start throwing out sets for her- she does have a few good ones. But please don't do something for no other reason than that you've heard it works, because everything does.
  4. You can try to turtle, but Robin just doesn't have the stats to do that. Barbs 2HKO her and Myrms double without a Chrom support. She is, quite frankly, toast. Fred isn't much better off once the Mage arrives. It falls just shy of 2HKOing him with Mag+2 and a Lissa support, but even chip damage from a Myrmidon will push him over the KO threshold.
  5. A unit as versatile as Severa doesn't automatically just get a "best" father. Why do you say he's the best?
  6. ...I don't see how getting just Robin to kill all of two Barbs, two Myrms and one Mage within the first two turns of the Prologue is possible at all. They come from multiple directions and there's nowhere to run Lissa to- she'd have to get like 60 perfect DGs in a row to survive while Robin cleans up the rest (doing maybe 1/4 of one's HP per turn, and everything doubles Lissa). Even a TAS likely wouldn't be able to manage that. If all the force deployed males were allowed to participate, though, it would be pretty easy- no males -> limited children -> Robin does more heavy lifting, and we all know she's more than capable of doing that, especially with a Nostank build.
  7. Viable? It's like the best thing ever. Your 80 Skl has now given you a 96% proc rate. However, it's not enough to justify not running Agg. You'll definitely want that over something else- probably either Luna or Tomefaire. Depending on Morgan's pairup, Ignis will likely provide a much larger boost than Luna, meaning he'd rather use it alone- but using a Faire will also pretty much lock you to that weapon type.
  8. Let's put it this way: nobody but Yarne, Gerome and Laurent can stand Fred's -Spd modifier due to being hard supports. Of those, Gerome will have no Faires and Laurent hates the -Mag, leaving Yarne as the only one who isn't overall hurt by Fred- Inigo also likes him due to his skillset being good enough on him to justify the -Spd. Anybody but Inigo and Yarne will not want Fred as a father. He's either outright eclipsed by someone else or his perks aren't enough to make up for his detriments, and often both. In Severa's case, Stahl will give you two more Spd while retaining Luna and Paladin, and Vaike will give one more Str and three more Spd while retaining Luna and, if you care, General. Severa doesn't care about Fred's Wyvern because she's too slow to put it to its best use- Lon'qu and Virion make much better Severas. Tanking isn't very important, by the way. If you do want to do it, you really should look into at least 5 or so Def. Fred!Severa's 3 isn't very impressive. Then use Lancefaire, which all (decent) Lucinas get. Maybe. But it looks cool enough to warrant spending some of your team's leeway on using. +Mag/Spd on a male is also pretty rare. You'd be competing with Trickster (5 less Atk), DF (1 less +Mag/Spd), and... That's about it, I think.
  9. Not necessarily. I've used Nah in small teams before. Sumia!Lucina has +1/4/5 Mag/Skl/Spd and Tomefaire. Olivia!Lucina has +1/3/3 Mag/Skl/Spd and no Tomefaire. Olivia!Lucina has SF and +2 Str, but Lucina doesn't care about those. Chrom... Kind of is. I consider him to be the best unit in the game. There are quite a few things he can do that Avatar and Morgan can't, and almost nothing he can't do himself. Either way, Chrom x Sumia gives a bigger return than Chrom x Avatar because that makes Morgan reek. Vaike!Severa outdamages Stahl significantly due to +1 Str/Spd, but is slightly more restricted in class options. Lon'qu!Severa and Virion!Severa both can be 75 Spd Wyvern Lords, which pretty much have the best physical offense in the game, as well as significant secondary options (Virion!Severa can be a Tomefaire DF, and Lon'qu!Severa reaches 75 Spd as a Hero with any pairup). Stahl!Severa... Makes a better Paladin/Sniper but has hideous hair and fails to capitalize on Severa's real utility: her Spd. I don't like her. There's no such thing as optimal pairings, but here's a general cookie-cutter list: Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia Lissa x Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Sully x Donnel/Gaius Miriel x Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken/Gregor/Libra/Henry Sumia x Chrom/Henry Maribelle x Chrom/Virion/Lon'qu/Ricken/Libra/Henry Panne x Fred/Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Gregor/Henry Cordelia x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken Nowi x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry Tharja x Donnel/Gaius Olivia x Chrom/Fred/Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Cherche x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Gregor/Henry Every pairing on there has what it takes to produce a child who has everything they want while not have a guaranteed chance of crippling any other children. That's not to say that they're all equally as good, there are both very fringe pairings there (Stahl!Laurent is very rare, while Chrom!Cynthia is incredibly good, for example). Also, don't listen to anything you see on GameFAQs. A lot of those pairings you asked about are ones that are commonly pushed by bandwagoners there as the best thing ever. No. He gives -2 to both of the mods Brady cares about (Mag and Spd) and gives him no new useful end classes/skills.
  10. Tiki can be gotten fairly easily on Normal with Flavia and Basilio, and is -possible- to get on Hard by the same token. Killing Grima is mostly an exercise in getting Chrom to hit- having him supporting Flavia with a Brave gives him two attacks per turn, two more with Dance, and it's possible to kill lower difficulty Grimas with that (using a ton of RNG, of course). Lunatic is possible if Spotpass units are allowed because Travant and later Paladin!Ashnard are just so good. King Marth + Dance wrecks Grima as well. Lunatic+... Maybe. It would require a very large amount of money to recruit the needed units, and RNG would have to be highly exceptional to clear the earlygame (Int's strats still make this a possibility at all, but a crit would be required for the Merc on Cht.2 and Fred would have to handle the rest of Cht.3 himself). Of course, I'll not be the one to try either of those.
  11. Clearing the game is needed for saving Renown, not the Avatar. They can indeed be added whenever you want, though they're also automatically added upon completion if they aren't already there.
  12. Snipers pwn everything. This wouldn't be too hard. Or interesting, because a lot of the classes that make this kind of run interesting are ones that Chrom doesn't have.
  13. I don't think necroposting rules apply to project threads, and I think this one falls under that. Even then, the limit is one month. You're well in the clear.
  14. Wisely? This is Normal. You can get away with absolutely anything here, so do what you want.
  15. Completely redone graphics? Similarity in style doesn't matter, the more they have to change at all, the more time the game will take to make. It's like you're fine with waiting for it, or something.
  16. Renown isn't spent, it unlocks single-use items. You know how the Bonus Items section works (where Book of Naga is)? It's exactly like that except you can only claim each item if your Renown is at the required level. You can still only get one of each per file, but getting them doesn't change your Renown.
  17. I haven't done the spotpass Paralogues for quite a while, but can't you just fly Chrom x FK Sumia in, switch, talk with Chrom, switch, kill something with Sumia, GF, switch, talk again, switch, Rescue Olivia, Dance Sumia, switch again, talk again and then Rescue all three out all in one turn?
  18. The general pattern for Second Seals is that each unit (bar Avatar) comes with a (usually) unique set of three base classes and all the classes that promote from those. There's not really a pattern along the lines of "X gets Y class, therefore they're likely to also have Z class" unless class Z promotes from class Y.
  19. Not that I'm a literary genius or anything, but if that's what will help I'll give it my best shot. Responses in bold. Is that the kind of critique/editing you're looking for?
  20. If Lucina could pass DSt+ to Morgan Avatar x Lucina would automatically become the uncontested best pair in the game for Apo.
  21. If it can hit some important stat threshold, then in that situation it definitely is. But there are going to be a lot more cases when DSt+ breaks a threshold for getting a perfectly reliable KO, so I think it's more useful in general- pretty much everything has a niche in Awakening. But more importantly, this.
  22. Trying to stop the Excellus cutscene is really weird. Standing where the reinforcements appear does nothing. Standing where Excellus will appear, though, is... Interesting. Not enough to stop the mass aggro, though.
  23. There's a giant table here. If that's not good enough and you want an actual function, I made one a while ago that approximates it within 2% and is a -lot- more efficient than doing it the real way, but it's still a bit much to do in one's head. If you want, I'll go look it up.
  24. It's possible to troll the Longbows into standing within 2 range of your units by pulling them on the very edges of their range- this doesn't work everywhere on the map but can allow you to safely dispatch them in places where it does.
  25. Don't mess around with DLC too much or it will break the difficulty. On Normal and Hard Risen difficulty is based on where they spawn. Want them weaker? Use an early chapter. Want them stronger? Use a later chapter.
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